
foid with a boyfriend tho so not real autism

orange den of neurodivergents discuss:

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:marseywomanmoment: + :marseywomanmoment2: at NYU. High IQ :marseyfoidretard: protestors leading the charge! :marseyflamewar: [FIXED AUDIO :marseybane:]

:marseycia: @Dramamine @BWC PING RELEVANT GROUPS !grillers :marseybane:

So basically someone told her to protest so she did, like an obedient :tradwife:


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Why are women incapable of sympathizing with men?

I know 90% of people irrespective of gender are losers.

However, it feels like women are completely incapable of sympathizing with even the remaining 10% of men, and where they do sympathize, they excuse behaviors in the 10% that they consider unacceptable social evils in all other men? Why do women do this? Why do they discourage the same behaviors in 90% of men that they accept and celebrate in the remaining 10%?

Somebody explain as if You are talking to an neurodivergent who only thinks in black and white literal statements.



A drunk businesswoman who glassed a pub drinker after he wrongly guessed her age has been spared jail after a female judge said 'one person's banter may be insulting to others'.

Mother-of-one Joanne Dodd, 39, flew into a rage and attacked Carl Cooper after he suggested she was 43 in the beer garden of the Unicorn pub in Manchester city centre on September 9 last year.

Mr Cooper fled to the potty in a bid to get away from the heated situation, but when he came out Dodd ran towards him and twice shoved her wine glass in his face.

He was left with a four inch laceration to his face, narrowly missing his eye, and an injury to his thumb.

When quizzed Dodd, who runs a firm which organises children's sleepover parties, said she was suffering from 'low self esteem' at the time and said the banter was 'disobliging' towards her. :marseyxd:




Posting this from my throwaway account. I've been working in health equity for almost 15 years. I have worked with many kind-hearted white women who have the heart to address health inequities, but I think it's time we start addressing the issue.

Most of these White women (over 80% of them) in health equity are from middle-class. They think that they know all the answers to marginalized communities. They don't understand the needs from BIPOC. Yet, they are leading projects that impact us.

Why can't public health at least place poor White women to lead these projects?


Stolen from







Foid nonsense is not being tolerated and it warms my heart :marseyheart:



tl;dr: Apparently there's an "auditor" (thot audit?) trend on TikTok that involves filming young women out partying and foids don't like it because now everyone knows they're sluts.

!zoomers you're so based, keep it up

Daily Mail article about an account which sadly got banned or deleted, I can't find the one(s) they're complaining about now.

Edit: Here's something similar on YouTube but it's filmed by a foid so it's ok

Warning: contains British women


I said this for a long time. He's an Ahole but not a p-do. It seems like there is a witch hunt to lump him in that group and has been for a while. It's really sick what people do with the media tool

Yeah the dan schneider stuff was pretty mid. He's a misogynist with a high schooler sense of humor. Thinks it's hilarious to get subtle adult shit past censors (which isn't uncommon for kids shows, see Shrek). Toxic boss. Violated labor laws. None of this was new.

But definitely not a p-dophile. Seems like he got lumped in with the other two

I'm not going to deny Alexa Nikolas' experience but she's a bit of a grifter if you take one look at her channel.

Christy Carlson Romano had the best description for "Quiet on Set" she called it "Trauma tourism, these are people who are not part of the community, they add nothing to the community, they just want to gawk and exploit it."

This is a little off topic, but since we're talking about manipulative editing, I found it pretty off putting how during the Brian Peck episode, they kept dramatically cutting to pictures of him, almost like a jump scare. Especially because they acted like they were candid photos when a LOT of them were in character as (gag) Pickle Boy, who's whole shtick was being creepy

A character that he was voluntarily agreeing to play - he didn't have to do a bit part, and he was connected enough to say “no” to anything. And people like this who think they're too powerful to get caught, they love to “confess” through comedy, the innuendo was part of the appeal to him.

Its important to note that Alexa Nikolas was a disgruntled employee.

She was fired for feuding with Jamie Lynn on set. Of course her experience was toxic- she was fired.

Just watching her YouTube channel, she seems very unhinged & would likely accuse anyone of anything based on how you look at her.

She even went after lovable Matt Bennett for being a DJ using Nickelodeon songs.

"Disgruntled employee" bro she was a 13 year old girl

Yeah they also painted convicted felons as sympathetic victims, all while there's evidence this man is actively grooming a minor. Pathetic.

"Yeah they also painted convicted felons as sympathetic victims"

I mean, Reddit and X do this on a daily basis.




