My Smile review

So I just saw Smile and it was pretty good. I was expecting something more like Blumhouse where it’s just scary things are happening because I say so. It was more like Blumhouse and A24 had a child. It definitely had a deeper message but because of its insistence on being a mainstream horror film it failed to commit. The jump scares were good and it was a tense movie through out. I thought the main actress and the patient did a great job…everyone else kinda sucked though.

My two biggest gripes were

  1. My suspension of disbelief was broken 10 minutes in when an emergency psychiatry ward had a fricking ceramic vase. Predictably the shards it produced was used by someone to immediately kill themselves. There was no reason for this scene to take place in the hospital so just lazy writing.

  2. the ending really cheapened it. Spoilers btw but Rose kills herself and passes on the curse after finally giving in to the monster. If I was allowed to write the ending I would have Rose leave the house only to find out she had not killed the monster, only weakened it significantly and show that she’s still living with trauma and that it’s something you’re always fighting.

Overall it was pretty good but it needed to commit to its themes. Also I really hated the weird camera angles the director kept pulling.

No one ever told me Rdrama had a youtube channel!?!?1?!
Let's get that smashbros hole going yeah

I won again


Smashbros update two

I won again


any of yall ever play Hotel Dusk?

"Play" might be the wrong word since it's more of a visual novel than a game. It was one of my favorite releases on the Nintendo DS. It had a lot of heart the writing. Plus, the OST is a GOAT.

Singapore skyline from the infinity pool of the Marina Bay Sands Hotel


Reminds of the last level of the Wave Race game on the N64. Another angle at night:


And day:


Also, who could forget that incredible airport. I combined these three images together since I liked the colours :marseypartyzoom:



Like why would Biden even do it when Russia and China will block it because Haiti literally asking those 2 to veto that UN thing

Biden is 100% going to send some soldiers there, trying to legalize it won’t work with UN.

Sloppy Seconds - Destroyed (full album)

One of the most dramneurodivergent punk bands and one of my all time favorites, give it up for Indianapolis junk rock band Sloppy Seconds. I'm going to be posting more drama approved punk bands and this was a great one to start with. Tell me which song you like most or your favorite sloppy seconds song off their other albums.

Modern day militaries could defeat every single mythical monster

This is why mythical monsters went out of style and became boring for people, because we already have the tech to defeat pretty much every single monster out there in our old stories.

A werewolf? Explosive AR rifle rounds blowing up chunks of it with each hit. Maybe it's a bullet sponge but even a bullet sponge will die after getting riddled with a thousand exploding bullets.

A vampire? Set it on fire with flammable munitions steaks the burnt corpses heart with a stake afterwards. Or just get thermal charges which illuminate in the sun rays spectrum and burn the vamp down.

A ghost? Okay you cannot kill a ghost but like, get a priest or something which you can do in a day with modern army logistics.

A demon? Shoot to death.

Medusa? Heat vision goggles and shoot to death.

Cyclops? Bomb to death.

Hydra? Napalm until nothing remains.

Centaurs? Shoot.

Basilisks? Drone dropped explosive munitions.

Chimera? Bomb.

Minatour? Bomb.

Kraken? Torpedo.

Cerebrus? Napalm and bomb.

The Sprinx? Drone swarm bomb.

Sirens? Noise cancelling earphones and shoot.

Kappa? Shoot.

Dragons? A dozen machine guns

Harpies? Rifles with scopes.

Typhon? Big bomb

The furies? Honestly yeah you probs couldn't kill a fury. I would put a fury at a 1000 personnel sized army.

Banshees? A karen.

We got the firepower to defeat pretty much every single monster from our old stories which is why they became so boring.

Whatever the humans two thousand years ago considered truly powerful and above humans we have already surpassed. This is why a pandemic story will always sell better than a dracula story. We can kill dracula now but we cannot defeat a pandemic still.

The Ukraine - Russia war is not a real modern war.

It's the equivalent of a powerful army from the 1990's fighting a powerful army from the 2000's.

We have had no lightning II equivalent jets. Nor have we had the most advanced artillery or missiles in use excepted in possibly extremely limited scope.

The tanks being used are also not the cutting edge of today but rather limited number of what would be considered decent in the 2010's.

At most the western intel may be using 2020's capabilities but beyond that every thing else is far under powered compared to what is actually possible with the newest tech yet we are all impressed because we haven't actually seen a proper modern war in quite some time.

The Afghanistan war was stagnant for about a decade at least.

The last big modern war that I am aware of with the newest tech of that time was the 2003 Iraq war which was fought with far better logistics, gear, and trained troops than what we see in the current war.

On the power scale I would put the current conflict as the equivalent of fighting 1990's to early 2000's NATO.

This is not the true power level of modern warfare and it is likely that we will not get to see how strong a modern military actually is for another decade or two at the very least.

This war is missing drone swarms, robot gun dogs, cutting edge war jets, newest war tanks, the new guns replacing the AR rifles or whatever they are called, AR headsets, mosaic warfare strategies, fast deployment iron domes, etc. Those are just the things that are currently possible that we are not seeing in this war from the top of my head. There aren't even any disruptive warfare technologies being used on the ground like sound or laser weapons on a mass scale.

In conclusion - You still haven't experienced true modern warfare.

And they Lived Happily Ever After
In memory of Robbie Coltraine: The GLC Musical Montage featuring Kate Bush

And yes: that is Rik Mayall as the mayor of London.

What's the appeal of eating mammals?

When I see OP image I don't think "food". It just looks like violence and death. And where's the food value? That thing probably has zero fat, just lean muscle meat. Plus you have to do a whole bunch of processing and cooking and seasoning and aging just to swallow it.

My body has no natural reaction of "food, eat" when seeing dead mammals.

When I see fruit my body knows it's food, when I see vegetables my body knows it's food, and same with legumes, and to a certain degree, lettuce. But not mammals.


Abortion is largely accepted even for reasons that do not have anything to do with the fetus' health. By showing that (1) both fetuses and newborns do not have the same moral status as actual persons, (2) the fact that both are potential persons is morally irrelevant and (3) adoption is not always in the best interest of actual people, the authors argue that what we call ‘after-birth abortion’ (killing a newborn) should be permissible in all the cases where abortion is, including cases where the newborn is not disabled.

What hat should bbbb wear?

looking for suggestions queens

NTorchestra - Млечными путями в Прекрасное далёко - YouTube



My dear friend Maurica Rodriguez is a trans, Latinx woman from the Lower East Side who needs donations for her gender affirming surgery!

Let’s show her that trans lives matter is more than just a slogan to rDrama 😊

What is freeze peech?

I’ve seen popular images with characters talking about this recently. Free speech and freeze peech. But what are they? Are they universal? An American concept that only applies to them? Some of us have laws for this, some don’t. Does Freeze peach mean that nobody should use an action to make a punishment for somebody’s spoken words? And you guys, how realistic is this idea, do you think it is practical or more like a fantasy thing to meme about while reality kicks butt on its own. Maybe we should not be jumping in full support of the Liberatus Oratorio.

Hopefully big brain :marseybigbrain:discussion below, love to hear your dramatic thoughts⬇️

C*nt- Centhron plus man shuffling around a depressing room
Mireille Mathieu Appreciation Thread

Also Francophone hole when?

@JusteLeblanc @ThatHoeOverThere @Absinthe


Neighbor Cat

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