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I love sucking peepee

Perfect ending at the hand of the perfect srdine modjerker


Thank you cnn for this

!neolibs !chuds


any R nerds here, haven't used it since finishing my masters

Your body is a TempleOS

POV Jinxthinker and you are having a chocolate treat before you have adult s*x

chill post-stream podcast - i had a good day 7:40

  • Jinxthinker finished a 4 hour stream. Viewers maxxed out at 5, but one was him checking the stream; nobody talked but that might be because they were Turkish and didn't speak English :marseyturkroach:

  • Lots of people thought Jinxsister was French in college.

  • He slept for 15 hours after a wanking bender; now he feels like a God. 1:10 :marseysleep:

  • Jinxthinker superchatted Phil 2 Great British Pounds and was acknowledged by Phil. Someone else gifted him a sub, so he's part of the inner circle. 1:40

  • It was also a good day because he received a positive reply on 4chan and he wrote it down. "Checked, plus saved, plus jerked off, plus busted mine balls. Take it as a compliment or whateves, this is literally waifu type material. Very good and clean gent. She is a cutie. Thank you, anon." 2:20 :marseycoomer2:

  • He describes his breakfast burgers that he had before "going to the shop like a Mr. Braniac" 3:40 :marseybigbrain:

  • Someone in a Twitch chat once agreed with his opinion on energy drinks, further showing he's a trendsetter. 4:20 :marseyboomer:

  • Jinxthinker is thinking of getting tattoos to freshen up his look 4:40 :marsey69:

  • There was an incident with a Tesco delivery driver the other day who wouldn't deliver his groceries up the stairs :marseychonker2:

  • It's just been a good day overall with chocolates to come to make it better 6:00

  • Jinxthinker will treat himself to a caramel chocolate which he tries to feed to the camera (you)

!jinxthinkers do you write down positive comments you receive online to brighten up your day later on?

new biden :marseyliberty2: genocide :marseypolpot: just dropped :marseyautismcap:

sir this is a Wendy's drive thru
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this deserves its own thread :marseyxd:

Lookmaxxing is blowing up. Its everywhere! Rdrama bros... we are getting left behind. We dont even have lookmaxxing hole! Or ping group.


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

I'm not saying this is real or isn't. Don't know, can't know from photographic evidence. It is difficult to see detail given the age of the photo. I find it interesting that the 'debunkers' are able to state with absolute certainty that they see dominoes or plastic army men. Im an r-slur but they're defending their knee jerk biases without evidence. (-25)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Ron James, has released a new photograph of a UFO sitting on dominoes, he has released it together with his friend Greenewald, the creator of TheBlackVault.Flying Saucer photograph needs to be sourced & tracked.The hunt is on if you find any information regarding this image post below A hoax? Misunderstood or miscommunicated images?His latest Documentary, "Accidental Truth - UFO Revelations" narrated by Matthew Modine, was released on April 18th, 2023. It has won 24 awards and has stayed in the top documentaries on Apple for 18 weeks. He is also the Media Relations Director for MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network. In this role, he facilitates contracts, licensing agreements and content cooperation with TV shows such as "Ancient Aliens", "The Unexplained", "The Proof is ot there and more." He frequently appears on TV and web programming. (-14)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Hold up let me search my miniatures collection real fast. (4264)

Whoa….just had a thought…..what if….what if the miniatures were based on the saucer photo?? As a way to discredit it when it came out to public???This goes way deeper than I thought. (-13)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

If I were the military trying to discredit the existence of captured flying saucers, I'd definitely create replica fake images with miniature figures to ridicule anyone who tries to leak real information/photos. These fakes would look almost identical to the real thing. That way, if an actual witness comes forward (even with a real photo), they'd be discredited by all the fake images already out there that look almost the same. This is likely what happened with those fake alien dolls sold at Kmart. By making a toy that looks 95% real, any leaked photos get instantly dismissed. They probably also release balloons and other objects shaped like actual crafts. Then, all it takes is a link to a store selling the balloon/model ufo/doll alien/miniature figure for a quick debunk/dismissal.Flooding the internet with fakes ensures that when something genuine does appear, the online skeptics immediately discredit it because of how many times they have been burned with fakes in the past. The pr... (4)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

God darn, this looks so fricking fake. This is just some sad shit, looks like some disinformation shit to discredit the community by putting silly butt shit out there (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Ron James is apparently considered a UFO "expert". He apparently has a collection of bogus UFO images that he had been planning to use in his upcoming movie. Unfortunately for him he accidentally publicized one of the compelling images and was forced to backtrack after real investigators pointed out the attempt to peddle BS to the gullible. This level of incompetence or outright grift is not surprising but he actually complained about the somewhat harsh criticism that came out of this affair. He will probably complain about the stigmatization of ufology while being completely oblivious about his sterling contributions. (10)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Turence

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 3

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


1. They're stinky

2. They can't walk straight

3. They talk shit

4. They're broke from buying benzos :marseypills: all the time

5. They can't handle responsibilities

6. They're loud

7. They're male feminists

8. They're a burden on our healthcare :marseydoctor: :marseydoctor: system

9. They drive :marseysteer: :marseysteer: high :marseyharrierdubois: and kill people

10. They act stupid :marseyslowpoke: :marseyclueless: and reckless



The Democrats know what they have to do

He can still win!


