:marseytrain: :marseytrans2: Train has an interesting theory on why there are so many trans-women in tech. :marseyhacker: :marseybardfinnsbiggestenjoyer:

Gay people are rich apparently

100%. A lot of older gay people went for well paying jobs and careers as a way to cope with the shame that came with being gay. They strived for success so they could feel like it made up for all the hate they got for being gay.

This is also why you see a lot of extremely muscular and attractive gay people. The shame pushes them to be better than others in some social field people really care about.

This isn't a gay exclusive thing, this is just a shame thing and how some people cope with it.

Yep. Trans community has a semi similar thing.

Because a lot of trans gals are self conscious they spend more time around electronics and other media. So the “trans girl coder” meme is kinda an actual thing. I also kinda fall into this as I have 2 degrees in game design/art, >>> yeah I wasn't a smart kid choosing that… (why do we trust teenagers with that much debt?)

NOTE: this doesn't apply to everyone and there are other things that end up as the focus if they have one, look at the gals who made the matrix for example.

:#marseysurejan: Are you sure that is the reason my friend? :#marseyautism:

The rest of the thread is just disadvantaged groups sucking themselves off, but one comment stands above the rest. I have sectioned it off from the rest of this post since it is not tech related, and I always respect the rules of online forums.

Edit: Added the missing link.

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Usually I :marseysmug2: at muh data privacy schizos but what the actual frick is this



i dont rly have any use for source releases like these :marseyunamused:



As you know you often need 2x times the space to download a game on ps os. Because downloading in smaller packages and sorting them at same time is no no. So I was downloading a 55gb game and had like 80gb free space and the game would let you play the first chapter of it when the 20gb of the game is downloaded so I started the game and instantly got a wired butt error that basically says not enough free space :soyjackwow: because PlayStation assumes that it still needs to download 55gb instead of 35gb so I need to free some space despite having 60gb free space.

Sony os is legit somehow a lot worse than nintendos

Marseyloader: Space Station 14 launcher with client-side modding/patching support.

I've immediately got told to "shut it down" by the project owner because lol.

Telling them to meow about it got their manager staff to ask people why is their coder making a cheat launcher and eventually trying to get me off their devteam

Who also told them to frick off, causing them to go :marseywords: about it rivaling communists off preddit.

Play space station 13 instead for now, 14 is fricking awful.


I haven't touched these in months so i used them wrong, also i typed this on my phone.


Just something I found hilarious and wanted to share :marseylaugh:

Trans lives matter

@X can you move to slackernews please


Wireless Networking in the Developing World is a free book about designing, implementing, and maintaining low-cost wireless networks.

This book is a practical guide to designing and building wireless networks in local communities, enhancing lives through improved communication, access to information for educational, social and economic growth. Its primary goal is to help expand access to the Internet and to expand the deployment of community networks where there is currently no infrastructure to enable this to happen. Written by subject matter experts who have vast experience in deploying wireless networks in the field and connecting communities to the global Internet.

Cool asf website and free ebook.


We're hackers and someone dear to us has a problem, so our natural tendency is to attempt to problem-solve.

Yes he's a stranger and his health problems are none of our business.

But also he's not a stranger: he's us.



Semi-serious question (rdrama is somehow both extremes of the bell curve in one environment and thus 100% of the opinions i want), what would you index?

I'm currently running at all of serverfault, and I'm shocked at how well it's working.

Pic related.

Anyways, give me your weird conspiracy blogs, your obscure technical forums, your good reads and everything else that piques your interest.

You can bully me with troll links because I miss being lastmeasured, but I'm sincere posting because the modern internet is boring and fricking useless if you're not trying to mindlessly scroll feeds or watch short form video. The greybeards are gone and now my generation are the greybeards and I'll be motherfricked if I'm going to be part of the reason shit gets fricked beyond all repair.

Anyone here that knows how to port forward like whats for the xbox live, go install and leave it running. Takes being online for about an hour to git gud, and now you can go index all the weird shit you want to be able to find. Millions of URLs is a few gigs of memory, less resource usage than a bitcoin miner.

>2 Comments, +3

>"gonight never posts"


:marseylibations: Omegle shut down, for real. :marseyitsover:

Apparently this lawsuit was the breaking point.

