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Shortest possible summary:
Reed Richards grows up beaten with a belt by his dad, bullied by kids three grades below him at school, has Ben Grimm as his friend who saves him from bullies since childhood. Goes on exploration mission where Doom fricks up a formula and creates the fantastic four in an accident.
Normal fantastic four adventures. Reed gets into a free candy van ( travels to alternate universe ) with zombies inside but survives. Reed hooks up with Sue Storm, gets mind r*ped into becoming a workaholic, gets cucked by Sue Storm, gets unmindraped and apologizes to Sue, keeps getting cucked by Sue, more adventures, gets back with Sue, World destroying tragedy occurs and Sue's Dad dies, gets cucked by Sue again because he told Ben to watch over Sue while he saved the world instead of ignoring millions of deaths and focusing on only Sue instead, fricks up further by asking Sue to marry him at her dad's funeral. Fantastic 4 disbands. Reed returns to live with his dad who used to beat him with a belt when Reed was a kid.
Reed then gets contacted by Sue Storm from the future who informs him that cucking Reed destroyed the universe. Reed then does the next logical thing and fakes his death in an explosion in his house which kills his dad ( idk if anybody else was in the house I can't remember every single detail ) and then tries to take over his Earth to save it. He loses and is lost in another dimension. While lost in this dimension, Reed becomes immortal, does not need to eat or shit anymore ( I am not 100% sure if that was always the case but I missed it or if he gained those additional powers because of being lost in the other dimension ).
Reed comes back with a city called "City" which is a giant fully sealed city sized space where time moves far slower than outside. So a few weeks outside is a thousand years inside. Reed then takes his "children of tomorrow" who grew up over generations in the city and again tries to take over the Earth. Reed destroys Marvel Gods and the most powerful mutants. Gets defeated by Tony Stark's Brain Tumor. ( This is not tongue in cheek he actually gets defeated by Tony Stark's sentient brain tumor ). He is imprisoned.
Reed escapes prison with the help of future Sue/ Kang and takes over the world. Fixes world hunger, stops wars, collects infinity stones which have emerged because of all the instability he has caused resulted in them popping up thousands of years before they were supposed to which is what future Sue wanted to save the universe. Future Sue cucks Quicksilver and Tony Stark's brain tumor turns out to be an infinity stone which Reed removes from his brain while killing him, its okay though, Tony Starks brain waves hack the network so he is alive in electronic format and later gets his body back. Reed loses the fight to conquer the world and control all the infinity stones and gets locked up again meanwhile Future Sue/ Kang tries to go back further in time to save reality. Reed cries like a b-word ( Again not hyperbole he actually cries like a b-word cradling himself like a toddler having a breakdown ).
The 1610 universe gets invaded by universe 616 Galactus and Reed escapes prison again and goes to the main 616 Universe Reed Richards Baxter building to steal the data on how to defeat Galactus. Sees Valeria ( Reed's daughter from 616 universe ) there and gets sad like a b-word because he never got to marry his Sue and have kids. Returning to his Earth, he saves his planet by opening a portal to a dimension without worlds to devour while the heroes push galactus though the hole and Reed closes it.
Reed confesses in a destroyed baxter building to Sue that they should have gotten together while Sue says lol no. Cucked again. Sue goes on a few more adventures until she meets an alternate reality version of spider ham ( Miles Morhames ) Spiderman from a universe where all superheroes are different animals and spider ham is a pig with spiderman powers. ), and you won't believe this but, Spiderpig ( Miles Morhames) tells Sue that the realities that have the highest odds of surviving are the ones where Sue has a child with Reed Richards because their kid is always pure kino and improves the survival odds of any reality it is born into. The pig knows this because he has seen this in many realities and his own reality died because Sue did not have a kid with Reed. Sue wants to be in denial but ends up meeting Reed and Reed is like kino lets frick but Sue instead locks him into an energy field and it looks like she is going to snip snip his peepee and take the sperm directly from the source all science way instead of the s*x frick way.
