EFFORTPOST :chadwomanblack: Caster Semenya - South African Intersex Athlete Drama


About 15 years ago, long before the recent Transwomen in female sports debates that have engulfed Burgerland politics, there existed a South African 800m woman athlete called Casper Semenya. She grew up near Polokwane, the capital of Limpopo province (I worked there from 2019-2020!). She rose to infamy at the speed of greased lightning, the female Usian Bolt of Southern Africa, as she basically dominated and crushed all of her competition from her very earliest and youngest athletic endeavors. Finally her crowning achievement was obtained in 2009, when she won the Olympic Gold in BOTH the 800m and 1500m trach events, basically obliterating her competition. She was 18 years old at the time.

2009 was also when the international shitshow began. :marseypopcorn::marseypopcorntime::marseypills:



Okay........so there's no beating around the bush. Semenya doesn't look very......feminine.......

You can see her photo on her wikipedia article, and many of the Mayo femoid athletes whom she basically crushed to bits basically immediately became suspicious that Caster was actually a man taking them all for a ride. Talk about being sour loooooooosers!

But the question was very serious, and eventually the media shitstorm forced the Olympics comittee to take it seriously as well. And eventually a s*x verification test was being discussed.

Now back in South Africa, this set off a turbo nuclear category 5 mega dramastorm. You guys need to understand the context. There is no sensitive way to put it, but a lot of black people, especially black women in post colonial countries suffer from inferiority complex by not being able to fulful what is known as the White Beauty Standards. Now a lot of this is Tumbler shit, where fuggo peeps complain that nobody wants to date them.

But a lot of this is also quite serious, and has had real world ramifications regarding african culture, and how black people see themselves. For context: in america there is an inter race biggotry between Light and Darker skinned African Americans called colourism. This is where lighter skinned black people in burgerland mistreat darker skinned blacks as lessors, and sometimes vice versa. This stemmed both from where many light skinned black peeps are literally the offspring from slavery r*pes, where ironically the slave owners would dote their illigitemate children, and treat them better than the very mothers they sexually coerced. Combined with the fact that the powerful cultural megaphone of european and american media, the unintentional subtext that white is better than black, was poured by Maya media globally for literal centuries

I'm told India has the same issues with Lighter skinned indians being the only actors allowed to be casted in prominent Bollywood, and with "darker" asians like philipinos being treated like trash by all the other SEA states.

The point is this, many South African women basically explode if you you suggest they are less attractive than their mayo/ or pretty much any other racial peers, and the most grievous insult you , could level at black women in Southern Africa is stating they don't look feminine, or that they look mannish compared to the women of the other races. Which incidentally the white afrikaners in their sheer meanness did actually do a lot when they were in power. They were real douchebags :marseycringe2:

I've also tried to find magazines and newspapers of this time period, but once again linkrot means there's jackshit left. Basically, during this time period in 2009, there was a metric shitload of drama where black women in RSA was called ugly, and national singers had to apologize while being cancelled for stating that black chicks look male, ect. It's especially funny because half of the causes of this gender drama, came from black men where black men themselves prefer dating women from other races; I'm told burgerland has these same r-slurred issues. And as you can imagine this caused nuclear shitstorms all year round in 2009, so when the Caster Semenya drama rolled around, the country was basically primed for autismo armageddon.

SOUTH AFRICAN MEDIA RAGES :marseyraging::marseyraging::marseyraging:

The South African press, especially the black ones were raging hard, many felt this a violation of their collective dignity, and with Caster being their subjugate. many felt that the S*x Verification Test was basically those slut Mayo bietches trying to defame Semenya, by taking a low blow to her appearance. But......uhhhh......even back when se was raking in the Gold medals back in RSA, peeps would still make snide jokes about her appearance, which in turn would fan the flames, which in turn........ect


From Article: "Caster just laughed and asked if they would like her to take off her pants to show them she was a woman," said Seme. "We understand that people will ask questions because she looks like a man. It's a natural reaction and it's only human to be curious." So far, so amusing - but the atmosphere began to change when Semenya charged through her heat and semi-final in such dominant fashion that she was suddenly the red-hot favourite for gold. What had been a story known only to athletics aficionados suddenly had legs. Questions started being asked of athletics' ruling body, the IAAF. The jokes started getting more unpleasant. The 'c' word - cheat - rose to the surface.

