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I hit 72 hrs fasted, water only, AMA

Woke up set a meeting (tech sales shit), ran another meeting, fricked off to my “doctors appt” (interview) which i crushed, came back and set another meeting, and i felt so good i came home and put in a 3.5 miler. Goddarn im so excited for breakfast but frick i need to sleep.

Watsup rdrama, try to be like me, its great.

Edit no one will read - 2 hours to go. Picked up food so I can eat at work. Frick this is torture now.

Edit 2 - 1.25 hrs. Im at work, shit is stupid, the girls arent lining up to blow me for my new found super powers.

Edit 3 - last half hour, im so stupid letting this run into work, im about to say some dumb shit on the phones ugh.

VICTORY EDIT - work fridge was out of OJ but i did have a fruit cup to break my fast first. 4chan overhyped it, but it was still pretty cool. idk give me like a year or something wild happens before I'd feel like trying it again.

Results edit probably too late - Holy shit i dropped 8 lbs, and thats me with a beer and a good meal vs right after the morning shit, so really it could easily be 10+ lbs…lets see if it sticks tho.

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If you haven't eaten anything in 3 days, that means your bussy is probably empty as a whistle. In that case, you should come over tonight for some pancakes tomorrow morning :marseywink:

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Oh darnn, i hadnt even thought of that, u baddd :marseysmug2::marseysmug2::marseysmug2:

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Imagine how funny of a bit it would be to eat lunch in front of your coworkers by pulling different foods out of your butt and eating them

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Stop giving me great ideas

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You can carry your lunch up in it tomorrow and it will be clean enough to eat out of it.

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A gay man's butt is always clean enough to eat.

Straggot FOUND

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you should post this in fatpeoplehate, it's very good.

Secured my spot as a top 100 most memorable rdrama poster

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Im only a semi serial dramanaught, i stay on the front page, no houses

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dont eat itll make u fat

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Im just excited for breakfast. 4chan promised that the oj will hit like a crackpipe

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I never even thought of the post fast food, kind of want to do it now tbh

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not the longest i've done, but i did a week long water fast and finished it off with 5 guys and it was godly. that malt on a completely empty tummy :marseychefkiss:you gotta be really good with your electrolytes tho or you'll feel fricked eating a lot after a week/refeeding syndrome if you go longer and eat like a tard

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Now I'm curious, what's the longest you've done?

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longest i've done was 3 weeks, normally i do water fasts because i hate spending a million years cutting (eating no food for a week is better than eating a little food for months imo, and at my size on a cut i'd only be eating 750 cals if i wanted to drop 1.5 lbs a week :marseycry:) but this time was just to see how far i could push myself. i stopped because i wanted to have brownie cake for my friends birthday

after a few days of not eating your body gets used to it and doesn't make you hungry anymore so i think i could've just kept going until all my fat stores were gone, waiting 3 weeks was not necessary lol

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Was your mind foggy or anything doing it that long?

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i'm always r-slurred but i didn't notice anything worse than usual. i have to wonder if foids having higher body fat gives us somewhat of an advantage over moids when it comes to fasting brainfog as i've read some people get it just from strict cuts. healing factor was absolutely dogshit though of course, i bruise super easily and by the end of the 3 weeks i looked like someone was beating me

went from 121 to 112, my normal non-lifting intake is around 1400 so even tho fatties say cico doesn't real, curiously it works out. surprisingly my lifts were back to normal after less than a week, even tho i stayed at that lower weight for a while

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Are you a short person? Whenever I’ve done lifting I’ve had to eat a frick ton, like 2500 calories a day or I go holocaust victim.

I’m also a legacy foid but tall.

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Honestly dunno how I’m doing it but it’s not even that bad rn. Frickn almost there and I can’t sleep tho, that’s bullshit

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Shouldn't you be almost dead? Or do you consider eating foods like watermelon not cheating?

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Water only, 72 hrs is the max they recommend to do without medical supervision.

