
I respect people who know they will be bad parents so they don't have them.

I feel neutral about people who would be good parents but choose another lifestyle.

Probably an extremely small number of people “hate” people who want to be childless.


Fair enough. I don't want children because while I'm comfortable financially, I don't see myself having enough to give them the life they'd deserve.

I don't want children because I don't want the responsibility. I like my freedom.

I don't want children because there are so many children on the planet now who already need financial and emotional assistance.

I don't want children because the climate is worsening, the ever present threat of nuclear war is growing , the economy is worsening and I have some medical concerns I do not wish to pass on.

All of these are valid reasons and anyone who tells me I have no right to my own decisions needs to mind their own business


Well I'm seeing some haters in the comments already.


What hate? They're okay.


I've seen a lot of snide comments on here. I sometimes wonder if it's envy.


You're a Russian troll paid to create division.


For a lot of them, it's because their reasons are stupid.

"Why would I want to bring more wage slaves into this awful world"

I don't dislike those people because they don't have or want kids, I dislike those people because they just suck as people

Edit: Lol, first thing I saw after posting this


“They just suck as people”.

Maybe you'd be happier in a Muslim theocracy where women are openly treated as chattel



I'm a 34 y/o woman. Struggling with dating apps and dating in general. I'm trying to put the work in to meet men outside. I am just struggling trying to figure out where y'all are? I've been to HEB, Central Market and Whole Foods, no luck. Tried going out alone to restaurants a couple times and sat at the bar with no luck. Are there certain areas y'all professional men like to hang after work? I'm usually at the gym lol

Following bc I'm curious too. 30F and I go out enough to public spots but too chicken I guess to actually talk to someone. Gym had some cute bro dudes but I'd never approach. I've been approached at HEB on wash ave a couple times, maybe that's the new move? Perhaps pickleball spots?

Wishing you all the best. Same, I go out a lot alone actually. I have heard that women sometimes unknowingly are not open to men approaching them. So I'm gonna try to make an effort to make eye contact and smile more. I go to the HEB in montrose. I'm a resident and figured I'd run into more like minded men there? Idk. Pickleball does sound like a great place!

New word for straggotry :marseydisgust:

Has anyone noticed that their male partners respond better if you just ask for the thing you need with no context or explanation than they do if you explain why it's important to you and your relationship? Im an r-slur but they don't care about what you're feeling, and just want a checklist.

I've been fed up with by boyfriend for not doing certain things for most of our relationship (texting me first, planning dates, complimenting me, etc.), and it wasn't uncommon for me to break down crying begging him to just send me a sweet message once a day, or plan a date, or give me a compliment more specific than "you're cute".

I always see men complain that women communicate poorly, so to avoid being that girl I'd always explain what I'm feeling, why i feel that way, and what I'd like to change going forward. I've been told in very articulate and an amazing communicator by my therapist, parents, friends, bosses, etc. so I know it wasn't a lack of conveying the right idea on my end. Sometimes he'd respond by shutting down completely and then I'd have to comfort him, reassuring him that I love him and I just need this one relatively minor thing to feel satisfied in our relationship. Other times he'd say he understands and wants to do better, but then nothing would ever change for more than a day or two.

One day I was feeling really sad and uncared for because he'd been spending every free hour he had playing final fantasy (over 100hrs in 2 weeks) for the past 2 weeks, but I didn't have the energy to have another rough conversion where I'm being very vulnerable, begging for a basic need, and then having him stonewall me. I decided I just wouldn't, so I texted him "can we go on a real date tomorrow?" He just said "yeah!" and planned us a really nice date.

I told my mom about this and she said that my dad was the same and she'd beg him to help with me and my sisters but he'd just shut down, or ignore her, or complain, until a friend of hers said "try making a to-do list." She wrote one and he did everything on it without complaining. After she started putting it on a list and asking without expressing any emotion, he did closer to his fair share.

On one hand, I'm hoping that realizing this will help me communicate better with my partner. On the other hand, if you love someone, wouldn't you be more motivated to do something if you know it's important to him?

Are men really just so simple minded? I don't know how to feel about this.



Erika Vieira Nunes wheeled a dead 68-year-old man into a bank where she told staff he wished to take out a loan worth £2,600.

Erika Vieira Nunes wheeled the corpse into the bank in a suburb of Rio de Janeiro and told an employee that the man wanted a loan for 17,000 reais (£2,600), security camera video showed.

She then held a pen to the man saying: "Uncle, are you listening? You need to sign," according to the footage.

"He doesn't say anything, that's just how he is," she said, adding: "If you're not okay, I'm going to take you to the hospital."