Cynics recalled the famous case of German high jumper Dora Ratjen, who competed at the Olympics here in Berlin in 1936 but was later revealed to be a chap named Hermann. The comparison was ridiculous - Ratjen was forced to conceal his gender by the Nazi government and had been born and raised a man - and the reaction from the South African team indignant. :End Article

As the media speculation began to turn ugly, from both those claiming that Semenya was a man, and from those that Semenya's privacy was being violated at a global level.


But the real shitshow was when the IAAF spokesman Big D*ick Nick Davies said "The gender verification test is an extremely complex procedure," :marseytroll: People were like the actual frick can a s*x verification test be complicated, pull her pants down! Of course the test would require blood and stuff to be taken, and extensive testing would need to be done to clinically verify her shit at the genetic level, but the public wasn't in the mood for nuanced answers they wanted ANSWERS NOW!

Finally Semenya was told she would have to take a test, and the following morning, didn't appear for her post race conference: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/athletics/8210471.stm

emenya did not attend a post-race news conference following her success, but IAAF secretary general Pierre Weiss did appear before the media.

From the article: http://edition.cnn.com/2009/SPORT/08/19/athletics.worlds.berlin.semenya/index.html

"We know you want to talk to her, but she is young, she is inexperienced and she is not able to reply properly to all your questions," he said. "I will answer for her. The decision not to put her up was taken by the IAAF and the South African federation. "I repeat, she was not prepared for a situation like this." Weiss insisted the IAAF had handled the situation as best as it could and defended the timing of the announcement to test Semenya. "She was unknown three weeks ago," he said. "No one could have anticipated this. We are fast but we are not a lion." He added: "If it is proved that she is not a female, she will be withdrawn and the medals revised. At the moment, the athlete must be given the benefit of the doubt."

Even stone hearted dramatards would have felt bad for Semenya, remember she's only 18, and an explosion of international infamy isn't something most people are prepared for.

Back home in RSA the media Frenzy is still ongoing. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2009/aug/20/caster-semenya-s*x-row-athletics

From Article: Jacob Semenya, her father, told the Sowetan newspaper: "She is my little girl. I raised her and I have never doubted her gender. She is a woman and I can repeat that a million times." He attacked his daughter's critics, saying: "For the first time South Africans have someone to be proud of and detractors are already shouting wolf. It is unfair. I wish they would leave my daughter alone." Semenya, who has a muscular build and deep voice, aroused suspicions recently with a dramatic improvement in performance. She went from a virtual unknown to the world's fastest woman over 800m this year when she clocked 1:56.72 at the African junior championships in Mauritius. She sliced more than a second off that with her winning time of 1:55.45 in Berlin on Wednesday.







Eventually the Olympics comittee would take 8 months and not release the result of Semenja's gender tests, and suddenly out of the blue made an anouncement that Caster was cleared for drug use. And everybody was like, "yeah but WTF about her gender r-slurs!" In November 2009, South Africa's sports ministry issued a statement that Semenya had reached an agreement with the IAAF to keep her medal and award. And be allowed to compete with the 2010 events. People were confused, the mayo sluts were angry, South African black women rejoiced! This was a victory against racism!!

JULUIS MALEMA WEIGHTS IN ON THE CASTER SEMENYA CONTROVESY (because of fokken course he does :marseybeanannoyed:)


It was an r-slured moment for South Africa, as the Semenya controversy became a political and social controversy, many populists like Malema instantly highjacked the conversation and situation as an anti-african racist one.

From article: Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, the ex-wife of former President Nelson Mandela, said no one had the right to perform tests on “our little girl” and warned South Africa’s news media to be more patriotic “without insulting one of our own. Use the freedom of press we gave you properly, because we can take it from you.”

Julius Malema, the controversial head of the ANC Youth League, criticized news organizations for questioning Semenya’s gender, which he said undermined all South African women. “Once again the white-controlled media is wrong. . . . Please stop bothering Caster,” he said. Malema also wondered why there weren’t more white South Africans in the crowd to greet Semenya and two other medal-winning athletes. (Malema faces a complaint in South Africa’s Equality Court by an activist organization, Sonke Gender Justice, for saying that a woman who accused Zuma of r*pe in 2006 “had a nice time.”)

Noluthando Mayende-Sibiya, the minister for women, children and people with disabilities, said her department had written to the IAAF to determine why there are doubts about Semenya’s gender. “Is it because she’s a woman? Is it because she’s African? We want to know why this was done,” Mayende-Sibiya said.

