:marseysoyswitch: SUMMER GAMES FEST (AKA NOT E3) 2024 LIVE DISUCSSION THREAD :marseysoyswit!ch:

Itsssss heeeeeereeee!

Well, in about a half hour, at least

In our first ever summer (since like 1994 I think) without any sort of E3 being a thing at all (after a previous few years where there was no E3 by it was still theoretically existing), we have yet another edition of its essential replacement! :egenocide::3genocide:

What does that fat frick Geoff have in store for us? Probably more slop than not, but who knows? Perhaps there is more than one Le hidden gem out here..and we will find out together! :marseyminer:


Do YOU have shit taste !g*mers? Look inside :marseyinvestigate:

If ANY of the following games make it onto your "Top 10" list,

you have shit taste.

  • Elden Ring

  • Breath of the Wild (1 or 2)

  • Any of the Uncharted series

  • Any God of War after 3

  • Any Assassin's Creed game after 3

  • Helldivers 2

  • Horizon Zero Dawn

  • Baldur's Gate 3

  • Hades

  • Any JRPG (except Chrono Trigger and Tales of games)

  • ALL first-person horror games (yes, including the latest Resident Evil games)

That's right, I said it:

>popular games... bad! :marseysoycry:



Shadowtree fragments give bigger numbers now

I'd only just reached Radahn. I Did Not Beat The Game and now I never will. :marseyitsover:

Unrelated but funny threads -

Copes from someone who can't even 1v1 Malenia -

Mimicel coping -

Muh design copes -

Mimic GOD dabbing on losers -

General difficulty bitching -

Unpopular games that you actually like? :marseyblops2chadcel:

!g*mers !tunnelsnakes :marseyfalloutvictim: get in here

Off the top of my head I can think of a few

Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon


3D Oddworld Games

Obligatory Dark Souls II mention

And good old Spore

Warthunder remembers the challenger

Dr. Disrespects the Age of Consent admits he was "inappropriately" DMing a minor


40k Space Marine 2 new trailer.
Has Snoy just completely given up on video games?

!g*mers thots?

Square Enix are peak r-slurs

So as I wrote yesterday when I tried to log in they locked my account for security reason so I had to do password reset and etc. So right now I decided to brows square Enix shop and ff14 was 20 euro cheaper on their store (pc version) than on psn store (PS5) so I thought ok trophies ain't worth 20 euro so I tried to buy the game from square Enix store and it doesn't like my address and sends me to frickin client service :marseyxd:

So I looked for alternatives and found and it's 12 euro cheaper than square Enix store and don't b-word about my address.

Japs legit are so stuck in 90ties with their internet structure.


Can't even buy game time :marseyxd:


kinda neat tbh


Low effort post Give upvotes


A frickin avatar of shity character and you have to input a long butt code for this.

Sony can put that avi into their bussy

How to get flint in Pax Dei

Pax Dei is MMO based :marseygem: on the legends of the medieval era. Myths come alive :marseyvaxxtroll: and supernatural :marseymothman: elements like ghosts :marseyksg: exists as part of the ordinary world. The game is still in Early Access, so you can get a feel for it and see if its to your liking. One of the most important tasks you'll need to accomplish is to gather flint, and this guide will show you how.

How to Acquire Flint in Pax Dei

Getting flint in Pax Dei is no easy task, and it'll take a bit of exploration. It doesn't really :marseythinkorino2: stand out from other generic rocks, which makes it a bit harder to identify.

One of the best places to find flint is near rivers. Once you've found :marseymimic: one piece of flint, you're likely to find other pieces nearby. You can also find flint in mountainous areas. As is the case with rivers, once you find one piece of flint, you're likely to find others not too far away.

If you can't find any flint, it means other players have collected all of it already. This isn't a major :marseygaygeneral: problem, as you simply need to wait for the resource to respawn. For this reason, it's best to go searching in a less populated area.

What to Use Flint for in Pax Dei

It's worth your time to gather flint in Pax Dei, but remember that it stacks to 20 in your inventory. Flint is used for a variety of crafting recipes. Once you've found :marseymimic: your first :marseywinner: piece of flint, you'll unlock the Flinthead Arrow :marseycupidangry: recipe. This arrow :marseydownvote: is better :marseysaulgoodman: than your standard wooden :marseyayy: arrow, making it superior :marseysmug: for hunting.

