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That's right folks, tonight, for the first time this election cycle, Former President and Current Felon DONALD J TRUMP will face off in a battle of wits against Current President and Dementia Patient JOESPH BIDEN. There will be GAFFS :marseyshy4: . There will be LAUGHS :marseylaugh: . There will be ZINGERS :marseycool:. There will be DINGERS :marseyishygddt:. And, Lord Willing, by the end of the debate we'll all know who we're voting for.

I will try my ABSOLUTE HARDEST to get a STREAM rolling, but I might be late. !jannies, if I am not able to, could one of you start it?

It starts tonight at 9:00PM Eastern Time. Eurocucks are, as always, NOT INVITED.

be there......... OR DIE!!!


!g*mers is they is stupid is :#marseybruh:

The future we deserve


The Ultra-Orthodox cries out as he strikes you :soymad: :soymad: :soymad:
Greece has chosen to accelerate. 6 day work week is back on the menu.

I found an interesting comment in the reddit thread. Governments no longer have citizens. They have employees. Which makes sense with how things are going in the modern age. In such a system the only way to improve the quality of life of the labor class is to either isolate from the rest of the world or to pick up the bottom strata consistently until quality of life is high across the board so there is no benefit to picking somebody else up to do the same job for less money as nobody would agree to the contract.

We can now expect an outflow of Greek citizens to the rest of the EU meanwhile an increased inflow of labor from the poorer east European and North African territories.

The western societal systems are clearly not sustainable as they are completely dependent on bringing in people from the rest of the world to make up for population decline. The quality of people being brought in has been declining decade on decade as well as the smartest people have already been picked up from across the globe. The only remaining move is to bring in immigrants from culturally close nation states along with bordering nation states.

Just as the black plague improved the quality of life of the labor class due to lack of labor availability, we will see another improvement in the quality of life of the bottom class as the European populations continue to decline.

None of the developed societies of the world today are sustainable. As all of them are running on a below replacement fertility rate and have no capacity to replace their own internal populations, nor the levels of innovation required to grow at more than 2% GDP growth with a declining population.

In the end, western nation states can only grow via expansion.

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r/neoliberal argues about what they saw

The problem was that he was over prepared. He should've had three days of prep and only had notes with the bullet points.

He did not need to be talking about the stats. Nobody cares about those. Hammer the broader points. And he looked pretty good at the debate watch party, if that Biden had shown up he would've won it

It shouldn't be possible for a presidential candidate to be over prepared my guy. You should be able to fire hose him information and he should be able to catalogue all of it and determine exactly when best to use it.

You're talking about him like he's a special needs kid.


Doesn't... that apply both ways?

I legitimately saw a guy with a soft voice and occasionally weak responses.

The entire internet's telling me I saw someone else.

Bro. I'm a huge Biden Stan. My guy lost track of what he was saying so many times. The bar was so low and he didn't come close to it. He genuinely was unable to name the pieces of policy he passed as a response to questions. Yeah he had a few good retorts and lines here and there, but overall it was so disappointing. Still voting Joe of course but I mean cmon.

I've reiterated what I literally saw with my eyes. If you think you can convince me I saw something else, I refer you to the OP.

Dude this isn't healthy. Like you've got to take break from whatever circles you are in because it's frankly a bit embarrassing to think he was coherent.

You're getting swept up in a cult like defense of a politician.

You're currently trying to convince someone that what he literally saw isn't what he saw. I'm glad you think I'm not healthy, but I think you've got bigger problems to worry about.

You're going to frick over this country. Enjoy Trump part 2 because you can't open your eyes and think objectively.

I guess our education system has let you down. I'm sorry. We need media literacy education.



Sony is literally spamming me

Every fricking day: Tekken new update is coming :soyjakfront:

Is the player count that bad that they need to spam someone that didn't played the game since launch week (almost 6 months ago) ?


:marseyxd: :marseypearlclutch: :marseyevil:

rDrama app for iOS?

Is there a sane way to use this site on iOS? I know there's an Android app but i'm not poor lol. Pic unrelated.


:bluelight: BETS INSIDE :redlight: Euro 2024 Round of 16 live watching and betting thread: Belgium :marseyflagbelgium: vs France :marseyflagfrance:







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  • WayOut : They banned me because they don't want you to know the truth
Chiobu and BWC chat logs leaked, including Chiobu's VR Porn review from his youtube channel

Out of journ*listic integrity I can't reveal my sources, but I have it on good authority that Chiobu and BWC allegedly have been engaging in erotic roleplay in DMs.

Now it may or may not involve a weekly goon sesh where they jerk off together to wmaf porn while on the phone.

The video in question, not NSFW beside the audio:

This raises a lot of questions:

  • Can someone ping metashit? I don't have the DC.

  • Has @X been lying about his ethnicity?

  • Does it imply a dereliction of duty on the part of @BWC to engage in gooning with a chinaman as a white peepee supremacist?

  • Was @Shreddedmanlet aware of what was going on and where does he stand on these issues as the diplomatic interface between our Asian and Aryan communities?

  • Is @FBIshill's conspicuous return somehow connected to this gooning ring?

  • Does it qualify them for the s*x badge if the alleged s*x was purely cyber in nature?

  • Will any biofoid finally send me a picture of their armpits?

I don't have the answers, I'm just asking questions.

But maybe you do, !poll_voters ?

Personally I think it's a beautiful example of the sincere connections that people can form on this website and a wonderful conclusion to pride month. As such, @HomosexuaI please pin.

She's not wrong. You're never going to fix a culture like that in a couple years. That's going to take many generations to fix. Firefighters (and cops) really aren't normal people. The shit so many of them say and believe is so far removed from reality, it's like what the frick are you talking about? Also, in an unrelated note, I think giving free, cushy jobs to people who were in the military where the military job is nothing like the civil position is a very weird policy and needs to be reevaluated.

Apparently being a firefighter is a cushy job :marseydicklet:

Joe Biden has entered the meme war.

Drink ya boys ball sweat for $4.60



It is :marseyagree:


They were :marseyagree:

She also looks :marseythissmall: bit better than you bb :marseygiggle:

Yeah she should start another NGO for underprivileged kids


TBH I've never seen her in one movie but this is very dramatic behaviour I must stan her now :marseykneelingstoner:

Tiktok is Dead

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