The South African parliamentary committee for sports and recreation announced last week that it would lodge a complaint with the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights that the tests grossly undermined human rights and privacy. :End of Article

On and on it went, it was a constant one-upmanship of politicians trying to out do each other, about WHY the europeans could POSSIBLY believe that Semenya could be a man. And whooo boi, the black radio commentators didn't hold back, because while the politicians postured the average white and black South African, once they finally SAW Semenya, lololololol. It was like the Chud awakening, no comedian or commentator would be caught without a mistaken gender joke about Caster, because holy shit for the every man she genuinely did fricking look like a man! There were frequent jokes about if his wife looked like Caster, then he would actually obey his wife is she looked like Caster and clean up his drunken act. You know real boomer humour type low grade jokes, because people genuinely thought this was funny, and even black women had to admit in private: "holy shit that b-word looks like a man!"


From 2010 to 2014 Caster Semenya would continue her National RSA and International Olympic career with comparative lower yield of drama than 2009, but all the other International atheletes constantly complaining about them feeling like they were being outcompeted by a biological man.

In 2015, a shitload of Russians got caught doping in a heapload of events, with many officials caught taking bribes, and looking the other way, the event caused a big Turnover in the Olympic comittee and the IAAF, which in turn forced their replacedments to reconvene on any other possible controversies to save their reputation, and thus they zeroed in onto Semenya quickly


TREVOR NOAH MAKES A JOKE ABOUT SEMENYA (and bussyblasts all the pearlclutchers :marseypearlclutch:)

Yes the same Trevor Noah of which took over from the Jon guy on the Daily Show - one of the most pro libtard wingcucked pieces of media in existence. But before Trevor became a burger Democrat propaganda tool, he was a turbo based South African comedian, who pulled no punches and understood the unique culture of RSA.

Here in this youtube clip where our boi Trevor Noah basically made a legendary joke about the Caster Semenya fiasco. I'm sorry for beating the joke to death by explaining, it but foreigners will not understand the punchline.

You see in South African languages like Xhosa and Sotho, they don't have gendered pronouns (he/she), and a very common mistake which black people in English curriculum schools make is like: he is my mother. Or she is my uncle. It is famously the greatest mindfrick for south african black peeps to overcome when translating from their home languages into afrikaans or english.


Finally the reason for why the IAAF didn't want to disclose personal information from Semenya, is that all those years back in 2009, they had determined that Caster was an Intersex individual. Still technically a biological woman, but with a metric shit ton of naturally ocurring testosterone in her system.

You see the 2015 new members of the IAAF had began to ban the administration of too high levels of testosterone in female athletes, as Russian dopers, including russian women, would take testosterone to give them vast edges. What's incredible was that even miniscule amounts of testosterone would give a biological woman, a strong edge, and our girl Caster had like dozens of times the allowable amount of naturally occuring testosterone in her system, basically as much as that of a biological man. This defect was called hyperandrogenism. So Semenya was automatically disqualified, to much rage of sef efricans.




She's tried to get the Max-Testosterone ruling over-ruled, but even as recent as 2019, the fight raged on with IAAF. Amusingly the IAAF put between two hard places, would jump between 2016 to 2017 about whether the Testosterone rating levels should remain, before finalizing in 2018 that the Max testosterone allowed by biological female athletes would remain permanent.

My favorite black doods on the internet actually weight in on the situation level-headed

And uhh that's it, GOOD NIGHT

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>name is literally "semen ya"

they can't keep pulling this shit, people will start to catch on

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Epic effortpost, but your conclusion is wrong. Caster Semenya is male. He has 5-alpha reductase deficiency (5-ARD) which is a male-only DSD. This was confirmed in documents released from the arbitration case between the IAAF and Semenya. The reason he has higher testosterone than any of the women he competed with is because he's got a pair of bollocks inside him juicing out the T.

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OH GOD :marseyyikes:

Then Ive been wrong about Caster for like 10 years, and so is like everyone I know lol

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Yep! It was fun to try an authoritative source on her having XY chromosomes and seeing absolutely no mainstream press mentioning this little detail, like the best google could offer was some random blog linking to the official Olympic Committee ruling where it said that the new testosterone regulations only applied to XY people. And then they wonder why people don't trust the press.

