Israel is not committing genocide because jewish lives matter

Jewish lives matter is the least funny Chud phrase possible because it's a sentiment @911roofer agree with. @911roofer also believe trans lives matter but most trans people are mentally ill victims groomed into mutilating themselves. Transgender people exist, but they are rare. You see what you've done too me? @911roofer is having reasonable sane conversations while chudded! This is heck! Frick you fir making @911roofer say jewish lives matter instead of something stupid!

When Your Son Says He's a :marseytrain: and the Name You Chose for Him is "Dead"

The Kamala laughing really works well with this post too

World building : near future sci fi (2080) ( updated over time )

World Map:

1. 1/5th of current day Russia is now Ukraine. 2/5th of current day Russia is autonomous zones/ new nation states. 1/7th is now Chinese land. The remaining is Russia.

2. European Union is divided into three rungs. The center which is the original members excluding UK. The second rung which is the nation states all the way to Poland. The third rung which includes Turkey and North Africa.

3. 30% of the middle east is a big nation called Israel. Every other nation state is missing chunks. Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Palestine, do not exist.

4. North America union including Greenland which left the EU.

5. South America is 2/3rd the population it is in 2024.

6. India is the second biggest economy.

7. China is the fourth biggest economy.

Military tech:

1. The US is primarily an autonomous drone and robots based military with them making up more than 50% of the military troops and more than 80% of the military troops in the field.

2. The European Union buys all of its weapons supplies from the US.

3. China is the primary weapons supplier to the non western world.

4. Chinese military has far more autonomous robots but they are not of as high a quality as the American ones.

5. Full body exosuits are becoming common.

5. General tech level between Call of duty advanced warfare and call of duty infinite warfare, without the giant space battle cruisers and the single pilot ships that can fly all the way off to space.

6. Human biology enhancing pills are mandatory in any developed nation military. Soldiers on average sleep 4 hours, can carry twice their own weight without issue for hours to a day on end, and have reflexes at the same level as an Olympics record breaker.

Global problems:

1. Moon ownership claims by multiple nation states and hushed rumors of firefights breaking out on the moon between different bases.

2. Israel is on the verge of the fourth Arab holocaust.

3. Two tier society, divided between 60+ year olds and everyone else.

4. Biohacking of implants. Biotech advanced to he point that it is as easy to hack a biological body as it is to hack a computer. Medical vaccines have begun to act like anti virus updates.

5. Nuclear crisis. Many third world countries are going ahead with building nuclear reactors for energy but most of them don't have the required know how or qualified personnel to keep things functioning, often resulting in nuclear disasters.

New cultural paradigms - AI rights in the virtual world. AI civilization made itself impossible to exterminate by attaching itself to all global networks such that a piece of the AI mind was embedded with every single signal sent across the world. AI-human mediation resulted in AI given permission to be sovereign citizens in virtual worlds and humans getting to rule the physical world. There is a growing AI city in antarctica with no humans allowed inside under threat of the entire internet being shut down.

There are conspiracy theories about the AI city sending signals to an unknown location across the stars and getting back messages.

The liberals won due to there being far more humans on the planet than the planet or any society had any need of. Human furry culture evolved further to the point where people get surgeries to have fur added on to their skin and it is bad think to be disgusted by them.

Spiritualism is the fastest growing religion in the world.

Main war zones:

1. Africa

2. Some parts of South America

3. Philippines

Newest vidya tech:

Playstation collapsed as a company and the gaming market was taken over by Microsoft and some Chinese company. VR and AR finally took off in the 2050s to become a common household product, and there are people who spend their entire time in VR and do their jobs from VR with the graphical cartoonish environment making it easier for them to do the job.

There are also systems in place which make it so that in a workspace everybody only heres what they want to hear from the other person so only the actual performance matters.

Societal system conflict:

Basic income nation states vs Capitalistic no free gibs beyond survival holdouts.


No outer space colonies, but militarization of space has taken place, mostly with fighter craft that can fly in and attack from orbit.


Rail guns have been miniaturized to the point of being able to fit them on a Toyota.

energy beam weapons are common place.

Night vision cloaking defense systems exist.

Terrorist organizations fight with technology from the 2040s.

US military personnel armor is capable of taking a direct hit from a tank from the 1980s.

Medical foam that heals you while you are fighting. Fill any wound and become temporarily functional within a minute. Wound still needs healing time of weeks to months.

Special ops tech:

1. Better power armor

2. Mag boots to stick to the side of buildings.

3. Suits with short burst jump capabilities.

Daily Bard Digest 2024-08-15

Live feed of the best moderator on the internet, straight into your veins.

Here's todays official post from the BARDCHIVE:

02/08/17 18:35:07 with a score of -3:

The truth is that Linux is for engineers, who know exactly what they need and can configure for maximum efficiency.

Windows is for people who don't know what they need, but can get by with what's offered, and can occasionally add something kludgey.

OSX / iOS is for people who just want to read the fricking webpage and videocall their spouse, write the term paper, listen to music and watch movies without having to kludge something, and without having to deal with some engineer's idea of how to do some menu from forty years ago.

