Think like a psychiatrist

I've been working with a psychiatrist for about 5 years on an interesting study. We got in an argument awhile back about changing a 13 y/o male from lexapro for fluvoxatine. While undergoing majority chemotherapy due to symptoms, he was deemed to not be pediatric despite being under the age of 25.

Some important background includes the patient had anxiety-driven depression, h/o self harm, suicidal ideation, OCD, ADHD, non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, aplastic anemia and various family hx risks.

What was the reason for the fight? Just a heads up, this kid is on multiple mood stabilizers including adderall so that might help with the med change.

Reported by:
Pennsylvania Dutch :chadseethecapy: as JD Vance visits Vermont ski resort


Senior_Photograph832: Vleicht sollte Vermont einfach Kanada beitreten

DachdeckerDino: Lol, das GTFO Schild ๐Ÿ˜…

Dazzling_Let_8245: Hรคtte nie gedacht dass Green Day und besonders "american idiot" nochmal so relevant wird...

Impossible_Ideal_125: Mich freut es, dass da soviele Leute verschiedener Altersschichten zu sehen sind

Brave-Clock-501: Endlich sehe ich auch mal das auch in den USA Leute sich den Faschisten entgegen stellen. Beruhigt mich etwas in dieser Aktuell Fragilen Welt.

Evil_Bere: Mal sehen wie das mit der "Meinungsfreiheit" in den USA zu vereinbaren ist. ;)

@UraniumDonGER @DildongusPrimative @DarmstadtiumDonGER @PoloniumDonGER @AmericiumDonGER @DeuteriumDonGER @Ninjjer @BrasilIguana !soren !pantspoopers !seethers !the !they !them !kowalski !lutherans !schizomaxxxers !antifascists !calvinists @Discuss

Reported by:
What causes this behaviour?

I assumed he was getting paid but he's not even a janny

@dang at least give him a mop




!coomers !fightclub !g*mers !foidmoment

How long until Kendrick Lamar kills himself and blames every terminally online white liberal in the note?


This is why we need mayocide


!nonchuds !moidmoment

No offense to this guy but I find this type of sexuality so unappealing lol. No I do not want to put your frenulum in a blender

Please mommy you're so hot grate my peepee like mozzarella


Has nobody been exposed to this meme? This is a trend people, not meant to be taken literally

The clearest tell someone is a boomer is being unable to identify when something is obviously a meme or not

Why do you think it's a meme in the first place genius

"Listen here LIBTARD, memes are memes because they are actually SERIOUS GODDARN BUSINESS."


It's safe horny to be aggressed upon, not to be the aggressor. Imagine if James Bond slapped a waitress on the butt in the year of Our Lord 2025

We need to retvrn


Yeah bro it's just a joke calm down

I'm sure it is buddy now go get your balls smashed


Bros trying to do a philosophical analysis of people shitposting on X

Behind every banger shitpost is a deep kernel of truth which permeates the collective consciousness. This is what good shitposters are tapping into.

:chudsoytalking: :soytosstalking:

what if the immediate thought upon viewing such hotness is "i will die for her?" am i also a gay zoomer loser?

No, this is heroic and based


Being dominated is socially acceptable. Dominating is worthy of prison time.

We rejected this at the ballot box

>"Sleepy Joe has been a disaster! This stupid president wanted every man to be dominated by mommy milkers! And quite frankly, its a disgrace. We cannot allow that. We have to let our men dominate women, or we aren't gonna have a country anymore."


Hey dimitri. I don't think the user would actually want his balls to be put in a waffle maker if it came down do it. Tbh I think it was just meant to be funny. I hope this helps.

Insightful stuff, r-slur


I would beat the ever loving shit out of her with a coffee table book

Much better



!chuds !the_donald !project2025

Bloodythirsty redditors :marseybestfriends:

>ripping out people's organs is justified because they were in :quote: palestine :quote: illegally

>btw it's called undocumented chud!

>father lost his son, copes by killing other peoples sons :marseyyayyy:

mfw I'm called a nazi for not celebrating death and destruction :marseydeadinside2:



:marseyhappening: BIG

Predictions on what is going to happen?

Ah shit, here we go again!

Also with the special appearance of @WootFatigue

Reported by:
  • Dude : Europoors increasingly nervous
Homophobic fan learns the true impact of calling someone a rent boy
Steve was leaving the football ground when he shouted back at some away fans. Moments later he was in handcuffs and under arrest.