Foid decided 10 years later to sue the site that allowed her and her abuser to meet. Not sure how omegle is responsible for the actions of the abuser. However, it doesn't matter because it seems omegle doesn't have the means to fight the battle and decided to close shop. RIP.

Here's an excerpt from the founder's final thoughts. This hit me pretty hard and kinda sums up the noticeable decline of the internet.

I worry that, unless the tide turns soon, the Internet I fell in love with may cease to exist, and in its place, we will have something closer to a souped-up version of TV – focused largely on passive consumption, with much less opportunity for active participation and genuine human connection.


ani social announcement

More posts about it:

The drama:

Just fyi. You have [email protected] in this thread using his alt @[email protected] here. He is moderator on known p-do and Loli instance and he has been very angry at us at Lemmy World for calling him out.

He now pretends that it is not his account even though CJO obviously stands for CookieJarObserver, he also speaks German and he is defending the person that is ‘totally not him'.

Pretty sure he is using at least one other account here to play stupid - Amillionnames. This user popped up around the same time CJO had his accounts banned and is always in the same threads. And now they are having conversations pretending they are not the same person.

Yes I am all over this thread with my alt (because I could not talk to him from my LW account since he is banned) but it all just clicked. He was in every thread that mentions LW talking shit with his alts which made me wonder why he would not give his main account so this could be reviewed.

Now we know. [click at your own risk]

Bye (LW admin who ran a holocaust against dramatards)

And thus the shitshow continues… (Alledged CookieJarObserver sockpuppet)

Just have a look at this user's history if you want to know why he got banned. Basically calling us antisemites and what not. His entire history is full of LW shit-talking on his new account. He even admitted “I have a personal problem with these buttholes” without actually revealing his main account.[email protected]

Edit: his main account is [email protected] and he is a mod on a p-do instance (LW admin who ran a holocaust against dramatards)

Yeah i don't care about you banning me, im literally saying you and the other mods are insane, and you constantly following me just proves my point.

Frick off. [-5]

Admins having a power trip on spez level constantly, making their instance into a walled garden, like reddit, being antisemitic and harass other instances admins.

They believe they own lemmy now because they got lucky and be labeled the “default instance” by most apps and got pushed by many.

They are just as insane as Lemmyml admins.

They damage lemmy as a whole, willingly, with this behavior.

you are so much full of shit lol [-11]

I posted this comment on and got banned from

Who even cares, frick those guys. revealed how far they have their heads jammed waaaaaay up their own buttholes when they released their new TOS and were patting themselves on the back about it. Then, in true Le Reddit fashion, anyone in the comments section who dared to question that decision was getting mass down voted by brainless sycophants. got lucky by being the most visible and attracting the most users this past summer, but it doesn't make them inherently special, which they clearly now believe they are.

The Fediverse is a new opportunity for internet discussion to feel free and open again rather than confined by kowtowing to corporate interests. These instances defederating from is forewarning to any users with their heads up that they are just places to avoid anyway.

Now, regardless of whether you agree with my stance or not, or if for some reason you are offended by the frick word, is criticism of policy seriously an offense so egregious that it warrants a ban?

Of course it isn't.

And before somebody tries to cleverly point out “hurr durr you sound butthurt because you got banned from LW” that's not at all the point I am making here. I'm pointing out the sheer insecure pettiness of the administration at LW that they would get so bent out of shape from some criticism from a throwaway account that they would ban it on the spot.

Ask yourselves if you really want to make LW your home base, because I do not.

Edit: also lol at Antik, a LW admin, coming to this comments section on an alt account and arguing with people. Dozens of testy, sparring comments bordering on harassment. This is the exact immature behavior that I am calling out. He had to literally do nothing to get a win here, yet he deliberately chose to show his butt to everyone instead. [:marseylongpost:]


Ask yourselves if you really want to make LW your home base, because I do not.

That was sort of my thinking as well. I've been trying to get a clear answer for a ban that archived everything to show that they were just banned for criticism, and I haven't gotten a direct answer other than a claim that contradicts the evidence.

Purging an account, banning it, and then allowing them to sweep everything under the ban rug is a direct attack on the credibility of user accounts, and I can understand people not trusting a server with it when they do that, and it's even worse when those admins are capable of being charismatic so people are much less keen to question them.

