Weekly 'What Games Are You Playing?' thread #I think it's actually 23

Finally finished the MW5 DLC, which was actually pretty good. Only had 2 missions left so was quick. Cookie Clicker still going good. 707/716 Upgrades, 609/622 +10 Achievements

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As a true bethdrone, I am trying to maximise my enjoyment:marseywereback:/disappointment:marseyitsover: of Starfield when it comes out. I want to see the game not just as bing bing wahoo but as another step in Bethesda’s own design philosophy, which is pretty unique for a western dev studio :marseyautism: As such, I am attempting a chronological pilgrimage through Bethesda’s mainline catalogue. Starting with Arena :marseyplace2: and Lefay & Co’s creative vision going through all the numbered TES games to see the shift into the Howardian paradigm. Obligatory stops at Fallout 3 and 4 to pay tribute to Emil Pagliarulo’s r-sluration :marseyprojection:when their time comes. This pilgrimage has an honourable inclusion of TES Redguard, as it is the first game that Todd was the creative director of, as well as a game I have never played before.

May Todd guide me through this journey

:#worship: :#toddhoward: :!#worship:

I am already halfway through Morrowind, which is as :marseycomfy: as ever, so I can share some of my impressions of the earlier titles.

TES Arena

Outside of historical dives and pilgrimages such as this there is little reason to return to this game. The world is gimmicky and has superficial relations to the world of Tamriel we all know and love. The poor worldbuilding and generic story were frequent complaints that Arena received at the time, prompting lead writer Ted Peterson to get especially creative with the sequel :marseylaptopangry2: which gave birth to a large chunk of the established lore, such as the daedric princes, Tiberino Septimino and the general political lookout of Tamriel.

You won’t find any of this in Arena :marseyfuckyou: You will find a dungeon crawler trying to masquerade as a breathing living world equipped with a digital dm to help you live in it.

As expected, this divided focus harms both aspects of the game. It is an okay-ish dungeon crawler with a thin coat of ye olde fantasy paint applied to it :marseythegrey: Besides boozing and being a bitchboy courier, there is little you can do in the larger world before you delve into yet another cave or crypt. By playing as an Altmer I have apparently bypassed a lot of frustration with the game, as High Elves are immune to paralysis, which btfos certain enemy types completely :marseyspider: Still, even this game has the overambitious style that Bethesda cultivated through the years, although the large world is as deep as a puddle, so it under-delivers just the same.

TES Daggerfall

The improvements from the first game, both story-wise and gameplay-wise are great and elevate the game to a level that makes it very comfortable to play, provided you can look past the age and some weird design choices.

The world outside of the dungeons is actually worth interacting with now. You can become a member of a guild, take out loans from a bank, purchase property (which includes ships), evade loan sharks (using said ships). Combined with an alchemy system that allows you to taste certain body parts of uncertain creatures and make various potions using them, this game gives you one of the best John McAfee simulators put there.

The dungeon crawls are more intuitive and fun, largely thanks to mouselook :marseymouse: All this fun is severely hampered by the proc gen nature of the majority of the dungeons. Yes, Bethesda’s choice to do proc gen planets is really a Retvrn to Trvdition moment. And no, the dungeons aren’t different for each playthrough, the devs did the proc gen process only once and then put the results into the final version. So there are hundreds of expansive labyrinthine dungeons across the game for you to explore, which comes with the drawback that they weren’t really tested by anyone.

I almost dropped Daggerfall when I had two dungeons in a row where the objective was in an unreachable location. If not for my faith in Todd, I might’ve ended the whole pilgrimage prematurely :marseyindignant:This isn’t a problem with the Unity version, I hear, but I am one of those insufferable strags who like to get the vanilla “release day” experience and have subjected myself to DOSBox tomfoolery :boomermonster:

The story is unique in both its content and its presentation. There is a bit of autism involved in how you actually unravel the mysteries, but it is the good old-fashioned kind of autism, not the Little Lamplight kind of autism.

TES Redguard

This was easily the game I was looking towards the most during my pilgrimage, purely because it is the only game on the list that I haven’t played before independently. What intrigued me most about it is that two Bethesda veterans, Kurt Kuhlmann and Ashley Cheng, consider Redguard to be their favourite game to develop, despite the general reputation of the game being that of a misguided spinoff. Todd also always brightens up when discussing it, so it clearly holds a spot in the old guard’s hearts. Surely something so special for these people must actually be good, or at least interesting? :marseygem:

I was actually genuinely surprised with how well the worldbuilding and the narrative were holding up to modern TES standards. Turns out a lot of the lore we attribute to Morrowind actually came from Redguard. Despite not being an rpg, which might’ve doomed the game, it has a strong grasp on its tone and atmosphere. Although you can see Indiana Jones/Prince of Persia through the stitches, it still has the feeling of an Elder Scrolls game.

