Reported by:
Most intelligent white nationalist

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Jersh created own internet? Or something.idk

Regardless. Hate is back on the menu goys

Reported by:
The Only Radical Centrist Choice




Cenk complains about his shithole city. Progressives and Chuds tell him "clean it up roach!"

A lot of good drama from both sides!


Get out of your car, grab a garbage bag and start cleaning.

No, that's not my job. Real people don't have time to also be municipal workers. Why doesn't Garcetti get out of his fricking car or leave his mansion and pick up the trash?

โ€œReal peopleโ€? OMG. That man that picks up the trash is a real person. So is the woman that cleans. You need to sit for a second and consider how you undervalue people.

Because unlike conservatives, when politicians we vote for don't do what they say, we hold them accountable. Wild concept, I know.

lol, lmao even

You've been awfully quiet about the racist comments at LA City Hall tho

No, I havenโ€™t. We did a huge segment on it on TYT. People just like to make things up and then say it with absolute certainty.


Cenk, bad take on cops. We need less of them. Zero preferably some dayโ€ฆ second, thereโ€™s trash everywhere because thereโ€™s homeless people. Support building free homes for these people and letting them live there, no strings attached. Homes for everyone instead of bombs overseas


You deserve it.

catposting thread

post cats or ban


In a major blow to America's seafood industry, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game has, for the first time in state history, canceled the winter snow crab season in the Bering Sea due to their falling numbers. While restaurant menus will suffer, scientists worry what the sudden population plunge means for the health of the Arctic ecosystem.

An estimated one billion crabs have mysteriously disappeared in two years, state officials said. It marks a 90% drop in their population.

"Did they run up north to get that colder water?" asked Gabriel Prout, whose Kodiak Island fishing business relies heavily on the snow crab population. "Did they completely cross the border? Did they walk off the continental shelf on the edge there, over the Bering Sea?"

Ben Daly, a researcher with ADF&G, is investigating where the crabs have gone. He monitors the health of the state's fisheries, which produce 60% of the nation's seafood.

"Disease is one possibility," Daly told CBS News.

He also points to climate change. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Alaska is theย fastest warming state in the country, and is losing billions of tons of ice each year --- critical for crabs that need cold water to survive.

"Environmental conditions are changing rapidly," Daly said. "We've seen warm conditions in the Bering Sea the last couple of years, and we're seeing a response in a cold adapted species, so it's pretty obvious this is connected. It is a canary in a coal mine for other species that need cold water."

Prout said that there needs to be a relief program for fisherman, similar to programs for farmers who experience crop failure, or communities affected by hurricanes or flooding.

When asked what fishermen can do in this situation, with their livelihoods dependent on the ocean, Prout responded, "Hope and pray. I guess that's the best way to say it."

:marseyantischizo: Schizocel datemaxxxes :marseyantischizo:

@BeauBiden @getogeto @Soren

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The myth of consensual s*x: isnโ€™t there an angry lonely teenage male Redditor you forgot to ask?


Remember Boyinaband? He was a music Youtuber who got his start by making cringy dubstep, metal and rap videos but only really made it big when he released "Don't Stay In School", a song complaining about not being taught to do taxes and shit

This is, in many respects, one of the worst pieces of music ever created. But it proved popular enough among the middle school demographic that he decided to segue his channel into making music for e-celebs. Incidentally, after he released a diss track for PewDiePie one of his ex-girlfriends released a diss track on him calling him an anti-Indian racist

Anyway a few weeks ago a bunch of his ex-girlfriends wrote a long post detailing his various sexual sexsual degeneracy. Apparently he forced a bunch of teenagers into polyamorous relationships, and is also porn addicted "hebephile" who likes to jack off to women pretending to be children. They also released like 60 pages of chat logs but I can't be bothered to read them

r/teenagers post

Deleted r/teenagers post

r/boyinaband post


Chat logs:



Male desperation is so exhausting

Especially in online gaming. They think because you have something in common with them that you are a match made in heaven. Get over yourself man and go touch some grass.


:marseyplacenofun: Mottizens sneed over... animated profile pictures :marseyplacenofun:

@getogeto profile picture on the motte is :#marseytwerking:


But the mottizens do not want any fun so now they're banning animated profile pictures

Lol, lmao even

@BeauBiden @Soren @everyone

Edit: tryna lure some over to the promised land



Reported by:
  • THOMAS : If youve ever downmarseyed youre not a true rdramautist
  • GROYPERCHILLA : ๐Ÿˆฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬšฬš
  • Impassionata : lmao this is how you slamdunk the waffles
  • Horned_waifus_shill : Joan wayne gacy is a p-do
Dramatards mald when someone makes an edgy joke :soycry: :soycry: :soycry: :soycry: :soycry:

It was a joke ffs chill (-6)

A horrible joke (+19)


This is the most dramatic thread I've seen on here lol

Utah is woke to the (((fish))) question
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