Drake Threw a Yeezy :marseygraduation: Slide at a Drone :marseypredator: Flying :marseyeaglenuke: Over His House :marseyvampirecrusader:


nevermind it was a stake ad this whole time lol

Reported by:
  • Nick : Spit on that thang
Elon Musk wants to get rid of OSHA and weekends



>I am surviving just to see the day where he gets the Mussolini treatment

>I am surviving


Redditoids advocate civil war lol:

2024 was rigged confirmed:

Umm source? :soyjakcobson:

No stupid Redditor, weekends are biology



2023: Shoots and kills dad in Oklahoma. Claims self defense. Gets charged with murder but eventually the charges get dropped because the DA said they couldn't disprove his self defense claims.

2024: Stabs mother in the neck to death. Again claims self defense. Had previously been arrested for domestic battery against her after she took his video games away. Warned cops while in custody that he had no self control and would kill her. Before his self defense claims he'd said in his 911 call that it was an accident and his mom had fallen on the knife. Witnesses reported seeing him dragging his mom by the hair into the house and his mom repeatedly screaming "let me go."

He got away with murder twice. This kid is the luckiest motherlover in the world.

So who is he most likely to kill next?

His grandma took him in so her. :marseywomanmoment2:

!foidmoment !moidmoment !burgers !zoomers why is the Burger justice system so terminally neurodivergent?

Reported by:


I'm ngl the drama here is thin but I found this exchange :slapfight: very funny and I want the 2x DC :donkeykongdance: :diddykongboombox:

The Education Workforce Council's fitness to practise panel was informed of Mr Jones' admission regarding his remarks to a year eight student, calling him a "tramp" and suggesting he "should go back to the special class".


On the day of the incident, the boy caused disruption in a low ability year eight class, where most pupils had a reading age of six, despite being 12 or 13 years old.

:marseyflagwales#: Wales moment

Arriving late to class, the boy requested a pen and proceeded to make derogatory comments about the teacher's weight, asking if he had "sunk the Titanic" or "ate the whole menu in Burger King" before labelling the teacher a tramp.


Mr Jones admitted that he had yelled "shut your face" at a student known as Learner B during a school assembly when he thought the pupil had called him "the n word".

The pupil insisted that he had referred to the teacher as a "nugget", not the "n word",

:really: :marseysquint: :surejan:

Now the :marseyfoidretard:s are getting involved :marseypearlclutch:

Ms Davies Bottomley also noted that Mr Jones had leaned over and was "in close proximity" to Learner B as he shouted "shut your face", which she perceived as "quite aggressive".

:soycry#: nooo not close proximity

Headteacher Melanie Ferron-Evans, who employed Mr Jones as an NQT in 2015 and promoted him to head of religious studies, said he had always been an enthusiastic member of staff. She said that seemed to change after the pandemic during which he was "very poorly with Covid".

:marseysweating: uhhh yeah I have long covid which forces me to call children c*nts

He had been under diagnosis for sleep apnoea at the time and was getting only three hours sleep a night.

:marseylaug!h: :marseychonker2: Maybe he really did eat the entire BK menu

On top of this, the teacher said he was dealing with splitting up with his partner of nine years. omg why is this even relevant? my mans is having his entire life torn apart on Manchester Live? Bro.. :marseyknowthatfeelbro:

Reddit discusses the ethical implications of calling a child a tramp

Talk to me like an "adult" and you'll get replied to like an "adult" I am britain's NUMBER ONE CHILD PUNCHER

I'd like to invite you to work in a children's home for a few days with me and see how far your attitude gets you. Let's not bother getting into a discussion about how your attitude will contribute to immense generational decay. :marseyfoidretard:

TikTok is already doing enough generational decay. Kids getting some consequences isn't going to hurt. :marseypunching:

I can verbally abuse children because of.. :marseynotes: a mobile app :derpthumbsup:

I only made it half way through the article but I think teachers should be able to tell students to frick off. :gigachad2:

All you have to do is set clear boundaries, punishments for crossing boundaries and then stick by them 100%, while remaining calm and respectful yourself. :marseyindignant:

Just roll over for them chud :marseyindignant:

Remember a teacher getting struck off in Scotland, - the little twat asked the teacher "why are you so fat?" - the teacher collapsed the arse off the wee twat with "every time I pump your maw, she makes me a sandwich" !!

