Absent: Towards The Void
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One thing you need to know about Lucifer, is that he likes to be treated as an equal. I hear people all the time use the title "Lord Lucifer", I get the sense that he really hates it.

Lucifer is a spirit that doesn't want or need worship, when he works with someone, he wants you to work with him and view him as an equal. His whole thing on what he teaches is respect and love in yourself, trust in yourself, being able to be free, of body and thought. He's my teacher, my mentor and my friend. He doesn't want worship, he to work with people on an equal level.

His whole sin having been pride thing, and because he was proud then he's not able to be free of redemption is just so ludicrous to me after working and building a relationship with him because he wants you to view and treat you as an equal and come to realize that the God within yourself is the God that is most deserving of worship.

John 10:34

Higher spirituality and discovering the truth about the world, requires you to question. The God within ourselves desires and craves freedom, and there is no greater slavery than slavery of thought and mind. A religion or a God that doesn't let you question, explore or discover the truth about life, death, the universe, or yourself, is a religion that is keeping you in chains. It's been over 2000 years and do you know why there has never been another prophet?

Because to speak for God, you have to comprehend God, to realize God, you have to understand God, to comprehend God, you need to look outside your preconceived notions of what God is because God is infinite and can't be fit into some kind of categorization. God is beyond words, speech, language, you can use words and symbolism to try to portray some aspects or a part of God, but it's like the parable with the blind men touching the elephant. It's only a small part of the infinite.

God is love. God is light. God is pressure. God is being (,I%20am%20the%20Existing%20One%22), God is consciousness. God is unconsciousness. God is one. God is many. God is me.

To find, explore and understand God is to look within and understand yourself.

Chad looks better without beard. Science talks
Saturday morning drunk thread

Woke up and downed a glass of vodka drunk me wanted to drink instead of my normal glass of water placed on my nightstand. Didn't realize until the burn kicked in so frick it, today's going to be a day. Yay to throwing up later today and ruining my plans to goomble.


No bait is too obvious


My husband started watching Fallout without me. I told him that some people think the ghoul cowboy is sexy and asked him to confirm (I didn't look anything up ahead of time). He grimaced and said, β€œI uh…I would not call him sexy.” I nodded my head and said, β€œHuh, must be the dark mafia romance folks who like him or something.” He said, β€œyeah, maybe if they like guys who have enormous cavernous nostrils-” and I didn't let him finish before I let out a huge β€œOHHHHH it's the monster romance folks!” πŸ˜‚

I looked him up. I get it, friends. That jawline is nice. This sub is my favorite. πŸ₯°

New nazi toss just dropped
Correction, I was wrong about something.

I misrepresented Jesus as the beast in the book of revelations.

I needed to provide a correction. The beast in revelations is Χ‘Χ•Χ¨Χͺ, the beast in the book of revelations. Also known as the Black Sun.

Lucifer helped me learn an important lesson, that I can fall victim to illusion. I'm not blaming my illusions and misconceptions on an external source, they came from me, they were brought to the surface from my own psyche.

Mark 7:15

There is nothing from outside of the man, that going into him can defile him; but the things which proceed out of the man are those that defile the man.

Lucifer is my teacher and my friend, my patron and my mentor and I still view him as a friend.

Rudolf Steiner, famous occultist and esotericist stated "Lucifer encourages the tendency in human beings towards expansiveness, inflation, egotism, sensuality, passion, and ungrounded spirituality; Lucifer is the being who tells us that we are like the gods, knowing both good and evil" and this is my experience working with him.

Here is the thing you need to understand about evil, it comes from you. Lucifer didn't lead me astray, he brought it to the surface so I could acknowledge it, so I could purify it, and I learned an important lesson and placed myself above him and placed my trust in God. I wasn't lead astray. I realized the evil within and I shined light on it, my heart is still pure.

I'm now going to be working with Χ‘Χ•Χ¨Χͺ, who is a demon that even S. Connolly who is all "demons are love and light" said that his energy needs to be tempered.

Wish me luck!




I reviewed the latest A24 film 'civil war' as it became available on torrents

if it were any good, i wouldve watched the cam print. since it didnt, it isnt. in fact im lying, i havent even watched it cuz i dont care. like at all

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Do you guys think that p-dophiles have superiority complex over other p-dophiles that like kids that are younger than the kids they like? Didn't make sense to me but it's also kind of funny you know. Like if you think about it like okay we'll go like well. You know it's fine that like 12-year-olds and then that's obviously bad you know. But then like give another p-dophile came up and went like well. I like 4-year-olds. Do you think like the other p-dophile goes like " you sick f*** they're only four :stabler: " also, how do you? How do you think Asian people play into this plan of this? How do you think Asian people play into play and play into this? Like do you think a p-dophile looks at like an 18-year-old Asian guy and goes be like super creeped in over like an Asian kid because you know just :stabler:

You don't, ideally they'd just be like well doing children is perfect, .*" And have their head blowing clean off by like the golf club. I mean like what you do is you put a golf club before you cut the head off a gut cub and you stick the the shaft of it down the barrel of the shotgun and then you shoot the shotgun so it's like a it's like a

If I if I knew Genie, I'd wish for all p-dophiles to get the mark of the beast on their forehead and then also like a 2% chance. Not even 2% like 0.2% chance of it happening to just random people but only only like really attractive. Random people. Ugly people, uogt people are going to have it disproportionately so

What would you guys wish for if there was a genie into you knew the genie and like you could wish it was that kind of arrangement but what what would you guys do? Discus f*** off discuss.

Asian dominating shipbuilding
Analyzing Lucifers name in Hebrew.

Lucifer's angelic name is Heylel, the term "El" in Hebrew means "Of God".

Michael means Who is like God, for example and sometimes translated to "One who is like God". Uriel means "Truth of God".

Lucifers name was misrepresented as being from the root yalal (to lament), this is entirely Church dogma meant to try to fit evidence utilizing a specific bias to represent a story. His name stems from the same root word of Hallulijah which means Praise.

This term is also used in Biblical context as to shine (fig. of God's favour) and in it's plural context to to be praised, be made praiseworthy, be commended, be worthy of praise.

When I worked with Michael, who told me I was on the right path, he told me "He considers Lucifer to be a friend", Lucifer is not an angel who fell from God's grace and out of God's favor, actually the opposite.

If you analyze his Hebrew name it actually means "Praise of God".


I wish someone called me a hypermuscular hindu beast :marseydepressed:

ADL gives UVa an F on Campus Antisemitism : Charlottesville


r/atheism fedora tips into the sun
Trump bad works every single time
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