
Reddit thread popping off, some users are not pleased with constant trainwrecks -

Aracely, 22

Aspiring actress and PreMed

Dialogue? Dominated. Questions? Dodged with several irreconcilable answers. The woman is a conversational powerhouse.

I'm not even going to try taking non-chronological notes, I don't think it would be possible to make it coherent.

  • How are your grades timestamp

    • They're terrible

    • Actually they're not terrible timestamp

  • Why homeless timestamp

  • So, [her parents] are trying to take [her] medicine away or..? timestamp

    • "The therapy most people need is cognitive the therapy I need is dialectical"
  • So you chose to be homeless? timestamp

    • This leads into the bus story, bus left without her because she took too long in the bathroom and she lost all her stuff

    • Tried to mooch of some guy,

  • "I was abandoned by someone I thought I could trust, at a hotel" timestamp

    • She thought she was going to live with some guy, she said she didn't want to have s*x with him (they were in a hotel room he had rented) so he ditched her while she was asleep

    • She moved out to Houston thinking she would be living with this guy?

  • What were you doing at that time? timestamp

    • Livestreamed every day on Twitch to less 5 viewers

    • Has/had a dedicated simp sending her food and money on Paypal constantly? :marseythebuilder:

    • Made less than $50 a month through twitch?

  • Currently back living with her parents timestamp

  • Grocery store story timestamp

    • "They kept putting their hands on me and I had a freakout"

    • "They were like why are you doing this? Come on, lets bring you over here"

    • She got fired for this

    • Actually she was just a shit worker

    • Actually she just stormed out

    • Actually they didn't put her on the schedule

      • She "checked" and "just knew" they weren't going to put her on the schedule again
    • Actually the "vibes in that grocery store were not good after I said something"

    • "I did go back for my check but that's it"

      • Despite how she phrases it this was extremely recently timestamp
    • Actually she called them up and asked for her job back? And they told her to come back for an interview timestamp

  • "Have you been job searching" timestamp

    • Yes, but in acting

    • Wants med school as a fall back for when she "retires" from being an actress

    • "I just need to get a masters" timestamp

    • "And with my Bachelor's degree I can go and be a detective"

    • "I looked at all the options already"

  • $8'000 in student loans timestamp

    • From attending a different uni prior and dropped out because they told her she needed to have a specific minor and she didn't want to?
  • "I had a boyfriend who actually uh killed himself uh and that's kind of why I started looking more into psychiatry" timestamp

  • An attempt to hammer a timeline for her future out of her timestamp

    • "I've heard many different numbers" when talking about how many years she will be in school for
  • "If I do finish medical school and it's fricking traumatic then I also have acting" timestamp

  • Evicted from apartment timestamp

    • Was having too many seizures? Landlords said they had to kick her out instead of breaking the lease? What?
  • Doesn't drive because she has seizures?

    • No car

    • Her mother drove her to this

  • Credit Card timestamp

    • Bought a vintage lamp from Mississippi

    • Lies about not spending anything any more :marseyxd:

  • Insane Expenses, keep in mind her income is near zero timestamp

    • Fair bit of eating out

    • Lot of vaping

      • Got ill because of vaping, some lung issue she has to take medication for

      • She still vapes, often. :marseyxd:

      • "It's not even nicotine, it's the dispos" timestamp

        • Most functional potheads
      • Pulls out an inhaler

    • Spending some money on a tiktok store?

  • She mentions she also has medical debt timestamp

    • Caleb finally presses her a little

    • Doesn't know how much, "how much can a day at a hospital cost?"

