
  • Isabel Mader is bisexual, married to a man, and has two children.

  • As a new parent, she feels disconnected from her queer identity and queer social circles.

  • Mader is grieving the loss of her identity and wondering if she should come out to her children.

There is grief in parenting. With each milestone your child reaches, there is a celebration and the creeping certainty that sooner rather than later, they will not exist as you know them now. Sometimes, you miss all the previous versions of your children even as you adore the ones in front of you.

Similarly, there is the loss of the previous version of yourself as a parent. "I am a completely different person now. I will never be that way again," I remember thinking one day. I've always been a proud bisexual woman who existed in queer social groups. But I feel so far removed from that past version of myself, especially now that I've been married to a man for more than five years and have two children. I still feel the loss of my queer identity with unexpected ferocity.

Once we had children, everything changed

Everything that they tell you will change when you have children has changed --- and there are some things that they didn't mention. At the top of the list of things I did not expect was the grief of feeling completely disconnected from a large part of my identity: my queerness. I'm not quite sure how it happened, but I do have a theory.

Days at the park replaced nights at the gay bar. The school drop-off line replaced the coffee shop. I am no longer taking smoke breaks in alleys with the same people I go to Pride with, intensely arguing about the merits of whatever media we consumed that week, projects we're working on, or who we're sleeping with (and why it's justified). Instead, I am on the playground, being asked by other suburban moms, "And what does your husband do for work?"

Even other queer people assume I'm straight, especially when I'm with my children. On a rare night away from them at an event this summer, I was approached by people who rightfully noticed my queerness. It's the presence of children that seems to determine whether or not I am visibly queer.

But I'm far from alone in this. A recent study by the Williams Institute of UCLA found that nearly a quarter of lesbian, bisexual, and queer women ages 18 to 59 are parents. Of those parents, they were more likely to be bisexual, in a relationship with a man, and nonurban. I tick all those boxes. But I feel isolated from that community, especially since I no longer have the social validation of being assumed queer.

I know being a member of the alphabet mafia is about much more than your sexual and romantic history. I also know with visibility comes risk. "Passing" can be a privilege. But there's also the fact that since my partner is a cisgender man, we don't operate in the social circles and spaces we had before, and especially since we had children, I feel a deep loss.

Mourning my visible queerness is really mourning the version of myself I was before I became a parent

The loss of all the versions of our children we know so intimately is made all the more devastating by the risk that they will not know us --- not really.

As my children grow older, I will face a choice: Do I come out to them? Would it matter if all they see in their lives is my relationship with their father? Is that a boundary I should cross for their sake, so they have the privilege of understanding their mother as a multifaceted and nuanced human being? Or should I tell them so that they can acknowledge the experiences of people like me who feel disappeared by bisexual erasure?

I'm jumping the gun, I know. My sons are not yet 4 and 2. My oldest has decided that his identity is a magical kitty cat, and his little brother is still nursing. These are all questions that will keep.

The joy and affirmation that I and so many of us find in raising children is both the lid to the pot and the pot itself. The joy is the reason we had these children, after all. But just beneath that lid is the roiling grief of loss that is so hot, so acute, it rivals a steam burn. And I suspect it will continue to burn until I figure out how to honor the part of myself that goes unacknowledged.

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This big-breasted influencer doesn't have a whole lot of support.

A model with size M-cup boobs is opening up about how people treat her differently all around the world, calling out Americans in particular.

Jazmyne Day claims people stare at her and harass her over her large breasts.

The 29-year-old from Wales told that people in the US very openly react to her appearance and are "very forward" about it.

"They will laugh and point, or stop and stare. They won't make an effort to hide what they are doing," she said.

The model said the only time people in the states aren't so upfront is when they're trying to sneak a picture.

“I feel like they forget I’m still a human being. Just a human being with huge boobs.”

Day alleged that people in the UK are just as judgmental, though not as frank as those in the US.

“We are more reserved in the UK, so they are less vocal,” she said. “I get a lot of angry stares, mainly from other women.”

The one place Day feels she can go without judgment is Australia.

Day, who used to live in Melbourne, traveled back there for the holidays and was “shocked” by how she was treated.

“People just treated me like everyone else. They maintained eye contact, they don’t stare or point,” she shared. “It really was refreshing. I love Australians.”

She said Australia is one of her favorite places, specifically the animals, food, nature and “amazing vibes.”

Day went through surgery in 2018 and again in 2020 so she can have the “body of her dreams.”

Prior to going under the knife, she was a natural D-cup. Her size M breasts now weigh almost 10 pounds combined.

