What's wrong with my tongue?

am i goign to died?

I got a new phone :marseynerd2:

It's an s20

It's neato.

Thanks for reading :marseywave2:

I've finally sold it!

Back in the 1970s my parents were really into collecting photography, and one of the highlights of the collection was this Ansel Adams they purchased in 1974. Growing up I knew who Ansel Adams was, but didn't know we owned one until I got into photography in my late teens.

My dad attempted to sell it a few times in the early 2000s through a few different galleries, but this was before people would consider buying fine art on something on eBay. Eventually he gave up and gave it to me.

It's always been one of those things that I planned on selling if I needed the money. Not for something lame like paying bills, but for something equally as important, like fixing my Porsche. The only issue is that I'd struggle to find a buyer. Well this time things worked out and it's on its way to a new home in Texas today.

Special thanks to @FrozenChosen for the moral support and making sure I didn't drop the price too low.


It was good speed I felt happy than I gay butt fly got into my nose :marseyrage:

I managed to push it out but still it messed up with my time


When I met her, she was already carrying a bouquet of flowers and was drinking with her friends, mostly gay males. She sucked me off at a club bathroom around 1 AM, had mcdonalds with her friends around 3AM, then the two of us went back to my place fo frick around 4 AM.

That b-word had really bushy pubes, which surprised me because the rest of her wasnt hairy. She was pleasantly juicy though, no need to use lube.

I assumed she was some sort of migrant worker. I was right, but it turns out she's just visiting for a friend's gay wedding and she actually works in Dubai.

She showed me photos of her when she was fat but she was just slightly chubby in the photos. Thank heavens for Asian FPH.

When I asked her about the bouquet of flowers she told me she doesn't know who it came from, but she seems to be lying. Her friends seem to know who it came from but would coyly tell me it was from a secret admirer or answer me with jokes when I would ask, then talk amongst themselves in Filipino like they're telling each other jokes.

What does rdrama think?


I may have the opportunity to go to a 4 month coding bootcamp free of charge (normally they are like $10-15k). I would be receiving severance and unemployment so financially I can afford to do it without any stress.

I would love to work for a healthcare tech startup and eventually (5 or so years from now) start my own company. I am a bit of a Luddite but I have done some basic coding on CodeAcademy. My aim is just to understand technology and software engineering better and develop some basic coding skills. I know a coding bootcamp won't make me a real SWE.

My sister @NotFrozenYetStillChosen is against it because she thinks ChatGPT will make any basic coding skills obsolete and if I do a SWE course then that sort of funnels me into that line of employment. She also thinks I can develop the skills I'm seeking on my own & that any startup is more focused on the team you bring. If I want to be a CEO/founder I should learn more business. She's very successful and knows business stuff so her opinion is pretty informed.

I do think she has a point but I'm still very drawn to this. My knowledge of technology is embarrassingly inadequate yet I find it so interesting….computers are like magic.

My other option is to get another big pharma job & pocket the severance as a bonus.

What do the nerds here advise? Especially the business nerds.

Edit: thank you business nerds, I will finish my project management certification instead and learn tech things on my own!!!


The fricking other day I arrived at the fricking gym and two people immediately asked if I was fricking okay. I've been very stressed lately and I thought I looked fine but apparently not. Meanwhile a fricking few years back, I was fricking walking across campus in a fricking funk when a fricking woman in a fricking booth tried to get my attention. I kept walking and gave her a fricking little smile and I knew right away I'd messed up because the fricking color drained from her face and my eyes were fricking still in kill mode.

Frick the cold weather tbh
Everybody gangsta until the foid says she wants to have your babies


Spray tan disaster

I am playing halo and feeling good

Went to go see some dinosaurs today and had shrimp tacos. My hair is healthy and I'm happy. Hello

:hump: At a wedding now and the couple wrote about the first time they fricked lmao :marseybride!:

Lmao and people think Asians are more modest :marseyweeping:

I am back :marseycool2: from my :marseydrunk: drunken stupor :marseyhungover:

Not again

Sorry @A , f u @Arran and probs sorry to spal too

Need 2 days probably to fix the hangover, but AT LEAST I am not drunk now :marseysunglasseson:





Like around the larynx, at the edge of the jaw. My father claims I'm doing it wrong for going it over 2x or 3x and it'll damage my skin(true tbh I do cut myself frequently). But if I go ever it just once little bits remain and when I'm caressing my face afterwards to feel how smooth it is they hit my finger and feel irritating. :marseygiveup:


For my DUI sentence they had me have a Skype call where I talked to people 1 on 1 who had lost family members to drunk drivers. I was super nervous and pounded a bunch of beers before it started. My memory is foggy but they kept having me switch from person to person like it was Omegle and I kept getting nexted.

When it started I thought I was watching a video recording because the guy had a whole monologue ready. It seemed like a recording and I thought I was only on screen for a proctor to verify that I had watched the video. I was drinking cider off screen and the guy eventually said, "you keep duckin away there. Are you checkin your phone or somethin?" I realized it was live and apologized 😭.

There is something in my email saying that I'll get the answer to whether I have completed the victims' perspective panel within the next few days. It's probably fine but I'm kind of nervous because my memory of the whole thing is so vague.

Reported by:
Do you like septum piercings?

it's the kind of thing that everyone hates but everyone gets one anyway

but I see them a lot atm so maybe perspectives have changed and I'm just behind the times

so is it cool now or is everyone still making themselves look ugly?


Good evening!

I hate women.

!wincels !truecels

At this point I support banning SPAL out of sheer envy of the amount of kitty he pulls

I can hardly get play from the cashie at the tractor supply store and this old fat paranoid frickers pulling more kitty than the city cat catcher

!incels I'm one of you now

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