My Therapist Ghosted Me

I had a first therapy appointment a couple weeks ago so that I can try to stop being an anorexic. I had to skip the next appointment because apparently there was some paperwork that wouldn't go through so she wasn't able to get payment for the previous appointment, so I fixed that. Then, the week after, I got sent the video link for the next appointment. Once I got there, I waited in the online waiting room thingy for like 20 minutes and my therapist just didn't show up. I sent an email and got no response. It's been 5 days.

If you think getting ghosted on a dating app is bad, it could always be worse.






Intact [OC]
Reported by:
  • Y : LGB**
why is LGBT so pro AFD? | r/GenZ discusses the homo Germoid menace


632 commments in 3 hours



:marseyhomosupremacist: @ThePhantomBussy @RiverSong explain urselves










Le edge strags








!zoomers !lgbt !gay

:marseyfeminist:Reminder for scrotes: nobody cares how old you think Millie Bobby Brown looks

Reminder that Millie has made more money at 21 than any of you losers will in your entire lives. And "looking old" is meaningless. What does it even mean to look 21? Nothing. It's just misogynistic whining

Millie hits back at incels https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/celebs/a63971518/millie-bobby-brown-response-looks-old/


@ my blockers @Haberdasher @Lurker @DildoBaggins: you can't stop feminism



Reported by:
what we need now to change america is... lots of shoes


I need help organizing....please

I have been fascinated by the Holocaust since I was a kid. Every time I see the shoes of the victims in that huge, endless pile it's a knife to my gut I would like congress to see a visual representation of what they are doing to us I want to literally invite them to "put themselves in our shoes." By piling.pairs of shoes representing all the people they are hurting, or in cases like mine quite possibly killing. Baby shoes, work boots, old lady shoes, worn out grandma house slippers, a trans woman's shoes that make her feel beautiful, all the shoes. And pile them on the Capitol steps to represent us. I am too darned sickto organize it myself but I think we seed to find a focal point that represents us all. Almost all of us wear shoes, even amputees. So it's inclusive What is happening in this country affects people from all walks of life, even if we follow different paths. We need to come together. We need action, focus, unity and a reminder of how much we have in common. To pull this off we need:

a dump date, the day we do this protest/art installation.

People to get the word out

Collection sites

People to pick shoes up from collection sites

Storage pods

People to transport the shoes to DC

People to pile the chores on the steps


Is anybody willing to take this protest and run with it?

guys i have this great idea! but i need someone else do all the work for me




Thread full of people with downmarsey trauma and moppings for transphobia or saying it looks tacky. :marseyconfused:

You look fantastic, and congrats on escaping the binary! Well done all around!

I don't know why this got downmarseyd. I meant this from the heart, but that doesn't mean it was received well. If I've worded things in a way that was hurtful, I'm happy to adjust my language and perspective.



Why did I get downmarseyd?

Edit 2: I don't think people know what the word "rad" means and that makes me sad


AMAZING!! And you wear it so well! I hope this is one of the most wonderful and memorable events of your life 🥰

Edit: if I accidentally said something offensive, can someone let me know? I was really surprised to see how aggressively downmarseyd this comment was so I'm thinking I may have a blind spot and said something stupid. If so, I'm sorry and please let me know.



Yeah what's up with that? This is this person's wedding attire, it looks great on them, are people mad bc it doesn't look like every other generic white wedding dress ever?

I'm guessing this is it 100%. And presumably since they chose this outfit, this isn't going to look like most "generic" weddings either. Presumably the jump suit fits the style of the wedding. My friend married his partner on Halloween and they had wedding outfits and reception outfits. The wedding outfits were really sharp suits, but they wore costumes to the reception and the reception was a vibe. There were drag queens and glitter and glow sticks everywhere. Their attire fit perfectly with the mood for their party. I'd guess that's the case here- this wedding isn't going to he your traditional church wedding and formal reception, it's going to be it's own scene, and in that case this jumpsuit is a showstopper


Elvis would be proud of you.

i feel like i cant even say it doesnt look good

:marseyscaredearthquake#: :!marseyjanny2:

Then why wouldn't it be "our" Jumpsuit?



they them pronouns don't necessarily only imply plurality. the pronouns can also be used to refer to some who doesn't use she or he pronouns. it would still be correct to say my instead of our because they're only one person.



