
Note: This is foid is not a leftoid, she's an anarchocapitalistoid. This does not stop moids from responding as if she's ridin' with Biden.

Patriarchy is a protection racket

!biofoids You have to be subservient to us or those other moids will hurt you. They're not in on it, I swear :marseyangel3:


She knows :malefeminist:

Approximately 500 pictures of that one guy

I'm not posting them all, make a Twitter account if you like him that much


He said to me, “she's beautiful. She's quiet, she's simple, she's not annoying. She doesn't nag me. She doesn't argue, she's not combative. She's not fat and she's not lazy. She's fun, she's spontaneous. I forget about my troubles when I'm around her. She makes my life easier oppose to complicating it like you. She's just everything that you're not anymore but you use to be. She's a younger version of you. She reminded me of you 15 years ago”

Proving yet again if a woman is having marriage problems it's because she either doesn't put out, got fat, or is a nagging b-word. In this case all three.


I was inspired to dig around for some delicious downmarsey trauma from @JimieWhales comment since I hadn't in a while and found a day old downmarsey trauma thread in my favorite girlboss sub, /r/CPTSD :marseyembrace:

I know I'm asking for downmarseys for this one, so this time I'm prepared lol.

Like you just poured your entire list of traumas and coping mechanisms into one post, you allow your heart to just let everything out, raw and uncensored, entirely of how you feel. You're sad, you needed to let it out, so you did. You're in a weak place right now.

You upload it, and the first reaction you get is that you're indirectly told that it's stupid or doesn't matter so people hit the dislike button. At least, to me, that's how it feels. Which is fair, not everyone on Earth is going to approve of me as a person or who I am or what I do. There are plenty of people on this planet who hate me. But honestly it just re-enables the notion that my trauma really is my fault, that I am a bad person, and sometimes I don't know wether it's a safe place to ramble or not if someone was so quick to say my issues were invalid in a sub that was literally created exactly for what the subject matter was about.

This is honestly though, with everything I ever post or upload. One Downmarsey, I delete it. One dislike on a YouTube video, I delete it. I don't know why I'm so sensitive, but one singular hint of someone disapproving my issues or me really expressing myself just sours my mood and I just go silent. My brain makes a big deal out of the most trivial things, even down to some stranger across the country who doesn't even know me judging who I am or what I say. Is this a trauma thing? Does anyone else deal with this? Why?? Why am I so darn sensitive to every little thing?


I think some of it is just trolling. When I sort by new there's been a few times that I've seen several posts in a row that have been downmarseyd to zero, like someone has just worked their way down the list and hit the down arrow.

Oh wow, that's such a piece of shit thing for someone to do on a sub like this...


Most of the time I post it and then immediately delete it because maybe someone will argue with me.


Years ago, I deleted my whole account for a downmarsey on a sensitive reply I made. And yes, definitely a trauma thing for me. Perfectionism can be brutal.


Upvoting to counter all the downmarseys :) are you familiar with Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria?


time to add a new thing to the CTPSD/CFS/POTS/fibromyalgia/chronic lyme/long covid list

Decided to dig deeper into seeing who you're causing downmarsey trauma to when you're irresponsible with your heckin' downdoots.

Claims her dad is a narcissist for wanting to spend time with her. Mentions autism, anxiety, depression

Calls her mom a narcissist for not having enough money to pay a vet bill for a marsey with a broken leg

“If I had the number of chromosomes of how many times my posts have been automatically removed, I'd be an neurodivergent..”

Calls her mom a narcissist for refusing to play taxi for therapist appointment

“Is It Normal To "Seek Attention" So To Speak, Due To C-PTSD?”


Another example of her dad being a narcissist and giving her CPTSD for telling her about Santa Claus

How Do I Know If I'm Actually Having Depressive Thoughts Or If I'm Just Being An Attention Whore? (self.CPTSD)


Upset that her narcissistic parents aren't accepting of her art

“Does Anybody Have a Food Disorder or Eating Problem Due To Your Trauma?”

“Some random person on the street today shouted "FAT B-WORD" at me from the back seat of their car today.”



I'm a 34 y/o woman. Struggling with dating apps and dating in general. I'm trying to put the work in to meet men outside. I am just struggling trying to figure out where y'all are? I've been to HEB, Central Market and Whole Foods, no luck. Tried going out alone to restaurants a couple times and sat at the bar with no luck. Are there certain areas y'all professional men like to hang after work? I'm usually at the gym lol

Following bc I'm curious too. 30F and I go out enough to public spots but too chicken I guess to actually talk to someone. Gym had some cute bro dudes but I'd never approach. I've been approached at HEB on wash ave a couple times, maybe that's the new move? Perhaps pickleball spots?

