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Dude: Dating is so easy for women. Just pick one of hundreds of Nice Guys™ on the app.
— AskAubry 🦝 (@ask_aubry) October 21, 2022
And what's on the app. pic.twitter.com/yyFb0Fhnus
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Ladies imagine this r-slur turns out to be your ex, what do you do with your sudden abundance of loser bodyparts?
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Men bowing to women for thousands of years of "disrespect."
— Ben Kew 🐶 (@ben_kew) October 18, 2022
When the history books are written, images such as this will be considered key to understanding the collapse of Western civilization. It will be one of those "sources" they give you in history exams. pic.twitter.com/Mo6XdJtfz6
The mayocide has been cancelled in favour of the moidcide:
Honestly bro, I'm just ready to go out in nuclear hellfire at this point. No saving these boys.
This is why transfolx is the only answer to feminism:
How soon will we see a picture of women bowing down to trans women for oppressing them.
Rare Jesse Lee Peterson comment:
Incels can only see the world through the lense of s*x:
This is transphobic:
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this is the average looksmatched couple in 2022. the way of the future pic.twitter.com/1pX8rO5yj9
— xi jinping respector (@huwangtaiji) October 17, 2022
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Madonna leaving a hotel with her husband Guy Ritchie, 2007 pic.twitter.com/mLmOwsRhjV
— Homo Times (@homotimes) October 16, 2022
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Zoomer college girls are asked how much money their boyfriend or future husband needs to make.
— GAE underground updates (@GAE_USA) October 13, 2022
You can probably guess how this goes. pic.twitter.com/Pr4b1XprPA
Imagine willingly encouraging cultural appropriation:
why are all these women wearing bras as shirts, what is happening
Their fashion should be modeled off the traditional dress of desert peoples!
Only a real king can roll with a queen:
The moid copes any way it can:
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NAH WHAT THE FUCK DUDE 😭😭😭😭😭😭 pic.twitter.com/dZLc64Ho9A
— Anthony (@OMGItsBirdman) October 10, 2022
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India, I swear to God, if you want to start a petition for Mermaids to take me on in court, the first signature will be mine. https://t.co/1HZ6BbCX55
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) October 5, 2022
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Few men in power have delved deeply into gender equality on the main stage of the United Nations this month, but the ones who did went there boldly: claiming feminist credibility, selling “positive masculinity” and resolutely demanding an end to The Patriarchy.
On the first day of the General Assembly gathering of world leaders, Bolivian President Luis Arce touted 2022 as “The Year of the Cultural Revolution for Depatriarchalization” for his country, and urged the United Nations to adopt a decade-long effort to do the same.
Arce said his country wanted to promote policies to “transform this regrettable reality that is caused by patriarchy as the most ancient system of oppression, and that is also linked to colonialism and capitalism.”
Gender equality, as one of the United Nations’ primary goals, has long been a safe talking point for world leaders, and there were many brief and polite mentions of progress made toward female empowerment, including promoting women into prominent roles, ensuring equal educational opportunities for girls, and supporting women’s autonomy over their own bodies.
There were also some leaders who did not say the words “women” or “girls” at all during their time on stage — the king of Jordan, the president of Cyprus, the prime minister of Japan.
At other times, “feminism” — considered an f-word by many for generations — was used proudly.
Liberian President George Weah declared himself “feminist-in-chief.” Andorran Prime Minister Xavier Espot Zamora acknowledged that “feminism is one of the great challenges of the present moment.” Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez trumpeted “the feminist agenda and the struggle for gender equality.”
“We are living in times in which demanding basic rights is still a revolutionary act,” Sánchez said in his U.N. address. “The global threats to women’s sexual and reproductive freedom are yet another example of how painfully slowly the world is moving towards guaranteeing full equality. Worse still, is the fragility of our past social gains, which have fallen victim to backsliding in certain advanced democracies — something quite inexplicable at this stage of the 21st century.”
It was an impassioned jab, apparently directed at the event’s host country, where a recent Supreme Court ruling ended the constitutional right to abortion. In contrast, U.S. President Joe Biden offered only a passing mention of abortion rights — even as the court decision continues to ripple across the nation.