Sue has a child, but turns out it is not Reeds and in flashback we find out Reed talked Sue out of having his kid and convinced her to have faith and have Ben's kid instead. Oh yeah I forgot to mention at some point in all the stuff that happened above, Reed got cucked by Ben his childhood protector who ended up having a child with Sue now. Reed acts like he is happy with the outcome as well and pretends to be a good guy with the good guys.
Around the same time or perhaps only a few weeks or months down the line Reed has built another city and has been exterminating alternate realities in what are known as incursions ( its a whole other huge storyline, the only point you need to understand is that two Earth's can see each other in the sky and one Earth needs to be destroyed for the other to survive ). Reed has been killing all the Earths that pop up in the sky without anyone else knowing about it. Now it is the showdown between the last two Earth's and Reed makes friends with the evil villains from the main Earth 616. Reed uses "City" 2 and his "Children of Tomorrow" V2 as a distraction in the final battle as he escapes in a ship meant to survive traveling in a vacuum without reality.
Reed awakens with the Villains in battleworld where 616 Doom is now God ( another whole other storyline all you need to know is that Reed is now an evil peepee ). Reed cooperates with 616 Reed to take down doom. Gets to the powersource of Doom in this reality and betrays 616 Reed and tries to convert him into a monkey through a reverse time bubble while calling 616 Reed sentimental and gay (bad). The living battery Molecule Man says but I like homosexual content and kills evil Reed instead. Reed has been cucked to death by life.
Reed is moved into a new continuity of universe 616 but his storyline here was shit so I skipped it all for the next few years until we get to the interesting part.
Reed is a prisoner but manages to escape using body horror science frickery shenanigans. He then goes on a collect resources adventure and builds himself a teleporter to another reality where he wants to take over and create a universe in his image or at least his memory of his previous universe. He even invites Miles Morales who was the only other survivor of his past universe but Miles says no fam am good so Reed goes to new reality alone.
In new reality Reed says,"I am the one who cucks", and cucks all the superheroes before they became superheroes by not letting their origin story happen by doing shit like fricking up the fantastic four by giving them the wrong formula that makes their ship crash without giving superpowers, or not letting the spider that gives peter parker spider man powers bite him.
Reed Richards builds his "City" with time slowdown powers for the fourth time and is ruling the Earth for the 2nd time. He gets cucked by Tony Starks Dad and gets locked inside his own city for 24 months while the world is free to try and escape his designs and superheroes make a comeback with Tony Stark ( teenager ) trying to save reality and prepare for Reed when he comes back when the city reopens.
That's the general gist of Reed "The Maker" Richards from Earth 1610.
My opinion of the man:
I like Reed "The Maker" Richards for the primary reason that he has an entire arc for why he ended up the way he did. He is pretty much Mr Fantastic if Mr. Fantastic had a shitty childhood, only found horrors more often than not when he explored all of reality, and never managed to successfully form a family of his own. He is the answer to the question," What if you raised the smartest person in the universe in a shitty environment butt who still believed in fixing the world?" and the answer is you get a goody well behaved boy whose path to heck is paved with disappointments and many many disillusioning moments until only the core intellect and the desire to dominate and succeed remains.
Just like 616 Mr Fantastic is not a normal Reed Richards in that he is the extreme positive representation of a Reed Richards across the multiverse, one who has been transformed into a family man as much as a genius scientist. In a similar vein Reed "The Maker" Richards is also an extreme outlier in the multiverse, a version of Reed who is the culmination of failures in his personal life filled with personal miseries. While the majority of Reeds in the multiverse represent genius intellect that in time abandons family to instead focus on saving everything and everyone, 616 Reed is the man who chose family, and 1610 Reed is the one who chose family but failed to get one. Which is what makes him such an interesting deconstruction of what the original Mr Fantastic is. For he isn't just a colder Reed Richards, or an abandoning his old life Reed Richards, he is our main Reed Richards if he was still as caring a man but without things working out with his loved ones. He is the one who embraced his ego instead of his humility. Who embraced himself because nobody else could embrace him in any way that mattered. Someone twisted into a monstrosity not with one bad traumatic experience, but all the little small ones where not a single one itself can be said to be the thing that turned him.
