: Banned for 2 weeks and I still got thin-skinned cute twinks SEETHING lmaoooo
- Iforgotmypassword : The CDO doth protest too much.
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— I,Hypocrite (@lporiginalg) February 6, 2025
rightoids don't cry about your mutilated peen for 5 seconds challenge
They literally invented circumcision to reduce pleasure… sorry dude ur missing out
what a self-own holy shit
I hope you guys realise how hard it is for me to post twitter drama, I've discovered a new level of ban where I can't even read the website
We have foreskins AND soap on my country and we're quite sanitary.
He's Polish and said this
how do you do my fellow Christians
Let's hear the female opinion!
My friend's son got bad UTI that started affecting his kidneys because of that peepee skin.
how do you tell a twitter user their friend's son was molested
I'm noticing that this take only comes from third worlders with no access to soap... and Americans.
what means
Let's get a fight going in the comments
- barrel : entitles me??
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Note: I posted this in a different sub but wanted to share here too. I'm just so angry
As a Black woman, the entitlement of white families and the shit they get away with both amazes me-and enrages me.
I'm away on a business trip-kind of my first. They are paying for my hotel room and everything. It's pretty awesome. The hotel I'm at has a swim pool so I decided to bring my bathing suit and go for an evening swim after my conference.
I figured I'd wait till about an hour before pool closing so it'd be less busy. Clearly, everyone had the same idea as me. Fine, whatever. There were 3 parties of us there-myself, solo, a filipino family (maybe 5-6 of them children included) and a big group of white families together for what I assume to be a hockey tournament (I saw them checking in with their sticks and hockey bags in tow).
The white adults were absolutely plastered. They had several coolers in the pool (not allowed) boxes of pizza (also not allowed). The adults were all drinking beers poolside (again, NOT allowed). Meanwhile, their kids are causing an absolute disturbance. Prior, their sons were playing FRICKING FLOOR HOCKEY in the hotel HALLWAY. I could hear them before I left and I saw them on during my time in the pool (they were coming in and out) and on my way back to my room.
At one point, one of the moms is so shitfaced she drops her glass and it shatters. she then starts scraping the glass into the pool where myself and the Filipino families kids were swimming. One of the moms goes "no no dont do that just leave it"
I decide I'm done with the main pool and head over to the hot tub where more of the Filipino family are hanging out. As we're relaxing, one of the front desk staff comes in with one of the boys. The boy goes "guys guys listen-the front desk says we need to quiet down we're being too loud" to which the moms respond "we're being too LOUD?! Tell them to shut the front door!" (Which makes zero sense because the pool door WAS shut-it requires key card entry). They were just that fricking loud.
Just the absolute gall and entitlement of the parents to think they should be allowed to disrupt everyone else was appalling. I lean over to someone in the hot tub and go "have they been acting like that all night?" "Yup, since we got here!" And then we started talking about how rude they were, the disrespect to public space, the glass in the pool, etc. Suddenly all the boys decide theyre down playing hotel hallway hockey and come into the pool. There's a huge sign that says "no diving-shallow pool". So naturally, they all start doing cannonballs. The splashes were so big they were hitting me and the family in the hottub. The parents continued to sit back shitfaced and pleased with themselves.
I'd had enough so I left and went to complain to front staff. I let him know that the family was drunk off their asses, not controlling their kids, the boys playing hockey in the hall, the broken glass, the pizza, the way the mom disrespected the first staff member to go in, all of it. He was very apologetic to which I said it's not his fault and the family would likely retaliate again (all the front desk staff were POC) and he said he'd handle it and escalate to management. I went off to my room.
Some of you are gonna say this is just a shitty parent thing-and it is. However, whiteness does come into play. Watch a Black person act up and see how we're shamed, dragged across the internet, everything. Watch a Black person follow the rules and still get shit. I'm thinking of those stories of Black people getting kicked out of pools in their own apartment complexes cause racists POS didn't think they live or "belong" there.
