

Might be a bait tweet, but the seethe is real



no bigger turn off than a male going thru “anxiety”

No bigger turnoff than a female who would rather see her man rot from the inside out and eventually off himself rather than seek help. You truly are awful.

:marseytrad: they used to go to war blair

Congratulations you're the worst

What about the men who went to war, came home broken, and now go to therapy so they can get through life? Are they allowed to have anxiety or go to therapy? Because some of them thought they weren’t supposed to and now a lot do them aren’t here anymore.

Lmao just get over it sweaty :marseynails:

Lmao for real, go clean the garage you’ll be fine


I thank god every day I’m gay holy shit

Gay men also reject other men for this, unfortunately. It makes me want to hold everything inside and never show vulnerability to anyone anymore, or I'm not "manly" enough. God forbid men aren't confident and strong 100% of the time, that we have issues we're working through.

Some of these entitled immature bishes gonna get wake up call one of these days. They won't always get away with being psychopaths just cause they superficial cute. Its all fun and games til somebody gets punched in the face. Just sayin'.

Scrotes fantasizing about getting violent with women when they disagree with them


Agreed. Unless you are a combat veteran with severe ptsd . Your therapy should be family & work. Go fix a car or some shit. Therapy is extra soy.

Aint no way your fat bald butt is talking like this

You are a grown man with a nose piercing

Remember men: June is Mens mental health awareness month. Punch these bitches in the head. It’s good for your mental health.


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Powerjanniecord leaks - admin statement coming tomorrow, TIME FOR A BETTING THREAD


While the chadmins have been enjoying their weekend, Reddit’s unpaid volunteers who are angry at Reddit have been hard at work for Reddit for their usual pay ($0.00). The leaks will resume tomorrow but I also don’t work on weekends. There’s some good content.

In the meantime, though, what will the admigger statement be?


Betting is now closed.

Reminder this pride month

Chuds celebrate review scores of Cleopatra documentary.

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literally no joke or exageration


I've seen some posts giving the advice to essentially experience as much of life as you can, in order to become a good writer. This makes sense, after all they say to write what you know, and if you have personal experiences with something it will be easier for you to describe it to your readers. So the more varied your experiences are the better.

My problem is that I've never really been someone who takes life by the horns. That just isn't me. I'm a fairly introverted, private, and somewhat lazy person. I know that I've experienced quite a bit less than most people, at least first hand. I mean, I read books and watch movies and talk with people. I feel like I can imagine and describe things that I haven't personally done.

I guess I'm wondering, how important is first hand experience to an author? Does a lack of life experiences make it impossible or incredibly difficult to become a good author?


You don't need to be super interesting to be a good writer, but you do need to be inquisitive, open to experience, and legitimately interested in other people. But the eternal Redditor uses fantasy as an escapist coping mechanism, not a way to explore people, feelings, and ideas. Like most writoids, OP could use some tough love. Let's see what his fellow neets have to say.

I think being an introvert will naturally change the style and tone of the writing. I've not traveled, I don't go to a lot of concerts or parties. But I've had my own experiences, and they're just as vital and human as anyone else's. And there will be a lot of people who relate to them. :marseyxdoubt:

Ok but like what do you DO?? :marseyhmm:

I'd say introverts are more likely to be better writers. Instead of going out and distracting oneself with things, the introvert stays behind and observes. It's the observation of life that produces story and philosophy, so yeah. Though possibly there are good extrovert writers out there, writing is a process that takes time, so people who don't have friends are more likely to fill the time with writing. :marseycope:

:marseydeadinside: Please make friends.

As an extrovert, I am inclined to believe an introvert will get more writing done. There’s like 4 hours a week that are emotionally/mentally conducive to me writing and they are afternoons on weekends when my kids are resting and my husband is doing something chill on his own. If he ever proposes to do something I want to be involved in, I will do that every time. This is also why weeknights are very challenging for me, because I would rather spend time doing something with him/friends than doing something by myself. (I work full time, have a house to manage, etc)

Normal person: "haha don't worry. I bet it's much easier not having a social life!" Bi-hourly reminder to my beta males out there, the advice you get from women is them secretly making fun of you.

I've often wondered if some of my issues when writing are related to being an introvert. I am great with description, inner monologue, and events happening...but then I falter and fall flat with dialogue and character-to-character interaction. :marseyautismcap:

Um I don't want to say :marseyitsover: but :marseyitsover:

Finally this is the closest comment to actual advice:

Tolkien was an introvert, but he still fought in a war. Kerouac was an introvert, he still joined the merchant marines. GRRM was an introvert, he still got involved with feminism circles, writing groups, and Grateful Dead fandom.