As mentioned, this is not an rpg but an action adventure game with puzzle elements. Not even the good kind, but the ‘90s kind of puzzles. I would still take them over the kindergarten puzzles we got in Nordic barrows :marseywhirlyhat:

I had no problems adjusting to a stat-less TES game, although I still have many grievances towards the combat system, which I still don’t understand most of the time. Doesn’t help that the game starts with a fight and as such gives the worst first impression imaginable :marseydeathpose:

The character interactions were mostly pleasant, not only because all of the dialogue is voiced, but also because every other character gives you an exposition dump that actually reveals interesting info about Tamriel. Besides, the main character, Cyrus, is voiced by a the standard redguard voice from Morrowind and Oblivion - Michael Mack, who is always a pleasure to listen to. Unfortunately, Cyrus is not one of those neurodivergent protagonists, like JC Denton :marseyjcdenton: or Henry of Skalitz, so he mostly plays a Han Solo-esque “merc with a heart of gold” role

The dialogue style and bits of the atmosphere reminded of Oblivion quite a lot, which is surprising considering that Redguard came out in ‘98. Honestly, at certain points it felt like Morrowind was a fluke and that Bethesda always wanted to make games in a style closer to Redguard, as their marketing would slowly prioritise the sense of adventure more so than role-playing :marseygladiator: Todd, however, prohibits such thoughts and insists that players being anything they want to be is still a priority for the developers. May his words be proven true yet again :toddhoward:

I couldn’t force myself past Cyrus’s reunion with his sister, as the mysterious combat and the asinine puzzles got the best of me. Skimming YouTube playthroughs reveals that I didn’t miss much and did about 2/3 of the game.

I understand now why it is such a beloved project among Bethesda devs. I also see it as an important puzzle piece in the larger DNA sequence of Bethesda design. Despite the somewhat cool story elements and lore, I wouldn’t recommend this game purely out of the terrible gameplay, which was already outdated by the time of the game’s release, at least according to its old reviews.

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A lot of features in Daggerfall could really enhance the later games imo.

Redguard and Battlespire are certainly jank but the stories were quite interesting tbh since they bring a lot of the more weird TES lore eg. Sload are a very fun race that needs expansion. A concise action/adventure game played straight, no rpg mechanics in the TES setting could be a huge departure from the formula and opportunity to experiment and just let loose in what stories they can tell in TES.

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I never had the urge to play Battlespire, despite it being Julian Lefay’s last time as a creative lead at Bethesda. I knew that Redguard had more in common with the modern iteration of TES and was genuinely surprised by its story. The gameplay is too spicy for my liking, although I did manage to brave the mushroom jumping section and the dwemer ruins.

I think Redguard’s commercial failure and its poor fan reception have killed off any serious attempt for a pure action adventure TES game. Maybe in the distant future, but for now we can only expect mystery shovelware with the TES branding on it as far as spinoffs go.

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>what stories they can tell in TES

A gorillion, but we're going to get Skyrimslop 2.0 because that game sold like crazy despite its My Immortal-tier writing.

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it's 22

the classic hardcore ptr was fun, prob gonna play the real thing when it comes out, any dramatards welcome to join me

I got kinda hooked on a mobile game :marseyitsover:. it's a idle mmo lite made by a small team so it's only got one one time purchase which I bought. I figured how to dupe a collector item tho so we'll see if I get banned

not much progress on osrs other than getting my slayer and fishing up to do a master clue scroll that ended up being like 200k of junk :marseycontemplatesuicide:

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No, I’m pretty sure it’s 22 and I doubled up on 15



Then foolishly never corrected. We’ve all been living a lie

Also i watched a youtube video about osrs when it was just normal rs and idk how to feel about it

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ah I see, this changes everything

which video?

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Something about a bug allowing mass pking in cities due to how player houses were coded. I think it was this

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oh yea that was a pretty interesting event, though I think I had moved onto wow at that point in time

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Finished Dark Souls 1. After going back through the whole series, my ranking of 1 has improved. The second half isn't really as bad as people say, even if the four late game routes all have something stupid about them. The overall experience is strong, and you're still using the same combat fundamentals.

