For your consideration: 100 awesome women in open source

I'm required to have a security cert and an OS cert. I had a ccnp for 15 years because passing tshoot was pretty easy, no cheating required than Cisco went all gay and I got my VCP-DCV, cheated on that relatively cheaply.

Now I'm going for VCP-VMC because the class is free. My previous method of cheating no longer works, uploading a pdf to for 20 bucks.

Are the dumps on legit, a lot of the comments are definitely fake on that site, but the question discussions are legit.

If someone here got their VCP-VMC let me know how you cheated, might ask reddit tomorrow for the lulz, IT certifications are serious biznuss over there.

Reported by:

On 23 October, Eisen, a geneticist at the University of California (UC), Berkeley, wrote on the social-media platform X (formerly Twitter): “I have been informed that I am being replaced as the Editor in Chief of @eLife for retweeting a @TheOnion piece that calls out indifference to the lives of Palestinian civilians.” The satirical Onion article, posted on 13 October, was entitled: “Dying Gazans Criticized For Not Using Last Words To Condemn Hamas.” Eisen, who is Jewish, posted a link on X accompanied by the word “Bingo”.

A day after Eisen was fired, eLife's board of directors issued a statement indicating that Eisen had been dismissed more broadly because “his approach to leadership, communication and social media has at key times been detrimental to the cohesion of the community we are trying to build and hence to eLife's mission”. eLife did not respond to Nature's request for further comment.


“People can't be cancelled for expressing political views that are unpopular,” says Joshua Dubnau, a geneticist at the State University of New York at Stony Brook who helped to initiate the protest letter. “If eLife wants to decide that ‘this guy has a personality that isn't representing us well', they have that right. But they did it in the context of this moment. I think that's the issue.”

lol sure

orange cite discusses:


This legislation allows regulators to demand that encrypted platforms like WhatsApp and Signal implement backdoors to scan for CP. Redditors aren't happy about that, naturally.

More importantly, platforms will also need to show they are committed to removing content promoting or facilitating suicide or self-harm.

I'll miss you guys :marseybonggenocide:


orange sight discusses:

This new data poisoning tool lets artists fight back against generative AI

for some reason tech news sites are fricking hyping this. in fact, it is fricking already on TIME's list of top inventions... despite not even existing yet, as far as I can tell.

Verge is fricking gushing over it:

well, rdrama, b-word? will you be buying this new hotness, b-word?



In that crash, which occurred around 9:30 p.m. near the intersection of 5th and Market streets, an unrelated car struck a pedestrian, knocking them into the path of a driverless Cruise car, according to the DMV. The autonomous vehicle braked hard, but still collided with and ran over the pedestrian before coming to a complete stop. Cruise representatives met with officials from both the DMV and California Highway Patrol to discuss the collision, according to the DMV. During the meeting, Cruise employees allegedly played footage from the car's onboard cameras, which ended once the car came to a stop.

But DMV officials said they later learned there was more to the story, and requested additional footage from Cruise, which the company sent 10 days after the initial meeting. The extended footage showed that, after the initial stop, the car then resumed driving and attempted a “pullover maneuver,” traveling about 20 feet while the pedestrian was still caught under the vehicle, according to the DMV.

“Cruise failed to disclose that the AV executed a pullover manuever that increased the risk of, and may have caused, further injury to a pedestrian,” the DMV wrote in a report justifying the suspensions. “Cruise's omission hinders the ability of the department to effectively and timely evaluate the safe operation of Cruise's vehicles and puts the safety of the public at risk.”

LATEST, Oct. 24, 2:25 p.m. The California Department of Motor Vehicles has suspended Cruise's permits to deploy driverless vehicles as commercial taxis in the state, or run any tests on public streets without backup drivers behind the wheel. Tuesday's orders, obtained by SFGATE, blame the suspension on employees of the San Francisco-based firm hiding the full story behind a crash that reportedly left a pedestrian severely injured on Oct. 2 in San Francisco.

:marseyelonmusk!: gonna :marseyvenn6: get the big elon bucks for reporting :marseyreportmaxxer2: this bug :marseyjewoftheorient!: (Archive)


Reported by:

one of my favorite things about hacker news commenters is how they start out a little weird but not really that far out there, and then slowly reveal more information and you get a full view into their demented life

I live in my car. It's awesome.

Oddly enough, I live in an even older Ford Fusion and it's really easy. Spend time at the Library, Starbucks and get a gym membership for showering. I work full-time and don't peepee around with washing dishes or anything. Got an inverter and think of my car as a generator with wheels.