“The future will be won by those countries that unleash the full potential of their populations, where women and girls can exercise equal rights, including basic reproductive rights,” Biden said in his speech.
The contrast was a stark reminder that words matter, said Sylvia Maier, a global gender studies professor at New York University, who said the unabashed use of progressive language by some world leaders on this prominent stage was new, unusual and surprising. The largest gathering of world leaders remains a forum that is dominated by men.
“It’s about time we stop using euphemisms and beating around the bush,” Maier said. “It’s about time that we start talking about what we’re facing in no uncertain terms. … We cannot resolve these issues — which are all interlinked — without really calling it what it is.”
Congolese President Felix Tshisekedi said in his speech that he was a “champion for positive masculinity,” claiming a need for “radical change” while highlighting an African Union men’s conference to tackle a surge in violence against women. “Because equality is not a gift given to women,” Tshisekedi said.
The United Nations has defined positive masculinity as “an innovative approach to engaging and involving men, and making them allies in gender equality and peacebuilding efforts in conflict and post-conflict settings.”
Maier said it’s important to model the so-called idea of “what a good and honorable man should do” — from resisting violence and speaking up as a bystander, to understanding consent, believing survivors of gender violence and creating services to help those in crisis.
“It’s hard work changing social norms, which are really gender stereotypes,” Maier said. “Positive masculinity really means a reinforcement of positive character traits but all of these character traits, they shouldn’t even have a gender.”
The issue is especially acute for Congo. One of the poorest and least developed nations in the world, the country has long struggled with high rates of sexual violence, domestic abuse and child marriage.
“The problem is not masculinity,” said Ousseina Alidou, a professor who leads the Center for Women’s Global Leadership at Rutgers University and serves as president of the African Studies Association. “Who we are is not the problem, but what we embrace as an ideology.”
Alidou said it is commendable that Africa is taking the issue seriously as part of the continent’s healing from its painful history of colonization.
“Patriarchy has been the framework for which colonialism has manifested itself, in the most inhumane way on the African continent,” Alidou said. “Patriarchy is not a monopoly of only one region of the world. It is a world phenomenon.”
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Tom Brady, Gisele Bundchen reportedly have hired divorce lawyers, according to the New York Post's @pagesix. https://t.co/P0kf9Niz2A
— ProFootballTalk (@ProFootballTalk) October 4, 2022
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Finding a new booty call is about as hard as interviewing candidates for a new job. Not only does he have to be completely sexy and know that you just want to have a good time, but he needs to understand that you deserve respect.
You are proud of who you are and what you do! It takes a certain kind of guy to understand this.
Beyond this, the key to a successful booty call is having the perfect array of men in your rotation so you don’t get bored, and so that each time, you experience something completely different. (Come on, if I wanted the same s*x every time, I would get a boyfriend!)
Here are 6 types of booty call experiences every woman should have (and how you can find each with one simple text).
1. The Crazy, Sexy, Kinky One
This is the one that you don’t even have to talk to. You text things like, “What are you doing later?” — and he responds with, “You."
So you jump into your car, get there as fast as you can, and realize your panties are on the floor faster than he can ask you how your day was. The s*x is out of this world and you wonder how he can possibly even move his tongue like that.
He doesn’t even flinch when you throw him your brand new cheetah furry handcuffs and tell him to lock you up because he knows all about your kinky side and thoroughly enjoys taking care of it.
When you are done with all of this amazing s*x, all you have to do is throw your clothes on, grab your car keys and blow him a kiss while walking out the door, because you know he’ll be waiting for your next text. You are just that good.
Most likely found: At your local s*x shop, stocking up on new whips and bondage
2. The Smart Foreign One
His accent in itself has the power to turn any girl on, but when you throw in the fact that he actually cares what you have to say, it brings it to a whole new level.
I love writing, so when I find someone who can actually talk about literature and other things in an intellectual way, it makes me want to not only share my views but also share the view of what I look like naked.
Lucky for me, it just so happens that my current intellectual lad is gorgeous, British, and has a love for red wine. Sometimes, you need that guy who will make out with you for hours and cuddle you with clothes on, because hey, even the most sexually active girls need a little cuddle sesh now and then.