And probably found himself a nice private sector job that is better paid, less stressful and less demanding as a result. And we as a society lost a teacher. British 'person' try not to be relentlessly miserable for 3 seconds challenge

I'm more concerned with the teachers who abuse kids, or just the general fricking disgrace of schools and lack of adequate funding,

British 'person' try not to say 'underfunded' for 3 seconds challenge :marseybong: :marseyshooting:

Good on the teacher for telling him to frick off. Children these days have absolutely zero respect,

Every teacher I know has way more issues with parents than the kids.

They're too fricking fat for starters :marseysipping:

/r/bellingham, the subreddit of a very liberal college town, has decided their mods are LITERAL NAZIS


Just look around there's a bunch of threads

I don't know how to title this, it's just a mildly fun read
Recent events made me support ukraine

I had a lot enjoyment laughing at delusional nafo types, their r-slurred piggy banks in the Whitehouse an most of all because redditors love Ukraine so my morality forced me to believe the opposite.

Now that establishment :marseytrump: is anti Ukraine and slava ukraini shitlibs :soysnootype: are defeated, I decided to come out in support of Ukraine and hope we give 200 billions more of our tax money

And yes I base all my political views on contrarianism :#gigachad2:

Leftoids have absolutely lost the plot
Reported by:

ЕU bаns xbоx соnsоļе sаļеs ín Russíа

Thе nеwеst stоrу ís nоt уеt uр оn rеddít

Yоu knоw thоsе ļеgеndаrу ЕU соnsоļеs аnd hаrdwаrе

But wе nееd mоrе rеddítоrs ΙQ

Ι hаvе а jаíļbrоkеn рs5 аnd íts ļеss usеfuļ thаn

200 buxx tаb аs соmрutеr

Sо уоu sее ЕU gоv ís fuļļ wíth bооmеrs thаt sауíng shít ļíkе thís

Sо muсh соnfídеnсе ín thаt thаt mеssаgе, аnd

tо thís dау hе símрs fоř Ukřаínе tеļļs Russíа ís аbоut tо соļļарsе, sо Ι wrоtе hím а DM tо rеmínd hím аbоut thís mеssаgе


Ļíkе Аļļаh tоļd íf уоu dоnt mаkе 1 реrsоn smíļе ín оnе dау уоu wаstеd а dау

Aznidentity blames WMAF for murder of mid Chinx thot. Unfortunately it looks like an Azn is to blame instead :marseyspecial:

Infuriating, these yellow fever white guys preying on international students trying to get a good education in the states.


Her Instagram:

Based on this girl's IG posts, which are public, she seems to have mental health issues. Some of her posts are very provocative, strange, and bizarre.


It's time to wake up America

Reported by:
  • Wojak : YWNBAW :marseyplushieswinging:
  • Lv999_Lich_King : schizo on rDrama keeps pretending she's not a creepy skinwalker
  • Grue : Weak bait reports smh
Schizo on Reddit is convinced Oompa Loompas are throwing stones at his house and attacking him while he sleeps


Original post on Reddit on /r/HumanoidEncounters (which btw is FULL of schizos):

>Bald Oompa Loompas fricking in my backyard? (Humboldt County, CA)

This event took place on 11/10/24 in Humboldt County, California, US. I'd been hearing this terrible chirping/screeching sound for the past three nights outside my window. Finally got sick of it so I decided to investigate. Was expecting some dumb bird, but no. I turn my flashlight on and uncover what has to be the single most troubling spectacle to ever meet my eyes in my 29 years of life. Two orange and very naked little creatures were doing it in the middle of my zucchini patch. Their eyes were beady and their mouths were agape in the way that turtles mouths are agape when making love. Just an awful sight all together. Our eyes met and they sat there for a second staring at me with what I can only describe as empty headed surprise. Then, in an instant the one on top leapt off and the two little frickers scurried away from sight in what felt like mere seconds. So like. What the frick did I see? They literally looked like Oompa Loompas from heck. Anyone else seen anything like this or am I just cursed?