White people are just allowed to be shameless. The reason that mom was so bold talking back to the staff is cause she felt entitled and knew she held a position of power. She is the white woman, and is offended by the POC staff member politely telling her to get a hold of herself. The staff dare tell them how to behave??? They know at the end of the day they will get a free pass. I want to make sure to include the dads in this too cause they were shit too. I mention the mom cause my time there she was the one mouthing back. The dads were all standing around drunk and smug.
And this is how kids, especially white kids, turn into entitled adults. Mommy and daddy never say no. Of course theyd be allowed to play floor hockey in the middle of a hotel hallway and disrupt other patrons! Of course theyre allowed to break pool rules! Why shouldn't they? They're watching their parents do the exact same shit!
I'm not saying BIPOC should get a free pass to be unruly shits btw, or that we never act up. I'm angry at how different the repercussions are and how white folk are simply allowed to do whatever they please and train their kids to be the same because society has put them so far up on a pedestal.
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I just saw another at the superbowl pre game black woman band show and I'm really at a loss here. Why are they trying to look as ugly as possible? Is it some feminist thing? Why blonde, to get back at whitey? Why are most of them fat?
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So long and short I enjoy watching Alone, a "survival" show where a bunch of off-grid r-slurs starve themselves to win a couple of bucks. They're "Alone" in the sense they after they are dropped off they have no communication but a radio to say "halp, I am dying, please come get me" and random medical check-ups that I'm sure some insurance guy was like "yeah you need that."
So I'm browsing Netflix and I see Alone: Australia and I'm legit and decide to tune in. The last several seasons of Alone have been up in northern Canada so I'm like "cool, change of scenery, win win"
Well I'm half way thru the third episode and 3 of the 10 people have already quit. It's DAY 3.
Why did the people call to quit?
1. I miss my ugly wife and kid.
2. I can't start a fire boo fricking who
3. I'm 22 and I got covid!
Yes, that is right, in their little med-kit designated for if you chop into your leg with an ax they have Covid tests. This season was from 2023.
Other things of how cucked Australia and this version of the show is.
Some lesbo PhD felt bad about having to hook a worm to go fishing, and states "i wouldn't mind not catching a fish."
Multiple people are already dizzy from lack of food.
If they cast a line for fishing they have to sit and watch it incase they hook a platypus because it might drown and they must save it.
They can't hunt with a bow.
Told NOT to eat any forgeable mushrooms incase they misidentify
In disbelief I scrolled through to the end and at the end of this episode another cuck fricker leaves.
This isn't in the middle of the outback either, but on Tasmania, where it rains like, 200 days a year or some shit. And it's a little chilly. And plenty of trees. And nobody has mentioned a croc so probably no fricking crocs.
This season is 11 episodes plus a reunion. I don't think I can make it bros.
I just want to watch my hecko outdoor survival shit why must those down-under cute twinks be so fricking lame
Aussies explain yourselves ![:marseytrollgun: :marseytrollgun:](https://i.rdrama.net/e/marseytrollgun.webp)
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I am cleaning out my closet and I found my old college assignments for one of my sociology classes! In this class, my professor was a butch lesbian that had us learn about Valerie Solanas, a radical feminist that wrote the SCUM (Society for Cutting Up Men ) Manifesto. She is most well known for shooting the artist Andy Warhol.
This is Valerie Solanas:
Those eyes sure look sane! Valerie proves that Sanpaku Eyes are REAL:
Anyway, my professor had us read her SCUM manifesto and then write about it. I'm not going to post the entire manifesto because it's long and wordy, but she did have some entertaining quotes.
First, men are so pointless, that they are not even useful for making babies:
It is now technically feasible to reproduce without the aid of males (or, for that matter, females) and to produce only females. We must begin immediately to do so. Retaining the male has not even the dubious purpose of reproduction. The male is a biological accident: the Y (male) gene is an incomplete X (female) gene, that is, it has an incomplete set of chromosomes. In other words, the male is an incomplete female, a walking abortion, aborted at the gene stage. To be male is to be deficient, emotionally limited; maleness is a deficiency disease and males are emotional cripples.
