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FOSS project

IPFS & dApp Support

Optional Tor tabs (leak fixed)

Extremely fast

Regularly incorporates patches from UG Chromium

Built-in Ad-blocker partly based on uBO, frequently updated

Regarded as a top tier, secure, privacy browser by credentialed academic researchers

Optional lightweight torrent client for inspecting a torrent before passing it off to your actual client

Best in class protection against fingerprinting via contextually driven randomization algorithms

All the extension and DRM'd media playback support of Chromium

Sync works independently of Google and utilizes blockchain technology

No telemetry by default (even with Rewards on)

Completely optional (opt-in) Rewards program for people who want to get thrown some change for receiving unobtrusive plaintext notification ads via an anonymized recommendation ledger, which is far better than the dominant web-advertising model

The rewards come in the form of BAT, a desirable utility token which can be traded on every major crypto exchange

TLDR: If you need a Chromium/Blink-based browser, Brave is far and away the best option. Hands down.


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rcollapse thread

worldnews thread

Americhads stay winning!

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Remember that poll I did a month ago about Operating System use? Well, here are the results:

  • Unsurprisingly, Windows is the most popular OS here. This correlates with Windows being the most popular desktop OS Worldwide!

  • Linux is surpringly the second most popular OS here.

  • Now here's my shock! There are less MacOS and iOS users here than I thought. For a site that tends to mock the poors, that is a substantally low amount of users that use Apple products.

  • Same with there being more Android users than iOS users, which correlates with the current marketshare data. Again, for a site that tends to mock the poors, you'd think there would be more iOS than Android users, but it's the opposite.

  • ChromeOS is unsurprisingly unpopular here. Who would use that POS?

  • For the people that selected other (@MegaloDonGER, @SlackerNews, @Maximus, and @onitsuka), what obscure operating system do you use? Do you use it personally or in a work environment?

  • Nobody's neurodivergent enough for even rdrama to use FreeBSD.

  • Last but not least, Terry Davis's legacy continues to live on as TempleOS is used by 8.5% of rdrama users (MORE THAN MACOS!!!).


We need a Marsey Kitchen :marseysad:

Orange site:


I've posted too many anti-crypto articles, time for a pro-crypto article.

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rtechnology discussion


Russoids take another :marseyl:

Arduboy - An Arduino-based credit card-sized console.
:gigachadglow::gigachadglow: The era of cryptography is over, chud (maybe)

However, this method requires a specific finite obstruction set to work, and the theorem does not provide one. The theorem proves that such a finite obstruction set exists, and therefore the problem is polynomial because of the above algorithm. However, the algorithm can be used in practice only if such a finite obstruction set is provided. As a result, the theorem proves that the problem can be solved in polynomial time, but does not provide a concrete polynomial-time algorithm for solving it. Such proofs of polynomiality are non-constructive: they prove polynomiality of problems without providing an explicit polynomial-time algorithm.[14] In many specific cases, checking whether a graph is in a given minor-closed family can be done more efficiently: for example, checking whether a graph is planar can be done in linear time.


A 256 _byte_ intro for TIC-80. :taymindblown:

Even after my ears are bleeding, i just CANT stop listening to goreshit !!! @lain


Like Brave but a VPN

looking for :gigachad:s c++ book

What's a senior programmer approved book with practices so good that Torvalds would be envious?

for reference, I am a beginner. I have done semi-intermediate projects like a web server from scratch and an autocompletion tool using duckduckgos api and ncurses, I know newb things like classes, structs and datatypes, but I struggle with more advanced concepts such as: rvalues and lvalues, bitwise operators, enums, dynamic memory allocation and advanced compiler options. I have also tried making a dynamically linked library and failed miserably, and I am sure there is a lot I don't even know about yet.

If possible, it should work on Linux with either gcc or llvm clang


Background: Dalle2 "improved" the diversity of their prompts by silently adding diversity keywords

tldr: it's the diversity stuff. Switch "cowboy" to "cowgirl", which would disable the diversity stuff because it's now explicitly asking for a 'girl', and OP's prompt works perfectly.

And turns out that, like here, if we mess around with trying to trigger or disable the diversity stuff, we can get out fine samples; the trigger word appears to be... 'basketball'! If 'basketball' is in the prompt and no identity-related keywords like 'black' are, then the full diversity filter will be applied and will destroy the results. I have no idea why 'basketball' would be a key term here, but perhaps basketball's just so strongly associated with African-Americans that it got included somehow, such as a CLIP embedding distance?

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BBBB hole fundraiser:marseysnappyautism::marseymerchant:

Sup nerds, this will be my last bbbb post today, I SWEAR. However, I need coinz to open a bbbb hole. There are two reasons:

  1. We need a place to share bbbb-related content, like highlights, lowlights, discussion, etc

  2. I don't want to spam the rest of the site, there are a lot of bbbb posts people are making, which I love, but I don't want people to get annoyed and ask :marseywheredrama:


Link to the study so I don't hypocritically break the rules

Am I an r-slur or is there no way to stop apps from starting with bluetooth on android?

I've spent the last 2 days trying to figure out how to stop ultrasonic and vlc from starting every time I turn Bluetooth on, but I can find literally nothing on how to do it.

I know they set up a broadcast receiver, what I don't know is how to remove it or make it ignore it.

Googled it, got nothing but app shit from stackoverflow and AI generated bullshit blog spam neither of which helped.

Surely there is a god damned way to stop this right? Surely android isn't so broken any app can start autostart when it feels like?

Tried running pm disable org.moire.ultrasonic/.receiver.BluetoothIntentReceiver from a root adb shell and while said it was disabled the app still auto starts with bluetooth



Disclaimer: I do not condone unethical hacking.

orange site discussion


I saw this guy at Walmart once

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