That's something that abusive power mods on reddit did all the time. They tried to sweep everything under the ban rug, keep quiet about it and only give out vague reasons, and then just label the user a shithead when they inevitably then had to proceed to try to scale it up, which meant trying to attract more attention, which made people question them more, which just swept them up with the people that really deserved it, and it just became a vicious cycle.

The one big tell is that when somebody really deserves it, they don't really hide it, whereas when its much more questionable, they keep so quiet that you have to wonder whether the person in question killed anyone, which just adds to it.

You can see how their admins behave in this thread…

Uh, is @[email protected] really Antik and not just someone trying to supplant their identity by naming themselves [email protected]? That … just raises so many questions if so.

No CJO, it's me don't worry I posted from my main account too (LW admin who ran a holocaust against dramatards)

Yes. Its a Lemmyworld admin with a account behaving like a absolute outcast.

No its the same person definitely otherwise he wouldn't be following me after they banned me from .world

He is a absolutely fragile person and a creep following others around the fediverse.

!dramatards !schizomaxxxers !pings @Dramamine @Ninjjer @89wc @nekobit @PalestinePhallUS @CURTIS discuss

Reported by:
POST COOL WEBSITES :marseycool2: :marsey: :marseytypinglaugh:


Chadnet was a personal project from someone in the Dissident Right sphere but does include some great archives on their wiki about tech, political sperging, survival skills and How To Resist Interrogation.


Floodgap is a very nice website about retro-computing, retro-software and hacking by an old-school boomer tech wizard Cameron Kaiser.

Ti-Basic Development:

Basically what it says. A repository on developing on the TI-Basic calculator line.


An independent magazine ran by Kris De Decker, a Dutch enthusiast for "low" tech solutions for current problems and projects. The cool thing about their site is that it's hosted on a solar-powered server in Barcelona so may be down sometimes! They're selling all their articles collated into hardback volumes for pretty cheap too. Good stuff.


Pretty nifty site by a Xoomer programmer. Good rants and articles about feature creep and bloat in tech.


An actual woman espouses the simple joys of office stationary and analogue technology. Also does write-ups on organisation methods.


Amazing resource on cryptography by Terry Ritter. Basically anything you could need has an article about it here.


Beyond some insightful articles on technology with a particular focus on privacy I've really enjoyed his Op-Ed on the Coronavirus pandemic. Loads of references and an easy read!


The project of a single-minded dude who collated the biggest archive of information on Vitamin D I've seen. Awesome stuff.


Website by Eugene M. McCarthy, a geneticist with a specialisation in hybrids.

Ray Peat:

Incredible resource on nutrition with a focus on physiological chemistry (vitamins, enzymes, hormones etc..). Ray Peat is a woke chud with some great articles and advice.


Philip A. Luty was a normal citizen in the UK when the government introduced their firearms ban in the 90s. In response, he developed the Luty submachine gun made from simple DIY store materials in protest to the ban which he made all his plans and schematics public on the Internet and his website. It's still up and running with his original docs on his projects. Although surpassed by current 3D Printing tech it's still a very interesting piece of history to read yourself.

Dany is a hobbyist in electronics with a focus on reverse-engineering old soviet electronics to make the schematics public. Does some great projects and runs a youtube channel called DiodeGoneWild where he documents his projects.

Nobody Here:

Some random Dutch dude creates an interactive site with 100s of different parts for his own self-expression including a forum where everyone poses as bugs.

Piero Scaruffi:

A cognitive behaviour researcher has maintained his personal site full of his own shitposting and essays since the late 90s. Cool stuff in there.

Bruce McEvoy:

Maintained since 1994! Bruce MacEvoy has a very stylish webpage with various archives on astronomy including a guide on how to make your own personal observatory. He also has a very detailed page on UFOs, Color Theory, Painting and Ludwig Wittgenstein's philosophy. Interesting dude for sure.


A soyboy techie (but one of the good ones :3 ) who done a very excellent essay on the "Website Obesity Crisis" ie. BLOAT

!chuds !nonchuds !besties share your hot goss and secret knowledge :marseyderp:


You tell them xim!

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