Bank staff soon became suspicious as the man's head kept falling back so they called the police who arrested Nunes.

She was charged with vilification of a corpse and attempted theft through fraud, according to the Rio newspaper O Dia.

"She knew he was dead… he had been dead for at least two hours," Fabio Luiz Souza, an investigating officer told the breakfast news programme, Bom Dia Rio, on Wednesday.


I am crazy in love with my wife. We've known each other for 25 years and been married for 15 of those. We both work, have 4 kids and 4 grandkids. I love her more as time passes.

My wife really likes to shop. I can't mention or hint at reducing spending money to her. It causes a combination of a 2-3 day silent treatment and her talking to her self out loud about how awful I am. Lots of expletives and name calling in there. She has said that she knows she shops to much, but that's where it stops. She won't move forward in scheduling an appointment. I wrote down a few places on a sticky note for her. I was trying to help. That didn't go over well.

:!chadwomannordic: I WILL buy the socks. You cannot stand in my way. I don't need a therapist I have plenty of retail therapy.

This morning I was pairing socks. Like most people I hate it and so does she. I pair them and to most of the laundry. This morning I decided to count how many socks she has. She has 171 pairs. They span two drawers in her dresser. All socks are less than 5 years old, because she threw everything away and started over again with socks. I counted her T-shirts once (84) and got in a lot of trouble of that. I was honestly trying to help.

No I don't actually wear them. That's not the point. :!marseysockmlepgenocide:

I own 8 pairs of dress socks, 8 pairs of short ankle socks and 25 pairs of tube socks. My Mother-in-law has bought me packages of tube socks for Christmas over the years. I don't really like those types of socks, but I wear them if when I wear jeans. My MIL passed away 4 months ago, and I can't get rid of them without feeling disrepectful to her. I know I have a lot of socks as well.

I don't know how to mention it without upsetting her. She is aware that she has a problem and I don't want her to feel any more ashamed than she already does. I'm on the ASD spectrum. I am high functioning, but I have a bad habit of messing things up. I ask Google and over the past few years have begun to run AI queries to help me figure situations similar to this, but I still make a lot of mistakes. Would anyone be able to offer an opinion?

This is hilariously incompetent but "asking" Google or AI is terminally normie, he's not a real autist. :marseyindignant:

Reported by:
  • X : /h/transgender
  • forgor : /h/notenoughxchromosones
if you disagree you are antisemitic :marseyshapiro:



so, this is a cry for help from me to be honest, because i have no female role models or women older than me to confide in and get advice.

recently, these past few days, i've been going down the rabbithole of how harmful porn, but most importantly "mainstream" porn is (the stuff that is on the front page of pornhub when you don't have an account with a curated feed), which is becoming more and more extreme, misogynistic, a power fantasy and in a survey, it was determined that up to 45% of porn videos contain acts of violence against women.

i've also read a very worrying article about how choking is becoming "vanilla" now, and an act that isn't even discussed beforehand (a huge surge of men in college just choke their partners without consent because of how normalised it is). and i have seen various ways being "vanilla" is used as a way to insult and shame women.

i have a pretty nuanced point of view, by which i mean that porn and porn production that actively abuses, r*pes, manipulates, drugs and exploits women is not in the same boat as women drawing manga for women and selling them, and professional voice actors selling audio CDs. i'm posting here, because i don't want a debate right now, i want a way to cope.

back to my point: i am an 18 year old girl, and part of one of the first generations to grow up with what i'll call "as soon as you hit 13, almost everyone has seen porn". the first time i saw porn, was when i was 11, and googled it because we were warned about it in s*x ed. i didn't really become a girl that watches a lot of porn, but i'd seen it, and masturbated to it before. i'd started masturbating when i was 8.

later, when i became a fan of BTS, i started reading wattpad fanfiction. and watching what was called "21+ imagines" on youtube. after a while, i realised that i didn't really like them as much as i thought, because the popularised daddy/babygirl, male dominance, "punishment" stuff was not my cup of tea. it's through yaoi and BL manga, that i was truly able to discover what sexually aroused me, and what didn't, due to the simple absence of a woman to objectify. now you might call me an evil fetishizer for reading yaoi and BL, but again, please, i'm not looking for a debate, but for possibly advice and help for my feelings. i also discovered otome content a year later.

a few years ago, i started watching irl porn from time to time, which was mostly solo male stuff because couple's porn disgusted me, and turned me off immediately, because of the clearly male gazey shots. but most importantly: the violence, degradation, spitting, slapping women's vulva, and those horrid titles implying incest, barely legal, forced, and all those degrading ways to describe women's reproductive systems, and women themselves. because i only watch solo male videos, my feed is only male focused, when i do open up pornhub. but i always saw the "popular in your region" underneath my feed, where i saw all these horrifying things, whether i wanted it or not.

