added this table to the leaderboard

at the bottom

note: it doesnt count ur own upmarseys on ur posts/comments

made it possible to stack flairlock awards

requested by @GeorgeSoros


requested by @Klenvastergan (sorta) here

added and distributed moon hut badge rewards for those who got it right

Look at that phenomenal art. Incredible. All 51 of you who got it right are incredible. What's not incredible are those who tried to cheat themselves into this award, who I will now proceed to name and shame.

@killthekaiser butthole
@Broble64 dirtbag
@IslamWasRightAboutWomen scum
@neighvadius trash
@ThreeLetterAgent disgusting
@Dramamine subhuman

added 7 badges made by our beloved @chiobu :marseyderp:

NFT Artist

Drew a marsey that was used as an NFT


NFT Owner

Bought a marsey NFT


Progressive Stack Award (temporary)

Upmarseys/downmarseys on this user's posts and comments have double the ranking effect


Bird Site Award (temporary)

This user is limited to 140 characters


Flairlock Award (temporary)

This user's flair has been locked by someone else


Pizzashill Award (temporary)

This user has to make their posts and comments more than 280 characters


Marsey Award (temporary)

This user is limited to posting marseys


added number of marseys to the stats page
added the author of every marsey here (old UI)

so instead of being @Ruqqoid they became @Ruqqoid-7454 for example (the number is their account id)

this freed up 2951 names! :marseytwerking:

@FirecatShill @Sasanka_of_Gauda

EDIT: how to reclaim your name:

if you're logged-in: change your username back to it here

if you're logged-out: search for the new name like this then login using the new name, and then change the name back to the original name here

EDIT 2: if u made 1 comment or post ever ur name will never get taken from you

classic r/drama theme is now live! (old UI)

bug reports and suggestions for this theme goes to @geese_suck :platyheart:

added this
Reported by:
  • N : This is great

u hear that @Landlord_Messiah ?

progressive stack award price has been decreased from 3000 to 1000 :marseyblm:

@new_year_new_me_privilege @SucksCheedAndFeed2021Inc @idio3 @JimieWhales

happy 2022 my beloved dramacels! :marseytwerking:

(((@Landlord_Messiah))) agendapostered @Aevann so pls excuse the word vomit lmao

Today @Aevann finally got around too adding the emojis posted in the megathread, sorry for being super late this time, shits been rly busy irl, @Aevann added 68 marseys, 2 wojaks, and 1 misc emojis (all marseys tagged with their authors), many many thanks too them :marseyhearts: and please tell @Aevann if u didnt get the badge(s)

@Aevann also added 2 positive awards, since we currently have way too many negative awards, the first one is "progressive stack" (idea by @JimieWhales), it makes upvotes (and also downvotes) on posts and comments of the recipient have double weight in the "hot" ranking for posts and "top" ranking for comments for 6 hours and it costs 3k DC (its duration stacks as well), pls let @Aevann know if you like it or think its shit, overpriced, or underpriced :marseygift:

the second one is "wholesome" (idea by carp), if you give it too a post, it makes :marseywholesome: bounce around the screen, it stacks up too 4 and costs 300 DC (I also decreased the price of shit and fireflies and train awards too 300 DC as well)

oh and @Aevann added markdown preview too messages, idk how @Aevann forgot about them lol

as for the old /r/drama css theme, there's been rly good progress on it by @geese_suck (PBUH)


it will be released soon inshallah, but if ur also working on it, feel free too DM @Aevann the finished work when ur done and you will also get the bounty :marseyaward:

as for badges, our dearest @chiobu_ :marseyloveyou: is making 4 of them rn, stay tuned :marseyderp:

last thing, @axolotl has added a shitton of new themes too his new UI, so go ahead and give them a try if you haven't, we'll keep using both UIs ofc and maybe (maybe) at some point in the distant future we'll have a country club poll about which UI too go with, @Aevann obviously prefer the old UI myself but the choice will be yours

(actual) last thing, @Aevann made a bunch of cr*pto :marseypuke: wallets in case anyone wanna paypig but doesnt wanna use gumroad, the money goes towards the servers and other costs and any surplus goes too @Aevann :marseyneet:, if u donate pls DM @Aevann and @Aevann will mark ur account as a paypig (so u get the perks and shit), cheers and @Aevann love you :marseyhearts:

BITCOIN: bc1qs5hamvytnkllgml89flzhcyt3l4a3u4gs8lvvp

ETHERUM/BAT: 0xBBf1043A60C6894Db17b3118CA960FFDF84c9eea

MONERO: 44hdEpAYXkB2VwkWz6LR9zZhcaG8zrUzn21aPy1HSdcsjT51fPdpMV8hkf5QQdHKs9VsAs3so5Vq5easdBbzmcifGcqfxfw (holy shit thats a long address lmao)


edit: btw u can also make a virtual prepaid card here and use it on gumroad if ur worried about getting doxed (and u can use paypal too) :marseyhacker2:


do u guys like this change or nah ?



happy new year friends

marsey author tags are live :marseypainter:

pls search ur name in the emoji picker and tell me if i fricked up somewhere or forgot smth, cheers :marseycapywalking:

(marseys in the megathread will get added very soon, sry for being late)

added sidebar to the old UI (frontpage only) :marseypainter:

if enough ppl complain, ill add a button next to it to hide it :marseypainter:

Original Artwork in sidebar is now live!

First fourteen original content images for our New and Improved™ sidebar on new rDrama have been added! More are obviously to come, but this is just the first batch that we have uploaded to test the concept. Please suggest additional artwork (ideally similar to what you see in the sidebar) in here (as either top-level comments or pinging @DeletedAccount, otherwise I might miss them).

New site has come a long way since its original rollout. While some minor bugs might still prevail, it is definitely functional by now and it sports a fairly large number of awesome themes for you to choose from - just click on the arrow by username and then "pick theme" to check them out. There's a bug report thread in the sidebar if you run across anything that needs fixing, too. We've also added keyboard scrolling, easier post editing, and a dark mode.

Thank you very much to our extremely neurodivergent talented artists who have contributed their original artwork to make this possible! If someone has been miscredited - please yell at me here and we'll fix it as soon as possible.

So test it all out by disabling the old site here and enjoy! :marseychristmaself2: :marseychristmaself: :marseysanta3:


idea by @idio3

marsey author tag :marseypainter:

merry christmas lovelies, im adding a new tag to each marsey that has the name of the person who made it, so if someone searches ur name in the emoji picker they get all the marseys u made, this way I can also add a leaderboard later for the number of marseys made

could u pls comment on this thread the marseys you made, cheers :marseychristmasparty:































































































Reported by:

@justcool393 :marseykneel:

u can now gift marseybux :marseychristmasparty:
made truescore visible on profiles & added truescore leaderboard

Truescore is your total upmarseys and downmarseys received. This is not dramacoin, which is subject to gifts, transactions, doubling events, etc., simply the number of votes in any direction your contributions have received.

The leaderboard is below the total dramacoin and coins spent leaderboard.

Coming soon to New UI

Attached is an old screenshot of when I joined a 1488 telegram group by telling them I run a subversive white pride rap subreddit called r/sounding, and the owner finally got around to actually checking the sub like two weeks later.

For some reason rdrama has decided to mutilate that screenshot into illegibility. So there’s the next changelog post - fixed image mutilation. You heard it here first.

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