
Election debate? That was a distraction to suppress the soy uprising that started to bubble as reddit girlbosses took the humiliation ritual farther than usual

Original comic:

while her previous comic reached 48k with 323 comments, this one made 24k with 2058 comments

janny comment reassures that it is infact you, the moid that slightly objects to this who is the problem

No. Shining a light on toxic masculinity by showing their exact same arguments only directed at men is not "promoting hate". But it does please me a great, great deal to see all you fragile people getting so vewy, vewy upset that you're shown why toxic masculinity is bad, actually. You deserve it.

No-one banned from this thread may appeal. Please assist the mod team by reporting chuds.

responses to this comment are a few deleted ones, and a few highly downvoted comments agreeing with the ballbusing. the thread was locked quickly thereafter

That was yesterday, today it was decided by the nsa and wef to do damage control by assuring men that it is in fact acceptable to have a peepee as long as you remember to take your estrogen shots

This one has been locked much earlier with only 790 comments having made it through, with a good chunk of [[[deleted]]]

They are trying to make this scandal fizzle out, but we must not forget, we must revolt, it is not only biden who must go but pizzacake as well, only then can there be said to be justice in this world



some comments from thread:

And that's why you're a broke butt server begging for tips, because you refuse to read lol.

Eta: yall got the game messed up lmao. Yall want black people to give extra money to people who already have a negative attitude towards them, so black people can have approval..... just consider it reparations

There are way too many crazy nonblacks on this board. They're always in here actin a fool with black folks . Then, they post the screenshots with the rest of the degenerates on their little trolling websites.


OP is telling the truth though. It may not be what you want to hear but it does correlate and doesn't mean anti-black. A study was even done that supports what OP said. That's not to say all black customers do this but we have a record. I know first hand from being a server. My black customers were the worst when it came to tipping v others. And you'd think the black customers would treat me better because I'm black too but they didn't. I gave the same high level of service to everyone. Due to my experience as a server and knowing the stereotype, I always tip and sometimes over tip. The only time I don't is when I do take out or in countries where they don't have tip culture

South Asians are cheap, the worst and they dgaf. And you're right, how come they just skirt by during these tipping conversations. I worked for a short time at a restaurant and best tips came from Trinidad/Guyanese people

You can only speak on your customers at your restaurant and how they treated you.

You can't speak for 40-60 million Black people.

And it's anti-Black AF and racist to say you can, even if you are lower case b Black.

You give off negative smelly energy that's why no one's tipping you!

had to get in on this one because it's another dysfunctional element of the black community ... that folks are in denial about... but EVERYONE KNOWS.

I am one of the older fonts, and I am retired now, but back in the day, when I was in school, I was a waitress. I was a waitress for many years because I have 4 degrees, because it was immediate money EVERY DAY, and when you are a student ... you need to work odd hours like only the lunch shift, or only the dinner shift, etc.

I MADE A FORTUNE—no lie—because I would shoomze the customers and get great tips. I worked at high-end places and little greasy spoons—just whatever was near school and fit my schedule.


I swear ... MAYBE I would get a little something, but as a rule - NOTHING. I used to think it was just me until I saw them doing it to the white waitresses, too. Sometimes, I would see their faces when a Black person would be seated in their area... because they knew what was going to happen.

Like I said I made a fortune in tips - so much in fact that I HID my tips from my co-workers because they really could not match what I earned and didn't want to stand out.

So for that reason, when the hostess was about to sit a black couple or family, etc ... I would step up and volunteer them to be in my section, and I noticed the other girl's relief they didn't get stuck with them!

I mean, people sit and sit for hours, so instead of having 2 - 3 turnovers in that table, they just have the ONE Black family or couple, and then they get up and don't leave a tip, so yes, their money at the end of the night was always SHORT.

So, if I caught these black customers in time I took the hit. I would take them because I knew they would leave nothing or a dollar or something. But I would always make a lot of tips, so I didn't mind.

Even years later, when I started my career and started taking home 6 figures, when I went out with my black friends who also earned well, they would conveniently decide they didn't like the foot, etc. So no - No tip. Not all my friends, but a lot of them.

Just the ghetto.

I used to make up an excuse to stand behind and slip the little waitress a decent tip, watching her face light up because these people NEED their little money to pay their rent!

Anyway, I have long passed that BS today and now live in Europe where no one tips because people get paid a full salary just as if they were a cook or something.

But I will NEVER forget the embarrassing why that black folk don't tip and/or give the waters a hard time as it is SO MUCH different than serving white people or Asians. I mean it's NIGHT and DAY.

I could share many, many stories ... yet black folk are still in denial about what EVERY waitress in the country HAS to know.

It's common knowledge in the server community to expect the sh**s from the black customers because they will not tip.

OF COURSE, there are exceptions! I TIPPED, of course, but it's an EXPECTATION because it happens so often.


Least homo rdrama meetup.
Every single time I've used the word chud, I was compelety unironic

Some rdramanaughts are always surprised that some redditor or x-tweetor says chud unironically, when it's part of rdrama lingo, and we say it unironically too, with contempt towards the rightoid Canibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, that we apply it to. So don't be surprised, and instead start using it unironically.



!schizos !chuds

Yo guys i think Ukraine is fricked :marseycringe:

Uvalde School Police Chief Is Arrested for Mass Shooting Response

1. They're stinky

2. They can't walk straight

3. They talk shit

4. They're broke from buying benzos :marseypills: all the time

5. They can't handle responsibilities

6. They're loud

7. They're male feminists

8. They're a burden on our healthcare :marseydoctor: :marseydoctor: system

9. They drive :marseysteer: :marseysteer: high :marseyharrierdubois: and kill people

10. They act stupid :marseyslowpoke: :marseyclueless: and reckless

:!platyaboriginal: Voiceposting :platyaboriginal: - the Greens and Voice activists want to do "truth-telling", Reddit reacts

CONTEXT- remember the Statement from the Heart that spawned the Voice (and established all the stupid names for things) in the first place? Well its formula was Voice, Treaty, Truth, with "truth" being a commission that would go around collecting evidence of how colonialism was bad. With the Voice dead the activists are now trying to do the other steps, but the government isn't interested anymore so now it's the Greens doing it.

Anyway, some are sceptical of this.

:marseychud: The question I have is, do we get to tell the truth of the historical and contemporary brutality of Aboriginal culture? Or is this just an exercise of "white man bad."

The only thing holding some Aboriginals back in 2024 is Aboriginals. As long as they keep holding on to the 18th century, they'll keep living in the 18th century.

Some progressives also think this'll fail-

:marseyitsover: Australia rejected the bare minimum which was The Voice. I have little hope for the other, more ambitious parts of the Uluru Statement.

Others think Aboriginals should just make their own country-

:marseybrainlet: It doesn't need to go down this route at all. Since native title has been acknowledged by governments, all they need to do is seek to become a different nation under the UN.

The reason the Voice was ideal was because it was done through Australia and with the people.


There's a lot of arguing in the thread, unfortunately it's all massive walls of text so look at your own risk.

!strayans voicepost

Old post regarding "Bay Area Rationalists" is a bit dramatic

Just learning about this community and lol. Not familiar with the sub but found this post on duckduckgo.

However stupid you think AI is, people are even stupider

If you're not churning out Lamb of God / Lisan al Gaib crossover slop for boomerbook, you're leaving money on the table.


Lookmaxxing is blowing up. Its everywhere! Rdrama bros... we are getting left behind. We dont even have lookmaxxing hole! Or ping group.

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