I also like Reed "The Maker" Richards because in his "The Maker" persona he does lots of crazy shit like create his own civilization, take over the world, save the planet, Destroy Asgard, manage to fight off a living singularity, survive the death of the multiverse, try to turn the main Mr Fantastic into an actual monkey by reverse evolving him. All the zany evil bullshit with rule of cool science fiction gizmos. Doing all the shit that he did he ended up being one of the greatest villains created by Marvel in the 2010s and is probably still one of the greatest villains in Marvel after Doom.
In the end the most disappointing thing to me about The Maker is that after secret wars for many years it felt like his potential as a villain was wasted, until the Ultimate invasion arc took off where he again became the superior evil scientist archetype. Coming back more powerful every time.
Another thing that annoys me is that the "City" goes through 1,000 years of time while a month passes outside, so why doesn't he just spam 6 months of outside time instead and get 6,000 years ahead with his "City" people and then take over the world. I know it is a plot contrivance but it is still annoying that he stays in the time bubble only long enough to still be barely defeated by the heroes.
It also feels very r-slurred that Reed Richards kept chasing after Sue Storm instead of just, idk, getting laid with as many foids as he wanted from whichever dimension he felt like going to. I know that love exists, but come on, getting cucked by the same foid multiple times and still not trying anybody else? Really?
Overall Score for Reed "The Maker" Richards: 8/10.
Strong points:
1) Genius nerd character.
2) Good plot
3) Has an actual arc in which he evolves and changes as a person.
4) Does dumb universe breaking shit during his good guy phase and does crazy evil sci-fi shit during his evil phase.
5) Can be defined as complex
6) Cool body horror designs at times with unique uses of his stretchy abilities.
Weak points:
1) Keeps getting cucked
2) Had a few years of shitty stories involving him after "secret wars".
3) Turned evil a little too fast for my liking, like going from 80 to 100 and somewhere the 90 point is missing in terms of losing his shit. ( I wasted hours looking for that missing 90 before realizing it just wasn't ever there in any comic. )
4) Hasn't really collected any meaningful wins other than surviving the death of all reality that one time.
What I am hoping for from the future of Reed "The Maker" Richards:
I want him to win. I want him to come out of the city unashamedly evil and just start winning all over the place. Then I want him to make peace with the heroes in a sort of stalemate because The Maker isn't pure evil, he is an butthole who has no problem with being morally bankrupt to get what he wants but doesn't actually have a "Be evil for the sake of being evil" setting and is willing to negotiate with the heroes of his universe for a longer peace where he rules his own kingdom. Then have The Maker become a second cooler no family version of Reed Richards from the main universe, with both of them going on adventures to explore the multiverse. I think that would be kino. One Reed Richards winning with his family and morality, and one Reed Richards winning without a family or morality.
Good character. Great arc and evolution of the character. Some stories with him in them were trash. I want more of the Maker when he is done right. Like a cosmic horror alien intelligence entity in a human form where the human part randomly shines through.
What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments.
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Inspired by: https://rdrama.net/h/countryclub/post/347048/-/7876613#context
I mistook a comment by @jesus2 for a comment by
@Soren, but by the time I realized I had already made this.
Also inspired by that one meme about the muppets and Adolf Hitler
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Standard sneeding and arguing over the heckin' wholesome velvet hipporinos kissing the violence-prone golden r*trievers. Jannies have been alerted and have been mopping threats against the innocent smoochie machines.