One of these things is not like the others. Still, I do appreciate the subtle advice for OP to go die in a war. :marseyjavelin:

Being an introvert doesn’t stop you from having experiences. It just means during your experiences you might be having more of an internal monologue instead of easily socializing with everyone.

On Reddit, you're only allowed to say "please go outside" via subtext. OP won't.

Will you? :directlypointingsoyjak:

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Meltdown in /r/goats over a certain new admin

It all started with a certain pinned post mentioning pronouns

This quickly became taken over by a few different comments:

This one from /u/goatsender got removed almost immediately

"Shouldn't this be a subreddit just for goats and not this culture war bullshit?"

This is now spreading like a gaping butthole to a couple of different places.

Against hate subreddits chimes in on the drama

Then, the admin makes the following announcement banning mentioning goats pronouns

Becoming such a shitshow that a certain moderator chimes in

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  • Criscoke : rDrama is the bottom now
  • Penny : :marseyitsover:
  • bbnoS : can i. can i request that the title says "his" not "their" OwO
User @parx5 permanently tattoos :marseybeheading: on his right thigh

@parx5 do you vow being true with your loyalty to Marsey the Cat?

:taycelebrate: :marseyhappening: Worst House (for sale) in the World Contest [10k Marseybux Prize!] :!marseyhappening: :!taycelebrate:

:marseyyass: Omgawd gais! :!marseyyass:

I love judging things and looking at houses online and I swear to god if Redfin had a comment section I would never visit this god forsaken website ever again. I would be lost to the 'Fins.

Combining my love of judgement and online housing listings I am happy to announce that we're going to have a community enrichment contest to find the worst house in the world! The prize is 10k MB and the honor of having amused me for an hour because I fricking love looking at terrible houses. If you're good I'll whip up a badge (this will probably not happen ever but you can dream).


1. House has to be for sale (no rental ads)

2. You must submit 1 photo from the listing site, and also link directly to the listing site.

3. "Worst/Awful/Terrible" is subjective, and I urge people to find an awful house that is awful for reasons deeper than simply being physically ugly/outdated. I was looking at the Bay earlier today and I think my soul left my body a few times.

4. Condos/townhomes are allowed.

5. "value is in the land" teardown lots do.not.count.periodt

So please submit your awful finds. I will pin this thread till this time tomorrow at which point I will create the official voting thread so we can all vote on the worst house evarrrr.

Why is this marsneed so funny. like it never fails to make me crack out a laugh.
Marsey can't believe what she's seeing... The sunglasses are coming off

Shamlessly hacked together from the OG :marseyshook: using the :marseycool: sunglasses because that's a classic, and an arm from @Dramarama's marsey parts pack

Antiwork convo makes it onto reddit lies
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  • skonghunt42 : Certified Aella Moment (god I am hungover)
Foid posts her autism stats for 2022

This woman showered 37 times in 2022 :marseysniff:

She claims she would stink even more if she would regurarily shower :marseythonk:

Anyway, people are dunking and simping for her in the replies.

This woman has a website, in the sidebar you can apply for a s*x party. If you're into having s*x while feeling the smell of hot garbage, you can apply.

The s*x party application leads to google docs.


I agree with this FB meme tbh.

All these dudes who idolize girls that look like the one on the right are idolizing immature girls, and not women.

Women don't dress up with cat ears, a tail, 7lbs of makeup and cross their eyes while sticking out their tongue and making a peace sign for a picture.

That's literally what children do. [+17]

This comment angers the Redditor

Anyone have nudes of the girl on the right? [+3†]


This meme is accurate [-8†]

This four word long comment causes a fifteen comment back-and-forth

The “girl” is hot and this is alt right propaganda [-12†]

The above user is a frequent contributer to /r/aspiememes

The woman on the left looks like she drinks herself to sleep at night [-4†]

r/TrueOffMyChest Posted by /u/Strawberry-Creampuff 8 months ago

I hate my body

Ok,so..this is my first post here…and I honestly feel like shit,I hate my body with every fiber of my being,I wish I didn’t have a chunky stomach,I wish I had bigger boobs,I honestly just wanna look normal..I wish I didn’t have body hair in places it doesn’t need to be and I hate feeling like this..and I know that I’m still a teenager and that I have my entire life ahead of me but I’m sick of feeling like this..I just wanna hide in bed all day and cry

This you? 💀



Come dogpile!







Sort by new for all the confused r-slurs sperging out

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