He had shouted a homophobic slur, committing a hate crime that led to him being charged with a Section 5 Public Order offence. The case ended up in court, where he pleaded guilty, and he was banned from attending football matches in the UK for three years.

Now Steve - not his real name as he fears for the impact on his professional and personal life - is trying to make amends after coming through a fan education programme run by anti-discrimination charity Kick It Out.

A lifelong football fan, Steve had just watched his side play Chelsea and was leaving the stadium.

"I heard Chelsea fans shouting and I shouted back, 'Oi, you Chelsea rent boys', gave them a few gestures and thought nothing of it. I thought I was just having a bit of back and forth with the away fans," he said.

What followed is all a bit of a blur.

"I walked away and then all of a sudden I was surrounded by six security guards. And then from that point, a police officer arrested me and put the cuffs on."

"I'm in my 20s and I didn't really understand that [term]," Steve said. "I knew there was stuff around it, but I didn't really perceive why it was homophobic."

Steve was eventually referred to Kick It Out, which runs a fan education programme where offenders learn about the different types of discrimination and the impact their actions can have on victims.

"I accept that [what I did] was awful, and now it's about repaying that, turning that into something positive. I've had a look at myself... I'm willing to make amends," he said.

Sounds like not such a bad idea. Maybe we could organise to send some dramatards to these webinars to minimise homophobia on rdrama?


My Therapist Ghosted Me

I had a first therapy appointment a couple weeks ago so that I can try to stop being an anorexic. I had to skip the next appointment because apparently there was some paperwork that wouldn't go through so she wasn't able to get payment for the previous appointment, so I fixed that. Then, the week after, I got sent the video link for the next appointment. Once I got there, I waited in the online waiting room thingy for like 20 minutes and my therapist just didn't show up. I sent an email and got no response. It's been 5 days.

If you think getting ghosted on a dating app is bad, it could always be worse.



Dramatards, what is YOUR favorite region/city/country sub which is absolutely non representative of the median world view they represent on Reddit?! :daydream: :marseylaying:

HOW DARE YOU USE NON-WHITE, THAT CENTRALIZES WHITENESS :marseymayo: :marseymayo: :marseymayo: :imwhite:

[WHOLESOME] :marseywholesome: Redditors wish death on a grown woman because she was mean in the 5th grade :soysnooseethe:


Let's peer into the Freudian nightmare that is the 'empathetic' and 'kind' redditor's head.

So there was this mean girl in grade school. Her name is Tori.

One day, I was talking to a friend about a movie I saw, where she interjected and told me "we don't care." :marseydrama:


The problem was the fact that after that, anytime I tried to have a conversation with anyone, their response was "I don't care," "we don't care" "nobody cares."

:marseypearlclutch: surely something worth holding onto for TWENTY THREE FRICKING YEARS :marseyagree:

Fast forward 23 years later. Tori is a hardcore druggie. Like, she's really down bad. :marseyjunkie:

I fricking love it. :marseyevilgrin:

Realistically I'd say it's just a matter of time before her habits kill her. Can't wait, I'd take pride in pissing on her grave every day.

Jesus christ woman. :marseyyikes:

This one really epitomizes the redditor's psyche: cutaneously :marseyshy3: empathetic and kind on the surface, actually a mendacious, resentful ladygarden with a bloodlust due to years of being a social outcast :chudspin:

Which of these two personalities :marseytense: will the commenters choose?

Idk why everyone is like " she probably had a bad home life that's why she was such a peepee don't be mean" reap what ya frickin sow people. Newsflash folks, having a bad home life doesn't excuse you being an butthole to others.

Frick that fifth grader

OPs excuse now for wishing death on a grown woman 20+ years later, the frick?

Man who the frick cares? Honestly you can go to bat for a childhood bully all you want.

The memories of being shoved into a locker are touching nerves all over this comment section. :marseyoperasmug:

I'm so sorry I have empathy for people Jesus Christ dude,

As you should. No clue what these dweebs are pity partying her for at all. Guestimating about her childhood trauma makes no sense at all lmao. She was a b-word, and now she is dealing with the consequences of her own actions. Such is life.

But I would never ever ever ever ever ever blame a homeless person when they bludgeon someone to death in San Francisco

She was a "b-word" as a 5th grader so now she deserves to die as an adult? The fact that OP is still hung up on this is what's fricking weird.