    • "I don't really have any parental figures"

  • Owns a dog? timestamp

  • Asked for a break after high school and her mother said no timestamp

    • Her mother said if she didn't go to college she was getting kicked out?
  • "I got invited to do a lot of auditions" timestamp

  • Helping promote her friend's music timestamp

    • Her friend is actually earning money?
  • You were just earning money two weeks ago where did it go? timestamp

    • Her therapist just charged her for the first time

      • She said the therapist was free earlier in the conversation
    • "I don't know why he charged me"

      • "It was probably a copay"

        • "It was a copay"
    • "I called my bank to ask them why I was getting charged"

    • "I will ask [my therapist] why next time"

Weddings are a scam :platyhappymerchant:

It's unbelievable how expensive all this is :marseytrollcrazy:

Initially, we were going to do a courthouse wedding. A photographer and wedding clothes would have been under 5k, and we could save money for the honeymoon :marseycalebhammer: Just our parents, and we can go visit everyone else after the honeymoon. Neither pair of parents were impressed with this :marseybardfinn: Facing pressure, and with the idea that they would pay costs :marseyfry: (getting back to this), we decided to plan a simple one day ceremony+reception :taynod:

It is not so simple. It's astounding how greedy :marseyjewish: nearly every private vendor is. I have to explicitly make a remark about private vendors; state parks :marseystalin: have much lower fees to reserve venue space. I do not know why you would choose to rent a private space other than being a brat :marseybacktotiktok: with stupid amounts of cash. No, we are not going to spend $300 :capymerchant just to do some taste testing for a reception dinner. That's the price of a small cake :dramacake2nd: I am sick of calling up vendors only for them to demand several thousand dollar minimums, of which our guest list does not even come close to reaching via a price per plate :marseydisagree: Oh by the way, don't forget that a service charge :marseywaiter: is calculated as a percentage of a minimum :landlordpride:

This is mortgage money :marseyabandoned:, baby money :mcbealdancingbaby:, ANYTHING-ELSE money that instead we are suggested to spend on other people. This is all to put up a Victorian-era farce that should have stayed in last century. What's next; I have to rent out seating for the consummation? :horny: :hump: :!horny:

This would all be fine and dandy if the proponents of these ideas would come forth with funding. But talk about money and they are quick to drag their feet :marseysigh: Obviously I am not interested in pissing off parents because I am trying not to pay for daycare when the time comes :marseybeggar: No one is even stepping up to offer their property as a venue.

Someone even suggested we take a personal loan out to pay for all this :marseyschizoshaking: :marseyraging: :marseyraging: Why would you EVER do that?

I want to spend money to build a family, not on ornate crap that does not matter. This is just a hypercapitalistic version of dowry; instead of buying something useful for the other family, like a cow :marseylolcow: :!marseycow:, I'm expected to pay OTHER people I will never speak to again an inordinate amount of money :marseycuck::marseycuck::marseycuck:

In short, the west has fallen :chuditsover:, millions must pay billions for, uh, hors d' oeuvre, chud? :marseyfrenchitsover2:

slopposting on my timeline :marseywaffle: :marseyblimble:

was scrolling (tragically) and got like 2 in a row and I've never done an effortpost so :marseyshrug:

its one thing when these communist palestine supporters speak on behalf of bipocs that hate them

its another when they speak on behalf of me :marseyindignant: :marseypoor: :marseyrage!:

you can buy fruit and vegetble at the store and its not expensid

I have tons of free dry beans rice and I cook them they last for years you just rinse the moths out :marseyeyeroll:

its always suburban middle class larpers justifying these ppls behavior solely becaues they're melinated

(they'r def not poor look at those countertops :marseykween:)

these goons are literal white saviors

but who's gonna save me? :marseytears:

So here's a dive into this random poster: she(?) accuses her detractors of being the real larper

and heres the countertop :marseyinvestigate!:

no particleboard in sight :marseyeyeroll2: and gasp they're making they own food

no idea what an "afro-native latinx" is but she's puerto rican ig? idk why I'm diving this deep. I guess I want to know what fuels a person to be so constantly inflammatory

the drama generation is certainly admirable but this person mentioned having just unprivated their account from the last controversy they stirred up so I wonder what toll this takes on a person.

If they're not animeposting they're ranting and arguing about endless idPol: race, s*x, lgbt, palestine, colonizers, who can say 'gringo' etc. must be exhausting


I kinda want a glass cutting board now...