Most likely found: Huddled in the poetry corner of your campus library
3. The Throwback One
A week before each Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring, and Summer Break, like clockwork, you get that text, “When do you get home?” which we know truly translates to “When do we get to f*** like we are seventeen years old again?”
You’ve been having s*x with this guy for as long as you can remember, and he was probably the rebound hookup from your first heartbreak, so you can never say no to him.
The fact that you go to his bedroom at his parents’ house, and it hasn’t really changed since high school, really takes you back. It makes you remember exactly what it was like to be an awkward high schooler.
Then, you show him all the new moves you’ve learned since the last break, and you leave with a hug.
Truthfully, you will probably see him at a house party that weekend, where you will act like nothing happened, and you are just two old high school friends.
Most likely found: Playing football with his friends at a local park the first weekend day of Thanksgiving break
4. The One With The On-Again-Off-Again Girlfriend
At one point in your life, you thought this guy could be your next boyfriend, but then he ended up getting back together with his ex... again... for the fifth time that month. But for some reason, you keep answering the phone whenever he calls newly (and temporarily) single.
He is always ready for a good time — and he also swears this is the final breakup. Occasionally, he will cry to you about said ex.
You smile and nod, and tell him that he is better off without her, but he goes back to her anyway, at which point he stops answering your calls... until they break up... again.
Most likely found: Crying and extremely drunk at your local bar. But don’t worry, you’ll see his sexiness under all those tears.
5. The Older Rich One
Every girl deserves to be spoiled a little bit, especially by an older man or Sugar Daddy who has his stuff together financially.
He can take you to dinners where you can actually put to use that overly expensive dress you bought and swore you would wear someday. He loves that you are a young, free-spirited woman who knows what she wants in life (oh, and he loves that your breasts are still perky, unlike women his own age).
You’ll feel like complete arm candy when you are with him, and he won’t stop complimenting you... and who doesn’t like being told they are beautiful?
Most likely found: At a swanky bar in any major city, after five when the corporate jobs are let out
6. The Best Friend With Benefits
He’s the one you actually spend hours laughing with. You can take him around your friends, who claim you will end up together, but you know that you’re just keeping each other’s s*x lives entertaining until someone else comes around.
You go out for drinks and maybe even dinner, but whenever you think it's heading into relationship territory, you quickly remind yourself he’s only your friend — a friend who just happens to come over, eat you out, then watch the new episode of "American Horror Story" with you.
That’s normal, right?
Most likely found: You’ve known him forever! Now you just have to cross that line...
Now that you know what kind of guy to look for, and even where to find him, go out there and get him!
Put on a sexy outfit, apply that hot lipstick, and wear your best push-up bra. Then flirt with him like heck, give him your number, and wait for him to text you. Don’t worry, he will!
These six guys will be a great time while you’re waiting for Mr. Right to show up!
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Ex-Clinton adviser: Hillary setting up 2024 presidential bid with 'open borders' critique of Biden https://t.co/wQxPgaepop pic.twitter.com/Ht4Jq50jfY
— New York Post (@nypost) October 2, 2022
Would you vote for Hillary in 2024?
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seeing all the johnny depp stans going "wtf she likes women???" in the replies and qrts truly shows how much of an "Expert" on the trial they actually were lmao https://t.co/r34XJ0sfQ9
— tessa 🫐 (@arcticpeache) October 1, 2022
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Did you know that When a male honey bee climaxes during sex, his testicles explode and he dies🤔
— Debby🇰🇪 (@sangdebby) October 1, 2022
I thought you should know 😂😂
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Arrest warrant issued for former Pakistan PM Imran Khan over remarks against female judge https://t.co/n0f6gnIfgU
— The Times Of India (@timesofindia) October 1, 2022
@Sasanka_of_Gauda wow congrats sweaty!
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Okay I broke up with my bf and I don’t wanna do online dating but I guess there’s no other way really any tips?
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Please check out /r/oldhagfashion if you haven’t already! The gals there have a sense of humor almost as great as their sense of style! It’s very inclusive and everyone is welcome so come check out this season’s new fun looks!