My backyard borders the state gamelands, I've had bears in my yard. I've seen them as close as my front door and they are usually minding their own business, and run away if you are loud enough. I needed a protection order to get my ex away from me. So, I'll take the bear.

I realized I'm not very informed about bears, so I hopped to Google to see how often they attack humans:

Although rare, attacks on humans have occurred, inflicting serious injuries and death. Each bear and each experience is unique; there is no single strategy that will work in all situations and that guarantees safety. Most bear encounters end without injury.

And then I realized we can rewrite it like:

Although rare, attacks on women have occurred, inflicting serious injuries and death. Each man and each experience is unique; there is no single strategy that will work in all situations and that guarantees safety. Most encounters with a man end without injury.

But I guess I'd rather be in the forest with a man, just because it's a more familiar terrifying situation.

If I die by bear, it wasn't personal. It was an animal doing animal things for animal reasons.

If I die by man, it was most certainly personal. It was a person making a choice to hurt me for cruel reasons.

I'd sooner take my chances with a bear.

I shoot astrophotography so I'm sometimes out all night alone in remote areas. I keep bear spray and a knife on me during those trips and it's definitely NOT the bears that I'm worried about.

I dunno. I live pretty rural and I assume there is some sort of predator nearby when I go hiking. Out of the two if I saw a wild animal predator like a cat or bear (ignoring the standard rule that if you were being stalked you wouldn't see it until the initial charge/attack) I think I'd feel semi secure just backtracking to my vehicle as long as I'm armed.

If I saw a man coming and he gave me predator vibes I'm not sure. I've read stories of women even with like a Doberman being overpowered if the man is armed because he's proactive with his weapon. The timing of “is he coming for me or just walking past me” can be the difference of life or death even with a protection dog. He could even disarm me if he came at me with that as a priority and caught me off guard instantly. I think a bear wouldn't reach for my gun and hopefully I've responded by the time it got that close.

So I'm leaning to preferring walking across a predator like a cat or bear then having to deal with that rather than an unexpected man in the woods.

I'd take a black bear over a strange man for sure. Grizzly bears are scarier, but then again, a lot of men are scary and wily. I think once you get away from the grizzly it wouldn't bear a grudge and come back for you, but as we all know, unfortunately men will. For polar bears, maybe I'd choose the man.

Bears are not smart enough to carry a gun or machete

Bears are not smart enough to anticipate a face full of capsicum

Bears are scared of loud horns

On the flipside I am instinctively scared of bears and I would automatically go into panic mode if I saw one anywhere close to where I was and if it had noticed my presence. I would probably end up spraying it in the face with hot pepper.

I don't know who the man is, what he's capable of and what weapons he's carrying. The man could be anyone and since at least 40% of men have admitted that they would rape a woman if they could get away with it. Around 20% would commit violent rape. I'm plus sized and 35% of men are attracted to a chubby-fat woman, 12% prefer obese women. That gives me around perhaps 5-10% odds that I could be with a potential attacker. Just under 90% of people arrested for robbery are male (that doesn't even account for the fact that a lot of women are accomplices for a man). If I have my phone with me, which is a rather nice phone, how do I know that said man won't steal it from me? Plus all the cash and debit cards I could be carrying.

Not to mention all the other things that exist in the woods during summer, hornets, wasps, mosquitoes, gadflies, wild pigs, stags, snakes, spiders. I also have an unstable knee and ankles and I am physically unable to run and I can't walk very well on uneven surfaces. I think I would rather stay out of the woods.

Bear. Where I live, we only get black bears. They are not that large, and they tend to shy away from humans. Also any decent hiker knows basic black bear behaviour and can act accordingly when they encounter one.

Some random dude in the woods? Nah. I hike alone every once in a while, and I automatically go into hyper vigilant potential defense mode if I encounter a man in the woods. They are not predictable, and they could potentially try to do me harm for no reason. I'll take the bears.

A bear! Hands down!


A bear isn't going to rape me, trap me, or torture me. If a bear means me harm it's gonna slaughter me quick. How do I know this? Well it will either eat me cuz it's hungry or end what it thought was a threat. Either way it's going for an efficient kill. Men on the other hand might have other intentions and motives

Also, my experience has been, bears are just as afraid of me as I am of them. Men on the other hand, they aren't afraid of a tiny petite woman like me. They know if they use force, weight, strength, etc that they'll win unless I have a weapon to defend myself with

Nothing will change my mind on this subject



Erika Vieira Nunes wheeled a dead 68-year-old man into a bank where she told staff he wished to take out a loan worth £2,600.

