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I can't believe my genes are so cursed they don't even have the decency to kill me, instead they'll bind my soul to this form forevermore and all I can do is watch and rot. It's over, I8 women so much, good morning !incels.
- FriedFish : Not happening in a million years. Consider men instead.
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Just putting it out into the universe.
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!incels are you excited for Christmas? I got the news this week that I suffer from a rare genetic condition that will deliver me into an r-slur chair sooner than later. God punishes me yet again.
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Does easier divorce affect who marries whom? Michigan Professor Ana Reynoso exploits time variation in the adoption of unilateral divorce across the United States and show that it increases assortative matching among newlyweds. To unravel the underlying mechanisms, Reynoso estimates a novel life-cycle equilibrium model of marriage, labor supply, consumption, and divorce under the baseline mutual consent divorce regime. By solving the model under unilateral divorce, Reynoso finds that, consistent with the data, assortative matching increases. Effects are largely due to changes in choices when risk sharing and cooperation within marriage decrease, which highlights the importance of considering equilibrium effects when evaluating family policies.
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My hypothesis rests on the following facts
1. Women really think that they'll lose their rights if Republicans are elected
2. Incels tend to be right wing
3. Non-incels tend to vote closer to the center
First some numbers. According to a survey from 2021, 26% of Americans over the age of 18 did not have s*x in the prior year. Using US population data, and ingnoring men over the age of 44 (to control for marriages with dead bedrooms), we find that approximately 14.7 million men between the ages of 20 and 44 are effectively incels. Even if we assume that 10% of those men are alphabet people who would vote blue no matter who, that is over 13 million incels in the United states.Finally, it's difficult to find voter turnout for this election, but many expect it to be similar or slightly below 2020's turnout of 64%, which if we assume incels follow this trend, means that over 8 million incels voted in this prior election. Let's be generous and assume only 75% of these men voted for Trump, that is 6 million votes.
The interesting thing about the incel demographic is that it isn't set in stone. Unlike the number of women, black, or zoomer voters, the number of incels can be decreased. If women were serious about their fear of losing their rights , they would be doing everything in their power to decrease the size of this voting bloc. A grassroots campaign of trading kitty for votes would significantly chip away at the number of incels in this country, making them more amenable to voting in women's best interests.
However, we are seeing the exact opposite reaction, women cursing incels and threatening to s*x strike already foid-compliant moids. Ignore the fact that women are incapable of such a thing (if they could keep their legs shut what would they need abortion for?), this would only increase the numberr of sexless males with a bone to pick with women.
The only logical conclusion is that women would rather become enslaved baby factories (remember they actually think this will happen) for chad then go anywhere near an incels peepee. In the end I expect these misguided attempts to have one of the following conclusions (from most to least likely):
1.Women fail to resist Chads peepee, resulting in the 4b movement petering out and the incel population growing as it has been the past 20 years
2. Women succeed in their s*x strike, creating more effective incels and putting them in an even worse position
3. (A possible continuation of #2) The Dems get shellacked in 2026 and/or 2028, causing the 4b protest to grow an accelerating the problem even faster, creating a powerful, silent incels voting bloc that pushes for the stripping back of foid rights
God willing, this will be the downfall of feminism (the root cause of inceldom), and women will be returned to their rightful place: in the kitchen without rights.
Thank you for reading brocels
- Wingnut : Fifth C: Cill yourself
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What is the 4C manifesto?
For too long, men have been taken advantage of by women who know exactly what they're doing but refuse to reign in their bad behaviour because it benefits them with no downsides. We all know the idea of something being ontologically bad doesn't factor with women, so the only thing that will convince them to change for the better is direct action.
To that end, men must embrace the 4 "C"s and refuse to provide women these services without just compensation and recognition:
Computers; Don't help fix them, don't provide any guidance. They're strong independent women, they can learn to code or how to use a screwdriver. If she wants nothing to do with men, make her live that.
Cars; No fixing cars, changing tires, jumping batteries, nothing mechanical. Again, she can roll up her sleeves and get oil on her face if she wants it done. No emotional labor, no manual labor.
Carpentry; no fixing things around the house that she needs, no DIY projects for her, no cute little gifts you made by hand. If she won't put out, you won't output.
Combat; no fighting on their behalf. the advent of guns has made 'the weaker s*x' completely irrelevant. Even disregarding that, women often wield male violence against other men through social dynamics. That has to end - no more brotha wars.
There's also a secret meaning to the name, that shall remain as a shibboleth to keep women from infiltrating men's socializing spaces. The watchword shall be "you can 4C deez nutz "
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How is life treating you? I restarted my bulk, what gay butt Zoomers would call the winter arc I suppose. Every !incels should be taking at least 60mg of Ashwaganda a day, it kills social anxiety.
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NUCLEAR ick levels emanating from this post jfc