Someone in the comments directs him to this post of similar orange gnomes torturing some other schizo:

OP responds with:

Holy frick! That's them! Those are the little frickers! They even made the same face as the ones in that drawing! Oh my God!

Case closed.

Until he followed up three days ago with a new post:

These events have taken place for the past few weeks in Humboldt County, California. A couple months ago I made the post about the two ugly butt Oompa Loompa's who were getting down and dirty in my garden. Well, after I caught them in the middle of their evening activities, I thought they were gone for good. For an entire month I was left without bother, and even found it within myself to move on from the ordeal. I celebrated Christmas with my family, had a pleasant New Years, and honesty forgot about the horrors I had witnessed. Life was ok, but then, without warning, I heard a little ding on my window one night. I looked out and saw one of THEM. He was running away into the bushes like a gleeful little cherub. I ran outside and there was no trace of the little fricker. What I did find was a tiny white stone laying on the ground below my window. A couple days later and I hear another ding on a different window. What do I find? Another white stone. A week later and the same thing happens again. At this point in time, these buttholes have attacked my poor windows seven goddarn times! Now, I should make it clear that none of my windows have been broken from these attacks as their throws are seemingly wimpy and their rocks are small, but still. Frick these guys. I've got a collection of white stones now and I know they're just going to keep adding to it. Is this supposed to be payback? I'm at a loss of what I should do.

The top comment:

Fellow Humboldt resident here. I have heard of similar things going on.

So I guess this town in California is being overrun by Oompa Loompas and only brave Redditors are willing to report on this. Godspeed.

brain-worm:marseycanofworms:man: Black kids:marseyblack:on ADHD:marseypills:meds should be 're-parented'

:marseyradfem: thread about it


he's not a Kiwi Farmer per se, he tried to shake down KF, and then cussed them out when they wouldn't pay out and/or when they doxxed him.

Liz Fong-Jones (方禮真) ( 2025-02-08T03:47:58.452Z


Received a Bigotry Infraction today for some chapters I wrote like… 8 months ago? Even had mods and whatnot on when I posted them. Don't know what caused this super delayed infraction but whatever.

SB has, in its infinite wisdom, seen fit to give protected status to fictional peoples I made up for a fictional fan-made story in a fictional setting that has lots of fictional discrimination baked into its fictional DNA and Bones.

Despite using Dictionary Definitions of terms like 'G*psy' and ensuring that the Grass Sea Peoples situation was handled exceptionally well for the setting (BTech's first response is usually outright genocide via Flamer), I have been slapped with a Bigotry warning. Even showing the crimes in the narrative via MIIO intel reports, the glimpses of their haughtiness and unwillingness to work with the Lord of their new planet, the peoples proudly commuting their crimes against the populace because farmers couldn't do anything about their multi-ton farming equipment…etc wasn't enough.

I have decided that SB is no longer a platform that I can write in at all if this level of two-faced, two-tier rules enforcement is going to be warranted.

Have two underaged 14 queer teens making out and groping each other 'on screen'? Getting fricking fanart made of said kisses and shit? Go ahead. No problem. Two heterosexual 17 year olds kissing 'on screen'? Nah, fam, needs to fade to black. Take an infraction.

It's quite clear that if as long as you agree with a certain agenda, you can bend the rules as much as you wish, and no one will do anything to stop it.

I haven't updated this story in months and yet they saw fit to slap me with an infraction for last year's, three chapter long plot thread. Specifically used to show just how fricking stubborn and unreasonable people could be in the Battletech Universe. The people who nuke their own cities and chemically gas their own worlds, and massacre billions of people to avenge the death of one man… THAT is the people we're dealing with in the setting. The 'bigotry' of the setting is always off the charts, and while bigotry is always allowed to be showed in lots of stories, for some reason it is not allowed here. The 40K stories have TONs of fictional bigotry and Exterminatus with actual on-screen genocide, but this is worth an infraction? Okay. lol

But whatever, I'm not here to argue or appeal. The mods will just slap me with something else, I'm sure. So no, I'm done. Will just forever lurk and follow the stories I like.