1. :marseysoycry: "Star Wars was about Antifa in SPACE!" :marseysoypoint:

2. :marseylongpost: :marseysleep:

3. :marseyindignant: "boring cishets" :marseyderp: "easy with the slurs there, buddy"

4. :marseyhmm: D&D went woke?

5. :marseymonk: "there is no gate, it's within your mind" :soyjak: "I completely agree" :doomerchud: "I completely disagree"

6. :marseyweeb: "I tried to warn you, anime is next!" :marseysmug3: " :marseylaugh: "

7. :marseyhmmhips: "media literacy :marseysmug2: "


BTFO lmao 🤣 :tayyes:

This is my response when people say we should give up on Biden.


0-30 means your coach is a fricking r-slur

r/moderatepolitics weighs in

>Last night legitimately made me scared about the state of our executive branch. Biden is not capable of carrying out the duties of this office.

It amuses me how many people think this way. The reality is that Americans could elect a literal potato to be the president and the country would still be fine 4 years later. The country is under no major threat except the self-imposed one of trying to contain the expansion of two nuclear powers, the executive branch as a whole is capable of running just fine without anybody in the president's seat, and for basically the only truly important emergency situation a president might need to handle, which is responding to a nuclear attack, I'm sure there are contingency plans.

>This has been the case since 2015. The DNC is truly one of the most incompetent organizations on the planet

I mean, they're very competent at successfully providing thousands of people with money by constantly saying that if the other side wins, it will be apocalyptically bad. Same as what the RNC does. I guess you could try to argue that they're incompetent at getting people elected but even that's not true. In the last 20 years, the Dems have won 3 presidential elections, whereas the Reps have won 2. It's been pretty 50-50 in Congress, too.

>Then she lost and it killed the Democratic Party. Obama was a disaster in terms of fostering a new bench of younger politicians, and Hillary's purges ensured that everyone was anticipating her presidency, so they were all left with their peepees in their hands. So in 2020 there was basically nobody to run, so they went with Obama who barely managed to win against one of the worst presidents in history.

What exactly makes Trump "one of the worst presidents in history"? Was it the good economy? The relatively peaceful geopolitical state of the world?

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turks posting great replacement theory stuff :marseyturkroach:

You will not become Europeans

No one wants you, neither Europe nor Asia

Even the Euro Championship wants to expel you

You are not white or blond, your race is brown no matter how much you try to mix in Greece 🤣😂

Then get out of Turkey you arab refugee

We don't need your country, you idiot

The smelly one, come and take the Turks from Saudi Arabia, they work here as shawarma workers and barbers.🇸🇦🐪💚💚🤍

I can show you multiple smelly arabs begging on the streets of Istanbul. Now show me a Turkish beggar in Saudi arabia or the UAE 😅 Get out of Turkey

Do you deny that Turks work in Saudi Arabia and the Emirates?🤣I can get down to your level and show you some clips of Turks in Saudi Arabia and the Emirates, but I don't want to become like you, making fun of beggars + The smell is just from you and everyone knows that about you

Only rich Turks go to places like Dubai. While your arabs go to Turkey to work in cheap labor or to beg on the streets like this here 🤢

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I'm looking for tips on how to frick my sister. I'm not in love with my sister, but I'm horny, I have no morals, and she's HTB. We've had subtle sexual encounters in the past. She slapped my butt numerous times, for example, but I'm too much of a high inhib kitty to take action and slap her butt back. She also wanted me to give her a foot massage earlier today, which I did, but since I don't have a foot fetish, it didn't do anything for me. As I previously stated, she is HTB. As for her personality, she is a college educated leftist who likes gender studies and other such things. I'm not sure if that increases her receptivity to incest. As for myself, I've been rated HTN or chadlite here previously, but I'm currently MTN due to buzzcutmaxxing, and my skin is also a mess because I stopped using tretinoin. My strategy for enticing her is to let her catch me jerking off. I'm very well endowed, which I assume enhances her chances of being persuaded. I'll basically watch some vanilla porn (So she doesn't think I'm a weirdo), put on my airpods, and pretend I can't hear her coming in. The issue is, of course, timing. Do you have any suggestions for how I can entice her? (I'm genuinely being serious.)

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