Public schooloids seethe when privatechads ask the friendly question 'which school did you go to, mate?'
Reported by:
  • BimothyX2 : Unfunny, uninteresting and unrelated to drama
Choosy Ledditors :soyjakhipster: scoff affordable housing :marseycapitalistmanlet:
Rentoid math

Like how the top comment calls him out :marseyxd:

Poor people discover central vacs

We had one but tbh I did always wonder where the frick the dust went.

Rentoid's fiance keeps buying bideo gaems and delta 8 carts

Oh boy, this is gonna be a good one :platyblush:


Sorry to start the weekend off with a negative post, but I'm wondering if anyone else is noticing what seems to be the insane amount of garbage on the sides of the roads? I just dropped some family members off at Metro airport (coming from the Waterford and Clarkston areas) and we all noticed that all the roads, including minor side roads, are just lined with tons of trash. I know this happens sometimes in the winter when there's a big snow melt and all the accumulated trash appears, but we haven't had any snow yet this year, and I don't ever remember it being this bad, so what gives? Are people just chucking all their garbage out of their car windows? It's everywhere.


There is no recession :soyjakanimeglasses:

Dont believe your lying eyes :soyreddit:, its not a recession if we dont call it one

>In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy.~George Orwell, :marsey1984:


This r-slurred take is something most Poors actually believe - more money comes with longer hours and harder work.

Working a 8am-5pm has broken me. I want to go back to being a server working 4pm-9pm everyday making barely $120/day and $300+ on weekends. I was much happier and had much less responsibilities. My life is good don't get me wrong, but I had much more time for leisure. I wasn't necessarily a bum but enjoyed being able to workout, make myself breakfast and lunch before a shift, maybe play some video games, take a nap, go into work. Now I sit behind a computer all day and basically eat garbage for lunch. I call people all day I'll never meet in person nor do I care to. I'm too tired after work to do anything. I have contemplated for a while now on quitting my job and becoming a server at a high end restaurant again or go work some simple 20/hr job like everyone else my age so I can get my free time back. Only thing stopping me is my parents who will shun me because of my degree. I have one other friend who has their weekends off like me since we are relatively young (24M been at this job since 22. with careers. Everyone else works weekends so I am constantly doing shit by myself. I make more money than all my friends so everything I like to do/want to do is out of their price range.

Everyone in the west thinks " I don't care what job I have as long as I make 100k/year I'll be happy". Not true. Newsflash you won't be. You work dumb hours, get like 1 day to actually chill, and then your back to the same cycle. I'll never chase a job because of salary again. I have a degree but man is it really worth it to give up your whole day for nothing? I'm literally working the day after holiday while tons of people are on vacation/or have the day off?

Unpopular opinion is that I'd rather make less money and be happy than well off and miserable. Sure no one likes you when your poor but no one likes you when you're miserable either. I don't want to be rich anymore. I just want to be happy.


It's a 3 parter! Pics here if you're too :marseysoyjak: to go to Reddit


Dude lost $80 and wants courts to get involved lol

Your shill it example an retail down more than 60% just on amc ,, you cheer fake post showing large transactions

😂 did pfof hold a gun to your head and force you to buy that call on this shitty butt stock. Take a look in the mirror and accept some responsibility for your bad decision.

Ur mother did .. I did it all for her .. with recent buy in an money inflow should have more movement . An Evs are about too have there turn in rotation. , PFOF SHOWES THEM ALL OUR TRADES OP

Hey OP, You need to stop getting so defensive about people's shitposting comments. half of them are legit just trying to get a reaction out of you. I too expected NIO to go up because of the new battery they just announced. But hedge fricks dont give a frick, they will do crime day in and day out as long as their punishment is an itty bitty slap on the wrist fine. Yeah PFOF needs to fricking go. It by default causes market makers to make dark pools. which is very against the free market and price discovery. But what really needs to happen is jail time for these fricks. Above and beyond banning PFOF. Also shorting should be illegal.Edit: Also you only have yourself to kick in the butt for buying options. That's your mistake. coming and bitching that you made a bad move will only make people laugh at you.