Maybe because people like you misgender them?

But the post is about a dress and not the person wearing it. I wouldn't look at this pic and say "(pronoun) looks great in this dress!" I'd say YOU.

But I digress.

I can see that as it's something I would say too. But there are people out there who aren't supportive and OP was just stating their preferences. Obviously needed since the person I replied to used the wrong pronouns despite relying to a comment about pronouns and them being in the title.


AMAZING!!!! As an NB person I am in awe of this wedding outfit!! Gender euphoria for the win!! Congratulations!!!


:redlight: ACTUAL DRAMA :redlight: [🤓🤓🤓🤓🔘] Let's see how it works out for him, Cotton.


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Zele will come crawling back with a big fat smile, watch. (8)

Your name tells me you watch other men frick your wife, and I want you to piss blood. (-12)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

It's ok. He wears cool 511 tactical shit. So nobody remembers his standup comedy. (15)

He's more of a leader than Trump the piece of shit ladygarden will ever beTrump is simply a reflection of the spineless bastards who voted for him and it shows  (-14)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

[deleted] (17)

My heart goes out to you, comrade! (-3)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

https://www.cato.org/blog/tragic-unsurprising-costs-loose-us-weapons-ukrainehttps://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-uncovers-mass-fraud-weapons-procurement-security-service-2024-01-27/https://www.theblaze.com/news/tucker-carlson-ukraine-military-aid (3)

I just stupidly read all three of those articles. Me as a person of good faith thought, "okay we got an opportunity to see what this guy's talking about"But unfortunately you're dumb as frick. In reverse order: The article from the mother frickin Blaze...Read the entire article and basically it says the Tucker Carlson said, "Trust me bro". Tucker Carlson is a fricking shill. And the guy he interviewed is a shill. There is literally zero evidence in this article regarding anything you're talking about. No facts, all feelings. A guy says trust me bro, Tucker presents that as information, The blaze reposts that as news, you butt chug that directly into your butt. And so the cycle continues. Reuters they seem reputable...And they are. Look at that some journ*lism. Read the entire article and what do you find? 2022, Some weapons were sold by launderers within the defense department of Ukraine. Obviously these are what we call fricking "traders", "turncoats". The United States have some during... (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

You mentioned only younger Republicans and their ivy league diplomas. No mention of your liberal idols nepotism or privilege. Your democrats were in power 12 of the last 16 years when college prices soared. You implied he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Not to a drug addict single mom who pawned him off on his grandparents. Who then got his ivy league diploma on merit. You're being disingenuous but thats your types norm. Enjoy the debt and your degree that didn't help you. I'll enjoy my two properties, no debt and my grueling 42 hour work week while being a mark. (1)

You know all of Vance's book was proven to be utter bullshit, right?? You're the frick being disingenuous. He was raised upper class in Ohio This is the thing that you don't understand and why those Ivy League republicans don't want you understanding systemic racism, no way to implement without it affect working class and impoverished white peoples and one of those would be education. You see property taxes determine how much funding the public schools get. This is to ensure poor neighborhoods end up with a far inferior education. They have proven that kids who graduate valedictorian in poor neighborhoods are still so far behind they'd have to take and PAY FOR high school course in college in order to catch up. Vance was found by the heritage foundation while they trolled the Ivy league schools. They're the ones that bribe fricks like Vance to do as they tell them like write a book about how the average kid from poverty can pull themselves up by their bootstraps when it reality it is ... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Zelensky signs a deal, russia isn't going to give up the land it took, they lost too much taking it. So either a peace deal or an escalation of the conflict. I for one don't want a nuclear holocaust. Maybe redditers do idk. (1)