I'm so sorry for your hardship OP. I wish your mom's Goldie a speedy recovery ❤️🩹 I also want to just take a minute to thank you for specifying that you still believe it's the owner, not the breed. I think that level of nuanced thinking takes a lot of emotional maturity and it's just nice to see. I'm very aware that this sub's prevailing opinion on that topic is very much "pitbull bad," so I'm sure this will get downmarseyd to heck and back lol, but as long as you see it that's what matters to me. I just wanted you to know that you're a wonderful human being and a great friend to dogs everywhere. And again, best wishes to your furry relative and the humans who kept her safe 💛
Not a great enough "friend to dogs everywhere" that you have to comment on every pitbull attack "pitbulls are wrongfully discriminated against."
The OP is still recovering, and yall gotta sprinkle that shit in to validate yourselves. It's disgusting. If you actually cared, you'd have stopped after the heart emoji. Everything else is just performative pit worshipper nonsense.
All the people talking about hating ALL pit bulls should 100% be banned. That is NOT a fair take and it's a dumb one at thag
I'd rather not play Russian roulette with owning a pitbull. Not every single pitbull attacks people or dogs, but it is a WAY higher chance than any other breed of dog. I'm not going to risk it. And I'm allowed to feel and think that way without you telling me I'm wrong for it. Why risk your family? Also let's be real there are much cuter family friendly and animal friendly breeds made for community living.
Idk just dumb in my opinion. I live next to a golden and a pit bull and I'm more scared of the spas of a golden they have than the pitti who doesn't even make a noise when I walk outside with my dog
This is why I walk with a knife when take my golden for a walk. [jannied]
I do the exact same thing. Ever since I saw a video of a golden in New York getting mauled by a pitbull with a crowd of people failing to separate them before the golden was left with wounds requiring the leg to be amputated, I keep a knife on me when walking my golden at all times.
I carry a revolver, CCW, in Virginia.
Yup. Tons of those garbage dogs here in California too. Getting my CCW soon.
Garbage owners, too. Not taking the chance with my old Golden girl. Good luck!
Just the decision of getting one is like dating a murderer who was in prison and trying to make him your nice cuddly loving partner.. I can totally see how someone wants a Rottweiler, Dobermann or German shepherd but why would you choose a breed which was used to fight bulls in ancient times and never bread to life with a family and meet other dogs.
Oh you poor thing. Sounds like the owner needs to be euthanized as well as the dog. Get better soon
Neighbour sounds like an idiot. Why would walk the dog off leash if it has incidents of aggression in the past? Hope you can take this idiot to court, you deserve full restitution and owner should serve time. Imagine if it was a child.
Neighbour owns a Pit Bull. That's the very definition of idiot.
Stand up for your Goldens against these aggressive breeds. Pepper spray, folding knife, and CCW always ready to go when I'm walking my 12yo golden.
You carry three weapons including a firearm every time you go for a walk?
Correct. Pepper spray in backpack, small folder in back pocket, and CCW appendix carry. 3/4 pounds total weight. I don't even notice it anymore.
We go way out of our way to avoid any issue dogs but it's nice to have options just in case. Avoidance and paying attention to surroundings is key.
That pitbull needs to be put down. I would sue
Well no it's not the dogs fault why should we put down every pitti. That's like saying we should put down every white person cause one of them committed a crime
The owner needs to be put down and the dog needs a muzzle & rehabilitation to see if they can take the aggression out before deciding to put down. Dogs are not aggressive by nature, most of them learned aggression and can be taught otherwise. Unfortunately some of them have such deep trauma that it's impossible to retrain. Pitbulls are often owned by people with aggressive behaviour, certainly not saying all of them. @OP, so sorry for your dog. Take good care of him and take your time to let him recover and build up trust with other dogs that they aren't a threat, otherwise you run the risk that he's so scared that he will start attacking other dogs out of fear.
