
Siding with the country that literally committed genocide less than 30 years ago to own the cons :soyjakanimeglasses:




Weedshitters in Shambles :!marsey420:

Smoking weed turned an entire generation of men schizophrenic… or something like that. I didn’t read the article. The comments are full of weedshitters coping and seething between hits of their bong and explaining how weed totally isn’t addictive and they can quit any time they feel like it!

Some of the whining:

There is no direct link. Also, how many DUI'S, or alcohol related illnesses / deaths could have been avoided had it been illegal? Regulate, regulate, regulate. Live & let live.

“Like, what about beer, man?! Live and let live, man!” :!marseyrasta:

Not at all accurate. Not based in reality.

Get a load of this chud not trusting the science!

My body my choice?? So sick of 💩 like this.

This is quickly becoming the most overused phrase of all time.

This article brought to you by the makers of the Covid-19 “vaccine”

This take brought to you by a schizophrenic victim of weed.

Anyways, weed smokers are complete degenerates and get what they fricking deserve. :!marseysociety2:Until next time!

Reported by:
hehehe another ghost thread. roleplaying as your bartender :marseymoonshine: :marseycountry:

:marseytabletired2: :marseydrunk: :marseycheers:

new PBFtoss

i don't get it

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It’s been identified as hickory.

I’ve added brass to it. Need to trim the top part sticking out to be flush. Also picked up a shitty little 4” grinder and a chainsaw wheel to hollow out some of the tighter parts and managed not to cut off any fingers.

Rain frog couple juggle 饅頭蛙也會耍花槍 - :marseychingchong: :marseyfrog:
poll for FBAs: what do you drive?


God I wish I was more arrogant and stupid.

I wonder kind of posts this guy makes :#marseyclueless:*mergg/comments/13a2y70/i_am_totally_lost_and_idk_what_to_do_anymore_with/

I am totally lost and Idk what to do anymore with my life.

(M21) I'm what some people called a NEET, I had a job but quit after six months when someone almost shot up our restaurant over cold darn fries. Its been maybe 2 years since the incident and I haven't been able to find decent work, trying and failing to find some kind of career without going to college. I have decided not to go to college because I don't want to be in debt and I hate the education system.

As the world keeps to spiral out of control and with Artificial Intelligence starting to make leaps and bounds, I don't even feel like it matters anymore because the singularity is coming and I will either die or have all my needs taken care of in a decade or so why bother? I feel like a defective creature who can just do the bare minimum to survive like some pathetic parasitic leech. I just want to be alone, buy a small apartment to live in, and WFH on a stand up desk for the rest of my life man and I can't even do that. No instead I am a whiney leech and a burden on my family who can barely focus enough to get anything meaningful done. I've considered unaliving myself but there is still a great deal of hesitation, so instead I just sit around waiting for something to happen to either put me out of my misery or stir me into action and I am tired of waiting.


Overconfidence hurts women more because failure for them is worse and hubris is not a trait people dislike more in women too


I honestly think one solution to this is to value what are seen as the "lower-down" positions and lean into more equal pay/compensation across the whole organization. Let people who want to lead lead, let people who are shy or want to keep their heads down and work do so, but don't force people to climb a ladder to get paid. Let people do a good job in the role they want, and promote people who are good for the role.

I do think men have a bias toward aggression and risk-taking that naturally predisposes itself to our existing business culture.

The other flip side of this is, we should value nurturing and egalitarian instincts in our leadership teams. We should drop "great man theory" and acknowledge that group success hinges on the contributions of many, the strength of the group, its cohesion and overall health, not one person just catching lightning in a bottle, but teamwork and community. So, yeah, promote people who aren't just aggressive risk-takers. IMO: You need some people who are willing to flip the lever on a risk once in a while, but group cohesion and health pays dividends almost all the time.

I would say let ambitious people grow, but do pick the actual best people at what they already can do when picking people to lead or be responsible for others in an organization. Or if you're taking a chance on people who aren't ready but will grow into the role, don't forget women, and don't forget shy people who won't toot their horn but are beloved by coworkers for being a positive contributor to the team.


Requiring women to "lean in" or engage in confidence-building interventions is not the solution. Focusing on imposter syndrome or women being underconfident puts the onus on them to change. Instead, we all need to find ways to change the system.

Why should women have to wait for the system to change in order to get more top jobs? can't even match the misogyny of a menslibber :#marseyitsover:

Got sent my chemo bill and my insurance company told me I’d hear back shortly within 90 days

I have other shit to do and my chemo is a few weeks. They can instantly pay my oncologist fees but the chemo that’s actually expensive is 90 days and they say it’s shortly being responded to? I’m considering just paying the uninsured part because the clinic will nag me with bills if they’re sending bills to my house the next day.


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