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A Mavs championship this year or next is totally on the table if they roll out a Kyrie AD KD big three. It would be a very empty one a la the 97 or 03 Marlins.
Lots of individual drama to like here too. Kyrie's "antisemitism" and vax stuff, Anthony "Street Clothes" Davis, KD's burner account.
Maybe the ideal outcome is if they flame out in the playoffs but bring in James Harden, Russ and⦠Miles Bridges!!!?? for the 2026 squad.
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Last time you're gonna see a bad guy like this let me tell you
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I am honestly surprised. Remember that shit James Gunn Superman trailer? This looks like that kind of aesthetic but actually good and improved way way more.
Ben the stone guy looks thinner than his comic version but whatever. The rest of the cast fits within the aesthetic of the trailer very well.
They seem to be making Mr. Fantastic not an butthole like the comics and instead an actual family man.
Even with the little bit of trailer I can already tell this movie is going to be actually good and be considered the best fantastic four out of the three different fantastic four's put to film including this one.
Looking forward to watching this when it releases.
Also a look at the back of Galactus's head. They gave him the classic Galactus size treatment but if you are used to seeing Galactus from the modern comics then he looks like manlet Galactus lol. Still looks fun though.
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I used to use Google's recommendation feature. It was alright for a time, but I have to pull the plug. It is currently recommending me Bill Cosby: Walking Free.
Now, I don't like documentaries in general, so how this shit show is my top recommendation I have no idea. To make matters worse they don't have a "not interested button", so I can even get rid of it. There's only an "already watched" button.. which I am afraid that will just add it to my algorithm. I try and do the calibration thing where I rate which titles I liked/disliked and its all really obscure or low budget shit nobody watches.
Any other options, or do I have to wait until you guys grow taste and recommend me something good?
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I want to do a retrospective of the woke era and I can't find that famous picture of a lumpy black woman giving some woke lecture where here paypal link is on the board. Anyone help?
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i keep doing it and its such a mindfrick, jfurjr
if u know u know
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Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.
Be valid and ping ! bardfinn for something worthwhile or create a new thread.
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!ebayers !cheapskates i have about two or three deliveries in interested in trying to refund that seem completely untracked, should i risk it? Im not TOO hung up on losing my account and tbh id prefer losing it to curb any temptation but i wonder whats YOUR ebay ettique?
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In the sixth section of Nietzsche's first essay, he pivots to expound upon the phenomena of the priestly aristocracy. It should be reminded that the emergence of the priestly caste, the archetype of the physically meek yet immaterially, spiritually superior man. This priestly archetype is emergent yet at odds with the knightly-warrior caste; I feel it is relevant to reference the Knights Templar, their history of reveling in holy violence and more specifically their dynamic with the Papacy. I venture to say that the Crusades gave a certain group of young men in Europe an opportunity to pursue and revel in Dionysian violence backed by divine justification, such an incongruity still exists in some to this day! The alleged Satanism of the Templars was forged as a parallel construction by the Papacy to retroactively condemn their violent, yet vital way of life, preserving the Church's image while still toppling the Templars for their true crime of rivaling them in power and ownership of land.
"When the highest caste is at the same time the priestly caste... it is then, for example, that 'pure' and 'impure' confront one another for the first time as designations of station; and here to there evolves a 'good' and a 'bad' in a sense no longer referring to station."
Nietzsche reiterates here, that the contemporary meaning of good and evil has its origins in a revaluation of values from the weak against their more powerful oppressors. He pushes on to contrast the earliest valuations of purity and impurity with the valuations of the priests: they are morbid, inactive haters of life; unhealthy. The priests carry a hatred of life and its vital functions because the material world is inherently chaotic and unjust. The priests have a resentment towards the flesh, the tangible, the sexual. Those of a lower wit could solely investigate the origins of such resentments to be a simple matter of the beautiful against the sick and poor and ugly, a purely psychosexual resentment, however I say it is more broadly the resentment against the dynamic of subjective experience itself. Pleasure and suffering are not ontologically independent of one another; one cannot categorize what is pleasure without memory of a past sensation to contrast it to, that contrasted sensation being suffering. Pleasure exists because of suffering and vice versa and embracing this absurdity is the core of Nietzsche's life-affirmation. The priest simply chooses to disengage from the world because he does not want to risk the possibility of suffering for the potential reward of pleasures; cowardice.
However, Nietzsche is not so quick to dismiss the withdrawn brooding of the priest, as it was only with the invention of God that man became an interesting animal- the introspection and "above-worldliness" necessitated by the ascetic ideal is what makes humanity superior to every other being on the planet.
To be continued in next comment
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why make an rsp hole? why not just use one of the many sister subs since the main has gone down?