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My (M21) Gf (F23) keeps getting r*ped at parties. I don't know what to do... : relationship_advice




Throwaway, because I am ashamed to even ask for help.

My (M21) Gf (F23) has gotten r*ped 3 times over the course of her life. 2 before she met me and one during. We have been dating for about a year. All of them have been at parties and have been caused by a stranger taking advantage of her.

Obviously she is a victim and doesn’t deserve anything that has happened to her, but she will not stop going to parties and getting drunk and high to the point where she isn’t fully aware of her surroundings. She says if she stops going then the male feminists win, because she’s loves to have fun with her friends and listen to music. I usually do not go to these parties as I despise party culture and have a tight circle of friends who I will only celebrate their birthdays with. I have gone to some of these parties that she goes to and she is very popular and friendly.

I worry that she is being taken advantage of to the point where she doesn’t consider that a huge trust factor is being broken with me. I really do not like her going to these parties and have been going with her ever since the last one happened. I feel that I ruin the mood she has, by being worried and feel that she doesn’t want me there. She tells me she loves me and appreciates me going because she knows I hate it. So I'm not worried about her lying or anything of the sort just confused.

She tells me that people grope her in public and kiss her when they pass by too. I am deeply disturbed that something might be wrong with her as I care about her very much. I don't know if it is caused by dissociating or some other mental illness but I will never let anything happen to this woman again. I have considered marrying her in a couple years but I don’t know if I can trust someone that puts no effort in trying to stop this from happening. I feel like an butthole for even thinking that but I want to protect her. Please anybody let me know if you have been a in a similar situation or any ideas to help her. Thank you.

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She says if she stops going then the male feminists win


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It's the most basic woman fetish there is.

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Pretty sure it's the only one, for normal women, at least.

Fat ugly women can be furry paedos or marry mailboxes or whatever, but they hardly count.

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breeding fetish too ig

:marseyeggirl: :marseysperm: = :marseyvore:

dude bussy lmao

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Remember; 50% of women c*m during r*pe


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>Get nearly beaten to death in a dark alleyway

>2 weeks later

>Today I will explore dark alleyways defenseless :clueless:

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If you don't do it the muggers win!

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Combine this with claiming to be deathly afraid of walking out in public in well-off residential areas.

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In the most misogynistic way possible, this. Idk why women like being treated like whores, but that’s what I’ve generally found. Also after I find out they’re like this, I break up with them bc I know other neighbors were treating them like fleshlights first.


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after I find out they’re like this

You'll break up with them all. I was very promiscuous in college, and it was almost universal.

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I know, I just settled with someone after becoming somewhat jaded, don’t want kids w her or shit and cheated on her while she was visiting family in Dubai last month.


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You're way worse r-slur

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Should have invested in my Thai compound instead.

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Thai compound?

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Imagine, a self-sustaining compound in Thailand run entirely by dramneurodivergents. Why live like a commoner when you could become a Lord? Only 4-5 years away.

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lol, I’d be running the compound within 4 minutes.


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What does it say about me that I shit on the idea of reddit city, the tranch, etc as cringe but if I was single I would actually consider doing this.

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Yeah no.

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The fact that that's where your mind goes and that you over compensate with this image makes me think that this is projection and that you're the real libertarian.

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That’s the part that made me laugh too.

>no sweetie if I don’t get drunk and fricked then I lose!

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This has gotta be bait

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its not bait, but its not real either :marseycoomer2:

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Ctrl-F "bait"

0 results

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Even funnier with slur filter on

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>she loves to have fun with friends get peepeeed by strangers.

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It boggles my mind that that alone didn't immediately give it away....

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tbh that is normal foid logic. in fact it is kind of masculine in a sense.


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I see this as male feminists xD

Listen chuds you HAVE to get r*ped. Otherwise the male feminists win GET IT?

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She tells me that people grope her in public and kiss her when they pass by too.


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Where the frick does she party? Egypt?

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R*penburg, Netherlands

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@Aevann aren't parties haram in Egypt?

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New Mecca, Bongland

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A liberated concentration camp.

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All one big coincidence.

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Saudi Arabia?

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Ok the commenters have to be coomers pretending not to notice as part of their fetish.

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Do not engage with the cuck fetish fiction.

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Or do, sometimes its funny and it also makes incels and soys seethe

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Woman isn't fat enough.

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That or a nearly passing trans

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I hate how excruciatingly accurate the people on the right are.

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The gigaseethe this pic generated was astronomical. It hit so close to home for many redditurds that the major subs this was posted in had to lock the threads.

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Its pretry eerie

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I was thinking about the thread today. We're everyone went, I don't understand what is wrong with the couple on the left, they look like way more fun. :marseychefkiss:

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How come the only fetishists who write smut posing as reality are the cucks? Like, you don't see scat fetishists writing relationship_advice threads about what to do after their date suddenly took a dump on their chest.

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Because cucks are usually mostly getting off the narrative more than the act. Most of them would actually cry if it happened irl, or know that their wives would be disgusted never look at them again the same way if they bring the subject up. So they are basically stuck with harlequin tier middle aged mom creative writing

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Because getting off on other people's responses is inherently a cuck thing to do.

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S-surely we're better than that right ? :marseyglancing:

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To bem fair there was at least that one post, maybe 3 scat fetish posts I can remember

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Bruh she's literally insane and a cheater lmao

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I can fix her.

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Yeah so can any half-competent veterinarian so what

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Pictured: someone who was smart enough to disappear and stay the frick off of Twitter after their controversial acquittal.