I know I watch some of their accounts an other comments .. some of them are bot/ hive no mind of their own. Will praise 100k trade or 1m trade when it's fake an put out too manipulate,then bash everyday traders like themselves ..

OP either has room temperature IQ or is just terrible at shit posting

Or your a shill .. you're not yep like an follow fake trade post op

Of course, OP is also an AMC and GME holder. Reminder if you're invested in a stock with any sort of community present on Reddit you need to sell immediately.

Proud Alumni


Happy ending

Had to break it up cause this website is gay

Love peace and chicken grease buds n

Reported by:
  • Tachyon : frick this fricking channel and frick all you idiots for watching it


Amber, 27, Las Angeles CA

For context, her boyfriend volunteered her to come on the show


  • "Webshow host and producer, my show is called 'Healing Amber'"

    • "getting that off the ground and running"
  • Making comercials on social media

    • She's advertising payday loans for $200 :marseyxd:
  • Trying to move away from "user generated content" because "It's been feeling too hypercapitalistic" timestamp

  • "I'm balancing, trying to participate in a capitalistic society that I really resent because I wanna be able to change this country from the inside out -" timestamp

    • "I mean you can vote like everyone else"

      • [in a new accent I can't place] "No no nooooo that doesn't make a difference" :marseyxd:
  • Commerical gig work basic details timestamp

    • $300 - $1000 for one ad

    • Doing 3-5 a month

  • "I'm trying to get my inner reality to finally reflect on the outside so there was a whole history of some seriously traumatic shit that went down in Las Angeles, and before hand, and I really froze up and stopped participating in life, you could say? And I let others support me and I've put in a little bit of energy here and there to support myself but luckily now that I've done all this inner work and I have been realigning my life - that UGC work, the commercial work, it didn't feel aligned, so I'm doing this easy job like let's say-"

    • "What's the easy job"

      • "like let's say I put in 30 minutes for an AG One Greens commercial where they're like 'Why's your skin so glowy? and I'm like AG One!' you know, that kind of thing. So cool I've just made 300 off of that but why do I not feel fufilled and why am I not taking my time to actually participate more so what I've found feels best right now is helping small businesses. So I'm taking the skills that I used in creating social media ads, you could say, and I'm turning it into my consulting and production company."
  • "I wear my expensive clothes and I buy my dog the expensive food and I do all this shit that will make me like, make me feel better when really actually gaining some sovereignty and some independence will make me feel better in the heart and so now I'm also turning, I guess, I'm playing you say two side of the point, I'm doing the work that doesn't feel good to survive, bearly, because there's so much resistance there but now, I am actually just inthe middle of my first pitch deck to a client in order to consult them in social media authenticity"

  • Caleb realizes all of this was evasion about an actual income number :marseyxd:

    • timestamp

    • She doesn't know because she avoids looking at her bank accounts

  • Doesn't want to do other work

  • Living situation timestamp

    • Molding, whole building management company is getting sued?

    • Hasn't had to pay rent?

    • "I've manifested a life at this point where I am taken care of so much by other people" :marseyxd:

      • "Manifested a life?"

        • "Subconsciously."

          • "Okay."

            • "Subconsciously my inner aspects and inner children have felt safest when others are supporting us rather than we are supporting ourselves because then it means we're not alone."

              • "Do you see a therapist?"

                • "I see many therapists, coaches, I'm also a coach to a certain extent, so yeah what's annoying is I am hyper-aware"

                  • "You're a coach? A spiritual coach?"

                    • "I'm a spiritual healer and holistic health coach"
    • "How do we feel comfortable by any means giving anyone advice on life if you're if you are just failing in the United States" timestamp

    • "What I coach people about is how to find joy and healing in the present moment"

    • "What I do away from my time participating in capitalism has been some intence butt inner work and I just teach that"

  • Total income for last month

    • $2'891

    • Has EBT, food stamps

    • Was getting 281 a month, knocked down $100 since she made more this month

  • "It's interesting because like you're choosing not to work though" timestamp

    • Transferred from a career tutoring little kids "making a lot of money doing that, like $100 a session but then for some reason more on camera stuff was calling me and I got into the acting the music videos the dancing, all of that LA bullshit"

