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  • MarseyIsMyWaifu : Learn to type in full sentences you fricking dumb cute twink
  • FBIshill : They're all full sentences you hairy little man
  • Wuzizname : I LOVE FBI CAT!
not to beat a dead horse here but touching back on the topic of ostensibly platonic male friendships

what do you call male friends like conceptually

rhetorical intro question, don't answer, the answer is male friends or guy friends

some pedant will say bros but fuck off

you are having a discussion with someone about the concept of male friends

you will realistically say male friends or if you're going for a less academic tone you'd likely say guy friends

male and guy are both synonyms for boy

male friends are boyfriends

you have boyfriends

by participating in male friendships you are a polyamorous homosexual full stop

and as for the pedant saying bros well daddy and mommy have become heavily sexualized as well over the last several years and they're both at their core just twee ways of saying mother and father

as is brother=>bro

you fucking FAGGOT

Fart on my roommate's door hahaha - YouTube
Just fricked a chick-update from a few weeks ago (AMA).

Fricked another chick. This time I did it while my parents were at a dinner party or something.

She wanted to leave afterwards and didn't cuddle because I think she was wierded out because I drank a post-s*x protein shake (i had a pump so I didn't want to waste my anabolic window).


[Sign Up] [2 hours left] [15k]Reminder, the Granblue Tournament will be tonight, get ready.

Previous thread :

Game is free

Tourney may be delayed because of Germs v. Dages game

having male friends is extremely queer-coded

what are you talking to them about

how much you wanna suck his dick or what


yeah bro lets hang out maybe later we can jerk each other off

camping with the boys no loads refused

out at the bar getting drunk to lower our inhibitions teehee


it's hot in texas in the summer :marseyhappening:

please give me subreddits to rebuild my tard watching collection with I am blanking on all of them

this is /r/collapse which is good but very entry level

what are some more niche ones


WASHINGTON (AP) β€” The Supreme Court overturned the bribery conviction of a former Indiana mayor on Wednesday, the latest in a series of decisions narrowing the scope of federal public corruption law.

The high court's 6-3 opinion along ideological lines found the law criminalizes bribes given before an official act, not rewards handed out after.

β€œSome gratuities can be problematic. Others are commonplace and might be innocuous,” Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote. The lines aren't always clear, especially since many state and local officials have other jobs, he said.

The high court sided with James Snyder, a Republican who was convicted of taking $13,000 from a trucking company after prosecutors said he steered about $1 million worth of city contracts to the company.

In a sharply worded dissent joined by her liberal colleagues, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson said the distinction between bribes and gratuities ignores the wording of the law aimed at rooting out public corruption.

β€œSnyder's absurd and atextual reading of the statute is one that only today's court could love,” she wrote.

The decision continues a pattern in recent years of the court restricting the government's ability to use broad federal laws to prosecute public corruption cases. The justices also overturned the bribery conviction of former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell in 2016 and sharply curbed prosecutors' use of an anti-fraud law in the case of ex-Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling in 2010.

The decision also comes as the Supreme Court itself has faced sustained criticism over undisclosed trips and gifts from wealthy benefactors to some justices that led the high court to adopt its first code of ethics, though it lacks an enforcement mechanism.

Snyder was elected mayor of Portage, a small Indiana city near Lake Michigan, in 2011 and was removed from office when he was first convicted in 2019. He has maintained his innocence, saying the money he received was payment for consulting work. His attorneys said that prosecutors hadn't proved there was a β€œquid pro quo” exchange agreement before the contracts were awarded.

The Justice Department countered that the law was clearly meant to cover gifts β€œcorruptly” given to public officials as rewards for favored treatment.

Kavanaugh, writing for the high court majority, disagreed, finding that interpretation would β€œcreate traps for unwary state and local officials” and would β€œsubject 19 million public officials to a new regulatory regime,” though he said a gratuity could be unethical or illegal under other laws.

Leaf got scammed by :marseychudindian: by buying a financed car off him lmao

!leafs :marseytunaktunak:


wunderschΓΆn :marseychefkiss:

Rain frogs have the same hobbies as humans πŸ€—
Weekly "what are you reading" Thread #55 :marseyreading:

To discuss your weekly readings of books, textbooks and papers.

!bookworms !classics

I'm still haven't finished Père Goriot and I began to re-read Crime and Punishment as It's been almost a decade since I read it and I was gifted a new and pretty hardcover edition. I forgot how neurodivergent the characters acted, I'm not talking about Raskolnikov but Luzhin for instance behaves and talks so strangely in his first meeting with his future brother in law and co., he first comes out as arrogant, then clueless with a "fellow kids" vibe. Marmeladov's rambling at the tavern was longer than I remembered, and what a pathetic and wretched person he is.

>Yeah, I'm a drunk unemployed loser, my wife got beaten up by shark loaners and I did nothing, my kids starve and my eldest daughter whores herself to provide for us, someone gave me a job out of good faith and old trust and instead of working I went to buy booze and get lost for 5 days. But God will have mercy on me because I'm self aware :marseyclueless: :marseysmoothbrain:

Danish Eurocucks about to gut their own Beef industry



He had a gun chilling in the passenger seat too--get a load of this shit :marseyxd:

This guy is king of the fudds, I and all real weekendgunnit stan :marseykneel:

!burgers: How not to talk to the police

@HailVictory1776: You will never be as based as this man :marseysneed:

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