So, the nation that got invaded should just give up its lands because the invading forces have lot so much trying to steal it? You must be running for president soon with that logic. Well, guess what, neither you or I have the power to start or stop that from happening. The ones that do DGAF about you or I and would rather see the world burn so they can come out of their bunkers and own the whole place. You're are seriously ill-informed. Putin is not going to stop with Ukraine, he has already sad as much. He wants a cease fire so he can consolidate his troops and logistics. Because right now Ukraine is kicking their butt on the battlefield and with technology. They have a resupply blockade on the NK troops to where they're starving in the trenches as the AU is destroying all the supply vehicles. Ukraine hold the upper hand in that aspect. Russia has superior numbers is all. They DGAF about their soldiers, they will find another that will die in his place soon enough. There is no last... (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Correct_Tourist_4165

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🔘

Number of comments: 19

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:



Norwiggers still refuel and resupply Russian ships :mjlol:
this is cirno


what is :marseydejected: based off of

i see :marseydejected: and giggle. i see :marseydejected: and smile. :marseydejected: my beloved.

But what is :marseydejected: based on? is it original? is it an adaptation? a simple port of an existing image?

I need to know.

Marsey counting on her FREAKING fingers, b-word!

@Redactor0 your long awaited, much exalted, high fidelity 𝓅𝓇𝑒𝓂𝒾𝓊𝓂 marsey is here! :marseyfluffy:

hopely its what you wanted :marseyshy:

@TournamentFishingkeyKong :marseypaintermerchant: !marseyartists

I still have to do the goyslop banners and then I can finally my belated valentine bird

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740481521HXDqBAnKWTS5Tg.webp this ones gonna be a zanger I think :marseyagree:



This has 8,000 updoots and has been put as FED ONLY with 450 replies, send this too all your fricking non fed FRIENDS and RELATIVES so they can help, somehow

"I read online that some people are wondering why Federal employees are making such a fuss over being asked to list 5 things they did last week. After all, it isnt difficult to type up a response and send it, right? It truly isn't. I've been trying to come up with a way non civil servants will understand the problem, so I've created this analogy.

Let's say you are a delivery driver (FedEx, UPS, Amazon, etc). From Monday to Friday, 8-5 you drive around, delivering packages. Your company tracks your truck via satellite, your deliveries via various IT programs, and they know what you are doing because they plan your route, tell you where to drive, and check your truck at the end of the day to confirm you delivered all your packages.

Now let's say after a long week of work, you are relaxing at home with your family on a Saturday night, getting ready for bed, and you get a random email at 11pm from your state's dept of labor. The email comes from [email protected] and is automatically flagged by your company's email as coming from outside your organization. The email says that within 48 hrs, you have to send them a list of 5 places you drove over the past week. Keep in mind, this didnt come from your supervisor, or the leader of your individual company, but from an organization that has nothing to do with the packages you deliver or even package delivery services in general. The email has a generic return email and no signature block identifying who actually sent the email. Your boss didn't know you were going to be asked for this information, your boss's boss didn't know, even the leader of your company didn't know about the email. And let's not forget that the Dept of Labor has no real need to know where you drove this week.

Your decide to look online and see if anyone else got the email, and end up following a link to the personal social media page of someone that works at the Dept of Labor. From this personal social media page, you learn that the email was sent to every delivery driver in the country and that if you don't respond by the deadline, you will be fired.

You don't go back to work until Monday, so you spend the rest of Saturday and all of Sunday wondering why you are receiving this email and being asked where you drove, and why you are being threatened with being fired of you dont respond to a random email that came from outside your chain of command. You worry that if you don't describe your drive/route in enough detail, you will be fired. You worry that your supervisor only gave you 10 packages to deliver one day, when another route delivered 30, so maybe you will be fired because you were given fewer packages to deliver and there can't describe an impressive route as part of your 5 bullet points of driving.

When you return to work on Monday, the deadline looming over your head, your boss tells you not to respond to the email. And hour later, your boss's boss tells you that you MUST respond. And then just before quitting time, the leader of your company sends you an email that you are NOT to respond.