Except pitbulls have been proven to be aggressive by nature, several times? 🤡
Please read some of these studies. There's a higher predisposition, doesn't make all pitbulls aggressive "Their association with such aggressive activities, combined with their portrayal in the media, has significantly influenced public perception of these breeds. Despite these challenges, Pit Bulls have also been valued as "nanny dogs" due to their loyalty, obedience, affection, and protectiveness [23,24,25,26]. Nevertheless, the negative stereotypes surrounding Pit Bulls, stemming from their historical association with illegal dog fights and sensationalized media coverage, have exacerbated the challenges of addressing aggression issues in these breeds. While research suggests that appropriate training and socialization could mitigate aggression in dogs, these negative stereotypes continue to influence public opinion and policy"Reference
Over 80% of dog attacks on humans are of some sort of pit/pit mix breed. They are not compatible creatures as they were breed to fight.
Could you share the article?
Kill all pitbulls. It's the dog and the owner or just the dog.
- pet : actual extremely nice watchmaker
- Soren : Put this neighbor to death
- Dominus : I fricking hate "femcels" so much
- MayflyAlt-98 : > wants to be chads alpha widow. > LOL
shit in a non-
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I'm writing to you all from my snowed in abode, where the wind howls and I freeze in my oversized Carhartt hoodie. Biting cold seeps into my body deep, especially because my BMI is 15, it can be felt in my bones. Sometimes I don't leave my bed for an entire day (not even to pee (got a UTI from this once.)) Because of the unplowed roads in my small town, I cannot bear the journey to the supermarket, I've never owned a vehicle in my life. Luckily, I thought ahead: there's a month's worth of rice in my bathroom cupboard. Hopefully there are no rice weevils this time (I like eating them to punish them.) It's easier like this, though, and I prefer it. More time to moderate a certain gacha subreddit, and to farm my dailies.
Female NEETS have never and will never get the recondition that males do, and that's honestly fine. I accept it now.
They said I could never do it. A girl like me, a NEET. Awkward and inexperienced, even called "socially stunded" (see below) by my friends. I saw him 3 months ago when he made this post:
I saw this and knew he was created for me. He does what I cannot, even though his physique post got 9 thousand less views than mine, but that's okay. He escaped this lifestyle I'm stuck in- maybe there's hope for me too.
3 Months of watching him, planning, and a good shower. That's all it took. He's mine now. @Spiderman_2 is mine. He flies out to see me, and me to him. Minnesota to British Columbia.
Let me be perfectly clear with you, chat, I've never had a boyfriend in my entire life.
They DESPISE me for our love. Since they all said I couldn't do it, they lash out in shock and jealousy of my prize.
Still have no idea what yt means.
Don't need a job when I have gahca subreddits and ao3.
Rdrama, you're all just working in tandem against me and Spiderman_2.
I have NEVER seen a community hate me so much before, just for being who I am. And I know why you all hate me so much.
Because you all hide behind a mask, and I Don't.
Even Carp is ignoring me now, despite pouring hundreds of hours into my ao3 fics about him.
Listen, we're going to get married (on rdrama first) and we need your help.
We just need enough marseycoinz to get married on rdrama. I know you all love Spiderman_2 (and me as well, you just don't know it yet.)
Don't you want him to be happy? You all would be awful friends if you didn't help him get married on rdrama.
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Yes? No? Which cities should I visit?
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This happened in 25 August 2010, when a Let L-410 Turbolet twin-engine short-range transport aircraft designed and produced by the Czech, crashed near Bandundu Airport. Of the 21 people onboard, all died, including the pilots, except one passenger, which is how we have any idea of WTF actually caused the crash!
====(from BBC article)
A plane has crashed in the west of the Democratic Republic of Congo, killing 20 people, officials say.
One person was also critically injured as it came into land in Bandundu, about 200km (125 miles) west of the capital.
A BBC reporter in Kinshasa says it hit a house, but no-one is thought to have been hurt on the ground.