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shes so cute bros, she can see me without the mask

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>implying this actually happened

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I got 121 DC for it. I'd sucka peepee for half that so it's a win

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i could fix her

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foid will risk destroying a man's life and/or her own reputation just to avoid taking responsibility


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Cheating sluts trying to rationalize cheating sluttery under the guise of "feminism"


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the title itself already had me roflcoptering

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R*ped lol, this b-word gets wasted and blows everyone at the party . She’s “that girl”

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Queen 💅

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:quote: r*ped :quote:

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There's no scenario where this guy isn't pathetic.

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probably a r*pe fetish

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The proper response is to r*pe her. Hard. She won't go looking for it elsewhere if she's getting it at home.

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Nah, cheaters always gonna cheat. Saying "I wouldn't have cheated if you did X!" is just an excuse to deflect blame.

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The only thing more pathetic than this (fictional) person is you all gobbling this bait

See below Marsey for instructions on what to do next


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It's not about the bait you use, it's about the fish you catch


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All the dudes' numbers on her phone are a second mystery, I bet.

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It’s just so that if they call, she knows not to answer

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I wonder if he ever wonders why “Pizza Hut” is sending a “you up?” text at 2 am

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On tiab si oot suoivbo.

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This reminds me of the "you don't come here for hunting, do you?" joke.

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Tell it?

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So there's this redneck who went hunting. After a full day, he didn't kill anything so he decided to pack up and go home when all of a sudden he sees a bear and tries to shoot it. He fires one shot, but misses. The bear comes up to him and says "You just tried to kill me!" But the redneck says "No, my gun went off by itself" But the bear does not believe him and says "Now I'm gonna frick you in the butt"

After the bear is done with the redneck, the redneck says "Frickin bear, I'm gonna kill you" and fires again... But he misses for a second time.

The bear comes up to him and says "You just tried to kill me again!" And the redneck says "No, I dropped my gun and it went off again" The bear doesn't believe him and says" I'm gonna make you suck my peepee" So after the bear is done with him he leaves, and the redneck is real mad and fires a third time. But again he misses. So the bear comes up to him and says "You didn't come here to hunt, did you?

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That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

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I think longpostbot wants to frick you in the butt

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I’m pretty sure her definition of “r*pe” is “I regretted it the next morning.”

R*pe in the original sense is repulsive, but somehow these five-times r*pe survivors rarely support punishments for all male feminists that fit the crime.

Edit: physical castration followed by life without parole is too harsh — but maybe life without parole alone would do it. Something to keep them from reoffending… something that would feel silly if it’s a punishment for something more or less consensual.

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I think it's not next morning regret, but rather just blacking out, not remembering all the shit you said yes to, and thinking "im a good person i wouldn't have cheated"

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Just posted the comment but a friend of mine was actually arguing with her boyfriend that she couldn't control her behaviour when she was blackout drunk so there was nothing she could do if she started getting it on with someone else at a party. At no point was "not getting blackout drunk" a part of the conversation

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Realistically, not getting blackout drunk will not help the fact that shes a slut, wants to bang other dudes, and is just pretending not to be when shes sober.

Even if she promised never to drink again I don't think it would help the underlying issue

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That makes more sense than my theory, especially because it’s even more :marseybangfast:

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The thing to keep in mind is that any amount of malice or harm coming from the actions of women should be attributed entirely to how r-slurred they are and is not done knowingly. They are programmed to genuinely believe the first half-assed excuse that pops into their head with the faith of the pope himself.

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Maybe Islam is right about women after all.

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That's just because society allows them to get away with excuses. Take away forgiveness, replace it with revenge, and watch how quickly their brains will reconfigure themselves to gain some self-awareness

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Bro they INTENTIONALLY don't give life sentences to male feminists to stop them from just murdering their chief witness

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I hadn’t thought of that…

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any time you see a woman talking about how they were r*ped think about this sort of thing. almost every case in the modern world is a whore slutting around then eventually deciding way after the fact that it would be socially convenient to be treated like a victim

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This reminds me of when a teammate from one of my sports club in college was telling us of an argument she was having with her boyfriend cause he didn't want her to make out with other dudes at parties, but she was like "I can't control what I do when I get blackout drunk!"

She was saying it like there was no helping it. I don't go to parties or drink or use the low quality drugs but the whole thing seemed bizarre to me. It's like we get drilled for years on the most dangerous behaviours you could be engaging in, and people just ignore that and do them all (same with the drug programs and shit)

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By that logic I can drive drunk and not be prosecuted for it. I can't control what I do when I get blackout drunk afterall :marseypartymaxx:


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I'm not even gonna read the post man the title itself is so funny I'm laughing my butt off like an neurodivergent r-slur so loud that tomorrow morning I'll have to stay inside to avoid neighbour complaints

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Okay fess up, which one of you is OP?

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This is bait. No one is this oblivious and neurodivergent

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I'm actually blind so I have a program that scans webpages and sends it to my auto-braille machine. When I read your comments it also gives me a rough estimation of what you look like and right now it's saying that you're fat and gay.

Very calmly I explain that we did not like it when they laughed at us. I asked them how they would react if they hurt themselves and we would laugh at them. The acknowledged that they would get mad at us. I asked them if they would want us to help them if they had a problem. The acknowledged this. I said what they would think if we asked for money before we would help them. They called us racists and immediately demanded money from us.


Throwaway, because I am ashamed to even ask for help.:

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