I'm here to let everyone know that I will no longer be writing for this story here on SB.

Nor will I be porting over any of my other 3+ million words from QQ (Questionable Questing) to SB. Of course most of it is lewd in nature and wouldn't be accepted anyway, but I do have a few stories that would have been able to fit in here as long as I scrubbed some content and got it squeaky clean.

That won't be happening anymore.

If you want to read any more (if my muse comes back for it) you can find it on my QQ, and you'll likely get to see what little lewds I have for it.

Much love, everyone, thanks for your support, and maybe I'll see you on the other side.


:marseytalking#: Sufficient Velocity has an even harsher stance on bigotry than SB, so having the main character subject a fictional group of a real world persecuted minority to forced relocation and having it portrayed as a good thing would likely be poorly received.

:marseychudtyping#: I don't know, I don't post on SV, but apparently it looks like telling a story in a dystopian nightmare universe just shouldn't be allowed. Makes me wonder how WH40k stories don't get banned all the time.

Though the forced relocation is the best scenario out of all of the other horrible options. The MC being an SI is sympathetic to the GSP but recognizes that co-existence with them is impossible and has them relocated so he doesn't have to kill them all. It's not even being nuanced, it's literally "this is the best of the bad situation, but nobody around me even understands why I don't want to do this but they didn't leave me with any other choice".

But I guess I should have expected it.

I promise you though, had I made one of the characters gay and then had the Leaders of the GSP disapprove of their 'unnatural relationship' vehemently… there wouldn't have been a single complaint about those 'bigots getting kicked off world for their backwards, uneducated homophobia'. LOL In fact, MC likely would have been applauded for his courageous decision.

It's just how transparent these people are.

But that's about all I'll say on it. My time as an author here on SB is well and truly done. I tried to come back, but it just wasn't meant to be. It's not me, it's them, and I'm not going to pretend it's not.




!bookworms !chuds


!bobmob is he right !historychads?
Zoomer women are intolerable

Spin-off of a different thread but as bad as Gen Z males are, I perceive that the Gen Z females are uniquely socially unpleasant to be around. Poor social skills, icy demeanor, bad communication. I'm very unimpressed. At least Zoomer guys are able to sometimes talk about sports here and there.


The Pope is in critical condition


Bard spotting on Bluesky 23 February 2025 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

Be valid and ping ! bardfinn for something worthwhile or create a new thread.



Why is this in the politics hole?

Because vaccines are political chud.

Suddenly all redditors become experts in the field of organ transplantation and realize that giving a heart to a dying child is ethically wrong even if there is nobody else on the list and the child is unvaccinated.

The medical field says vaccines must be given as the child is at risk of getting diseases without the vaccines that make the heart transplant useless, conspiracytards respond that the covid vaccine has already been proven to cause heart issues in the first place as a side effect so makes no sense to require covid vaxx to get a heart transplant, my personal non expert opinion says that not having a vaccine increases your chances of getting a disease, but it does not guarantee it, and if the heart is the difference between life or death, then the child has every right to it as long as there is no else on the list before her who needs it more.

Interesting observations:

Hospital admits that vaccines increase the likelihood of a successful organ transplant. Which I believe should lead to the child still getting the transplant if nobody else needs the heart more at the moment.

Because children who receive a transplant will be immunosuppressed for the rest of their life, vaccines play a critical role in preventing or reducing the risk of life-threatening infections, especially in the first year. These decisions involve discussion between our providers and the patient's family.

Organs can stay alive for a few weeks after a person is dead, which means if the girl is the only person around who needs a heart in that time frame, then it makes sense to give it to her even if she is unvaccinated. Not a single redditor appears to have noticed this or mentioned it and all have decided the child is meant to die now.

A deceased organ donor is kept on a ventilator after she/he has been declared brain-dead. They will remain on the ventilator until necessary approvals are taken and the organs can be retrieved. A Brain stem Dead person's organs may stay alive for a period of time that may range from a few days to a few weeks.

As far as I can tell ( I might be completely wrong somebody confirm for me ) if you refuse the covid vaccine, you will not be allowed to get an organ transplant, even if nobody else needs that organ at the moment. So they would rather throw an organ in the trash rather than allow it access to an unvaccinated person.