DR Congo, the size of western Europe, has few roads after decades of
civil war, and has one of the world's worst air safety records.
The BBC's Thomas Hubert says the plane crashed 2km from the airstrip as it attempted to land just after midday.
Colonel Joli Limengo, the local chief of police, told our correspondent that most of those on board had died in the accident, including the two pilots - who were believed to be Belgian nationals.
He said that 19 bodies were pulled from the wreckage along with two survivors, one of whom later died.
The aircraft was operated by Filair, an airline based in Kinshasa, and was due to stop over in Bandundu town before continuing its journey to the capital.
Our reporter says Filair, just like all airlines registered in DR Congo, is on the European Union's no-fly list because of the country's poor air safety record.
Transport Minister Laure-Marie Kawanda said a team had arrived in Bandundu to investigate the crash.
====(end quote)
Note that this was BEFORE the investigation by the Belgian authorities were carried out!
Initially the authorities were confused as to why the heck the plane had crashed, cuz usually when these types of small planes tanked it was cuz they were literally out of fuel
====(unknown AFP article)
Plane crashes in DRCongo, 20 dead: deputy governor
(AFP) – 4 days ago
KINSHASA — At least 20 people were killed after a plane flown by the Belgian head of a local airline crashed while trying to land in western Democratic Republic of Congo, officials said.
The Filair Czech-made twin turboprop crashed Wednesday afternoon at Bandundu after a 300-kilometre (200-mile) flight from the capital Kinshasa, and apparently running out of fuel, Vicky Mboso Muteba said.
"They have brought out the people, we have 19 bodies in the morgue," said Mboso, the deputy governor of Bandundu province, northeast of Kinshasa.
One of two survivors later died in hospital.
The owner of the private airline Filair, Belgian Daniel Philemotte, 62, was at the controls of the Let-410 plane and was among those killed, along with the co-pilot and stewardess, he added.
Mboso said that after an abortive attempt to land, the aircraft turned away and crashed towards the edge of Bandundu city, hitting an earthen house whose residents had managed to flee in time.
There was no explosion, said Mboso, who was one of the first to arrive on the site along with soldiers from MONUC, the UN mission in the Congo.
"Subject to expert opinion... the presumed cause could be a lack of fuel," he said.
====(end quote)
Basically people noted what was strange about this crash was that the fricking plane actually made an attempt to land, but aborted midway?! The authorities were also really puzzled wtf went wrong, cuz the pilot was a Eurocuck (and therefore actually competent, unlike the locals). And they also found the plane was completely full of fuel, so empty tanks weren't the cause, compared to what was the cause speculated when the news broke in Congo, as well as some minor Safrican foreign news outlets.
Here's a article google translated into Bonglish
From the 2 survivors, including the one poor soul whom would die in hospital later, the authorities gathered that there had appeared to be some kind of panic
aboard the plane, so close to the runway, causing all of the passengers to run towards the cockpit, unbalancing the small plane, and pulling the center of gravity, and making the aircraft near inoperable, which is why the pilot had managed to make one aborted attempt at landing, yet still pulled up at the last moment, to end up crashing it near the emergency landing strip of Bandundu Airport later!
====(from french article)
The crash of the Fil Air plane that occurred on Wednesday, August 25 in Bandundu City was not caused by a fuel shortage but rather by a technical failure before being thrown off balance by panicked passengers, indicated John Mbu, the consultant of this airline, forty-eight hours after the occurrence of this tragedy that killed around twenty people including the boss of the company, in the west of the DRC.
John Mbu explained:
"The statement of the only survivor, who was on the plane, said that the pilot had to land on the emergency strip located next to the runway. And that, when he arrived on final and had to point to land on the emergency strip, the passengers, having seen that his nose was not on the runway, screamed and all came into the cockpit."
As it was so close to landing, he continued, it threw the plane off balance and it swung before crashing into a house.
The hypothesis of running out of fuel is therefore not true, according to him, because after checking, there were still at least 150 litres of kerosene in the tanks.