You'll also need flint for Basic :marseysymbol: Cooking :marseyrefrigerator: Tools, Basic :marseysymbol: Fletching Tools, and Basic :marseysymbol: Leatherworking Tools. You'll need Carpenters and Blacksmith workbenches to craft :marseytnt: these items.


As you know soon new expansion is coming for ff14 so I decided to play it on ps5 to get trophies. I tried to log into the game and it blocked despite that psn account is already linked to square Enix.

Reported by:
  • pet : reddit slop :marseysoyhype:

Unless you're stuck on Commander Gaius that boss is insane

:marseygamer: I've spent most of today and yesterday evening playing it, mostly exploring. It's so much better than the base game.

Also the game's getting review-bombed by people seething over getting skill-checked, check the game's steam forums for fresh drama if you're interested link.

EFFORTPOST LEGO Hill Climb Adventure vehicle tier list

I am a sucker for LEGO games, and once I heard that Hill Climb Adventure was getting a LEGO spin-off I was intrigued. I only played the first one and while it was fun, it didn't have a ton of depth. So I was pleased to find that this game actually has depth and a lot of content. One of the main midgame roadblocks is building new cars, so I thought I'd make a tier list talking about which ones players should prioritze. I have all but 2 cars, and so I feel comfortable breaking the ones I own down:

S Tier

Ace is far and away the best car in the game, in a game where the main hurdles are steep inclines and maining balance, a car that's great at both is a must build. Ace has amazing downforce that makes it easier to control than many other cars, and the speed helps it complete maps better than many other cars. It's only real weakness is that it's bad at getting air time, but that's solved with the other S tier.

Old School is really good for how early you can get it if you're smart. It was the 3rd car I unlocked, and it helped me unlock a bunch more cars that weren't as good. It is super lightweight, making it ideal for reaching high parts of a map. Once it picks up speed, it also goes extremely quick. This car also has the ability to go through roadblocks, but tbh that isn't a big deal and only makes the other car with this ability worthless. It does have one major weakness involving the fact it has poor grip and is thus bad at inclines if the car isn't already moving fast, but the Ace can do that.

A Tier

Hill Climber MK 2 is a fine car, and for being the starter one is pretty solid. As with any starter vehicle in a game like this, it does a bit of everything, and is a solid fallback if you don't have a lot of the specialist cars.

Race Car is a perfectly fine car, but it's actually harder to unlock than the Ace and is not quite as good in nearly every way. It is faster, but I find that isn't very useful.

B Tier

Bus is better than you might initially think, as it has good speed, control, and fuel. However the wheels being far from the sides of the car makes it a bit hard to control and I often find myself running over the passengers at the worst times.

C Tier

Cave Crawler is not a good car, it's slow and hard to control. However it has an exclusive gear item that is required for unlocking everything, so it can't be lower than C tier.

D Tier

Buggy has only one redeeming feature, it is unlocked early. Thus it has some use in the early game and is used in a decent number of side quests. However the car is really bad, with terrible controls and cannot stay grounded. The car is pretty much a new player trap, and should be dropped as soon as a better car is built.

F Tier

Hill Climber MK 1 is a funny concept, but it's worse than the Old School in every way, it's harder to control and has trouble staying grounded. I wish this car at least had some redeeming qualities, but it really doesn't. Even the ability to go through roadblocks is also given to Old School.

Monster is far and away the worst car in the game. It's slow, big, weak, and hard to control. It has literally no redeeming qualities. It is also one of the last cars you unlock, making it even worse. I can't think of a single good reason it's even in the game.

Law Rider and Hill Climber MK 3 are not included, as I haven't built those yet, my best guess is they are middle of the pack in terms of quality. !g*mers

Finally a video game protagonist who fights illegal immigrants
Government funded Russian game :marseytigerball:

has pretty good lore, pretty sure the youtuber is a russian traitor but that's KGB's problem :marseyrussiaglow:

:marseyspit: :marseyspitmoji: They finally made a soulsborne trailer that looks like an actual EPIC from the old ages.

All the other ones would :marseymid: look so gamey or limited in scope. This one looks dope like the Japs finally figured out story :marseyslime: telling and environment :marseyunless: in non anime :marseycheshire3: ways.

This shit looks better :marseysaulgoodman: than Elden Ring.

It looks like the kind of upgrade one would :marseywood: expect from a sequel :marseyzeldadarklink: to a game.

Holy shit From Software :marseywindows: did it.

I can honestly see non soulsborne people flocking to the game now if its as good as it looks here.

This post rests on native :marseyeskimo: land.

The dialogue is pure kino.



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