Also, what's prompted that ruling was that all three medalists of 2016 women's 800m track were males lol. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athletics_at_the_2016_Summer_Olympics_%E2%80%93_Women%27s_800_metres

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Also, what's prompted that ruling was that all three medalists of 2016 women's 800m track were males lol. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athletics_at_the_2016_Summer_Olympics_%E2%80%93_Women%27s_800_metres

it's like the Lance Armstrong era TDF races, the top competitors were all juicing

except in this case they were :marseyliathomas:


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There was a similar case back in the 1960s with Erik Schinegger, a male who was AFAB and went on to compete in women's skiing, winning gold at the World Championships. It ended up being sorted out amicably, the silver medallist he'd beaten got upgraded to gold, he had surgery to put his peepee and balls on the outside :marseypenis: and continued his life as a man, got married, had a kid, did interviews in the tabloid press about how the transgenders are ruining women's sport, etc.

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DARN, he really was a fugly women.

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Post it I'll pin

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I remember people chudposting, especially about the "girl" on the right.

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It's a fun fact for generating even more drama! :marseythumbsup:

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I heard from a chud that Semenya went to school wearing a boy's uniform and only started presenting female in the last 10 years. Don't know if it's true tho

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The reason he has higher testosterone than any of the women he competed with is because he's got a pair of bollocks inside him juicing out the T.

This can't be true. I checked on xer Wikipedia page and did Ctrl-F "testes" and "gonads" with 0 results...


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But... this seems indicative of Wiki Jannies obscuring the truth to push a certain... agenda?


Surely you are mistaken

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Frick, so he had a peepee all along? Epic fraud by the South African sports ministry, even got to keep the medals.

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If you read about the 5-ARD thing, what happens is the genitals are ambiguous at birth. You might get something half way between male and female, or you might get female looking genitalia but they don't fully function and there's internal testes.

>Dominican Republic (where people with the condition are called güevedoces – "testes at twelve" (wiki)

Could be she grew up thinking she was a girl and presenting as such, then once puberty hits her testes pump her full of testosterone. Explains why she has a deep voice and powerful physique, but not a peepee nor facial hair.

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Ahh, that's far more unfortunate. On the bright side, in fifty years there'll be political movements to make every biological woman just like her once AI pushes everyone out of non-labour work and the robotics industry struggles to catch up.

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She kinda got strung around by the IAAF who were kittyfooting around the DSD ban which sucks, as they tried some half measure until then (intersex athletes can't run middle/short distance events, they have to take testosterone supressants).

But the ban is probably needed - in 2016 Olympics before the IOC implemented any intersex bans at all (afaik) all medalists (Semenya was one of them) of the Women's 800m were intersex lol. :marseyshrug:

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Testosterone is a satanic drug which enhances the body at the cost of the soul.

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And that's a good thing

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You tell me


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Living their authentic selves

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We wuz wimminz n shiet

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The really black one looks like Wesley snipes

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They're all African??

Blacks not being able to tell black women from men is extremely racist

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Senmaya legit has fathered children. That should be the end-all for this dumbass gender debate. Only classified as a woman in the first place because RSA doesn't have first world medical care everywhere.

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has fathered children

but she doesn't have a peepee????

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Ah the Bardfinn style of intersex where you're a fully fertile male who looks like a male but somehow none of that is meant to count because you're totally intersex and actually a woman.

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i dont think she's even a biological female. she allegedly has XY chromosomes and internal testicles where her ovaries should be. she's genuinely a case of where the words "assigned female" should be used, one of very few individuals where the s*x observed at birth was wrong. i feel genuinely bad for her.

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Yeah she's the opposite of :marseyliathomas: :marseytrain:, she didn't dope or tried to cheat anyone. she just got dealt a raw deal.

I agree with Aba and Peach, she handled it well considering how young she was

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i feel genuinely bad for her.


Keep in mind if she were assigned male :marseypedo: at birth, she'd have no medals at all, and wouldn't have found :marseymissing2: the success in athleticism that she already has.

I agree :marseyyesandnosuperspeed: it's a lot for someone so young :marseyzoomercide: but she'd be a nobody without being assigned female :marseypennyboo: at birth.

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Ewa Kłobukowska has y-chromosomes (very rare XX/XXY genetic mosaic) got busted with a chromosome test but later gave birth to a child. So it's possible...

But she's a very special case while Semenya is more of a regular intersex.

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Ewa Kłobukowska has y-chromosomes (very rare XX/XXY genetic mosaic

Simple solution: make her run in a race where half the runners are women and the other half are men.