Who said she deserves to die, bean bags for brains? Why are u reaching for stars? I SAID she's dealing w/ the consequences of her own actions, which is a fact.

Suddenly we like personal responsibility? :marseyhmm:

I understand this. The person who I went to school with from when I was 6 to 13 is a junkie and it's nice to see that bad people get what they earned.

Were you mean as a 9 year old? Enjoy dying of a heroin overdose :derpthumbsup:

It's becoming an 'I was bullied' L-posting cry-in for resentful losers :vomit:

My childhood bully turned into a violent sexual predator, and I thank God every day that in middle school thru high school, it never escalated. you think about being r*ped by your childhood bully every day?

Can genuinely say that when you find out they have an obituary it's cathartic. My middle school bullies are either homeless and on dugs, in bad relationships or gone and I have a better day every time I think about them. It's great and they deserve it

:marseyjerkoffsmile: yeah and you're cryposting on reddit, I'd rather at least be high

In barges the fat girl who thinks she's the 'mom friend':

Oof, OP. Oof. Please seek therapy so you can work through this. :soyjakcobson:

jesus christ do these people have any other solution to anything

:marseychingchong: :!marseyblackface: :!marseycracka: :!marseychingchong:

r/boxoffice argues over captain america


They also argue about sonic 3:

Intact [OC]
Family Guy new episode is about the very topical Brett Kavanaugh

Peter swaps lives with Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and is forced to make a ruling on the constitutionality of gay marriage, meanwhile, Brett tries to become friends with Quagmire, Cleveland and Joe.

Seriously how many foids did they let in the writers room?



Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜

JD: YOU DIDNT EVEN SAY THANK YOU you voted for this? (12504)

NO, most of us didn't vote for this! (401)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

i adore JD Vance trying to match Trump's reactions, you know...he wants to be just like dad. (13216)

Junior VP really looks up to the VP ๐Ÿฅน (505)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

these posts titles are a joke lol (-90)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

After seeing this today, I'm truly truly embarrassed as an American. This administration is just a bunch of bootlickers groveling for power, humiliating themselves for a man who demands loyalty but takes no responsibility. They're not leading anythingโ€”they're just clinging to his favor, desperate for scraps of power no matter how ridiculous they look.Zelenskyy stood his ground, but instead, we got Trump and JD Vance showing off the sheer incompetence and fourth-grade logic running the show. These people idolize authoritarian rulers because weak minds mistake brute force for leadership. They got no vision, no backbone, just blind devotion to a guy who's spent a lifetime failing upward, screwing things up, and blaming everybody else. It's always Biden's fault, Obama's fault, the media's fault, never his. He's a pro at making a mess and dumping it on someone else, and his base eats it up because he's loud, consistent, and "always right," even when the disaster is right in front of them... (3)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

What's the most twisted about this whole ambush / gaslamping scene by Vance/Trump, is that it was premeditated to play to their base audience in the US.Trump actually admitted that he did this for the cameras and that it would make "great TV".It's disgusting behaviour and decorum, and he is not fit to hold office. He just made the US a pariah state with the Western world.I am very proud of Zelinskyy for standing his ground. I feel so bad for him; not only has he endured three years of gruesome war, but now he has to put up with this shit?You know someone has lost, when they start hurling insults. To me, Trump and Vance simply looked desperate and pathetic. They humiliated the USA. I will boycott your country to the death you sons of b-words. Trump (Elon and Vance), I hope you choke on a Big Mac. You are disgrace and not befitting to hold this office. (2)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

I cannot understand how/why the main word is ' embarrassed' or 'humiliating' in this thread. Those are the adjectives of folks who have never really been hungry or physically hurt or in real trouble or despair. This man- child is a dangerous and frightening fool. I'm afraid he's also a tool of our enemies. He is going to destroy the economy, plunge a lot of us into despair, poverty and hunger, and enrich other wealthy fools like himself and embolden our enemies. His version of negotiating is "blah blah blah, waah, waah, I'm not getting what I want, I quit." Volodymir Zelinski has more character, strength and morality in his little finger than clown prince pumpkin and his assembled Uriah Heeps, maggats and doggs combined. We are in mortal danger, not danger of having our egos challenged.His dangerous, careless, irresponsible use of the suggestion of WWIII is worse than anything I have seen or heard in my life. It's like the word divorce. Once it enters the conversation between two pe... (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/kc_acme

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Number of comments: 3

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


@R what is your excuse


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