RAISEchads we're so back

ADIEUcels in shambles :chuditsover:

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:stoningpills: I have a benzo problem

I'm supposed to be tapering but I took 4 benzos today :marseyclueless: already. I feel sick if I don't take them, they make me feel normal. I actually :marseyakshually: feel productive after taking benzos. Without them I feel like dying. I don't want to wean, I want to ramp up but I know I should :marseynorm: be doing the opposite. They help me sometimes but I can't stay addicted :marseyjunkie: to pills :marseytedsimp: my whole life.

The calm they hit you with is irresistable. It's like nothing matters anymore. You can just focus on the good parts of life. Maybe listen :marseyhearnoevil: to some music, write, work. It's all good and flows smoothly. Why can't life always be like this?

I have an wisdom tooth pain that won't go away. Anyone has any idea/hacks?

Things I have tried till now (from yesterday night):

1. 5mg Xanax

2. 3mg Clonazepam

3. 1200 mg Ibuprofen

4. 2 tubes of lidocaine

5. Huge amount of iodine mouth wash mixed with hot water

6. Extreme Cope Seethe and Dilate

The only effect of 1-5 have been that I have repeatedly fallen asleep only to wake up and realize the pain hasn't gone away and take more of the same thing. While drug abuse might be cool, this isn't sustainable for more than 48 hours.

Any other thing I should tack on top of these? My dentist told me to frick off since he ruled out surgery and told me the tooth and some nerves are so entangled that extracting will not work and thus just cope. If I go for surgery anyway and damage my nerves, it might cause permanent alteration of sense, touch and taste.

Anyway how do you guys deal with extreme teeth pain?

Pinging !r-slurs since there isn't any !personal ping group

What happened to all the mirror/archive bots on reddit?

I keep running into removed posts that don't have any achieve or mirror in the comments, time was every sub used snapshill to archive posts. Did the badmins cuck them?


Besides pulling an Uncle Ted, of course

Quitting my job

Image unrelated

I just put 10$ into lottery tickets and got 15$ back I see this as being a pretty profitable thing and I'm going to see how feasible it would be to do this full time.

Also the gas station wagie seemed incredibly annoyed that he had to give me the cash for my ticket.


Shown is one of our three family dogs, Bailey. !animalposters I adore this photo, it's been my mom's contact tag for years! :marseyheart:

Anyone else have funny ones for family that don't doxx? Or do, if you're into that sort of thing, I suppose :marseyxd:



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I think :marseyoscargamble: I'm addicted :marseyjunkie2: to benzos

What is addiction supposed to feel like? I can't sleep :marseyhatman: without taking like 5 or 6 of them. I feel light-headed and like I'm going :marseysal2: to puke when I'm not on them. Is this addiction? I'm not particularly compelled to take some, but I know they will cure the symptoms.

I have a sore throat with zero other symptoms, am I going to die?


I put in an offer on a house! :marseyparty3:

bottom text

me when something mildly inconvenient happens in my life

kill me

Tips for getting money fast?

Hi all, I don't have much food left so I need money asap, unfortunately my credit cards are maxed out and they keep denying me new ones. I also applied for loans and get denied for some reason (they won't tell me why). How do I avoid starving?

:marseyhmmm: how do i creditmaxx :capymerchant:

i want to buy a house in about a year, so i want to have a good credit score to make the lenders like me :marseyxi: . currently i have a score of 769 from one credit card through my bank with a limit of 1k USD, which i pay in full every month. what is the best way to increase my score over the course of a year? it seems like you're meant to have a bunch of different cards that you use a little bit from and then pay in full every month, but applying for a bunch of cards seems as though it'd lower my score. will one year of good payment history on new cards offset the loss?

I just spent over $100 on tea :marseycoffeemug:

Tiktok full on sold me hook, line and sinker on artisinal small batch chinese teas and like a good NPC :marseynpc: I opened up my wallet and obliged.

This shit just looks so satisfying

I bought a full chinky tea set too cos apparently im a twee fruitcake

I can't wait til it gets here :marseyfsjal:

:marseydead: :marsey!surprised:

:marseybabushka: :marseylibations:

tell em you love m while they still around :marseysadwave:

really puts all this internet nonsense into perspective.

how can I go back to watching slop on youtube after seeing a loved one carried out on a stretcher?

maybe that's the best I can do.


Prior to the chud Musk taking over, establishment journos and wokeshitters could boost fictional media narratives on twitter, and twitter would mute/ban all the chuds and dissenters.

Now they can't, the perfect example is the attempt to kick off the Dexter Reed thing as the next Floydshit, and it was shot down immediately.

Musk is a cringe lord, but this happening to twitter is 100 percent a good thing, and they are sneeding Xitter is no longer a weapon to boost their lies.


You may be wondering what I mean, let me explain.

Men can have a significantly lower body fat % and still be healthy compared to women.

For women a body fat % of 10 is really low and dangerous, however for men it's perfectly fine and almost ideal if you aren't building up muscles.

It is unacceptable for moids to have higher body fat then the Women in their lives, and we need to normalize shaming them for that.

Thanks for listening


Should I watch lain?

I'm very insecure about my intelligence and if I don't get it I will :marseyraging:

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