my brother and father make porny jokes around me all the time, and it honestly makes me uncomfortable to hear "haha put your spermidium in this sauce for some extra protein and rejuvenation" every second sentence. my father was always what i call "too open" about s*x with his children. he is determined of not making it a taboo, but he went too far. i know he likes anally fricking women, that he bought a sounding device for himself, that he downloads porn, caught him masturbating thrice, etc.

now i've watched "beyond fantasy", a documentary about porn. and yesterday, i cried when finishing episode 3. maybe i feel even more pain because of my own history with (non-sexual) child abuse, but still. no matter how you look at it, it's horrible.

and i know for a fact, all men my age watch porn. almost all of them. enough of them, that making porny jokes infront of your own daughter is okay. enough, that porn has become this normal thing that every man and teen uses. and porn isn't what it used to be.

i read a comment from someone that used to be in the porn industry back in the day, and she said something along the lines of "back then, anal was the most non-normal thing in porn, the most extreme. today it's become this mandatory part of porn".

i can't get what i saw in this documentary out of my head. it's like the ceiling came crashing down on me. will this be the reality of dating? will i be called a prude for disliking mainstream porn? will i have to sift through endless amounts of men that watch extreme porn, to find someone to love me? will porn continue to literally detroy women's bodies, and drive them to suicide?

:marseyfoidretard: :marseywomanmoment2:

One guy notices muh double standards

Local cougar brags about being a cradle-robber :marseypuke:

This guy kicks the hornets nest by telling the truth

I wonder who could be arguing with him so fervently?

Oh, it's a :marseywall: that posts 24/7 on 2X and relationship advice subs telling women to leave their boyfriends and yelling in rage at said boyfriends. Also a die-hard swiftie who hates men but talks about "27-year-old Adonises." Platonic ideal of a 2X-foid here :marseylaugh:



tl;dr: Apparently there's an "auditor" (thot audit?) trend on TikTok that involves filming young women out partying and foids don't like it because now everyone knows they're sluts.

!zoomers you're so based, keep it up

Daily Mail article about an account which sadly got banned or deleted, I can't find the one(s) they're complaining about now.

Edit: Here's something similar on YouTube but it's filmed by a foid so it's ok

Warning: contains British women

do women really?

:marseyl: Slam pigs :marseychonkerfoid: of Reddit, how did it feel being a side piece? :marseyl:

He said to me, “she's beautiful. She's quiet, she's simple, she's not annoying. She doesn't nag me. She doesn't argue, she's not combative. She's not fat and she's not lazy. She's fun, she's spontaneous. I forget about my troubles when I'm around her. She makes my life easier oppose to complicating it like you. She's just everything that you're not anymore but you use to be. She's a younger version of you. She reminded me of you 15 years ago”

Proving yet again if a woman is having marriage problems it's because she either doesn't put out, got fat, or is a nagging b-word. In this case all three.

"So anyway, I started zapping"
Reported by:
Why are women incapable of sympathizing with men?

I know 90% of people irrespective of gender are losers.

However, it feels like women are completely incapable of sympathizing with even the remaining 10% of men, and where they do sympathize, they excuse behaviors in the 10% that they consider unacceptable social evils in all other men? Why do women do this? Why do they discourage the same behaviors in 90% of men that they accept and celebrate in the remaining 10%?

Somebody explain as if You are talking to an autist who only thinks in black and white literal statements.


it's been 50 years since we got the right to open our own open bank accounts & credit cards.

in 2024,

  • we pay 30% more in overdraft fees

women overdraft their account more often, and this is mens fault :marseywomanmoment2:

  • the wage gap exists after adjusting for hours worked, occupation, education, & industry

no source, so I found this

  • everyday goods & services cost us more 42% of the time

women choose to buy more ex0ensive stuff than men, again this is mens fault

i don't think society ever wanted women to have money.

we now outnumber men in the college-educated workforce, yet we still have a whole host of financial issues to grapple with. clearly the system was designed to leave us out and powerful forces are involved in keeping the status quo as it is.

womxn have more access to education and thats bad too

with the rise of the tradwife/stay at home girlfriend trends, "lobotomy core," and "i'm not a feminist" becoming a trend on TikTok, it's clear that people still (at least subconsciously) don't want women to be financially independent.

womxn dont want to be :marseywitch2: and the west has fallen

also womxn:

Women long held primary purchasing responsibility for everyday household items, but today, they control or influence 85% of consumer spending.

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