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Post your Souls games ratings.

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Finally got another friend to start playing drg, but he ended up putting in like 40 hours last week and I worry he’ll burn out and I’ll be back to crashing pubs :marseydepressed:

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Rome 2 Total War DEI mod's Alexander campaign


There's too many satrapies

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Just play as Pontus next time :marseycheers:

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I actually like Pontus; all the Hellenic factions are fun in DEI because it makes phalanx infantry not useless.

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diablo 4 :marseygigaretard:

also got no delivery and sorry we're open and am probably going to try those.

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at 200 hours in, I'm getting kinda proficient in Guilty Gear.

"but darn that's a lot of hours"

well, I have 1000 hours on path of exile and I still don't know jack shit about the game

I downloaded league of legends again to try the new mode next week

but before that I played a few matches and holy shit

I know it's just me being jaded after playing for a decade but I had negative fun playing that game

I made the right decision to stop playing that 7 months ago

Anyway, play Fighting Games


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what's that supposed to mean

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Beat Silent Hill 2. Wasn't as amazing as it was hyped up but still an extremely solid game. The twist had me clappong :marseyclapping: because I could predict what it was but the way they did it was far better than I could imagine.

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pafofeggsile, mon'tregul

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Dumb fricking mid whoreslive to pretwnd they are neurodivergent

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Finished fear 1 to 3 past two weeks

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Nice me and my brother were play Fear 3 on co-op recently testing out our steam decks

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lol u got r*ped

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I wat now

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look up what happened during that last cutscene in fear 2

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Finished Steamworld Heist and Ethereal Estate.

Gonna get into AoEDE competitive and beat Gothic 2 NotR

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finally downloaded some emulators, been playing gta san andreas:marseysteer:

not sure what ps2 game I should go for next

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go full schizo and try Drakengard :marseypsycho:

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Try out God Hand :marseyexcited: I wrote about it a couple weeks ago here, it's essentially a (very unique) 3rd Person beat-em-up by the same guy who created Resident Evil and Devil May Cry. Graphics and assets are nothing special, but the gameplay is :marseychefkiss: It's a cult classic at this point, unfortunately it has never been ported or remastered :marseycry:

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there is a dmc enjoyer in my household and im excited to try this now, ty:marseydance:

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Let me know how it goes :marseyfluffy:

It's really one of those love it or hate it games, mostly due to the tank controls :marseytank:

To me, all the little idiosyncrasies just make it that much more compelling :marseythumbsup:

I will say that the game is fricking HARD, it's not a game that you can just frick around in and beat, you kinda gotta pay attention and have a plan. best piece of advice I can give is to use your guard-break move CONSTANTLY, like seriously, mash your combo for a couple hits > use guard break > mash combo etc.

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Hitman (love these games so much)


yakuza kiwami 2

Arcade paradise

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Been playing a shitload of BattleBit Remastered with my friends. The gun play in the game feels good, like Battlefield 3 with a little bit of milsim. The fact that it looks like Roblox let’s them make everything entirely destructible, which is fun. Overall, good game 👍

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Reminds me of Build And Shoot.

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You can just say "original ace of spades" so people know what you mean without discovering you're a massive cute twink

dude bussy lmao

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Ace of Spaces redirects you to that awful Jagex remake.

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Hence why you put "original"

dude bussy lmao

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Man had some good times with that game.

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Imagine what they could've done with it if they expanded on the original game instead of making an r-slured TF2 clone

dude bussy lmao

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I mean some of the classes had cool weapons that would have been nice to use in regular games...

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nvm you're gay :marseyindignant:

dude bussy lmao

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Playing recon in Battlebit. No, I won't apologize :marseyindignant:.

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Keep yourself safe

https://files.catbox.moe/ginbgb.jpg 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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Every time I see more than one sniper on a building I go support and blow it up :marseywholesome:

dude bussy lmao

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Fricking SAME omg he's just like me frfr

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I am playing front mission 1st and Saints Rows 2022

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That Saints Row got a ton of shit for being zoomer cringe bait. I thought it was pretty fun though.

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I played the launch edition on ps4 and it was shit but after a year I got the collection physical ps5 edition and the game plays fine and graphic is decent

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Working on Amnesia Bunker and FFX!

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I can play to zanarkand with my eyes closed on Piano

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Haven’t really played vidya in a year or so, but I just ordered a steam deck. What are some good single player games I should get? No weeb shit

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Devil May Cry 5 runs great on it, I suspect most games using the RE engine will because it's very well optimized.

