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I've plateaued on my weightloss recently and it's been kinda hard but boy is this shit motivational.

It's so much more effective than all the other posts of people being 300 kilos because this presumably woman is so fricking fat that she has blisters yet she's so stupid that she still tries to find reasons not to lose weight and people are such cowards that they're encouraging her .

This shit gets me angry and motivated to lose weight I had preworkout for breakfast today

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:marseychonker2:---> :marseybuff:

Keep at it :marseyking:

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:marseyweeb: thank you for your encouragement I won't let you down master

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Get your bussy ready for that chad genis king :marseyhomofascist:

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Lol 300 kilos

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I occasionally hatewatch the my 600 pound life show and no that's not an exaggeration

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Watch secret eaters instead, the veiled insults from the presenter makes it much funnier.

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I recently found out about it and am enjoying it but I do get annoyed by the dietician they bring out just suggesting the regular shitty diet stuff occasionally like instead of eating candy eat a "high protein snack like almonds".... Other than that it's a good show

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Just once, I want a dietician to be like "Smoke crack. Have you ever seen a fat person smoking crack? Yeah because it fricking works."

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My friend does h,crack,and ice. He is a fat frick.

Dude can empty my fridge if i leave him alone with it. Fricker ate like 2kg of meatballs when i passed out

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Dramatards' best friend

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Dude is amazing. He sent me vid of him doing ketamin in Cambodia and him complaining his foid keeps ripping out her teeth

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let's say you wake up one day and you've somehow ballooned to 299 kilos overnight

do you try to gain a kg so that you can say you once weighed 300, or do you start starving yourself right away?

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I mean just drink a jug of water to do it and call it a day at that point

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Hit the 300 mark. If I'm gonna lose it all anyway one kg won't make a difference effort wise, but it'll give some extra bragging rights. Also a way to guilt people even harder for thier weight.

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bragging rights? more like braphog rights

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Personally, id just fricking lie what are they gonna do demand pics of the scale


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Good point.

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I once weighed 300 kilos.

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Are you that bear in your signature?

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I still can't believe what you did to Gabby you monster.

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I was defending my friend Brian from domestic abuse, I did what I had to do.

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First off this is only hypothetical id never let this happen. But, i'd just claim i was 300 but start losing right away. I am fine with lying.

Secured my spot as a top 100 most memorable rdrama poster

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Coward taking the easy way out


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post bmi

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31 :marseyobesescale: but used to be quite a bit worse

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Keep at it king

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Average amerilard

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Intermittent fasting is underrated btw

Lose weight quick yes, but also really forces bowels to function regularly and also helps with blood pressure and shit


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I definitely am going to try it, I tried it a couple months ago for like a week and it was easy but I'm travelling a lot and having fun on vacation and stuff so I'm gonna commit to it later

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My BMI also was 31.8, last time I checked it was 21.6, keep at it king :marseythumbsup:

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Eat less and exercise fam. If you still get winded walking up 2 flights of stairs then you need to lose weight.

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Nah I don't live in America and I actually walk a lot I live in the hills and take my dog on long hikes too I enjoy it.

I have the fat guy calves they're absolutely massive lol a guy in the gym complimented me once on them

I just always end up eating too much, healthy foods and everything

It's hard to live in Italy and not enjoy delicious tasty cured meats

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“tell me it’s a normal body thing please” :marseydisagree:

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If you wrote that in a satire it'd be called unbelievable

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Coddle culture, particularly online and by your friends leads to no action being done, and you just marinating in the shit bed you made. They deserve it.

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people have misunderstood bad feelings. making someone feel bad is not always evil.

doing stuff, like taking some kind action beyond speech, to make them feel bad pretty much always is evil.

but just saying things pretty much always isn't, and in fact is an important source of society self-regulation on the whole.

i just dunno when our collective awareness is going to admit it.

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Conservatives obviously don't give one shit about the politics of feels so its a left issue. And the sorry state of the western left means a bunch of over-socialized dweebs are 100% petrified of saying anything that might potentially hurt someone. It's like the philosophy of liability law but applied to human interactions.

So no lessons will ever be learned again.

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lol, as if people outside the west have figured this out? puleez. people out here are just as r-slurredly incompetent, simply in different ways.