Erika Vieira Nunes wheeled the corpse into the bank in a suburb of Rio de Janeiro and told an employee that the man wanted a loan for 17,000 reais (£2,600), security camera video showed.

She then held a pen to the man saying: "Uncle, are you listening? You need to sign," according to the footage.

"He doesn't say anything, that's just how he is," she said, adding: "If you're not okay, I'm going to take you to the hospital."

Bank staff soon became suspicious as the man's head kept falling back so they called the police who arrested Nunes.

She was charged with vilification of a corpse and attempted theft through fraud, according to the Rio newspaper O Dia.

"She knew he was dead… he had been dead for at least two hours," Fabio Luiz Souza, an investigating officer told the breakfast news programme, Bom Dia Rio, on Wednesday.


so, this is a cry for help from me to be honest, because i have no female role models or women older than me to confide in and get advice.

recently, these past few days, i've been going down the rabbithole of how harmful porn, but most importantly "mainstream" porn is (the stuff that is on the front page of pornhub when you don't have an account with a curated feed), which is becoming more and more extreme, misogynistic, a power fantasy and in a survey, it was determined that up to 45% of porn videos contain acts of violence against women.

i've also read a very worrying article about how choking is becoming "vanilla" now, and an act that isn't even discussed beforehand (a huge surge of men in college just choke their partners without consent because of how normalised it is). and i have seen various ways being "vanilla" is used as a way to insult and shame women.

i have a pretty nuanced point of view, by which i mean that porn and porn production that actively abuses, r*pes, manipulates, drugs and exploits women is not in the same boat as women drawing manga for women and selling them, and professional voice actors selling audio CDs. i'm posting here, because i don't want a debate right now, i want a way to cope.

back to my point: i am an 18 year old girl, and part of one of the first generations to grow up with what i'll call "as soon as you hit 13, almost everyone has seen porn". the first time i saw porn, was when i was 11, and googled it because we were warned about it in s*x ed. i didn't really become a girl that watches a lot of porn, but i'd seen it, and masturbated to it before. i'd started masturbating when i was 8.

later, when i became a fan of BTS, i started reading wattpad fanfiction. and watching what was called "21+ imagines" on youtube. after a while, i realised that i didn't really like them as much as i thought, because the popularised daddy/babygirl, male dominance, "punishment" stuff was not my cup of tea. it's through yaoi and BL manga, that i was truly able to discover what sexually aroused me, and what didn't, due to the simple absence of a woman to objectify. now you might call me an evil fetishizer for reading yaoi and BL, but again, please, i'm not looking for a debate, but for possibly advice and help for my feelings. i also discovered otome content a year later.

a few years ago, i started watching irl porn from time to time, which was mostly solo male stuff because couple's porn disgusted me, and turned me off immediately, because of the clearly male gazey shots. but most importantly: the violence, degradation, spitting, slapping women's vulva, and those horrid titles implying incest, barely legal, forced, and all those degrading ways to describe women's reproductive systems, and women themselves. because i only watch solo male videos, my feed is only male focused, when i do open up pornhub. but i always saw the "popular in your region" underneath my feed, where i saw all these horrifying things, whether i wanted it or not.

my brother and father make porny jokes around me all the time, and it honestly makes me uncomfortable to hear "haha put your spermidium in this sauce for some extra protein and rejuvenation" every second sentence. my father was always what i call "too open" about s*x with his children. he is determined of not making it a taboo, but he went too far. i know he likes anally fricking women, that he bought a sounding device for himself, that he downloads porn, caught him masturbating thrice, etc.

now i've watched "beyond fantasy", a documentary about porn. and yesterday, i cried when finishing episode 3. maybe i feel even more pain because of my own history with (non-sexual) child abuse, but still. no matter how you look at it, it's horrible.

and i know for a fact, all men my age watch porn. almost all of them. enough of them, that making porny jokes infront of your own daughter is okay. enough, that porn has become this normal thing that every man and teen uses. and porn isn't what it used to be.

i read a comment from someone that used to be in the porn industry back in the day, and she said something along the lines of "back then, anal was the most non-normal thing in porn, the most extreme. today it's become this mandatory part of porn".

i can't get what i saw in this documentary out of my head. it's like the ceiling came crashing down on me. will this be the reality of dating? will i be called a prude for disliking mainstream porn? will i have to sift through endless amounts of men that watch extreme porn, to find someone to love me? will porn continue to literally detroy women's bodies, and drive them to suicide?

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