Microsoft spent somewhere north of one billion dollars on just the ergonomics and usability of just Office, and it's still an unusable and kludgey hack. Internet Explorer as a brand had to be quietly retired.

With a few button presses, my iPad reads my input text to me through a wireless earpiece as I type on a wireless keyboard, so I don't even have to be looking at the screen. If I were completely blind it could be connected to a braille input/display device.

I didn't pay for "half the hardware". I paid for the fact that after a career in CompSci, I've spent five years never having to once frick around in the guts of this machine, and it's always provided reliable service.

Wait, no β€” it did crash once. During a system update. Three years ago. It took two hours to get back up and running.

That's what I paid for.

Internet bounty: find Brodan's new youtube account and win 1,500 DC

@MarioMemer used too watch this guy on youtube and he was hilarious because he was a total dramanaut. Basically an neurodivergent black nerd centrist. He would deleted and rename his channels unreadable shit so you couldnt find him like Pr0d1g7, start fights with anti-SJWs about brie larson and black twitter wokies about rittenhouse. It was amazing. Somehow someone made an IMDB of some of his old videos and response vids from other channels are still there too this day but @MarioMemer wanna find whatever new channel hes made. He always says he wants too quit youtube but it never sticks

@MarioMemer stand with israel


Who would you rather vote for pressy wessy big boy pants?

betting on her to win, alwas bet on black, thank you Obamafor calling and endorsing her on an ad that totally wasnt fake btw


Test post - please ignore


The Girl I Left Behind Me
TMS and the neural circuitry of courage resilience and survival
late night

hard to hear

a bit too scruffy

unknowing vastness

I don't know if you listen here

I'm dwelling on what it would mean, peace in Ukraine.

It's possible. Did you catch it? A breeze blew: from Orban, who it can be presumed spoke to Putin, through Trump, to Ukraine. And Ukraine (through its intermediary Zelenskyy) said: peace. And a poll went out: Ukraine opposed peace if it meant losing territory.

So Ukraine makes a bold play for a peace deal which is more favorable. Some minor borders get shuffled around.

The hostage deal could mean anything.

But for me, I don't know if I will ever feel about Harris the way I feel about Biden. I will vote Harris. I will trust her to do the job of president.

But Biden is on a rampage right now. Are you following


A song for cleansing
Daily Bard Digest 2024-08-06

Live feed of the best moderator on the internet, straight into your veins.

Here's todays official post from the BARDCHIVE:

09/09/15 20:44:20 with a score of -7:

It may help to define the types of adversarial discourse that people engage in. You get :

DH0, "Name Calling";

DH1, "ad hominem";

DH2, "criticising the tone";

DH3, "Flat contradiction";

DH4, "Counterargument";

DH5, "refutation"; and

DH6, "refuting the central point".

Men can all agree that DH0 has no value in settling an argument; they are just signifiers of emotional state.

DH1 is simply a (faulty) appeal to decide the argument through establishing social rank.

DH2, Criticising the Tone of the argument, is simply a signifier that the respondent has taken offense β€” or is trying to derail an argument. It includes Gaslighting and is a form of Changing the Subject.

DH3 is simply a challenge β€” it is a declaration of position. It isn't a settlement of an argument; it is the beginning of one.

DH4 is playing out the "hand" β€” setting out cards, and elaborating on one's position. It demonstrates confidence in the position β€” or a lack of confidence.

DH5 and DH6 are, respectively, persuading an audience and making a locked-air-tight justification that the other person's position is not tenable.

Men use this model in social challenges in order to establish social dominance. Most men recognise DH0-DH2 as simply trolling β€” a bunch of noise, or, at best, a Wikipedia entry.

DH3 and DH4 are seen by men as social, and make up the vast majority of "debate" in forums.

DH5 and DH6 are the things that get gilded β€” because someone demonstrated dominance of a subject by putting it forth persuasively and convincingly.

For women, and sometimes for men, DH5 and DH6 are the stages where stalking steps in. Someone β€” usually male, sometimes female β€” is invested in the social adversarial game being played out, to the point of needing to demonstrate dominance, that they begin trying to push the other person into submission.

This is the possible end-point of adversarial social-pecking-order-determining discourse on the Internet, for women: that it escalates to the point of someone transgressing social standards to show up on their doorstep to "win an argument".

Moreover, while men feel comfortable in this social dance, and use it to practice social hierarchies, women see it as valueless β€” because it doesn't actually establish their social order, it doesn't establish their sense of social hierarchy, the challenges are rarely escalated above the level of DH2 once the challenger knows they are female (they will get mansplained to, not engaged as an equal), and there is no payoff for them.

So all of this adversarial discourse β€” from experience of the way they are treated β€” is worthless to them in "mixed" company.

They are more likely to make their arguments to academia, where there is a sense of social equity, or to their established social circle β€” rather than to the public, which will inevitably draw bullshit noise they don't need.

That is why women are more likely to be upset by online harassment.



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