Meanwhile, you know full well that all of your deliveries were appropriately tracked to confirm delivery, and your entire route along (with every stop) can be verified by reviewing the GPS records on your delievry truck.

This is why the 5 bullet email is concerning to federal employees."




"But I already send status emails" whined the future wal mart greeter :marseyscooter:


"Doing fricking nothing involves a lot of status reports pal! It's hard work not doing any work!" :marseyantiwork:


Wouldn't that make it easier to respond to? :marseyhmm:


The president of the united states of america :marseytrump: knowing what the government employees in the united states of america do on a weekly basis is in fact a SECURITY RISK :marseysecuritron:


"The executive asking for weekly updated is a VULGAR DISPLAY OF POWER like the Pantera album"

will deliver better results but too tired right now

Reported by:
  • Healthy : :marseyabsolutecinema:
  • DangerousBlackGuy : Zelensky looked disgusting — nipples protruding —in his black shirt before The President. Very disrespectful.
Zelinsky, trump, and Vance arguing in front of the cameras now 😂. UPDATE: Zelinsky was kicked out of the White House

That was my bad guys



AUSTRALIA :bruce: PRE-ELECTION :marseychartbar: POLLING

Before we begin this post I would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land. I would also like to pay my respects to Dramatards past, present and emerging. Sovereignty was never ceded.

G'day cobbers and sheilas. With the 2025 Federal election coming up, who will you be voting for?

Government still hasn't announced a date. Probs May

Please vote below so I know which of you to blame for personally destroying this country.

I would also like to extend a warm welcome to Future and Inevitable Prime Minister @fine_wesome, who has returned from Nippon after being jailed for his s*x crime speedrun.


Looks Matter More Than Personality
Bloodythirsty redditors :marseybestfriends:

>ripping out people's organs is justified because they were in :quote: palestine :quote: illegally

>btw it's called undocumented chud!


>father lost his son, copes by killing other peoples sons :marseyyayyy:


mfw I'm called a nazi for not celebrating death and destruction :marseydeadinside2:


Pope Francis will announce his resignation as Pope before the fricking beginning of white boy summer. - 3,800 total betted

Pope Francis will die or otherwise be removed from office before the fricking beginning of white boy summer. - 13,800 total betted

As of the fricking start of white boy summer, Pope Francis will remain the fricking pope and there will be no fricking announcement about the fricking upcoming end of his time in office. - 13,800 total betted

@Bussy-boy will be fricking confirmed as pope by start of white boy summer (supersedes other bet options) - 1,000 total betted

(Announcement has to happen before white boy summer; resignation can be planned for later in the fricking year.)

(White boy summer begins June 20th, 2025.)

!bets !goombling !goomblers !goomble !popechads





Funny how most of the people sneeding are Indians, Asians and Latinx lol. But seriously, wtf? There must be a bunch of white women on the judging panel.

1. :marseychtorrr2: "Ackshully it's credibility of the characters they are portraying"

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740795864DwX45vb3OZmarQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17407958648IwrtPPbx30KUA.webp

2. :marseytunaktunak: "was Netflix and Disney on the judging panel?"

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740795864DZjKIITBOmI-3A.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740795865WOYWvRIJd2cBTQ.webp

3. :marseychudindian: says same joke as first Sexy Indian dude


4. :marseychudnny: "must not have followed the theme of the competition..." :chadwomannordic: "dude, his costume is a Fing stick!"


5. :mongoljak: "don't feel bad white kid, the black kid will normally get pulled over by police while driving due to racial profiling" lol :marseyxd:


6. :marseyflagphilippines: :marseylaptopangry2: "the white kid won!" :chudindian: "the white kid won the lottery already"


7. :chudmuslim: "so the first kid won because he's black and the second because she's a girl..." :arabpepecheers: "In Fallout 3 in Tenpenny Tower if you let the ghouls move in, they kill everyone" :marseyclueless: "South Africa be like"


8. :marseyconfused2: "what's the black kid cosplaying as?" :chadindianheadset: "the banished Nigerian" :marseykente: :marseylaptopangry2: "he's actually playing the dirty Indian!"


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