Reported by:
  • Sneed : (changelog) carpathianflorist is a b-word butt neighbor
  • THOMAS : mypoc <3
  • british : change: dont ban for spam (dramaphobic). Let bans be appealled (let me ping you pls). Bardfinn.
  • HOTEP : Hotep wuz here and we wuz kangz
changelog megathread :marseynotes:

a lot of days, I make a shitton of changes in successsion, and I don't wanna make the whole frontpage my changelog posts, so I don't post about them

this thread solves that, so from now on instead of making changelog posts, I'll make changelog comments here

click subscribe on this thread to get notified of changes :wolfnoticeme:

on desktop:

on mobile:

Edit: I'm still not gonna post about bugfixes tho, theres way too many

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:marseyantischizo: hid all these marseys from the emoji picker (u still can use them if u remember their names)

hiddem marseys:

:#marseyschizochadthankscapylove: :#marseyschizoschizolove: :#marseyschizochadyescapylove: :#marseyschizochadbasedcapylove: :#marseyschizocapylove: :#marseyschizosorenlove: :#marseyschizocarplove: :#marseyschizosallove: :#marseyschizoidiolove: :#marseyschizostimslove: :#marseyschizobyolove: :#marseyschizocapygitcommitlove: :#marseyschizopennylove: :#marseyschizogrizzlylove: :#marseyschizofartbinnlove: :#marseyschizomajorgenerallove: :#marseyschizosnakeslove: :#marseyschizoabsinthelove: :#marseyschizochadseethecapylove: :#marseyschizodongerlove: :#marseyschizoducklove: :#marseyschizolangleylove: :#marseyschizohobocellove: :#marseyschizojoelove: :#marseyschizobussylove: :#marseyschizohanklove: :#marseyschizogeeselove: :#marseyschizodussylove: :#marseyschizonekolove: :#marseyschizodoggilove: :#marseyschizojclove: :#marseyschizogetogetolove: :#marseyschizochiobulove:

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Announcing the rDrama moderator open interviews!

If you'd like to join the fast-paced, jet-setting world of rDrama content moderation, please take the attached assessment of your potential and post your results here for further consideration. Human Resources will contact you if you are selected to move onto the next round of interviews.

added dramacoin gifts

introducing: dramacoin gifts!

now you can show your support to your favorite dramaposters by giving them multiple dramacoins (at least 100 for now) at once! pay for rent, bussy pics and more using this new form of cryptocurrency.

this feature has been up for more than 24 hours but we had some technical issues (cache and shit). if you tried to use it before this post and got an "invalid amount of dramacoins" error - try again. flush your browser cache (or ctrl+f5/shift+f5) if it still doesn't work. and then pm me. it just has to work this time.

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(changelog) private profile walls are now visible to all

As demanded by the user vote. Picture related, they’re for all of you who voted for this :marseymeds:

Here’s another picture and I liked it uwu


Gigavaxxers vs Zombies: NEW RULES, NEW REWARDS

Team Vaxxmaxxed: Gets 3x dramacoin from votes on their posts/comments (responsible contributors to herd immunity get rewarded by the globohomo capitalist state).

Team Zombie: Gets free progressive stack on their posts and comments (fast zombies), AND gets a free bite award every 24hrs to spread the love.

You can now vax yourself. It takes one vax to go from infected to healthy. Any vaxxes after that make you VAXXED, which takes two bites to deplete back to healthy. You can stack up to five (5) vaxxes for a total of eleven bites until zombification.

ALSO, we are tracking bites and vaxxes. There winning team when Homoween ends will get a very special [redacted]. There will definitely be a fun stats post about who the biggest superspreaders and CDC lackies were.

:#marseyzombie: :#questionmark: :#!marseygigavaxxer:

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(changelog) added 6 goombling badges

In anticipation of the imminent Marsey's Palace casino update, here are some new badges. They apply retroactively, so if you've already earned them, you're good to go! If not, better get goombling.

Lil Goombler - Won a 1,000 dramacoin bet. Nice job!


Pro Goombler - Won a 10,000 dramacoin bet. Some would say to quit while you're ahead, but they didn't just win 10k - keep at it!


King Goombler - Won a 100,000 dramacoin bet. Wipe your sweaty palms off and bet it all again, you're on a roll!


A Minor Setback - Lost a 1,000 dramacoin bet. Keep going!


Just One More Hand - Lost a 10,000 dramacoin bet. But it's fine, you're due for a big win!


It's Over - Lost a 100,000 dramacoin bet. It's fricking over.


They'll be applied once Snakes or Cox adds the logic for them. The Casino itself will be rolling out soon. Might make game-specific badges if they're gonna add new games too.

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(changelog) added nuggets


Reported by:
  • Soren : paypiggies dropping off like whores on big daddy jim, hope this creates more pay pigs, I bet it will
u can now make holes, make ping groups, and participate in betting threads with marseybux :marseybux:


excluded moose from the signature toggle
(changelog) added House dormitories

Hi again, I’m here to let you know about another exciting update for all you Potterheads! Each House now has a dedicated Hole in which only its members can post, but everyone can view.





Like others, House Holes will also be automatically deleted if they have no posts for 7 days.

We’re actually going to be doing stuff with Houses in the nearish future. Geese was supposed to make the House-specific awards I came up with MONTHS AGO but after he accepted it a couple weeks ago he vanished so that’s now on the backburner, sometime after the chat upgrades, hats (lol), and optional Sorting for new accounts.

Anyway while I have your attention, since @Saint_Nicholas claims that this

was confusing and unclear, I will now walk you through adding hidden Holes to your main feed. These are /h/Chudrama (5k truescore requirement), /h/braincels and /h/smuggies.