Wishing you all the best. Same, I go out a lot alone actually. I have heard that women sometimes unknowingly are not open to men approaching them. So I'm gonna try to make an effort to make eye contact and smile more. I go to the HEB in montrose. I'm a resident and figured I'd run into more like minded men there? Idk. Pickleball does sound like a great place!

:marseyfoidretard: :marseywomanmoment2:
:marseyl: Slam pigs :marseychonkerfoid: of Reddit, how did it feel being a side piece? :marseyl:

This bait is :marseychefkiss:, just read the thread yourselves.

Best subthread: misandry does real


Good morning!

Research shows women build cardio and endurance faster than men. Strength gain is basically the same but cardio much faster. RELATIVE muscle gain is the same with the same workout. Women's bodies use oxygen more efficiently and supply it to the muscles better than men. The only advantage men have is starting mass and starting strength.

Oh, is that all? :marseysurejan:

I was asked the "can you handle the work" question when I was 18 and was in amazing condition. I spent my high school years in the gym from 5 pm to 10 pm 5 days a week. They still asked me the question. The body builder question might be sexism, but if it's blocks that are like 120 lbs, it's fair to ask that of a woman who might weigh less than 100.

:soycry: Noooo you can't use your personal experience to suggest this isn't sexism!

I used to work for a small company that did a lot of this type of work, and they've turned plenty of men away for being too scrawny. They didn't want anybody that looked like they couldn't press their body weight.

:soycry: Noooo you can't use your personal experience to suggest this isn't sexism!

If youve never worked any landscaping or similar type job, its about 10 times harder than you would imagine. My line of work sometimes required some minor excavation, and I just hire day laborers for that. A solid 30 seconds with a shovel and i want to die

:soycry: Noooo you can't use your personal experience to suggest this isn't sexism!

He probably skimmed the email, said “eh whatever.” And called some other applicant lol.

Or maybe he read it all and cried.





:#marseysow::#marseyfoidretard: :#marseyreapcrying:

"So anyway, I started zapping"

it's been 50 years since we got the right to open our own open bank accounts & credit cards.

in 2024,

  • we pay 30% more in overdraft fees

women overdraft their account more often, and this is mens fault :marseywomanmoment2:

  • the wage gap exists after adjusting for hours worked, occupation, education, & industry

no source, so I found this

  • everyday goods & services cost us more 42% of the time

women choose to buy more ex0ensive stuff than men, again this is mens fault

i don't think society ever wanted women to have money.

we now outnumber men in the college-educated workforce, yet we still have a whole host of financial issues to grapple with. clearly the system was designed to leave us out and powerful forces are involved in keeping the status quo as it is.

womxn have more access to education and thats bad too

with the rise of the tradwife/stay at home girlfriend trends, "lobotomy core," and "i'm not a feminist" becoming a trend on TikTok, it's clear that people still (at least subconsciously) don't want women to be financially independent.

womxn dont want to be :marseywitch2: and the west has fallen

also womxn:

Women long held primary purchasing responsibility for everyday household items, but today, they control or influence 85% of consumer spending.

:bite: :marseypussyhat: :marseyaaatremble:
None (this foid cut off the start of the video lol I hate women)


The "journ*list" who wrote this


This is a sequel to my post from yesterday about an entirely different thread that poses the same question

DAE find it odd how they just can't even?


When you turn 35, you become invisible to most men. It's actually kind of awesome because the sexual harassment stops, too. Ignore men like that, they won't be in your life for the long term anyway.

There's always a :marseywall: comment everytime


Woman gets upset about not being noticed, gets upset about being noticed later on after putting in effort to be noticed.

OP responds to quite a few of the most downmarseyd comments. Many comments have been jannied.


Kinda want to get this off my chest, but… Went to this house party I was invited to, it was a small gathering and I'm the new friend in an established group of friends.

I turned up with my wavy hair all tussled because I didn't have time to blow dry it properly, so car blow dried it, no makeup… Besides maybe mascara… Everyone was quite nice, and introducing one another.

There was this one guy though, in particular who doesn't have the best reputation, completely dodging me all night, not even asking my name, or introducing himself. Basically in a, “I'm to good to talk to you” particular way. Now I shouldn't care what he thinks, because of his poor reputation … Context: (“Tik Tok'er”) that has young girls thirsting over him, million likes, etc, brags about the women he pulls… Even though he's 25, dating a 19 year old…

But it immediately just flashed me back in High School, where guys would treat you awfully, or wouldn't even acknowledge your existence unless you were attracted to them.

Today we all went again (another small gathering party), and he was there again. This time I actually had my makeup done, my hair blow dried, and a cute casual outfit.

Immediately that's when he decides to come and approach me, asking what was my name, etc, and acknowledging my existence.

I don't know if anyone else has experienced behaviour like this, but it's quite vile, and honestly sad.