Here she points out how men are even more worthless than apes:
The male is completely egocentric, trapped inside himself, incapable of empathizing or identifying with others, or love, friendship, affection of tenderness. He is a completely isolated unit, incapable of rapport with anyone. His responses are entirely visceral, not cerebral; his intelligence is a mere tool in the services of his drives and needs; he is incapable of mental passion, mental interaction; he can't relate to anything other than his own physical sensations. He is a half-dead, unresponsive lump, incapable of giving or receiving pleasure or happiness; consequently, he is at best an utter bore, an inoffensive blob, since only those capable of absorption in others can be charming. He is trapped in a twilight zone halfway between humans and apes, and is far worse off than the apes because, unlike the apes, he is capable of a large array of negative feelings -- hate, jealousy, contempt, disgust, guilt, shame, doubt -- and moreover, he is aware of what he is and what he isn't.
Here she talks about how men suck at s*x and will screw anything (tbh she might have a point for some men lol)
Although completely physical, the male is unfit even for stud service. Even assuming mechanical proficiency, which few men have, he is, first of all, incapable of zestfully, lustfully, tearing off a piece, but instead is eaten up with guilt, shame, fear and insecurity, feelings rooted in male nature, which the most enlightened training can only minimize; second, the physical feeling he attains is next to nothing; and third, he is not empathizing with his partner, but is obsessed with how he's doing, turning in an A performance, doing a good plumbing job. To call a man an animal is to flatter him; he's a machine, a walking dildo. It's often said that men use women. Use them for what? Surely not pleasure.
Eaten up with guilt, shame, fears and insecurities and obtaining, if he's lucky, a barely perceptible physical feeling, the male is, nonetheless, obsessed with screwing; he'll swim through a river of snot, wade nostril-deep through a mile of vomit, if he thinks there'll be a friendly kitty awaiting him. He'll screw a woman he despises, any snaggle-toothed hag, and furthermore, pay for the opportunity. Why? Relieving physical tension isn't the answer, as masturbation suffices for that. It's not ego satisfaction; that doesn't explain screwing corpses and babies.
Here we see that Valerie was ahead of her time. She has figured out why some men out:
Being an incomplete female, the male spends his life attempting to complete himself, to become female. He attempts to do this by constantly seeking out, fraternizing with and trying to live through an fuse with the female, and by claiming as his own all female characteristics -- emotional strength and independence, forcefulness, dynamism, decisiveness, coolness, objectivity, assertiveness, courage, integrity, vitality, intensity, depth of character, grooviness, etc -- and projecting onto women all male traits -- vanity, frivolity, triviality, weakness, etc. It should be said, though, that the male has one glaring area of superiority over the female -- public relations. (He has done a brilliant job of convincing millions of women that men are women and women are men). The male claim that females find fulfillment through motherhood and sexuality reflects what males think they'd find fulfilling if they were female.
Women, in other words, don't have peepee envy; men have kitty envy. When the male accepts his passivity, defines himself as a woman (males as well as females think men are women and women are men), and becomes a transvestite he loses his desire to screw (or to do anything else, for that matter; he fulfills himself as a drag queen) and gets his peepee chopped off. He then achieves a continuous diffuse sexual feeling from `being a woman'. Screwing is, for a man, a defense against his desire to be female. He is responsible for:
You can read the full manifesto here if you're bored enough: https://www.khoury.northeastern.edu/home/shivers/rants/scum.html
I don't have my assignment on this paper with me, but I do remember she asked us to write about two claims in the manifesto that we with agree with and two things that we disagree with. I remember that I wrote I disagree with Valerie's claim that men are dildos because a dildo is something a woman has to use herself, whereas with men, a woman can just lay down and do absolutely nothing while the man does all the work. She gave me -2 points for that answer
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DUI suspect caught speeding at over 130 mph said he was in rush to see his cat: cops https://t.co/bhFU83s7NV pic.twitter.com/XX2K3NJW73
— New York Post (@nypost) February 7, 2025
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Most Based Comments
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[removed] (1506)
Do you mind pointing me to your sources for these statistics? (9)
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K. Why? (-7)
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Biggest Lolcow: /u/bsubtilis
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NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining!
autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents.
Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion
- BILLYBIGBOLLOCKS : silence jew
- DangerousBlackGuy : Donkey kong is a racist game for simpletons and coons
- c-3 : There are 12 active genocides happening at this moment and your FRICKING WORRYING ABOUT DONKEY KONG??
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!badgemaxxers refer to above thread
Also a sneak peek of something
Also if I can figure out how to stream from the steamdeck would you guys watch me play donkey kong
I'm not very good
There would be no voice or camera or anything literally just dkc2
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News Articles:
People who identify as animals have been warned not to discriminate against others "on account of their species" at an event this weekend. The Scotiacon convention is expected to attract 1,200 "furries" to the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Glasgow. Its code of conduct warns that "harassment of any kind is not tolerated", which includes race, gender, sexuality or "the species of someone's fursona" — jargon for the animal that a person identifies as. Guests are also warned against exhibiting artworks depicting paedophilia, described as "cub porn", or humans having s*x with animals.
The organisers said: "We are aware that this is a difficult rule since the actual age of drawn characters is open to interpretation, especially where they are in a cartoon style. "Appearances count. Characters with a very childlike appearance and/or baby face may be considered children in the context of this rule." The event began in 2011 and has grown from a few dozen attending to 1,170 "furs" last year. Tickets cost £45 a day, or up to £480 with hotel accommodation. The code of conduct for artworks also states: "No zoophilia and/or bestiality involving humans or largely human-like characters (eg anime catgirls, elves or centaurs) with animals or largely non-morphic characters (four-legged) is allowed. "Other species-transcending sexual activity (eg anthros and humans) is generally allowed. "Potty-related activities are highly discouraged. This includes scat, watersports, adult diapers in use, and vomit. We do not entirely exclude this content but only seek to accept items with very mild depictions which would be suitable for a general viewing public." Delegates must not come dressed in "fetish gear" such as "anatomically correct" costumes, jockstraps or exposed buttocks. However, dog collars, leather wristbands and "accessories used in an innocent context, such as a dog harness that is part of a sled dog costume", are permitted.
Academic studies have disclosed the tensions within the furry community which includes subdivisions such as herbivore or carnivore, predator or prey, traditional animals or more fantastical creatures. In 2023 the Anthropomorphic Research Project, an international group of academics, highlighted problems including "bigotry, discrimination, intolerance and bullying in the fandom". Last year it emerged that a Scottish pupil had been allowed to identify as an animal in Aberdeen. The city council said at least one child had been recognised as having species dysphoria but it declined to specify which animal. In species dysphoria, a person feels that their body is the wrong species. People with the condition are sometimes known as therians. Numerous children are said to have tried to identify as animals, including foxes, dragons, birds, snakes and sharks, although it is unclear whether they were serious. Last year the Scottish Daily Mail said a secondary school pupil had been allowed to identify as a wolf. A council, which the newspaper did not name, said the pupil was part of a group known as furries.
Scottish Daily Express (Article Linked in Tweet)
Rightoids of X React:
in case you wanted to know how Scotland was doing:
— pagliacci the hated 🌝 (@Slatzism) February 4, 2025
a bunch of furry degenerates are congregating in Glasgow this weekend and the police have literally issued them a stern warning to not r*pe kids or animals pic.twitter.com/RsjsH66ZqV
Reddit Threads:
Even the usually lib-leaning bongs of Reddit are pretty cognizant of what the furry subculture really en-tails, and opt to get in on the cyberbullying.
Of course, some onlooking Amerilard furtwinks take issue with this rampant fursecution.
![:marseyfurry: :marseyfurry:](https://i.rdrama.net/e/marseyfurry.webp)
Bros, I thought being trans-species was just an alt-right hoax...
To conclude: Say what you will about bongs, but at least it's like the one western country where shit like furry conventions get appropriate pushback and backlash in the media every time they're held. Lest we forget, the same convention was met with protests and journos digging up the vile NSFW accounts of attendees just a couple years ago.
