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- X : bam
- Lappland : Disgusting. I love sucking peepee
- totalretardwar : They can't be perfect, they don't even have a bussy.
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Yes, we all like to make jokes about white women. It's all fun and games and theres an element of truth to it. But the truth is white women are the most beautiful creatures on the planet.
Today this truth became evident as I walked from my office to the train station and found myself behind two women on the platform, an Asian on the left and a white Woman on the right, perhaps the biblical symbolism was divine intervention.
Their appearances were quite different. The Asian woman was your typical westernized ABG type. Not quite skinny but not quite overweight either. Tight lululemon pants and some kind of athletic top that emphasized a "sexy" body, built by dedicated work at a gymnasium.
The white woman was quite the opposite. She had a rather mannish face, and for a few moments I thought it might have been a transgender until I got a better look at her face. She was tall with a rather fridgelike build, her baggy loose clothes certainly didn't do her any favors. Her legs werent toned at all and one had some kind of large sore or bruise on it.
The Asian woman was attractive and the White woman was not attractive. That was the objective truth, that was the reasonable conclusion to draw based on the information presented to my brain by my eyes. That was the answer is both an individual and a society.
NO! In a sudden realization I realized that was not true! Looking at them both I wanted the white woman, not the Asian! She was more alluring, more endearing, the one I wanted to bring flowers to, the one I wanted to make laugh, the one I wanted to wake up in bed next to. That was the truth! It was like fog clearing and suddenly the view being perfectly clear. Like looking at a nonsensical math problem and then suddenly figuring out the answer! My thoughts were clean and pure, no longer held back by whatever strange muck was clouding my judgement.
The white woman excited me like no other woman could. There was nothing more to weigh in my mind, no need to compare their bodies or their clothes, no need for a second glance. I wanted the white woman, that was the truth.
I hope one day you can have the same experience I had. God bless white women
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— NewsWire (@NewsWire_US) February 16, 2025
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When I listen to Madreblu I think of Commendatori from the Sopranos and Mussolini era Italy, for some reason.
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This is the best Down syndrome awareness video I have ever seen
— The_Bearded_Dr_Sina (@the_beardedsina) February 13, 2025
Amazing 👏👏👏
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90% of people between 110-130 IQ are insecure busy bodies who aren't smart enough to achieve anything, but just smart enough that they think they know how to run a society
only people 85-110 IQ should be allowed to vote and only people above 140 should be allowed to make decisions
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It's always at least twice. I guess I'm getting old.
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the aesthetic specifically.
no i dont like the smelly armhair dirty lesbians.
but the kristan stewart suit-wearing short-hair pants-adorning semi-androgynous cute butch look makes my heart just explode
i dont want to "frick the lesbian out of them" or whatever other cute twink shit that cute twinks say
i just want to be around them
i just love handsome women
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What does it mean when the Chair of the Federal Election Commission admits to stirring up some “good trouble?” pic.twitter.com/dWPFPuJNHh
— Bluesky Libs (@BlueskyLibs) February 7, 2025
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not sure why i agreed to meet at her house probably because her chats were very thirsty (of course that's the reason) she was very fit in the photos with absolutely massive hands like those of a mason i figured why not
the whole thing was fishy i felt like i was going to get stabbed and it didn't help when she pulled out a machete within five minutes of me being in the house (which was beautiful besides it being decorated like a sleazy gas station head shop)
it was downhill from there and i'd rather just seal all the sad details away in the vault i excused myself shortly after she pulled out an absolutely giant bag of ketamine and started saying we should do mushrooms
not proud to say i considered it her photos from a year ago were very cute