Reminder: This is a subreddit for women. "Not all men" and "Women do it too" posts from men are not ok.


Treat him the same way he treated you the first meeting and just brush him off and ignore him.

I do! I avoid him all the time. I feel so sorry for his young girlfriend. Such a sweet girl, with a horrible dude. (OP)


Or maybe the guy was just playing the aloof, hard to get type. Or maybe he just shy. Or maybe we all use eachother when we want something from eachother.

I'm sure you treat guys you're not interested in just like that guy treated you, we all do it. We'll probably have a handful of relationships in our lives where the person we're attracted to feels similarly towards us and that feeling lasts enough for us to turn a blind eye to their shortcomings enough to build something together.

We simply don't have the time or energy to invest in every person we meet, unless you're the extrovert, social butterfly type, in which case your attention is not the type romantically interested people actually want. [jannied]

It never ceases to amaze me how many men will come in here and give excuses for other men acting like trash, and the second we return the favour we're actually the aggressors, actually actually

Don't force your "turn the other cheek" nonsense on us. Go lecture the butthole. And kindly buzz off until you understand the meaning of "double standard"


I just have to put it into perspective, cause I find the phrasing troublesome.

You go to a party, "everyone was quite nice", one guy ignores you = men are vile.

Incel perspective: I go to a party, everyone is quite nice, one girl whom I find attractive ignores me = women are vile. [jannied]

It's not just that he wasn't very welcoming or nice.. it's that he treated her differently (seemingly) depending on how cute she looked. If he always ignored her then I doubt this post would even exist.

The problem is that you make just as many general and broad claims across the board as any misogynist who has also had many individual, bad experiences with women. None of it equates to the majority of the population of the opposite s*x being that way. It is dishonest at best, and alienating at worst and will only help create a bigger divide than there already is. Your phrasing was literally that "everyone was being nice." But that one guy was a jackass and now men are vile. You single out the one bad experience, amongst all the rest and highlight it as the overarching experience you had, while in reality your experience was vastly more positive than negative.

Now, we are all victims of this, and we all hyper focus on the negatives over the positives in our lives. Streamers are an excellent example of this, 95% of the comments in the chat are positive and praising. One chatter says something stupid, the streamer will typically single out that individual, pull them out and make some sweeping general statement about how horrible people online are. I can relate to this in my life, on so many levels, because if there's one that's already way more critical about myself than anyone else, it's me. I have had to learn to take a step back to look at the bigger picture and put these individual instances into perspective, as to not drive myself mad. What is my overall experience with people? Is it truly majority negative, or is the negative experience just the one that I put the most focus on? [jannied]

The gaslighting and victim blaming is hilarious in this. My post has nothing to do with “incel” garbage. I'm not trying to hookup with anyone, etc.

I am disgusted by the mere fact that I am not treated like a human, but dog waste on someone's shoe, solely because I don't look “attracted enough” for a man.

Which is a common behaviour that women have to deal with from men, in our teen years, and adult life.

I didn't look “homeless” either, I just wasn't wearing makeup, which is disgusting to be treated that way.

It's really not hard to be polite and kind. It's bare minimum.

The amount of triggered men on my post trying to take over and or make their own twisted events is alarming. (OP)


Why do u care about not getting noticed by a idiot guy? You alredy knew that he only dates young and pretty girls, so why do u have some kind of expectation on him? Just get over it.

Because people should be kind, and polite. It's bare minimum. Treating people like dog waste on their shoe, is absolutely rancid. Behaviour like this deserves to be called out, because many women go through it even in their teen years. Being disrespected by boys, or men, treated awfully because they aren't the top tier pretty girls.

It's vile behaviour, plain and simple. (OP)


This is just an incel talking point repackaged.

No. All men think this way


Do you like the guy? I feel like you like the guy.

Why are you thinking about how he in particular treats you? I think it's because you like the guy.

You see, I think it's the same in both directions: Attractive men tend to be buttholes (not all, but many) because they have many women competing for their attention, hence, they will pick and choose. And invest time only in the ones they are attracted to.

Attractive women tend to be rude and mean (not all, but many) because almost every man they meet wants to frick. So they "filter" the men they are not attracted to. And invest their time in the attractive guys that aren't creepy.

It's a normal human thing. You can't expect people to not have eyes or instincts. I doubt you are interested in talking to every single person around you all the time.

I stopped reading at your first sentence. I do not like the guy nor is he my type. I think men treating people who they deem unattractive cruelly is disgusting behaviour. (OP)


Yes this is common with men unfortunately. I agree it's vile. It's a byproduct of them not seeing women as complete/real people.

This is not a gendered thing at all. If anything it's more prevalent in the opposite case. Attractive women also treat unattractive and average men with less respect and will avoid them. Average and unattractive men on the other hand tend to treat women who are in their own league with respect while average and unattractive women seem to have less respect for and avoid men in their own league.