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It's like the philosophy of liability law but applied to human interactions.

Interesting take on it, feels like kind of a "corporate culture" thing that has slipped into mainstream culture. I know theres been a couple other things that feel like this too, like the way we behave at work/in a corporate environment is how we should always behave in real life and online, can't think of what they are tho.

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Unbelievable how she can say 'Im recovering from an eating disorder' with a straight face when she is so fat that her fat flabs rubbing together cause blisters...

I hope she gets an infection and dies of the complications. Would be a fitting death for a fatty ngl.

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A lot of fat people seem to legitimately believe that intentionally refraining from eating to the point where you actually feel hungry (something they haven't genuinely felt in years) indicates an eating disorder.

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Skipping meal is a disorder, counting calories is a disorder, not eating candy is a disorder.

Everything that keeps weight in check is a disorder for these people. These people treat just consuming 1000 calories is disorder when they have backup of fat that would last them for months

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I hate fatties so much ahhhhhhhhhhh

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What's extra fricking infuriating to me is that actual anorexics have to go around seeing these fricking hamballoons say that this is what "recovery from an eating disorder" looks like. How many skellies do you think have died because they looked at that shit and decided they'd rather starve to death?

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Legit there's as many people believing that eating 3 meals a day will make you morbidity obese as there are morbidity obese people deluding themselves that they have a normal diet.

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When I was young and stupid I used to box. For weigh-ins I had to lose 18 pounds from my walking around weight (or I would fight in a weight class with dudes half a foot taller than me -I would get killed). So 1200 calories a day plus training was disordered eating? Please. Decades later I went from just obese to normal BMI by daily exercise. Do I now have disordered eating? I eat the same shit I used to. I just stopped drinking beer.

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Now? No. When I got fat everything expanded out. I thought I was just muscular. Complete fatlogic. I am a little stocky but well within the norms. I am also kinda short. I thought it was just my belly. Wrong! My neck has shrunk an inch and a half. I have not bought a new suit so when I have to go to a funeral or court it looks like a little kid in dad's suit. I have a thigh gap.

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Type 2 makes you hungry all the time so...

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Tell me it’s a normal body thing please

Nothing to be embarrassed of! It’s normal


yeah, normal American body


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These people would go great lengths just not to lose weight. :marseylaugh:

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Also when you get home and in good AC, strip and walk around naked for an hour. Keep a spray bottle of water in the fridge and go to town spraying yourself, it's heaven.

imagining a giant fat person walking around naked spraying themselves with a spray bottle like a good moist piggy

trans lives matter

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The human hippo

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What the frick

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its normal, chud

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So what I do is make sure I'm wearing cotton underwear with a soft band, make sure the band of my underwear is tucked up against where my belly folds, between the belly and the fupa. You can also use body glide, gold bond friction defense, talcum free powders, aluminum free deodorant sticks or sprays, lume deodorant, but something to minimize sweating and sticking. Put this anywhere you are worried about heat rash or chub rub. Your underwear and bra need to fit and sit in folds to help dry your sweat up and dry up quickly and it needs to be cotton or something breathable. Everything else should be loose and flowy so that you get some good air flow. Every now and then excuse yourself to the bathroom to stretch and let air get in all the crevices.

Also when you get home and in good AC, strip and walk around naked for an hour. Keep a spray bottle of water in the fridge and go to town spraying yourself, it's heaven.

is all this really easier than just losing weight, if you have to go to the bathroom and air out your "crevices" then something is fundamentally wrong in your life

"oh there goes debbie again, letting her stank out of its meat cave" jesus its like when Bender has a grilled cheese in his moobs


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Kinda reminds me of this


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Absolutely vile, imagine what their underwear look and smell like :marseysick:

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Nope, not doing that thanks

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I'm thinking an efficient way off letting air out of crevices would be to hula hoop around your stomach.

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This is a totally normal thing!! There’s absolutely nothing wrong with you. I personally wear a cami under my clothes everyday and keep them tucked in so my pants don’t rub on my belly, but I could see that helping with your issue as well. I get them at walmart for like $3 a piece and I believe they go up to 4 or 5x :))

No it's not normal. She has a severe problem and so do you. This is not a state the human body should be in.