I took out my front passenger seat so I can lay down to sleep. Made it through the summer in the south and it was pretty bad, but you sleep while your body sweats and you deal with mosquitos and flies on the regular.

and then later

No, I eat Budding Ham and Walmart cheese sandwiches + goldfish crackers and Aldi energy drinks as my 75% source + strawberries and bananas. My diet is mostly sandwiches and Taurine...

New Apple Mac Event scheduled for Oct 30th 5PM PT. :chadstevejobs: :marseyfry!:

  • Tinder users can now let their friends and family recommend potential matches directly in the app.
  • You can invite up to 15 people to review possible matches in 24 hours. You still have the final say.
  • Over 75% of singles Tinder surveyed discuss their dating lives with friends several times a month.

Users can invite up to 15 people to view profiles of potential matches on the dating app. Matchmakers don't need Tinder profiles of their own. They'll have 24 hours to weigh in, but they won't be able to message anyone on the user's behalf. A profile will be flagged as a recommendation if a matchmaker liked it, but it's still ultimately up to the user whether to swipe left or right.

"Tinder Matchmaker brings your circle of trust into your dating journey and helps you see the possibilities you might be overlooking from the perspective of those closest to you," said Melissa Hobley, Tinder's chief marketing officer, in the press release Monday.


Who wants to help me find love? :marseyshy: JK I don't need help :soycry::


It depends. Where do you live, how much do you sweat, and - important - how much stress you are under...I live in a cool climate, and every 2-3 days is usually fine.


Hot water is my favorite modern luxury. I'd shower if it wasn't such a poor environmental choice.


Even if you do step into the shower everyday, there's a good chance you're using too much soap :marseywords: :marseywords: :marseywords:




GNOME hires a "Professional Shaman" as new executive director. :marseywitch2: :marseyfeet:
Reported by:

StackOverflow is bleeding money and for some reason has over 500 employees, a big number for a Q&A forum with an interface that's barely changed in a decade.

AI has cut into their profits so they're attempting to integrate it into their own search (ask a bot a question and get an answer). Sadly this hasn't helped much and so they've just fired 28% of their staff, only a few months after firing 10%.

Included in the layoffs are community managers (aka paid jannies), who are surely happy to be freed from what must be the worst job in the world (interacting with the insufferable unpaid jannies who hate every decision that their overlords make).

The announcement of the firings is on -197, let's see what the unpaid jannies think:

"The community isn't going anywhere." Well, they might go somewhere else if you keep firing all their beloved community managers and other Q&A teams... everyone left on the Community team now has, what, 3 years of experience with this community or less?

Oh no how can anyone be expected to moderate a Q&A forum with less than 3 years experience?

My favourite SO user Zoe is on strike (before you ask, yes they are) has a lot to say even though they're still meant to be on strike:

why, over the past two firings (and previous rounds), have you eliminated the CMs and other employees who were among the largest advocates for the community and who, in some of the worse periods, were the only communication channel with the company?


All these CMs do is get shit on by people like Zoe, arguing over pointless metadrama that doesn't impact any of the site's actual users in any way.

Someone thinks the world is ending:

It's worth considering that the biggest project that's set back is trust. Trust built over years - lost, points of contact we were familiar with no longer exist.

The practical effects are very much loss, sorrow and frankly a loss in confidence

From our vantage point, things look bleak. Really bleak. This dystopian view is not just a view, it's how we are living this relationship with SO. And this is very real, it's not simply a fleeting moment.


What will become of the development projects that Catija and other devs were involved in? There were some initiatives (such as mod tooling) she was acting as liaison on in the SO mod room.

How can I do it for free without cowtools?

Stack Overflow became what it is today because it was able to attract top-tier talent across all areas, both as employees and as volunteer content creators on the site. Top talent is choosy about where they work, and will choose to work where they feel respected and working on things they love. I hope that the company treated all laid off employees with the respect and compassion they deserve, and this is one important measure of that.

lol "top-tier" unpaid jannies, sure sure.

Meanwhile millions of people are Googling "how to sort list python" every day and copying the top answer from SO, unaffected by all of this meta-nonsense.

I hate SO jannies so so much, I can't believe SO hasn't realised that it would be easier to get rid of them and hire a small number of paid jannies. The site moderates itself with flags + downmarseys, unpaid jannies are irrelevant.

Explain yourselves javascriptcels
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