She first began her body transformation journey in 2017, losing about 70.5 pounds and gaining muscle through diet and exercise.

The influencer has gained popularity on social media thanks to her unique figure, with 386,000 followers on her main Instagram and 298,000 followers on her fitness Instagram.

Day loves her new dream body --- even though she's aware people think it looks "ridiculous."

“I get it, how I look won’t be to everyone’s taste, and that’s okay,” she admitted. “You have to live your life for you, and can’t control what others say.”

“If they have a problem with how you look, that’s on them,” Day continued. “If you want to achieve a certain look for yourself, then I say go for it. You can’t live your life for other people.”


She was so bombed she blew up a house.

A Canadian woman who caused $10 million in damages after driving drunk, crashing into a house and causing an explosion is now suing the concert venue that provided her alcoholic beverages --- as she claims the owners are to blame.

The "car bomb" fiasco occurred in August 2019 while Daniella Leis, 26, was driving home from a Marilyn Manson concert at the Budweiser Gardens arena in London, Ontario, the CBC reported.

After drinking at the show and getting behind the wheel, Leis crashed her Ford Fusion --- registered to her father --- into a brick home at 450 Woodman Ave., rupturing a gas line and triggering a massive explosion that destroyed four houses and injured seven people.

Falling embers led to blazes in several homes nearby --- and the entire neighborhood had to be evacuated, with gas and water service shut off in the area. All told, the blast reportedly caused damages in the neighborhood of $9.8 million to $14.7 million.

"The financial impact of Ms. Leis' actions have been enormous, with a total damage estimate approaching $15 million," Judge George Orsini told the court.

Meanwhile, victims included two police officers and two firefighters who suffered numerous injuries, with one firefighter forced to spend more than a week in a hospital before being discharged.

Leis subsequently pled guilty to four counts of impaired driving, and was was slapped with a three-year prison sentence in 2021.

However, the Canuck wasn't about to throw away her shot at easing the financial strain.

This month, she and father Shawn Leis filed a lawsuit against Ovations Ontario Food Services, the company that distributed the hooch. They claim that the libations purveyor shares liability for the blast on the grounds that staffers "ejected Leis from the venue while failing to take steps to ensure she would not drive home," according to the legal documents.

In addition, Leis also alleged that Ovations had served her alcohol while aware that the bargoer was intoxicated, accusing them of putting "profit above safety," and that the resulting damage was "caused or contributed to by the negligence, breach of duty, breach of contract" by the bar.

As reparations, they believe that the booze distributor is responsible for "any awards or judgment amounts" resulting from multiple court claims levied against them by Woodman Avenue victims.

That is, if the father-daughter duo is required to pay any amount, then they are "entitled to contribution and indemnity from [Ovations]."


Not gonna lie, everyone clapped after that.

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How do I accept being stupid?

I'm trying to accept the reality that I'm a stupid person who isn't going to be able to make something of herself. From childhood to now people have told me how stupid I am, how I can't do anything right, how I'm a slow learner, etc. I believed it then and I have to believe it now. I can't learn things normally. My husband isn't happy with me because of this and lets me know all the time that I can't stop messing up. I can't cook without shit burning and him being unhappy with it. I don't know he puts up with me. I hate learning new skills because I can't learn them and I frustrate myself and whoever has to teach me. I hate it because it's true. I'm incompetent at my job despite it being an easy one. Sometimes I think I have brain damage or something. I'm worried my child will develop a negative image of herself because of how I view myself and failure but I can't help it. I try hard to overcome it but I can't learn faster or get better at stuff.

All the comments are just telling her that not only she isn't stupid, but that stupidty doesn't exist and she has ADHD. I would make this an effort post and link specific comments but it would be unreadable because they're all multiple paragraphs long

Boyfriend didn’t pull out with a condom. This is r*pe.

You read the title right.


Her body is riddled with bullet hole scars and specks of shrapnel. Just beneath the skin on her waist and chest are two lumps of leftover ammunition. Yet Natasha LaTour is still alive -- believed to be the lone survivor of a suspected serial killer.

Between 2021 and 2022, seven men were fatally shot at various locations in Oakland and Stockton, California, in late-night attacks that left residents on edge. The man accused of murdering these men, Wesley Brownlee, is also alleged to have attacked LaTour.

Brownlee, who is charged with seven counts of murder and one count of attempted murder, among other charges, is expected to appear in court to enter a plea on January 17. His attorney did not immediately respond to CNN's request for comment.

