I Am Formally Requesting Marsey Versions of :republicanparty: and :democraticparty: in Time For This Year's Presidential Election

1000 Dramacoin for whoever does it. :marseycapitalistmanlet:



Marcellus Williams

explained well here

You can read the final court decision here.

Williams was a violent, habitual criminal who had broken into other homes and businesses in the area where the murder/robbery occurred, he pawned the victim's laptop a day after the savage murder, and the victim's belongings were found in the trunk of his car.

An initial witness (H.C.) eventually came forward to police about Williams.

H.C. knew things that only the killer could know. H.C. knew the knife was jammed into F.G.'s neck, that the knife was twisted, and that the knife was left in F.G.'s neck when the murderer left the scene, details which were not public knowledge.

His report led them to interview the second witness (L.A.), Williams' girlfriend at the time who also provided details not publicly known.

She led police to where Williams pawned the computer taken from the residence of the murder scene, and that the person there identified Williams as the person who pawned it. L.A. also led police to items stolen in the burglary in the car Williams was driving at the time of the murder.

The man who purchased the laptop confirmed Williams sold it to him; and Williams, himself, admitted to pawning the laptop a day after the murder.

I oppose the death penalty, but there's no evidence supporting his actual innocence is this case.

despite all of this, people are claiming "no DNA evidence" exists.

go ahead an search is name, he's a perfect example of how the innocence project is now trying to let out guilty people for some reason.

Trace :marseyheart: gets into slapfights :slapfight: on Twitter over garbage :marseyrecycling: bags

As so many of us do here on rdrama, I follow @TracingWoodgrains for my entertainment

I also follow him on Twitter, and there's a funny discussion there.

Trace talks about his 'friend' (clearly him, dramatards don't have friends) who uses his re-usable store bags as garbage bags.

I don't do this personally because our store bags suck peepee. I just throw the store bags directly in the trash once I get home to cut out the middleman and buy more when I get there, they're like ten cents.

Now, people start taking offense. I don't know why.

Trace gets into the weeds with one of them.

It's weird seeing people get so mad over like thirty cents of bags a week or something. This is an amount of money that takes, what, an equal number of seconds to earn? If it was thirty dollars a week, sure. That's a dumb spend. But who spends time agonizing over less than a dollar per week?

Trace neurodivergentally owns this guy.

This guy is genuinely r-slurred though. Who re-orients their life over a couple of cents of plastic bags per week? 'Your friend [you] is dumb because he's spending a hundred bucks a week on McDonalds' might be a good point, 'your friend (definitely Trace) wastes twenty cents a week, what an r-slur' is !peakpoors thinking

I genuinely think these people might just be !r-slurs

'In their pack'. Now you gotta carry around a backpack to carry your 'reusable' bags? What next, should I wear cargo shorts so I can keep more bags in them and maybe wear brightly coloured velcro sneakers so I can make sure I never lose them (only an r-slur would wear nice black shoes, very easy to accidentally lose).

'Give your bags to the homeless so they can re-use them.'

Or rather 'go talk to meth-addled half-people who shit on the street so you can give away your thirty cents worth of bags or you're a monster'.

Is this some envirotard thing? Like taking your re-usable bags to the supermarket is the leftoid equivalent of communion?

This r-slur doesn't even know what re-usable bags are.

Doubles down which I can respect. Even if you're wrong don't admit it, just say the same thing louder.

But incredible stuff. I appreciate Trace saying even boring shit about his friend's life (definitely him lmao) can stir up r-slur drama on Twitter.

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hole jannies, no more css upmarseys/downmarseys

y'all cant behave

:marppy: Drama Report: 2024-09-25 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

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:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Normies in the normies gayming sub shits on new Qunari design.


No, I'm not telling you a precise location. Maybe vague hints, but

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My Day 1 Experience with my Chastity Cage :marseyblush:

Sorry @gaslighter that this isn't a vlog, but I feel as if this is enough of a mini-blog to at least get something hopefully.

A lot of you have been following my recent obsession with getting a chastity cages, well I finally got one and can give you first hand experience on how it feels.

So I ordered my chastity cage from LockedInLust, which was recommended to me by @xa15428

I ended up choosing this one!

It's a cute pink resin cage that they recommend for beginner, only downside was it only came in two sizes, normal and small, can you guess which one I chose :marseyblush:

It's was $50ish dollars, $65 total since I payed for 4-7 day shipping.

It came in 7 day exactly, which I was pretty happy about since I assumed 4-7 day meant business days only.

The packaging was very discrete, while the mailing stuff wasn't super professionally taped on, it didn't give away anything and just said it was "plastic parts for assembly. So no weird looks at the post office when I picked it up :marseysweating:

It came with 4 different base rings sizes, and the cage itself, alongside 2 keys. It also came in this very pretty drawstring bag which I am still using to hold the extra base rings.