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I thought she wore the boy's uniform in school growing up, so was she really even "assigned female" to begin with? I do feel bad for Caster, too, because she got thrown into this gender r-slurdation and the people in her country are probably like :marseyjohnson:

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>extremely rare genuine intersex case

>Still gets clocked at a glance

It's over :!marseytrain:s, you shall not pass

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>I'm told India has the same issues with Lighter skinned indians being the only actors allowed to be casted in prominent Bollywood

They sometimes even cast white people made up to look Indian




Is an English woman named Amy Jackson playing a character called Nandhini Ramanujan lol

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Eli AvrRam, who is almost exclusively a Bollywood actress is Greek/Scandinavian. https://i.rdrama.net/images/16800232159019094.webp

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lmap she looks like a bleached sexy Indian dudeette

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Pretty much Med types with eyes and hair like our's can make it big here Nords not so much. :marseyshrug:

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it's very sad

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She's very beautiful :marseyfluffy:

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Surely she gets to star in Bollywood movies because she's white. :marseymayo:

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Lightskin Pahjeets be like: "Why yes, she looks just like me!" :marseypajeet:

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Is it still privilege if they literally hand it to you?

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Its funny theyre one of the edge cases so often talked about by :marseypearlclutch2:. I get that it kinda sucks for them but this should have been predictable when they chose to hide the results the first time lol. Ironically if they hadnt there would have been a better case towards "naturally occuring testosterone"

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well it's not so much a wild coincidence as much as it is the system filtering females to the absolute extreme of athleticism, which will of course include beasts like semenya

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WOW. Way to refer to black people. !nonchuds

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She has XY chromosomes the s*x test would have stripped her of her medals had it gone public

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Also i have to say keep your posting up its legitimately some of the best writeups on the site rn. Ive debated doing american sports drama some but im full on :marseyneet: when it comes to dramatic affairs

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These aren't edge cases. Semenya has all of the performance advantages of a normal male, the only difference is his pseudovagina

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Why does you guys calling this foreigner intersex “he” feel so stupid?

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I'm not a foreigner, I'm from here

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I love your effort posts so much, keep up the good work!

Here is a video of Semen-ya talking lmao:

No wonder xhe caused a shitstorm. :marseyxd:

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that is absolutely a dude.

black lives matter

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>2 seconds in

Oh no no no!


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wonder when britney griner is gonna have xer moment

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That's a man, baby!

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Dora Ratjen


They really thought this BIPOC was a foid?

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Average German woman, unironically.

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Well... East German, maybe. And that's kinda the point.

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You ever seen a Germano foid? Most of them look like cavemen.

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looks german to me, would bone

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Hehe SEMEN hehe

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I didn't know that the Nazis forced a man to go trans for a medal :marseychudnotes:

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You should see what nazi commies were doing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doping_in_East_Germany

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Based, the party demands Ws and the nation will provide.

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I wonder if her wife considers herself gay :marseyhmm:

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She is kinda hot, ngl.

I wonder if her clitoris is long enough to bumfrick someone with?

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:marseycoomer2: get help

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Xhe looks very handsome in your main picture, great jawline.


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It's gotta be at least 3 inches erect.... :marseybutt::ricardodance:

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Cool it with the transphobia

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keep yourself safe!

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I'll never not updoot that, friend-o!

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Didn't the b-word have testicles?

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Internally iirc

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Semenya is a pretty good name for an intersex woman


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too long didn't read that's a man :alienfinger:

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:marseydab: urself

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The point is this, many South African women basically explode if you you suggest they are less attractive than their mayo/ or pretty much any other racial peers, and the most grievous insult you , could level at black women in Southern Africa is stating they don't look feminine, or that they look mannish compared to the women of the other races

This isn’t unique to South African women it’s pretty much any of African descent

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Most feminine black woman.

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everyone on olympics is abusing drugs though lmao

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We need to start importing more effortposters from the Third World, this was great.

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Dang bro that's a lot of words

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Unironically, just add 140 characters and 10 marseys and go home

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This clown is a sarcastic, disingenuous individual, don't even waste your time responding to him. He's not courageous or intelligent enough to debate issues and theories in an honest, straightforward way, so he (?) hides behind his defense mechanisms… in this case, playing a sarcastic, incoherent punk/rebel who makes no sense (because he's not trying to). Seems he's trying to draw attention to himself, and discredit facts and opinions he doesn't like by belittling them, as opposed to refuting them or making rational counter-arguments like us adult folks. He reminds me of an annoying, 15 year-old little shit desperate for attention, but lacking the wisdom or life experience to say anything intelligent enough to actually contribute to the conversation, or be useful to anyone. Don't waste your time!! Hope that helps. 🙂


















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