I have been feeling the siren call of Linux recently, convince me **not** to switch from Windows

I usually don't game on this laptop, and even when I do, it seems like the games I am interested in are available on there. The only thing I can think of is that I have multiple tabs open in my browser that I plan to one day read. I would lose them if I did it.


only linux :marseypenguin: neighbors can relate

im able to do 99.99% of what i need/want to do but is fricking there :marseycheerup: ever like 1 specific thing u need to do but it just doesn't work on linux, b-word? then u google :marseygetgle: the fricking problem n its a fricking guy from 2009 who never :marseyitsover: got an answer :marseyconfuseddead: or updated the fricking post, b-word? then stack overflow tells u to move to canada :marseyeh: n seek maid n reddit :marseybestfriends: neighbors get their answers from other reddit :marseymagarentfree: posts so u end up just giving up, b-word?


Stomp sexy Indian dude skulls with steel toed boots.




Alright so I have a cheap laptop that I loaded debian / plasma onto.

Keyboard cover is wonky and sometimes when I hold left or right arrow it self-inserts a '4', which is fixed with turning off the num pad.

So any time I switch to another window, any time I try to upload something and the popup comes up for me to select a file, the left or up arrow is automatically pressed. Right now it's doing it with the up arrow.

You'd think "you just said your keyboard is messed up why is this shocking" well to that I say here's the weird part.

It doesn't happen randomly, it happens specifically when I change to another window, or a window is popped up like when saving or uploading a file. As soon as I press any arrow key it stops.

For example I'm on my browser now.. if I click to groomercord it will try to edit my last message (up arrow is held), and will keep scrolling up unless I press a random arrow key. When I click back to the browser where I'm writing this post, it begins to scroll up (up arrow held) and again I have to press a random arrow key to stop it.

WTF is going on? Why is me clicking another window triggering an arrow key?!!?! It won't ever happen randomly either. It will never do it again until the window is changed.

To add a weird cherry on top, if I click my terminal (Konsole) it won't scroll up my command history. It won't trigger this weird shit, but as soon as I click to another window it'll trigger the up arrow. First half of today was the left arrow, abot an hr ago it started doing the up arrow.

Pls help solve.

Linux compared to BSD :marseygroomerfreebsd:. BSD neckbeards unable to refrain from posting :marseylongpost: (237 comments).

what do u guys use for web hosting

hi, im learning some html in class right now, but it's all just .html files on my computer, how do i add it to the web? preferably for free, also i dont want it to be slow

Years later :marseywave2: 4090s continue to melt
CandyCall - Send AI Prank :marseyjumpscare: Calls

I use Bluebubbles to sync my texts between all my Android devices and my iPhone. Uses my Mac server as a imessage forwarding relay. I have 6 phone numbers and keep the main number in the iPhone, call forward to my primary Galaxy Fold 5.

My main girlfriend turns 21 Tuesday. I'm taking leave from work for it, but sleeping in before taking her out. She sent me a text for my birthday at like 1am saying she wanted to be the first to tell me happy birthday.

I go to bed early, not staying up to send a text. Just scheduled that shit to send from my server. Automating thoughtful gestures, lmao.



Kind of an neurodivergent rant so feel free to ignore, but I really hate the cute twinks on /g/ and here on rdrama that plaster the language of God onto their jap paraphilia.

Exhibit A (see the attached picture). An anime girl holding the Ritchie Kernigan C book. This is a beginner-tier book that describes how if statements and for loops work. At the time, it was ground-breaking because programming was so much more primitive. Nowadays, it's completely unimpressive. Not only is it very basic, but it is flat out wrong in some places, since most people use C99 or C11, not Ansi C nowadays.

So what would be a good C book to photoshop onto all our favorite cartoons for undersocialized men? There isn't one. Even something "official" like the ISO C99 or C11 standard diverges from reality significantly. Books like "modern C" are written by hucksters who write C at the level of an undergraduate who just finished their first C programming course. The way to tell if someone is a serious C programmer or not is if they use libc stuff like malloc or not. If they do, it means they don't really care about the underlying hardware and operating system primitives. Ironically, the x86_64 reference manual Volume 1 is probably a better source for learning how to write good C code than any C book that currently exists.

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