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Oh.. so you mean fasting.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Oh yeah, I mean only water. Some dumb foid tried arguing with me that fasting means no water too so I felt the distinction was needed, opps

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>water and not Vodka

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im a dark liquor kinda drinker more tbh

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A guy i know did water tasting for few days and ended up in hospital nearly dying

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he shouldve done some cardio to make it more exciting.

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how is someone not able to go 3 days without food frail butt neighbors hahahaha

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The issue isn't lack of food but too much water. He did it coz his trainer told him to drink water when he feels hungry instead of eating. And lack of food but too much water fricked him up

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That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard that's hilarious

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Indeed, I believe his liver failed. I don't remember if he sued the trainer or not though

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Ahh That makes sense. Probably should have put some salt/ electrolyte powder in that shit.

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How fat was he and how many days exactly?

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He must have been drinking a lot of water. Or is water more dangerous when you're food fasting?

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Drinking a lot of water dilutes your salt levels which isn't exactly good when you combine it with a lack of incoming salt.

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Both. He was drinking too much water which destroyed his liver, but drinking on empty stomach is also somewhat harmful

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34 hours into my 72 right now. Breaking it with vodka

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not breaking, thats just spicy water.

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why tho

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someone said it resets your immune system or whatever. and 4chan said it makes orange juice feel like hits of crack.

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said it makes orange juice feel like hits of crack.

Well, does it?

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24 min

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Well don't keep us hanging. How was the orange juice and food etc,?

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Oh I put in edits but honestly it was a bit of a letdown. Like yeah I was happy to eat but couldn’t feel dopamine rushing to my head or nothing.

I’m definitely a bit trimmer and better handle on my appetite tho so I’ll probably try it again in a few months or so.

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Cool. I'm tempted to go through with it too.

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I mean its pretty cool. I didnt get to weigh myself before i broke my fast, but even with a full belly i am 8 lbs lighter

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Haha, 1 minute to go now!

Look forward to your reply!

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Full fat yogurt is best, good balance of macro and salts + easy on digestion

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Dammit I wish I had read this earlier

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>actually taking advice from 4chan


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yeah drinking OJ, 4chan got me.

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Thats not what i was saying r-slur. Obviously it was the whole fasting thing. Next time make sure you fast from water and air.

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lmao dont be mad hunny, i been fasting for a bit, just needed the extra push to shoot for 72

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Why are you fasting? Are you Muslim?

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Honestly just some sigma bullshit. See if I can still have a 6 pack at my age and a shit diet if I just take breaks from it lolol

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Give ratings out of 10 in terms of difficulty for day 1, day 2 and day 3.

I'm >< this close to replicating your endeavor.

Also, are you considering doing a week fasting in the future, or is 3 days best?

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Oh god I’m not doing a week, and personally I wonder if there’s some diminishing returns like it might damage your metabolism or whatnot, based on my research and experience 3 days feels like the sweet spot. But if you do it I def wanna hear all about it lmao.

Starting was a bit tough, your belly has to be convinced it’s not getting fed like it normally does. First day I’d give it a 6 or 7 because idk exactly when I got numb to the hunger pangs

Day 2 was the easiest for the most part. Just be careful to avoid certain smells haha. Body accepts we in starvation mode and you can darn near feel it tapping your fat stores to keep going. Let’s call it a 3 or 4.

Day 3 was the toughest mostly bc of the home stretch you can read all about from my post edits lol. Counting down in the home stretch was tough and I felt “real hunger” like feeling weak, body’s battery dying type shit lol. But making it was pretty cool, Rdrama being supportive in its way haha. Just cus of the home stretch I’d say a solid 8.5.

Godspeed if u do. Having ate n slept I feel pretty darn good today.

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Still unemployed then?

Joke :marseywink:

Btw, don't be disappointed if you gain most of that 10lbs/4kg back, since according to the article I posted, most of the weight loss is water-weight, and the 'true' weight loss is more like 0.5 lbs (0.2kg) per day.

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Wouldn’t surprise me, but I weighed myself this morning and compared to tues morning before I started I’m officially 10.9 lbs lighter. (166.9 - 156 flat)

More importantly I have like no sugar cravings. Boutta enjoy the shit out of a greek yogurt with a little granola.