Getting this thing on is simple but a pain in the butt for me personally. If you don't know, this is how you have to put it on.

First you have to put the base ring through your ballsack, which can take a bit of fiddling around but isn't too bad.

Then you have to take you flaccid peepee and fold it into yourself so you can have it pass through the base ring and into the base ring, which can be tough if your like me and get turned on by the sight of a chastity cage.

After that you can put the 2nd "cage" part of the device on the base ring and you use a locking mechanism (key for most cases) to "fuse" these two together and create an non-removeable cage.

But the issue with the last part is you have to do so much manhandling with your peepee that by the time you get it though the base ring, you have played with it so much that it's not completely soft and you have to wait for it to get flaccid again for a second time.

It took me roughly 2 hours to get my cage on properly the first time, since I keep getting to hasty and impatient when it came to waiting for it to be flaccid enough to lock, and keep not putting enough time and care into properly getting the base ring on the full way :marseyspecial:

Overall once I got this sucker on though I am very happy with how it feels, it is noticeable enough to constantly remind me of it, but not heavy enough to feel like it burdens me. In fact I feel like after I while I may forget it's on lol.

Anyways, the hottest part of the cage right now for me is actually having to pee in it, since it feels so humiliating and different from what I am use to, who knows, I may have to start sitting down to do it.

As for my plans with how long I want to keep it on, it's simple, as long as possible.

I would still have to take it off the shave every week (thanks Native American genetics), but besides that I want to learn how to c*m in it, especially without any toys.

I have also brought up the possibility of a virtual keyholder for my cage, which could be a user in this very forum :marseywink:,

@Shellshock would have the first dibs on it though since he asked me first but I haven't confirmed if they actually want to and I have no idea what that would entail yet (would I have to do tasks to get unlocked for a bit?)

Edits keep breaking! I meant to put this as proof!

chuds btfo! facts dont care about your feelings

SABATON - Counterstrike:marseysaluteisrael: (Official Lyric Video)


Not an important post, it's just funny whenever I see middle easterns shoot towards the sky like that :marseygiggle:

Burgers why don't you have more cool vids like this one? :pepeduck2:

The palworld devs are getting sued by nintendo :marseypopcorn:

!g*mers projected outcome?




"We are giving faces to them all," she said of the work, which was also designed to be a collective artistic hug for murdered trans singer and retired s*x worker Karla La Borrada, who lost her life at the age of 67 in 2016.

Mexican artist Teresa Margolles

/r/transgenderUK discuss:

The Guardian Art Review: 4 Stars!

Her sculpture for the fourth plinth takes its form from a gruesome Aztec masterpiece, a 15th-century tower of skulls known as the Huey Tzompantli that was excavated in Mexico City. More than 600 skulls have been found cemented into it, a spectacular reminder of Aztec power and ferocity.

But this is by no means an instantly readable political artwork you praise or condemn in a tweet.


Reported by:
  • N : Archivecels in shambles

Context: Google Search used to have a nice feature where you could view what a page looked like when they last crawled it. This was great for viewing tweets etc. that were recently deleted, since they'd still be in Google's cache for some time.

Related: Proof of Israeli war crimes

VOTE FOR RDRAMA IN THE /SOY/LECTION :marseysoyhype: :marseysoyhype: :marseysoyhype: :marseysoyhype: :marseysoyhype: :marseysoyhype: :marseysoyhype:

Bad morning :marseycoffee: and bad vibes to Dramateens reading :marseyhijab: this
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Apparently this might have happened because :

A company that commercially makes arcade cabinets (Arcade 1up) took Duckstation, made tons of improvements to it for a Simpsons game, then refused to release the source code as is required by GPL until they were pressured to on social media, and ultimately only released snippets of the code that don't actually build.

Think that left a sour taste in their mouth and they're going a bit overboard with the response.

more details

Could it be that someone is trying to use the source for building a commercial product?

They already did. This particular Stenzek meltdown stems from Arcade1Up using a modified version of DuckStation in their Simpsons Bowling arcade machine. They modified it themselves to get the game running properly, didn't contribute any of that work back to the main project, and initially also didn't make their modified source code available either (though eventually did after some pressure). Stenzek went on a rant on Groomercord about how he's tired of people making money from his work and decided to do this. It's hard to actually say he's wrong in this case, as Arcade1Up has a long history of using people's work without permission and refusing to release their source code, despite being in violation of the license they agreed to.

The thing about open source licensing is that it's pretty much enforced on the honor system at this level, since very few people actually have the resources to go to court over it - especially when you're talking individuals versus a company. That said, Stenzek doing this is also almost certainly in violation of the previous license. He is and always has been a hothead prone to dramatic moves and burning bridges, despite being a hugely talented developer.

I guess the dev also had drama with over a fork for retroarch at some point too:

and also some drama over his own mobile fork of PCSX2

further discussions:

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