However, regarding the technical breakdown, Fil Air was waiting until Friday evening for the expert report on the black box. This was recovered by civil aviation authorities and the transport ministry, the source said.
====(end quote)
So by this point the confused authorities understood there was some kind of last minute panic?
but they were still clearly uncertain WTF actually was the cause and were waiting for diagnoses of the Black Box
It seems about 3-4 weeks later, when the sole survivor had recovered in the hospital from his injuries and could be questioned more clearly, and without delirium, that apparently fricking one of the passengers had smuggled a pet crocodile aboard, in a duffle bag. And that close to the end of the journey, the fricker apparently escaped, causing a panic shitstorm amongst the rest of the passengers, whom would flee to the opposite end of the aircraft in their headless panic
and frick up the center of gravity with such a sudden shift of weight!
====(from archived TheTelegraph article)
The plane came down despite no apparent mechanical problems during an internal flight in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It has now emerged that the crash was caused by the concealed reptile escaping and causing a stampede in the cabin, throwing the aircraft off-balance.
A lone survivor apparently relayed the bizarre tale to investigators. The crocodile survived the crash, only to be dispatched with a blow from a machete.
According to the inquiry report and the testimony of the only survivor, the crash happened because of a panic sparked by the escape of a crocodile hidden in a sports bag. One of the passengers had hidden the animal, which he planned to sell, in a big sports bag, from which the reptile escaped as the plane began its descent into Bandundu.
A report of the incident said: "The terrified air hostess hurried towards the cockpit, followed by the passengers." The plane was then sent off-balance "despite the desperate efforts of the pilot", said the report.
====(end quote)
Even more hilarious is that the British Air Crash investigators didn't want to believe in the crocodile story and thought it was bullshit
and the fact that they couldn't get ahold of the flight-recording data from the Black Box (no idea why) made them sceptic to this story. But due to all the compounded factors, like the Belgian pilots being experienced, the plane being in good condition and fully fueled pre-crash made not good accounts for the cause of the crash outside the hearsay of the sole survivor, whom had little cause to lie.
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- Cute_Good_Friend : keep yourself safe
- WayOut : Still single then?
- Y : Best user imo, yall complain over free marsey coins and self improvement
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I've highlighted some of the worst comments below. Let's be judicious and only CrossTalk the cringiest ones, as decided by you guys!
Also: it's a very common take that doing OnlyFans will "ruin your life".
For one, this presumes that everyone, or at least some people will know about it 1 or 5 or 10 or 20 or 30 years down the line. I'm sure there are lots of girls who were porn stars in 1995 or 2000 or 2005 who are now happily married with kids. I'm sure a lot are drug addicts or dead too, but this phrase "ruin your life" is thrown around so uncritically!
But moreover, it speaks to the narcissism of the average redscarepodoid. It's sort of like how they'll say that if someone gets caught having an alt-right Twitter account that it will "ruin their life". Sure, it might preclude them from working in publishing in NY or LA. But it won't stop a guy from getting hired at a nuclear power plant, or a construction site, or wherever else.
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What forced conversion to atheism/irreligion does to mfs:
you're on reddit! prepare to be downmarseyd
I guess if you belive in god, you don't belive in AFD
What are you insinuating? I guess the part that has no religion voted for AfD? That has more to do with their history intertwined with communism (and thus, being the 'poorer' part of Germany) than with religion.
You guessed wrong, no one is thinking that the AfD has something to do with being not religious. You were right about the part that the former GDR is the reason, but more because they actively tried to lower the influence of the church and religious thinking.
"None" should in many cases be Scientific Materialism
Looks like in Germany, atheists are most likely to vote for AFD
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Various discussion links:
BREAKING: The @Tesla Cybertruck has officially received a 5-Star overall safety rating from the NHTSA. The Cybertruck had the lowest overall probability of injury & lowest chance of rollover of any pickup truck tested by the NHTSA.