Also, of course Wal-Mart would sell stuff for fat people to stuff into their fupa belly rolls.

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Food gives me endorphins, it tastes good, it's easy to get. It dulls all the other shitty parts of life. Eating is social, it's a ritual, there are so many different flavors to discover and learn about. Why are you trying to take away one of the only parts of life I truly enjoy?

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Because I want you to suffer :marseytroublemaker:

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FunkoPOP Bobble 2-Pack:Marvel:Movie Moments:Thor vs Thanos Avengers Collectible Figureにすべてのお金を費やす理由は何ですか? Leary expensivuh Manchride を楽しんでください。ただし、do not enjoy too much-ahはしないでください。 serf contwoleは非常に重要です。Now we are homeress.

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Fr doctors aint shit. I will tell them, show them that I have this and they just tell me to lose weight. Like, mf I’m trying…. In the meantime help me out this shit SUCKS.

@Garry_Chess didn’t tell me you got to charge a woman hundreds of dollars to fat shame them then kick them out of your office?

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GPs get this privilege while anasthesiologists get the r*pe.

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Anasthesiologistchads stay winning

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Help yourself by losing weight you subhuman fat frick

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I’m so horribly embarrassed. Two blisters have formed on my belly fold right at my mons pubis. One on my belly and the other actually in my pubic hair. There’s no rash or redness, only the two blisters. Googling has told me that it’s either a heat rash or intertrigo. I’m recovering from an eating disorder and “weight loss” being a treatment for both has me in tears rn which is so silly. I’m just looking for support and advice on how to avoid blisters from belly fold. Tell me it’s a normal body thing please

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"I’m recovering from an eating disorder and “weight loss” being a treatment for both has me in tears rn which is so silly."

If you get blisters from your fat folds, you have an eating disorder - it is overeating.

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Have the blisters lost the skin protection cover yet? They're so much more painful at that point.

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This is a horrible thought and i dont want to know how you are aware of this.

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Just using power cowtools, even lawn mowers which have crappy padding for the handle bars.

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So what I do is make sure I'm wearing cotton underwear with a soft band, make sure the band of my underwear is tucked up against where my belly folds, between the belly and the fupa. You can also use body glide, gold bond friction defense, talcum free powders, aluminum free deodorant sticks or sprays, lume deodorant, but something to minimize sweating and sticking. Put this anywhere you are worried about heat rash or chub rub. Your underwear and bra need to fit and sit in folds to help dry your sweat up and dry up quickly and it needs to be cotton or something breathable. Everything else should be loose and flowy so that you get some good air flow. Every now and then excuse yourself to the bathroom to stretch and let air get in all the crevices.

>Also when you get home and in good AC, strip and walk around naked for an hour. Keep a spray bottle of water in the fridge and go to town spraying yourself, it's heaven.

>Source: I am 275 lbs and 5'3" and live in south Georgia near the Okeefenokee where is muggy as heck and swamp butt is real. A girl's gotta survive somehow

All that effort and money, when a cheaper healthier diet would do

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"You should probably lose weight if that's what's recommended. It may be hard for you, but ignoring it as a solution will make things worse." :marseyshrug:

OP said, quote, "I'm recovering from an eating disorder" and expressed that replies reducing their struggle to "just lose weight" is causing extreme emotional distress.

OP was looking for empathy and more information that wasn't "just lose weight"

You chose to fire in with "why are u upset just lose weight"

Acknowledging that weight loss can be a solution for health problems alone isn't toxic.

You're a toxic butthole because you:

  1. didn't read the room and fired in with the exact opposite of helpful information on an emotionally charged post seeking info about anything other than weight loss

  2. were dismissive and invalidating of the heightened emotions OP was feeling

  3. were dismissive of the fact that OP has extremely valid reasons to feel hurt, upset, and traumatized, and

  4. decided responding with a message that boiled down to "just get over it and do the thing thats causing you severe distress" was appropriate when OP was clearly not in a stable place to do so healthily, running the risk of causing further deterioration of OPs mental health and also potentially triggering further disordered eating episodes

We're all fat here. We all know that losing weight will reduce some of the challenges we face. That is not the conversation right now because not everyone is ready or able to just lose weight right now.