In an interview with CNN, an effervescent LaTour, speaking a mile-a-minute, returned to the scene where she narrowly escaped death to recount the details of her shooting, the subsequent police response, and discuss her plans moving forward.

While living in Stockton in April 2021, LaTour was addicted to meth, living on the street and collecting soda cans to earn enough money to survive, she said.

Around 3 a.m. on the night of April 16, as she stood shrouded by overgrown shrubbery near railroad tracks and a one-way street, the crunch of footsteps on rocky gravel behind LaTour pierced the pre-dawn silence.

Startled, LaTour spun around and saw a dark figure with a gun pointed directly at her, she recalled.

"I think he chose me because I was alone," she said of the gunman, who she described as wearing dark clothing, his face concealed by a mask. Though she cannot remember hearing any gunshots, LaTour distinctly recalls seeing the muzzle flash of the handgun and realizing she had been shot.

"It felt like if someone was throwing marbles at you or something like that ... with just little pings," she said. "Then there's the, 'Oh my gosh, this is it.' There's a searing burn, and then there's an ache."

LaTour said she doesn't know exactly how many times she was shot given her scarring from both bullets and shrapnel -- but she thinks it was between eight to 10 times.

With wounds spanning from her collarbone and shoulder to her hip, LaTour struggled to breathe as she fell to the ground. Lying in the cold night air, feeling blood gush from her abdomen, LaTour recalled at that moment, she saw light. "There was only one voice that heard me -- Jesus," she attested. "I never saw Him, but I felt Him."

LaTour managed to slowly scoot on her back more than 20 yards across the rocky ground until she finally reached the street. She pushed herself up a small incline with the hopes of being seen by an oncoming car, but said she was afraid to wave her arms because with every move, she "felt more blood pouring out."

Eventually, someone did see her and called for help.

Five minutes later, Stockton Police officers arrived, an incident report shows, soon followed by an ambulance. LaTour remembers the ambulance having to wait for a train to pass before she could be loaded in and whisked to the nearest trauma center. She says she then lost consciousness and awoke four days later in the hospital. LaTour said she still felt Jesus’ presence by her side.

After another week in the hospital, and months of recovery from serious injuries to her collarbone, shoulder, lung, liver, and even nerve damage, LaTour says she found “forced sobriety” quickly turned into “effortless sobriety.”

She also found forgiveness for her alleged attacker.

“I forgive Wesley Brownlee fully,” said LaTour, but “I’m not saying you should trust me in a room with him,” she added. “I have tried to hate him. God won’t let me.”

But LaTour is admittedly having a tougher time forgiving the officers who she says did not properly investigate her case. She told CNN she felt ignored by police following the shooting, saying "the only statement they ever took was when I was dying in the middle of the street."

A year and a half after the shooting that injured LaTour, Stockton Police had connected six homicides and were actively seeking a suspect. Chief Stanley McFadden sought tips from the public and offered a large reward to identify the person responsible for the killings that had the region on edge and garnered national attention.

Then, the police department released a shadowy surveillance image of a person of interest that LaTour recognized. "His clothes looked like they were hanging off of him. He looked like that the night of the shooting, too," she said. LaTour told police the image looked like her shooter, she said.

Roughly two weeks later, Brownlee was being surveilled by police in the wee hours of the night, Stockton Police said. Brownlee appeared to be "out hunting" and "on a mission to kill," McFadden said in mid-October, after Brownlee was taken into custody. "We are sure we stopped another killing," the police chief said, announcing the arrest.

Shortly thereafter, Brownlee was charged with three counts of murder. Two months later, the San Joaquin County District Attorney's Office added another five charges: four more counts of murder, and for the shooting of LaTour -- attempted murder.

Ballistics proved to be a common thread in several of the killings, according to the California Statewide Law Enforcement Association, which said in October authorities had "high confidence the same firearm was used in three of the recent homicides."
Wesley Brownlee stands with public defender Allison Nobert during his arraignment in San Joaquin County Superior Court in October.

According to the charging documents, Brownlee is accused of killing one man on April 10, 2021 and another on April 16 – the same night LaTour was shot.

Officers did not follow up with her during her 12-day stay in the hospital, LaTour said. After she sought out the investigating officer in the weeks following the shooting, LaTour said he indicated that the weapon used in her shooting was connected to a homicide earlier in April 2021.

Given her communication with the officer, and her belief that she was an only an opportunistic target, LaTour suspects police knew early on that a serial killer was at large. She said she believes police knew her shooting was connected with at least one other and if they had investigated appropriately, other lives could have been saved.