Both are bad. All people should be treated equal no matter their appearance. But to claim this is common with men and not women is just dishonest. It is common for both genders but more common for women.

The OP could literally be a genderswapped post from an incel sub. Like this is a very stereotypical incel complaint. They often express frustration at this exact same phenomena though usually they are complaining about women in their own league (as opposed to much more attractive in the case of OP) not treating them with the same respect they treat attractive men. [jannied]

This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. What the frick.

Incels = women only care about looks. I will never get a girlfriend (that I'm entitled to) 100% because of my looks. It has nothing to do with how I act. Women ONLY care about looks. I hate them all. Ropefuel.

OP = wow, has anyone else noticed that men ignore you when they don't find you attractive?

You are so fricking wrong, I can't even imagine how anyone could have made this insane leap. Work on your critical thinking skills - PLEASE. Think about what you're saying for more than one second.

I'm reporting your comment and I hope you get banned. These trash opinions need to stop being spewed everywhere., It's disguising. Go spew your shit to incels.

I'm sorry my statement enraged you so much that was not my intention at all. My statement was accurate. This post literally could be reposted, word for word, with only the genders swapped, and it would be a very normal post on an incel sub. I used to debate incels on purplepilldeabge and they made this identical complaint regularly. It was the thing they whines about more often than anything else.

It's understandable in both cases. Treating people with more or less respect based on their physical appearance is disgusting. No matter their gender. I genuinely do not understand why that angers you so much? No one should be treated with less respect because they are less attractive.

Please think about why my comment enraged you so much. All people deserve empathy no matter their gender. It's wrong when women are disrespected because they are deemed less attractive but it's also wrong when the same happens to men. It's sad that you guys can't empathize with eachother when dealing with the exact same experience.

Please do some introspection to see why me pointing this out pissed you off so much. You must have realized it was an accurate observation and just really wish that wasn't true. [jannied]

Lolol “my statement was very accurate”

Yeah… according to you, right?

Edit: Also, this is very mansplain-y


Weird how much you complain about the male gaze and now that you don't have it...


Please tell me you blew him off! In a very dismissive tone!

I'm too passive but I just gave him the same energy back, by avoiding him all night and not interacting with him. (OP)


I was going to say-also vile how they treat you when they find you attractive.


Match that energy, ladies. I treat all men I meet like they are beneath me.👸


Bonus threads by OP:

Have you guys ever dealt with hot and cold behaviour and then stalking you? During No Contact.

They never post the new girlfriend?


Does anybody else always feel awful seeing people live their perfect lives through social media?


I hate to say this, but a lot of men don't actually like women. They like what they can get from them. They don't want anything from “ugly” women, therefore they're worthless to them.

I really recommend the book The Tragedy of Heterosexuality by Jane Ward (I haven't read it, just heard her talk about it on a podcast). It's about how heterosexual men are, for the most part not committed to women. They are only interested in them as long as they serve their needs. They are committed to a woman but are not committed to the plight of women (plural) more generally. They like one woman, but they don't actually like women™️. The author says that in contrast, lesbian women are fully committed to women in them succeeding in every way in their lives, and if you want to have s*x with a woman you have to be committed to this woman in every capacity not just frick her, which is how it is for a lot of men.

That explains a lot, I could never understand why my DH didn't seem to care much about women's issues despite having daughters

What does DH mean?

Dear husband

They type so much butt abreviate that?! :marseypregunta:


That video is from 2019, but apparently she was pregnant "too long" and they're still debating if she faked it.




I respect people who know they will be bad parents so they don't have them.

I feel neutral about people who would be good parents but choose another lifestyle.

Probably an extremely small number of people “hate” people who want to be childless.


Fair enough. I don't want children because while I'm comfortable financially, I don't see myself having enough to give them the life they'd deserve.

I don't want children because I don't want the responsibility. I like my freedom.

I don't want children because there are so many children on the planet now who already need financial and emotional assistance.

I don't want children because the climate is worsening, the ever present threat of nuclear war is growing , the economy is worsening and I have some medical concerns I do not wish to pass on.

All of these are valid reasons and anyone who tells me I have no right to my own decisions needs to mind their own business


Well I'm seeing some haters in the comments already.


What hate? They're okay.


I've seen a lot of snide comments on here. I sometimes wonder if it's envy.


You're a Russian troll paid to create division.


For a lot of them, it's because their reasons are stupid.

"Why would I want to bring more wage slaves into this awful world"

I don't dislike those people because they don't have or want kids, I dislike those people because they just suck as people

Edit: Lol, first thing I saw after posting this


“They just suck as people”.

Maybe you'd be happier in a Muslim theocracy where women are openly treated as chattel


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