The conversation was about validation and alternative solutions in the interim until OP is less escalated and more emotionally and psychologically stable. This conversation was about immediate solutions for treatment and prevention of skin wounds, and normalizing the fact that these skin wound occur frequently on fat peoples bodies.

Being a jackass and berating someone for feeling differently than you righr now about a long-term solution is not helpful, productive, kind, rational, or reasonable.

It is fine to think all fat bodies should lose weight. But you need to realize that there is a time and place where that advice is appropriate. AND the way you present that advice makes a massive difference.

"Why are u sad about being told to just lose weight its good advice"


"Hey, it sounds like you're really struggling with the recommendation to lose weight while you recover from your eating disorder. I've struggled with disordered eating too, and I understand where you're coming from. It can be really difficult to find a balance between mental health and healthy weight loss. Are you comfortable talking about some of the things youre struggling with? I have found that, although its really hard, working to lose weight in a healthy way has helped my mental and physical health when I was struggling like you are, and I'd like to help you"

Are both basically saying the same shit, but lo and behold, one approach is validating and doesn't make someone feel like human garbage for struggling. The other is how you came across in your comment.

There is a reason why just solutions-based therapy without the validation and emotional piece fails spectacularly for a lot of people. Just giving harsh advice when someone is too emotionally elevated or distressed to act on the advice in a healthy and meaningful way doesn't work for a lot of folks.

I appreciate that you're trying to be helpful, but the way you're going about it is counterproductive. Instead of coming across as supportive and empathetic as someone who has been in close enough situation where you should be able to relate, you come across as abrasive, self-righteous, and condescending. Being harsh and patronizing isn't going to ingratiate you to anyone. It makes people dislike you and discount your advice, regardless of how good or well intentioned you actually are.

I'm sorry that you've struggled with your own mental health and disordered eating. I appreciate that you are also a fat person trying to be helpful. And I hope that you can realize that the issue isn't with your support for fat bodies losing weight — its with your lack of tact, lack of reading comprehension with respect to the actual point of the posts, your attitude, and your inability to read the fricking room.

But hey. I encourage all commenters to never feel down about being called out for being an butthole. You're going to feel down because it's hard out there but always do your best to overcome it. Ignoring our lack of empathy and emotional impact on others will make things worse.


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As a reminder, the /r/Plussize definition for intentional weight loss (IWL) is anything mentioning specific numbers about weight/size/food intake, before and after pictures, and conversations about diets/weight loss. All posts and comments relating to the above-mentioned must be posted within the weekly AutoMod thread entitled “IWL (Intentional Weight Loss) Wednesday." Failure to keep content containing IWL within this post will result in the content being removed and a warning. If this continues to be a pattern, you may be permanently banned from participating in the subreddit.

holy shit. you'll get banned for talking about losing weight on purpose...

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Tell me it’s a normal body thing please

At least this fatty is polite enough to tell you what specific lies she wants to hear. That's way more convenient than the ones who expect you to lie to them in order to make them feel better, but never explicitly let you know what kind of lie they want.

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Oh my god i usef be in sacramento

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B-word your eating disorder is that you do it too much and recovery is when you stop

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Losing weight really hasn't changed how often they pop up, tbh. I get them as much now (size 3x) as I did at my largest (size 8x+).

Has she tried 1X?

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Secured my spot as a top 100 most memorable rdrama poster

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Domebro gel is a lige changer for healing up the rub owies!!!


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I've lost 5kg in 4 weeks! Still fasting for 3 days a week.

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do fat people just never get all the way clean oh my god


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I saw this one particular young couple that stood out from the rest only because the girl looked absolutely perfect. She was tall, blonde, and sexy. She would have towered over me in height, and her boyfriend of course towered over her. They were both wearing beach gear, and the girl was in her bikini, showing off to everyone her sensual, erection-causing body. Her blonde hair was wet from swimming in the ocean, and it only made her look more arousing. The two of them were holding hands, and it was clear that they were in love. I saw the boyfriend place his hand on the girl’s butt, and when he did this the girl looked at him and smiled with delight. That guy was in heaven. I can only imagine how amazing it must be to have s*x with a girl like that. I had to witness everything I wanted but could not have. It made me feel dizzy with anguish.


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