It's my 2-year anniversary here :marseyparty:

Today also marks 10 years since I bought my house

So I'm celebrating by being all mopey and sorting through all my backups, deleting all the duplicates and worthless stuff.

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:marseysweating: Does my wife have a rdrama account :capyclu!eless:

She's saying that it looks like my mayo chinchilla prolly because of her asian eyes :marseychingchongpearlclutch#:

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DM for link to my OnlyFans! 😜 (details inside :marseynotes:)

asmr audios of me encouraging you to goon :marseynut:, personal audios :marseyjamming:, full body videos :marseybutt:, etc. I take requests. No face or public stuff tho.

!chasers !nonchuds

This is my room, what does yours look like?

It's good bread but goddarn, they don't mark prices very well in bakery part of store so didn't figure this out until checkout.

I'm getting French bread next time. That's $2 a loaf.

Greedy fricking Italians!!! :!#marseyindignant:

Any tips for getting a second wind after lunchtime/in the afternoon?

I swear I am brain dead and also physically tired by like 1PM most days.

Does anyone have any strategies beyond adderall for this?

How can I become a post-lunchtime rowdy???

What the frick does education even mean anymore?

I still get emails from LinkedIn. One of the PhDs that got fired a couple years ago for incompetence now somehow has an D(ABBM). She's shit at her job, overly outspoken, a massive b-word and she somehow got that licensure? Frick, when I was training you'd get told to frick off to the Caribbean for a few years, not show up in any important medical capacity.

My dog chewed up my glasses

My dog chewed up my glasses

All these PhDs and they expect me to come in on my remote day

How fricking dumb are PhDs to email me late at night on Sunday asking me to drive 2 hours to a job I actively want to get fired from without being too obvious?

They're supposed to be some of the smartest people in the country but still haven't figured out that the faster I get fired, the faster I can frick off to Goombling and doing nothing. I didn't respond to their emails because I wasn't be a fricking loser and drinking all night with friends, something they know nothing about. They'll be lucky I sign into teams on time, luckier if I'm not shitfaced drunk and even luckier if I actually listen to what they have to say.


The one where she's sat on the gun and someones revving the shit outta the engine, was shot on shitty flip phone cam.

consumeproduct was a really bad name for a platform

The acronym is literally CP

Other off the cuff nicknames the other kids will bully it with at school:

CP consumers


Consume Pee

Product consumers

This is just variants of the actual name and it ranges from vulgar and edgy to lazy plays on the name but that make it antithetical to its stated purpose. If you start getting a bit exotic and go with minor transformations, the first synonym alone can be modified to c*m and then you have a whole world of possibilities from just that and it's just really dumb nomenclature.

Why did they do this


Feels bad man


Why do grocery stores hire r-slurs?

I was fricking at the fricking grocery store today and there was a fricking downie bagging my groceries. I've seen this kind of thing at other stores and thought it was fricking weird.

Are fricking they allowed to pay them submininum wage or something, b-word?

@pizzashill @Lappland @Chad_Thunderballs

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Alone on a Saturday? God you are pathetic. :marseypathetic:

There was some hot guy sitting next to me in the cafeteria


Blonde pony tail and fit and i saw his chest through his tank top


but then he noticed i was staring so i quickly looked down at my phone and high tailed out :marseysweating::marseydance:

Update: Sk8ter train who i crushed on has a bf who is a short latinx .... :marseydeadinside: :marseydeadinside2: I got that hyped over the most basic social interaction :marseysmugautist: prob should realized that the fact our convos were always short meant she just thought I was a sperg and felt bad :marseytabletired: This is why you should spit on tards or else they will creep on you

Anybody into pocket knives? If so post your EDC

REI just did a a sale and I picked up a tagged out from Benchmade. I like it a lot

My Pear Haul :marseymandela:

Probably the best yield I have ever had and it was super dry this summer on top of it. Grass looks green now because we have had a couple inches of rain the last week so stuff livened back up.

!homeowners post your bounties.

AI is pretty cool

Like look at where we are already with @TouchFluffyTails and how he cranks out dozens of high-quality pieces all the time like it's nothing. Look how cute this one is!

It's Marsey (a catgirl) hanging out with an actual cat. It's conceptually interesting and the execution is really cool and the same thing would have taken a human many many hours of work.

In a few years we'll surely be able to just like input shit we like into some drag & drop thing to create a dataset of music we enjoy and the AI will pump out a functionally limitless amount of completely original works perfectly tailored to our ultra-specific tastes.

There's no point to this thread, I just remembered the image and thought of custom robomusic and got a lil excited.

New Sexual harassment training

Learning alot

Biggest lesson is snitch on E V E R Y T H I N G

Lesson consists of case studies.

First two were a latinx harassing a balding middle aged Asian by saying he's sexy and has nice body

Third was young Asian man giving unwanted backrub to a black woman

Fourth was lesbian who got upset that other women in the office started flirting with her after learning she was lesbian (subject was Indian, harassers were White)

Fifth was Black woman being asked on date by executive.

End of case studies for now

Bunch of slides about dating Black men

Oh New case study!