> Transplant recipients must follow a very strict regimen and if they are unwilling to get vaccinated despite repeated recommendations, they should be excluded.

In adult recipients, the median survival time is 9.4 years, in comparison with 2.4 years among patients awaiting a heart. In pediatric recipients, the median survival time is 12.8 years. Overall, heart transplantation has added approximately 270,000 life-years (mean, 4.9 yr/recipient)

This above statement is the only thing that to me somewhat explains why doctors are not willing to expend much time trying to save unvaccinated organ transplant patients. The survival years are already so low and organs available for donation are so low in number, but I still cannot ascertain why not just put the unvaccinated at the very back of the list and technically only able to get an organ after everybody vaccinated has gotten an organ. Even if the unvaccinated never receive an organ, it would show that there is no active discrimination or attempt to exclude people from the medical system altogether, simply a limitation of resources and focus on using them where they are most viable to work.

Interesting comments:

Not letting people with authority do whatever with your children because they know better makes you evil.

Letting your 12 year old die to own the libs. Classic MAGA

They killed their daughter. Not the hospital by rejecting the transplantation request no matter if the organ is going to rot instead. The parents of the child are evil. Not the system that won't even make them eligible to be on the very back of the list if they don't get the vaccines.

So they're collecting money on GoFundMe despite not even being eligible for the operation? They will not be getting an exemption

One redditor gets the reasoning right but still doesn't question why non-vaccinated cannot be at minimum at the very back of the list for transplants.

I'm assuming it's because getting the body to accept an implant requires a lot of antibiotics and the patient would be weak and thus at much higher risk of death - potentially wasting the transplant when other people who will get the jab are just as in need.

One great mind of reddit theorizes that this is a 4D chess move by the parents to get rid of an adopted child.

They can either cause a massive fuss about their child being killed by vaccine mandates or the government taking their child away because of vaccine mandates.

The parents turn out to be r-slurred. Nobody really surprised.

Janeen claims that vaccines are unsafe, and also said they came to their decision after "the Holy Spirit put it on our hearts".

But what about just putting them at the very back of the transplant list? What's wrong with that.

Fair. If you're not going to take care of your body you don't deserve new organs. They are in short supply. Sorry not sorry.

A "doctor of reddit" Chimes in.

Doctor here. Pretty straightforward regarding transplants. One of the most scarce resources we have in medicine, so to be eligible, you HAVE to show you are willing to follow medical advice and protocols to maximize chances of success, because even then there is a good percentage that fail. You are on immunosuppressants for life, and any infection can be fatal. So yeah, vaccination has always been prerequisite

That makes sense, but factoring in that organs are so rare for transplantation and vaccinated people have a far higher likelihood of success, why don't we at least allow the unvaccinated to be at the very back of the list, as having an organ transplant with a 5% chance of success is still higher than the 0% chance of success when their organ fails?


Redditors went insane in their echo chambers and will never be able to leave them. They are all brain wormed now and they will either be able to function in a Kamala world, or go insane and die out in a any other world.

An evil Republican may own a dozen s*x slaves to satisfy himself, but a good redditor will let an entire nation of women be r*ped as long as it is done in the name of "being on the right side of history and not letting white people harm (punish) minorities (male feminists from minority groups)".

!mottezans moral quandary for you. Should American medical system allow unvaccinated people on organ donation lists at the very back in case they ever run out of vaccinated people but there is still an organ around, or is it more ethical to perma ban all unvaccinated from the organ transplant list altogether and force them to get vaccinated to be on the list in any capacity? Note that organs are rare to acquire for transplantation, last only a few years, a decade if the person who received them is lucky, and being unvaccinated raises the chances of getting an infection and the transplant failing far faster than in the case of vaccinated individuals. The mortality rate may be 5X higher for unvaccinated patients who get an organ transplant compared to vaccinated individuals.


I can't clip it or timestamp youtube movies. Even had to use the console to make a snippet because of the DRM :marseybrainlet: but it starts at 6:10

Yak yak yak... Get a job!

LMAO holy shit

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