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Thоsе соmраníеs аřе STАTЕ соmраníеs sо tо gеt роsítíоn thеřе уоu nееd tо bе еnļístеd bу gоv híghеř uрs
Sоmе mоřе řесеnt nеws аbоut thеm
Аnd thаt соmраnу hаs nо mоnеу tо рау suсh sаļаříеs sínсе thеу dереnd оn Řussíа sо nоw thеу bеíng fuļļу sроnsоřеd bу wеstеřd buxx аnd аřе ín řеd sínсе thеу dоnt gеt Řussíаn сhеареř řеsоuřсеs
Thеу аřе buуíng nоn еxístеn gаs thеn sауíng оh nо Řussíаn dеstřоуеd ít
Í wоnt bе suřрřísеd íf thеу рау Řussíаn tо bļоw uр sоmе gаs řеfínеřу tо соvеř thе еvídеnсе
Thаts whу zеļеnskуу dеsрítе Třumр аskеd tо fосus оn реасе tаļk, zеļеnskуу dоеs еvеřуthíng tо břеаk ít
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I am gypsy
Someone recently wrote me, that nobody likes gipsys
I didn't wrote them back
I decided to show that they are wrong
Friends if you love and respect gipsys
Give like to this post
Edit: no love for gypsies
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either way it's extremely gay stop that shit
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Quit cursing on TV, quit crashing out on social media.
You are supposed to be the next face of the league, act like it.
People comparing him to his father, stupid as shit, Jordan was the best PR NBA player we have ever seen. That is why he became so big in the 90s, not just because he is the GOAT, but because he knew what to say in interviews and how to conduct himself in front of the camera.
ANT, stop with the coon shit. Start listening to recordings of your father, and act like a professional. Also, quit being a b-word, quit acting in movies, start focusing on basketball. You haven't won shit. Just because you had a few good seasons doezn't mean you can start taking it easy. Michael never took it easy. And he wasn't starring in movies in the off season, only movie he was in was during his retirement. And he played the main character, not some side character in an Adam Sandler flick. Fricking goofy.
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(R.I.P. to https://rdrama.net/@GruestIetoe/ gone too soon never going to reach 500k downmarseys )
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This is a blatant shill thread but GET THE FRICK IN HERE ANYWAYS WE'RE ORGANIZING A RAID
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I'm pleased to announce that I have decided to offer one lucky dramanaut the opportunity to start making good posts for a period of one month.
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Thinking of taking nudes when I am home for Xmas 🤔 !cuteandinvalid !lgbt
- poopman : i blocked this mf so i didnt have to see their ugly body and it seems they have multiple accounts
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🚨 BREAKING: Admin will NOT travel to Paris as Admin has been told they will NOT win the Ballon d’Or. pic.twitter.com/q78lTMml17
— Sevilla FC (@SevillaFC_ENG) October 28, 2024
!football is back.
- FishyMan420 : Step over here, don't mind the woodchipper.
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In celebration of my 300,000th downmarsey I've decided to mix things up on my alt @Grue. From now on I will only use that account to be super agreeable with all of rdramas bad posters and commenters.
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