Of the seven men Brownlee is charged with murdering, five of them were killed after LaTour was shot, according to the charging documents. “Everybody that died after me didn’t have to,” LaTour said.

Joe Silva, public information officer for the Stockton Police Department, declined to comment directly about LaTour’s allegations, citing the pending criminal case against Brownlee. Officer Silva and Stockton Police Chief McFadden did offer LaTour a private apology regarding the investigation of her case.

“The chief and I apologized to her and the reason for that was because she’s a victim of a violent crime and she was apologized to because of a follow up that was not conducted during her investigation,” Silva said.

LaTour said the apology came during a vigil honoring the victims, when she was pulled aside by McFadden and Silva. The investigating officer in her case has since left the department for another agency, according to Silva.

Still plagued by nightmares about the incident, LaTour is interested in pursuing the victim advocacy field, hopeful that she can help find ways to make recovery easier for other crime victims. LaTour is particularly interested in assuring that victims are offered timely communications about their cases, and especially for those without health insurance, are assisted with timely health care including physical therapy and mental health treatment.

“I’m not angry about the shooting, I’m angry about what I have to go through,” she said. Above all, LaTour says she is grateful that her life was spared, that she found the Lord and for the chance to help others.

“The best way to show gratitude is being sober,” LaTour added. Twenty months after the shooting, she is still clean.

“I’m never gonna go back” to using, she vowed. “Never. Never. Never,” she insisted, firm in her divine beliefs. “I am honored God is using me for whatever His higher power is. God is dope. Seriously, He’s the best,” she said.


Best content occurs after the halfway point of the video and at the very end.

Basically she's accusing the driver of trying to rip her off at best but also insinuates that women don't feel safe and that she doesn't liketor having a male driver because they can kidnap her.

I guess the driver is too apologetic and it triggers her to tell him to stop interrupting her and STFU because he's too mansplainy.

Long story short - she's a c*nt and surprising even Reddit agrees that she's a c*nt.


"Random things women obviously had no impact in..."

When you put the car in park and the doors automatically unlock

The op is too rslurred to check the environment before putting the car in park. If it's a spot you can't determine is safe, then why park there in the first place? Not to mention that feature can be turned off most off in most vehicles. :#marseyretard2:

Must be able to lift 50 lbs on job postings.

This 100% and it's on A LOT of jobs. It's why I wouldn't get hired. Me being 90 lbs, that wasn't ever gonna work.

Here a few admit to being physically disabled.

Well as long as we keep letting men make all the decisions, we’re not going to get shit done.

We need more women up the food chain and looking around for opportunities to capture the “pink” dollar.

Good luck getting to the top of the food chain when you can't even lift 50 pounds lol.

My husband is in the military. IDK if it's still a thing, but the kevlar for women was tested, wait for it......... using men.

Dependapotamus gives her opinion. :marseychonkerfoid: Women are also well known for their combat abilities, by not properly equipping them we are setting ourselves up for failure. There were probably a ton of women signing up to test that vest, but the men just wouldn't let them.

Entire thread is filled with this stuff. :#marseyemojirofl:

Woman moment :marseywomanmoment:

Probably thinking about his minis



I went on a FRICKING ski trip to New Mexico recently and spent a LONG butt time at Denver Intl (LIBERAL :marse#yclintongarrison: SHITHOLE) because United is a fricking GARBAGE airline. :marseym#anysuchcases:

Anyway, as I slowly died a soul death while charging my phone at the gate after getting plastered at the New Belgium brewing restaurant/bar I LOOKED UP and EVERY SINGLE FOID :marseywomanmoment: was wearing :marseyblackcock: $200 blundstone chelsea boots - literally sposed to be :marseylolcow::marseytexan: farm :marseysneed: shitkicker boots. Also why the FRICK are they :ma#rseybux: TWO HUNDRED PLUS :ma#rseybux: dollars. (I want a pair).

HOW do all :marseytrad: FOIDS :marseytrad: suddenly transition to a NEW footwear FAD in like a SINGLE day? Is there a signal chat or something for updates?



Post-wall bong journoid writes 35000-word thinkpiece on why Leonardo DiCaprio is gross after he refuses to take a picture with her
  • I've been in therapy and on medication for years to deal with my anxiety and depression.

  • I moved 10 minutes away from Disney World to see whether it would help my mental health.

  • Having the parks nearby makes me more eager to get out and socialize.

Ever since I was a little girl, I've dreamed of living in Disney World --- not in a "I want to be a princess" kind of way but because it was a place where I always felt free to be my most authentic self.