— Sawyer Merritt (@SawyerMerritt) February 18, 2025
Source: https://t.co/TRGcJtMzO5 pic.twitter.com/LgP9mDcgzh
Cybertruck achieves 5-Star Overall Safety Rating from NHTSA
— Cybertruck (@cybertruck) February 18, 2025
Including the lowest overall probability of injury & lowest chance of rollover of any pickup truck tested by NHTSA pic.twitter.com/7uNojL7KRn
Cybertruck earns 5-Star Overall Safety Rating from NHTSA https://t.co/hZnDrlwOMN
— Tesla (@Tesla) February 18, 2025
Cybertruck is apocalypse-level safe https://t.co/Qqr07H7r3Y
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 19, 2025
Various sneeding links:
Ironically, no mention of this on /r/all or the reddit newsfeed. Now if it received 1 star...
- whyareyou : how many potatos does it take to kill an irish
- misterwigger : Reporting the above report for hibernophobia! Hibernophobia!!
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BREAKING: President Trump just signed a Proclamation declaring March as ‘Irish Heritage Month’.
— Cillian (@CilComLFC) March 6, 2025
Irish-Americans voted for Trump in very large numbers in November.
This is awesome. Let’s hope the Irish people vote for a REAL Patriot soon, like Americans did in November! 🇺🇸🇮🇪 pic.twitter.com/n9kboDvI5C
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Elon Musk's Department of Government Efficiency has deleted hundreds more claims from its mistake-plagued "wall of receipts," erasing $4 billion in additional savings that the group said it had made for U.S. taxpayers.
Late Sunday night, the group erased or altered more than 1,000 contracts it had claimed to cancel, representing more than 40 percent of all the contracts listed on its site last week. The deleted items included five of the seven largest savings that it had claimed credit for just last week. At the same time, the group added about 1,000 additional canceled contracts, worth smaller total savings.
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- Arran : adult dwarf
- 13
- 45
I hope Elon Musk fires this DEI HIRE when he refuses to return to work at a government office.
- 3
- 7
This is a pretty interesting statistic in terms of the genetic bottleneck that is in process.
— Labrador Skeptic (@SaysSimulation) March 7, 2025
There are many guys who see themselves as too good for a 170 pound woman. Fine, end of the line.
Plenty of other guys have no problem knocking up heavy women. Their children will… https://t.co/8RMTHlWwrC
- 75
- 63
Democrat policies of slaughtering whole flocks instead of quarantined chickens (EU countries don't do this) is what drives up current prices and cause need to import chicken eggs and review said policies.
OP should stick to drunk groomercording bipolar chicks :)
Helpful [46] Not Helpful [28]@SixthDragonBall is seething. Bird flu has almost 100% fatality rate on unvaccinated chickens.
Unlike bird flu, pizzashill derangement syndrome has no vaccine. Please keep an eye out for symptoms on your chuds.
Helpful [81] Not Helpful [8]R-slur manbear can't tell the difference between sick and not sick chickens.
GG EZ no re
R-slur doesn't understand that viruses are viral
Helpful [44] Not Helpful [8]Giga r-slur doesn't understand not all birds get sick
Helpful [29] Not Helpful [16]Get your butt blasted by AIDs infected Tyrone. HiV doesn't have 100% transmission. Follow your desires.
Helpful [48] Not Helpful [8]I know you're pozzed af @ManBearFridge but comparing a non airborne Illness only helps my argument.
Guys do you think he'll realize I keep making these to make him burn through his meager coins on pings and CNs?
Helpful [26] Not Helpful [15]!commenters what is this guy talking about?
Helpful [41] Not Helpful [5]shove a peepee up ur bussy and the shut the frick up
Helpful [45] Not Helpful [4]Now this might strike some dramatards as harsh but I believe every poster involved in this thread should die
Helpful [42] Not Helpful [2]