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Did the fast again. 3 more days. Easier than last week, since I wasn't nearly as nauseous on the third, though still felt weak.

Anyway, another 2 kg (4.5lbs) dropped off compared to last week (so 73kg -> 71kg -> 69kg)! In agreement with you, it does seem as if the 0.2kg (0.5lbs) per day is a bit pessimistic. Seems much more like 3x that amount - about 1.5lbs per day for me. And wow, you're like over double that loss (3.6lbs per day) if I read correctly.

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Oh darn look it you, just motivated me to take at least a day or two off this week now. Yeah the weight loss seems real and shit if youre consistently taking 3 day breaks its gotta be a good while until returns start to diminish

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still unemployed then?

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That line doesn’t work on the weekend chudpostbot

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How has your weight changed?

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Holy shit i dropped 8 lbs, and thats me with a beer and a good meal vs right after the morning shit, so really it could easily be 10+ lbs…lets see if it sticks tho.

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How long does it take for the stomach to shrink from not eating?

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Uhm 72 hrs? Idk lol

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I’m just asking because it might be easier to keep that weight off if you aren’t able to eat as much anymore.

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Gotcha gotcha lol, I just don’t really know when it really shrank, like it’s def smaller now, but I couldn’t tell u when it first shrank? Probably somewhere around 36 hours

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i fricked up man, finishing it at work i got too busy to run into the gym and check, ill check at home but its after ive eaten

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Check your insulin levels

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You should probably go see a doctor

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well i made it and i feel fine with a little food and i hate doc visits soooo

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Fasting might be dodgy for the brain as I think it needs daily nourishment even if you're body doesn't.

Dunno for sure though.

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Wrong. The brain functions better on ketones than glucose.

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Thanks for the reverse theory though I'll probably have to see a good source at this point saying it's okay to starve yourself for a few days to be near 100% sure.

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Here's a link to an article with a few different sources king.

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Dead link, even without the rdrama.net bit at the beginning.

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Well I did an hour or so worth of research on Google Scholar, and I couldn't find anything to support what I said, but a lot to support your own article.

These two were the most relevant:

Unravelling the health effects of fasting: a long road from obesity treatment to healthy life span increase and improved cognition.

Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Brain Metabolism.

I'm really tempted to go on a 3-day fast myself now. Maybe just vitamin tablet-supplemented?

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For just 72 hours, you won't really require any supplementation, though if you feel you need it, take electrolytes (Sodium, magnesium, potassium). There are premade soluble mixes on amazon for this or just make your own if you're a poorstrag.

If you have never fasted before, 72 hours will be hard as frick. Start with 24 and work up. good luck king

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Did 72 (or very almost 72) hours in the end. You're right about hard! You can see my experience here: https://rdrama.net/h/fatpeoplehate/post/81169/3-day-fast-day-2-cope/2212400?context=8#context

Lemon-squeeze in water helped a lot to get rid of the nausea btw.

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Made a post on it: https://rdrama.net/h/fatpeoplehate/post/80159/thinpeoplelove-pineapple_pizza-lost-4kg-10lbs-by

72 hours will be hard as frick.

Oh is that a challenge? :marseysmug:

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im already rslurred from adderall and psychadelics, cant be making anything worse.

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Someone told me once that the major benefit of fasting is it 'resets' your gut flora, any truth to that?

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thats what the interwebs says, idk how I would know if it happened or not. Im betting I cant eat as much with my stomach shrinking tho.

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You're kinda me right now. How much did you lose.

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im not checking until the finish line. will try to remember to update but shits getting a lil woozy ngl

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An hour probably is fine.

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thanks, getting closer.

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Going for Ketosis?

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if thats what you call god mode, sure.

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No caffeine of any kind?

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i had a liptons hot tea on wednesday until someone said its gotta be water only. ill fight all of you if that makes it not count.

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Why not even tea? It's tea it's no calories it doesn't break a fast not really

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idk, i must be going whoozy taking hippie girl seriously tbh, u right.

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Take Adderall.

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been there, been self-detoxing off of it for the last few months or so. ppl be paying top dollar for them too so its nice.

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