There are tons of low-spec bullet heck games that its perfect for, some of my favorite games from the past 3-4 years run flawlessly on it like Inscryption or Return of the Obra dinn as well

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Install emudeck


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FTL, Crying Suns, Battletech, The Last Spell

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FTL is too hard to be fun.

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It's really not, the only part that is legitimately hard is the final boss, which you can properly prep for if you know what you need to beat it (there's plenty of guides).

I've noticed over the years that the people who think it's super hard have made some really embarrassing mistake, such as not realizing that you need to be using the pause function CONSTANTLY.

I will say that FTL is a fricking strange recommendation for someone with a steamdeck, can't imagine how that would work.

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idk how it works but my friend with a steamdeck plays it and skyrim constantly and im not recommending skyrim

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I've played with live help of people who allegedly had beaten it, we didn't make it past the first map. I'm aware you need to pause, but it still will take you hundreds of tries to get far.

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Just start with one of the simple ships until you figure out how the systems work. It's not that hard once you understand how to play semi-optimally. The Red Tail (I think, the one with 4 lasers that fire at the same time) is really good to learn with since you can see things interact and what works and have 4 lasers to pierce any shield. Also spam pause, being able to pause lets you micro manage perfectly, more or less.

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Been playing dragon quest heroes 2. Very different combat from the main series but still a good game

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Got platinum for the first game, then played for 10 min and told my self I play it later and like 4 years have passed since then. The first game heroine is cuter

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Finished High on Life.

It's short but fun and funny.

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I've been cycling through thief, yokai watch, arcanum, and, more recently acquired, dark souls. By cycling through I mean non-stop playing them with rdrama interspersed. Having several games I can cycle through allows me to power through all of them without growing bored meaning I can take fewer breaks. I'm hardly a hardcore g*mer, but I feel as though I have reached some entrypoint for being one in this rampant gaming spree.

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yokai watch

cant you just play smt

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I'm a fan of level 5 and wanted to try it to see how good it was. I've played through a decent amount of smt games so I felt like trying something different as most smt games are pretty similar in feel.

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You should try Fantasy Life. It’s my fave Level 5 game of all time and the sequel is finally coming out soon

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Fantasy life is actually my favorite game of all time and I've played through it multiple times :DDDDD

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:marseydance: yay! :marseycomradehandshake:

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Dark Souls

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prettymuch just magic arena, its the best card game out there. Some real bullshit is going on lately since they released the Lord of the Rings cards, and The One Ring enables some infuriating nonsense. Still so much fun to see a frickin blue nerd timewalk two extra turns and still lose tho.

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@sirpingsalot is not playing anything because I've been doing a lot of paddleboarding recently; going out in nature and touching grass

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:marseypirate: : Avast, ye scurvy cur! Yer comment be walkin' the plank for forgettin' to include trump for prison! We be helpin' ye, right enough - we'll ne'er let ye post or comment anythin' that doesn't be expressin' yer love an' acceptance o' minorities! Heave to an' resubmit yer comment with trump for prison included, or it'll be the deep six for ye, savvy? This be an automated message; if ye need help, ye can message us 'ere. Arrr!

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>no hime cut qt.13


Been playing counterfeit-monkey, sands of destruction and modded morrowind. :marseyantiwork:

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The virgin sands of destruction player vs the chad sands of salzaar player

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Sands of Destruction is edgy 2000s kino. Humans are doomed to live as slaves terrorised by beastfolk where you join the "World Annihilation Front" terrorist org to destroy the world in a final act of rebellious spite. :marseyembrace:

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Last time I went on a Morrowind modding spree I did a big Tamriel Rebuilt install and the Skyrim one. Quit out when the mages' guild wouldn't let me get archbishop without doing mainland quests that started with "find some dumb flowers that are hidden in this maze like castle people got too carried away making"

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:marseybegging: The Markarth Update:!marseybegging:

:marseybegging: PT: Anvil Update :!marseybegging:

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Finally beat Hollow Knight after starting it over for the 5th time. It was pretty good but I'm not really looking forward to doing the DLC or whatever.

I want to actually finish a Soulslike game so I started Sekiro yet again. I keep spamming parry like a moron but I'm making okay progress.

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yeah hollow knight is good but completely ruined by the overly vocal fans who say it's the greatest metroidvania ever created and at least for me set expectations way too high. it's a good game, but probably wouldn't even say it's great.

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Great by indie standards :marseyshrug:

dude bussy lmao

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