Now a Black Man manager is transferring Black Woman for rebuffing him

White woman in high vis vest offended by meme? That's harassment bby. She should tell exasperated White man about it

You're not allowed to frick coworkers on business trips?!!!

Oddly there have been 0 (ZERO) white male harassers. Different than last year I think.

Oh speak of the devil. A white man in dungarees is reporting harassment now!

Aaaaand :#marseyitsover:

Wait. There's another module on gender and sexual orientation. I suppose there weren't any :!marseytrain:s in previous lesson. This makes sense ok.

Right off the bat a bunch of people are applauding an Asian :marseytrain: to her face.

Oh no! They're laughing at HER behind HER back!



Let's get to the case studies bby!!

Mocking silly :marseytrain: names is harassment. This time a certified white nazi cut man in business suit was doing it. Very Evil

Indian :!marseytrain:s are allowed in the woman's restroom bigot!

It's reasonable to change your name. Sultry stare white man congratulates black :marseytrain: on HER bravery

Ginger men are not allowed to call out racially ambiguous lesbians for acting like angry young men

No one is talking to the angry racially ambiguous lesbian now. That's illegal retaliation

Whoa is that a non-binary Greek in a high vis vest??! What's going to happen here

Oh they got harassed by a Latinx asking them about being non-binary

You're not allowed to start an office pool on what the young white woman's sexuality is (it's bisexual), she must report

Is transitioning a :marseytrain:(white) out of customer facing job because they're transitioning harassment? Yes. This was the first White Male harasser (I suppose harassee was also)

Telling Black :marseytrain: to wear pants is harassment (OBVIOUSLY)

The answer to all of these is that they're harassment and you must snitch, not a single ambiguous situation or curveball. SNITCH ON THE HARASSERS!

OK now the final lesson is on bullying

Lots of crying Black people :marseysad:

Oh now there's a crying white man :marseycry:

White woman stressed and people pointing at her :marseycrying:

Don't yell at people, don't ignore people, don't criticize people

Oh wait you can criticize but only if it's constructive feedback

The difference is if you're talking to white man vs pointing at crying woman (DON"T POINT AT WOMEN!!!)

These aren't case studies anymore. Now they're scenarios? Why'd they change the name

Manager demanding you do your job is not abusive?! This is first case study where it wasn't saying the "victim" is right and must snitch

Black man larping as Jim from the Office is an abusive coworker. REPORT him!

Private chats mocking mean manager aren't abuse. The manager is abusive because she's mean and calls people idiots

Black woman asks Black Man to stop using phone. This is not abusive

The Black man is sitting with a vaguely gay posture

Ok looks like they're finally wrapping up. Reiterating that you must snitch on everything. This will make the company stronger.

Where can I buy a sofa like this?
Frick Deer and Raccoons. I'm buying a gun.

Why?!? It had two figs already and was going to give me so many more next season.


Dead coon.

Yesterday I pulled out of my street to find what I thought was my baby boy raccoon dead on the side of the road. I wrapped him in a towel and brought him to the ritual raccoon burial ground, then took a nap.

When I woke up both my boy and girl raccoons were alive and waiting for me at the back door.

These motherlovers all look the same.

Somebody signed up my house for spam from multiple local hospitals

Realized I haven't checked the mail in a couple weeks. Multiple hospitals sent me letters for a Brianna. I checked who I bought the property from and unless a property management firm used to be called Brianna, I apparently need to get a Hep C, breast exam, get another physical and get an MMR vaccine.


My parents were invited to a birthday party this week for some lesbian parents kids birthday. When my mom and him were talking it went like this…

>“who is Casey's husband?”


>”She doesn't have a husband, she has a wife”


>”Why would she do that?”


>”Because she's gay…”


>”Yeah, but whose the husband and whose the wife”


Apparently this conversation went on long enough that it was easier not to bring my dad than to explain to him. He understands gay men, but gay women are strange to him. It's like taking 2 cups and stacking them the wrong way…

Anyways we're grilling some burgers this weekend… I love boomers and brown boomers so much it's unreal :marseygrilling2::boomer:


It has mutated and it's not that big of a deal anymore. ??? It's not like HIV, it's a self-limiting illness.

Btw I was covid negative this morning (just tested bc I had some I had ordered last year and was curious) but I did test positive for Bimothy-19.

Are you sick with something now/within last two weeks?

I got a new phone and here's my story

I'm not poor but phones do not interest me in the slightest, so while all the stupid people participate in some sort of mobile phones arm race, I just keep what I've got until it breaks.

Well, it happened last week and all the dorks at work were all "OMG you have to wait until the Pixel 8 Pro is announced!* or "Dude right the iPhone Bully XL Max 69 is only £1200".

Me being clever just ordered the cheapest mid-range Sony I could find because is actually far more lightweight than a lot of people realise so I don't need heaps of pointless power that uses the battery up in a morning.

Anyway, you guys, it has now been 48 hours since I last charged my phone and guess what percent my battery is on?



Lesson for everyone: buy mid-range phones. They're better.

Thanks for reading my blog.

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