There was something about being surrounded by people who embraced the magic that made me feel safe and at peace. It was at Disney World where I could leave my anxieties at home for the day and just exist as a normal person.

As I grew up, my anxiety turned into a full-blown disorder and was shadowed by depression, which consumed me. While I'd been in therapy and on medication for years, I was still miserable in every waking minute of the day and would long for a time when I could take another trip to my happy place.

That's when I considered moving to Disney World. At first, it sounded like a wild idea because I'd never lived alone, but for the sake of my mental health, I was willing to try it.

It's been the best decision for me

I talked through the idea with my therapist, friends, and family, and I came to the conclusion that I'd try it to see what happened. At the end of the day, the worst thing that could happen was that I hated it and moved back home.

But after nearly three months of being settled into my new apartment only 10 minutes from Disney World, I can wholeheartedly say it's one of the best decisions I've made for my mental health.

I'm not saying that because it's all magic and pixie dust --- though it is a lot of the time. I still have rough days, with depression leaving me stuck in bed as I go days without showers and my apartment falls into utter disarray. But when I can gather the energy to get out of bed, having the parks to go to makes me keen on going outside, socializing, and relaxing, which I've found has been very beneficial for my mental health.

On days when I would normally sit in my room and either sleep or work all day, I find myself at the parks living my life. I have more of a reason and a desire to take breaks and have some fun.\

There are even some elements of visiting the parks that have added healthy habits to my life. When I'm at the parks, I'm outside in the sunlight. My therapists have always harped on the importance of vitamin D, especially for coping with depression, but I never really listened before.

Now that I'm at the parks a lot, which are essentially all outdoors, I've had increased exposure to sunlight, and that has had a profound influence on my mood. And walking around the parks has increased my physical activity, which I'm sure has had an effect on both my mental and my physical well-being.

It's easier to socialize at the parks than anywhere else

I think the most helpful part has been the social aspect of being at the parks. I find it easier to socialize, and I have the desire to make connections. Since there's this shared love for Disney, that's the icebreaker, and it makes the rest of the conversation easier.

Even when I meet characters at the parks, it gives me the opportunity to have conversations about an imaginary world, which provides me with an outlet to escape the mundane small talk that drains the life out of me in regular conversations.

With all this said, I'm very lucky to have been able to make the move near Disney World. It's given me a new outlook on life and a reason to wake up in the morning.

While the depression and anxiety don't go away, I have a place I can visit to let go of my problems, even if it's only temporary. I can take a step away from my intrusive thoughts and difficult feelings and simply bask in the place where I feel happiest.

Most loyal :marseywall:

I mean, she's clearly enjoying it, right?

Good morning

I have a profound dislike of women

That is all

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Throwaway, because I am ashamed to even ask for help.

My (M21) Gf (F23) has gotten r*ped 3 times over the course of her life. 2 before she met me and one during. We have been dating for about a year. All of them have been at parties and have been caused by a stranger taking advantage of her.

Obviously she is a victim and doesn’t deserve anything that has happened to her, but she will not stop going to parties and getting drunk and high to the point where she isn’t fully aware of her surroundings. She says if she stops going then the male feminists win, because she’s loves to have fun with her friends and listen to music. I usually do not go to these parties as I despise party culture and have a tight circle of friends who I will only celebrate their birthdays with. I have gone to some of these parties that she goes to and she is very popular and friendly.

I worry that she is being taken advantage of to the point where she doesn’t consider that a huge trust factor is being broken with me. I really do not like her going to these parties and have been going with her ever since the last one happened. I feel that I ruin the mood she has, by being worried and feel that she doesn’t want me there. She tells me she loves me and appreciates me going because she knows I hate it. So I'm not worried about her lying or anything of the sort just confused.

She tells me that people grope her in public and kiss her when they pass by too. I am deeply disturbed that something might be wrong with her as I care about her very much. I don't know if it is caused by dissociating or some other mental illness but I will never let anything happen to this woman again. I have considered marrying her in a couple years but I don’t know if I can trust someone that puts no effort in trying to stop this from happening. I feel like an butthole for even thinking that but I want to protect her. Please anybody let me know if you have been a in a similar situation or any ideas to help her. Thank you.



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Woman moment

Welcome to /h/TOOMANYXCHROMOSOMES, where we will be showcasing woman moments from around the internet :star:

If you’d like a jannie position, let me know!

Big ups to @DahvieVanityFan for 4k which I forgot to mention in the original fundraising thread 💕



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