    • "two summers ago I was grossly sexually harassed at a music video" timestamp

  • "Will you hold my hand for a second I need connection" timestamp

  • "A lot of [those costs] I think are for supplements that I think are gonna like save me" timestamp

    • Specifically names: Magnesium, Lyposomol and something else I can't make out
  • "This is why I believe in Divine Timing, everything is a Divine Appointment, the timing of me being invited on your show could not have been better because the inner work is caught up and now we're ready for the external reality to reflect the internal" timestamp

  • [About her dog] "We have a psychic connection and nervous systems are co-regulated so anything th-" timestamp

    • "Okay"


  • Navy Federal: $502 => $509 timestamp

    • $30 in fee so far this year

    • "That one's negative six dollars, I think, right now"

      • "No we're talking about the checking account, er we're talking about the credit card not the checking account"

        • "oh gross, okay, okay, okay okay"
    • She didn't make a payment on this, credit limit is $500

    • Why didn't you pay it? timestamp

      • "Yeah, okay, this is clearly a disociation issue." :marseyxd:
    • "I love to claim responsibility for the way that my life is to a certain extent but systemtically the way that the world is set up to oppress certain groups of people, I feel fricking oppressed as shit"

      • "Why are you oppressed?"

        • "That being a woman in this world and someone who wants to go to court for shit somebody who wants to speak out about the abuses of power in this whole world. Banks are an abuse of power."

          • "Sure, but credit cards, we're talking about credit cards here"
    • "About a thousand dollars of those credit card bills was caused by hmm okay, it was my built but I trusted a man on seeking arangements .com who said that he would give me like 5'000 if we went on a date together"

      • they never went on the date :marseyxd:
    • "So to be clear, you think the system is why you're in credit card debt?" timestamp

      • "Yean, I think the system is to blame for it, why a lot of people are in poverty"
    • "These were all a choice but" timestamp

      • Borderline schizobabble about free will because a "professor" at Stanford said there is no free will

      • "It's basically West World, dude" "They cancelled [West World] because West World knew what was up"

  • Student Loans: 27'000 timestamp

    • On forbearance because of her income?

    • Student Loan discussion really starts timestamp

    • interest rates between 3% and 5%

    • She thinks it's around $27'000

    • Went to Syracuse University for Sports Journ*lism

      • "Do you like sports?"

        • "Ummm honestly, no! I got into sports because my dad likes sports"
      • Worked for Fox Sports after college but was making $18 an hour

      • I'll call them today

        • Ummm actually I'll call them tomorrow because I was going to do some 'plant medicine' to get my mind right after talking to you

          • "Does that just mean smoke weed?"

            • "The other 'plant medicine'" :marseyxd:
  • Babble about how her childhood was chaotic and 'scary discomfort' timestamp

  • "Everytime I'm feeling lonely scared or anxious I'll go online and post a story telling my story hoping that it helps somebody else I try to get my partner to take care of me, in the past it was random sugar daddies" timestamp

Card 2: $3984 timestamp

  • 2000 above the credit limit

  • Lots of fees

  • $158 Kap Mentorship timestamp

    • Spirital Healing training :marseyxd:

    • Her expenses are fricking insane

    • Big into raki? :marseywtf:

  • "Actually everywhere in the United STates has a mold issue, and that's something I'm trying to raise awareness of so I can help my own situation" timestamp

  • "How are you getting home?" timestamp

    • She is flying from Austin to DC to meet with her "business consultant" to take care of her taxes and budget?
  • Weird twitching timestamp

  • Took 4 dollars out of her Roth IRA, doesn't know why

  • "I had a man buy my motorcycle and eventually I owe him but there's no deadline on that" timestamp

    • 3300 and she's made two payments "of 10 percent"

    • No contract :marseyxd:

  • Caleb tries to watch her podcast timestamp

    • Oh my God

Peasant renters ruin it for everyone

Someone link them to love for landchads

Trueanon socialists seethe


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