Let’s use Chudrama as an example.

  1. Visit /h/Chudrama. You can do that without a link by just typing Or, you can access it from the master list of Holes:

  2. Look at this yellow-highlighted bit:

Click there.

  1. If done correctly, it will then change to this:

  1. Chudrama posts will now appear in New and Trending for you. Well done.

You can also click the lower button in the first screenshot if you’d like a notification of any and all new Chudrama threads.

p.s. Here’s a really brilliant dark surrealist take on Alice in Wonderland from 1988 Czechistan. Watched it last night and I really cannot recommend it strongly enough:

I love you.

xoxo Carp 💋

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Cara Temukan Perangkat Saya dengan Menggunakan 4 Metode

Untuk temukan perangkat yang hilang, gunakan layanan temukan perangkat dari produsen atau aplikasi pihak ketiga seperti Google Find My Device atau Find My iPhone. Layanan ini bisa melacak perangkat dengan fitur GPS yang masih terhubung ke internet dan aktif. Laporkan kehilangan atau pencurian perangkat kepada pihak berwenang untuk bantuan.


Transferred the commies ping group to #2, @garlicdoors

If @DeletedAccount ever returns it will be restored but as it stands there was no way to approve new members. And while it's fitting that the meme political ideology that always collapses on itself ping group was fundamentally broken and could not be repaired, it is not the best site mechanic.

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(changelog) the chud update

/h/chudrama is now automatically boosted in the ranking algorithm. “No one will see my takes about how trains are the sole reason why the West is falling if I post them there so why would I bother?” is now even less valid an excuse for chudposting outside of Chudrama. We also lowered the truescore requirement to 1488 (down from 5000) some time ago.

Please note that Chudrama is still opt-in. YOU WILL NOT SEE CHUDPOSTS UNLESS YOU CLICK /h/chudrama AND UNBLOCK IT AT THE TOP OF THE SCREEN.

You’ve all done much better than usual lately about not pooping up the main feed with boring agendaposts. Please continue that and use this new buff to incentivize your good behavior.

Remember: Black Lives Matter. Trans rights are human rights. Science is real. Vaccines work. Die mad.

It’s live :donkeykongchestbeat:


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Cara Top Up DANA dengan 3 Metode Paling Mudah

Untuk top up DANA, pastikan akun Anda terverifikasi dan memiliki saldo. Buka aplikasi DANA, pilih Top Up, dan pilih metode pembayaran seperti transfer bank atau kartu kredit/debit. Masukkan nominal top up dan selesaikan pembayaran. Saldo DANA akan bertambah setelah pembayaran berhasil.


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Cara Reset Xiaomi dengan Mudah (2 Metode) Semua Tipe

Untuk mereset HP Xiaomi, dapat dilakukan melalui pengaturan pabrik atau hard reset. Untuk pengaturan pabrik, buka menu pengaturan, pilih opsi Backup & Reset, lalu pilih Erase all data. Untuk hard reset, tahan tombol power dan volume up hingga muncul mode recovery, lalu pilih wipe data/factory reset. Backup terlebih dahulu karena reset akan menghapus semua data dan pengaturan.


(changelog) did this

Thank you @Landlord_Messiah

This was a VERY GOOD IDEA.

Reported by:
  • gerudo : it's broken; look at my comment carp
  • Count_Plopula : "I say this as a feminist ally" doesn’t work because of the 3rd person filter. REEEEEEE
  • Maximus : :marseycrap:
  • Harpooner : My chud text is broken, "I" auto changes to my name and I can't comment. Fix it jannies
  • Awoo : Look at all the tombstones in the comments. Lmao
  • coned : yeah no matter how many times i say i stand with israel my post gets removed. GREAT IDEA CARP.
  • X : maybe test it first before you chud everyone fricking dumbasses
  • rDramaHistorian : BARDFINN era has finally arrived. Praise be to Allah I have dreamt of this day for many moons
  • Nixoncrats_for_trump : Skill Issues ^
  • suggynutz : :marseywereback:
  • NSF001 : be sure to bully chiobu today :)
  • Aevann : fixed kings
  • smolchickentenders : Vaccines work!
  • SCD : horse
  • johnnypoop : Still didn't work for me negro
BUG WHERE SOME PPL COULDNT SAY THEIR PHRASE FIXED is proud to welcome the esteemed Dr. Oaken!

Everyone please say hello to @Bardfinn. You are reading that correctly: Bardfinn. She’s written extensively about us over the years, both collectively and individually, and we’ve extended an all-access pass to her for rDrama in order to assist with her research into racially-motivated violent extremism and a variety of other social justice issues.

Right off the bat, she was repulsed by the things you people say and do and think and threatened to storm out of the rDrama corporate offices if we didn’t take swift and drastic action. And so we’ve given her a button to chud everyone in order to correct behavior and thought among the assorted flavors of misic masses.

(if you find a way to hide the chud required text, let aevann know what it was via dm and you’ll be given 5000mb)

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8 changes

1. u can now use the "reply" button as a quote button

2. added Donkey Kong emoji tab

3. added more chud phrases

4. when u receive a chud award, u will now see the phrase u have too say

5. /h/countryclub posts are now more distinguished

6. award price is now shown more prominently in the "give award" window

7. made the taglines a little bit shorter

8. bypassing the chud award is now almost impossible

trans lives matter

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black lives matter too

added this


trans lives matter


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(changelog) added like 50 classic emojis

i am unstoppable


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u can now submit all kinds of emojis here (instead of just marseys)

trans lives matter

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did this

trans lives matter


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added !everyone

at current registeration numbers, it costs 5*17183=85915 DC, 5 DC goes to every person

these are the only ppl can afford it rn:
















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