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This is Mavis
This is lime (fruit)
This is Calcium Hydroxide (lime or pickling lime)
These are not the same
0:26 Start of video. Jack is blown away by this thing his brother sent him about Amish egg preservation with lime water
1:00 1L of water, juice from 2 limes, and 24 farm fresh eggs appear in the jar because his gimpy stroke body can't do it.
1:40 Surely this will keep them fresh for 15 years. Jack plans to try them in 1 year
2:00 Jack wonders if the eggs will taste like limes. Talks about the Amish having basements full of lime eggs
2:40 The fake news bird flu is making them jack up the prices of eggs, but they can't get Jack's egg jar
3:00 Jack is going to leave it in the background of all his videos. Place your bets for how long it will take him to realize they're rotting
4:00 Oh yeah, this is part of his Amish month because he apparently fancies himself an expert.
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— Globe Eye News (@GlobeEyeNews) February 9, 2025
Donald Trump officially cuts off all aid to South Africa. pic.twitter.com/tRqBaz3BpW
They are ready to roar, without funds, they can only shout
— WW3finalboss 🇮🇱 🇺🇦 (@WW3finalboss) February 9, 2025
Trump is the MAN
SA doesn´t respect the white people
At this point I'm sure that every account mentioning lions or roaring is a
Funny how “human rights” only matter when it serves their agenda. Cutting aid to South Africa just because they called out Israel’s violations? Make it make sense.
— R! (@TheFirst1to) February 9, 2025
Here's how you too can blame Israel
Hi Trump, when are you fetching all the apartheid beneficiaries that are complaining to you ? They are descendants of the Dutch who stole our forefathers land. They r*ped and killed to appropriate the land on their arriving from Holland 🇳🇱
— Ngwana Wa Modimo 🫶🏾🫶🏾 (@IsraelMoukangwe) February 9, 2025
That's a good point actually, Merica pls carpet bomb the tulip eaters
The real truth is because of BRICS affiliation and the fact that Cape Town beat New York as best city in the world this time around. pic.twitter.com/gpMF87mzda
— Sage🇿🇦✈️🌍🛬 (@SagewaseSouthAh) February 9, 2025
Yeah, I'm sure Trump can't sleep at night because of Cape Town
Good riddance South Africa doesn't need him. It's high time we as Africans depend on ourselves.
— niwdalg ☠️ (@niwdalg_) February 9, 2025
About that...
On behalf of South Africans, thank you so much for doing us a favour to be independent. We appreciate and accept the discontinuation of your lousy funding. pic.twitter.com/fCZ5mLfOVw
— Oracle (@Oracle5152) February 9, 2025
We don't even need your money white devil
Trump's policies
— People (@MadawaMan_) February 9, 2025
1. I don't need neighbors, impose tariffs on them wall
2. I work for Israel
3. Anyone against Israel is my enemy
4. I am mister know all
5. I work for Israel
6. I work for Israel
7. I work for Israel
If only the strongest country in the world love your country as much as it loves Israel...
I hope SA will stand up and not bow down to Trump! I think African countries need to accept that we will not die without aid. Let's all work together on building our countries using internal resources.
— Baraka Megiroo (@BarakaMegiroo) February 9, 2025
South Africa's and indeed Africa's true greatness and prowess is about to be unleashed...sometimes comfort zones hold us back!
— Agatha's Son (@TakuraChamuka) February 9, 2025
America beware, you've made a very powerful enemy today
Some of us we have never received any aid . So it won’t make any difference.
— Lolo (@lioneszT) February 9, 2025
Oh, everything will be fine then!
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The White House just issued an executive order on South Africa that includes admitting Afrikaner South Africans as refugees to the United States pic.twitter.com/AbP8yaT6E5
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) February 7, 2025
- Haberdasher : Reddit user has entered thread, wants you to say it to her face.
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Is it over for !redscarepod next?
Or can it be reopened?
Same thing just happened to /r/Wordington (zoomer shitposting sub, actually was funny)
Is a great purge underway?
Jannies discuss
The Jeet gays have fallen
/r/WhoreDaughter is gone. It's truly over now
Now playing: Steel Drum Rhumba (DKC2).mp3