Daddy Trump About To Broker World Peace - Liberals And Democrats Want NONE OF THAT!


President Donald Trump floated the idea of a three-way meeting with the leaders of Russia and China in which the countries would agree to cut defense spending in half.

Trump, speaking to reporters in the Oval Office Thursday, suggested repeatedly that he'd seek such a deal with Presidents Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, saying the money could be spent better elsewhere.

"One of the first meetings I want to have is with President Xi of China, President Putin of Russia," Trump said. "And I want to say, 'let's cut our military budget in half.' And we can do that. And I think we'll be able to do it."

What is a chud?

like.. i kinda know but its used so much i wanna hear what other people think

let's make love and lots of money, baby
I Was a VIP at Singapore's MOST LUXURIOUS Hotel :pepemoney:

!asians :marseyjewoftheorient:

UNEXPECTED CPI rise (again)

Shockingly the CPI (customer prices index) has risen again to 3%, nobody in the country could've predicted this happening.

Of course, this doesn't mean much of anything when prices seem to be entirely arbitrary, as seen by this monstrosity

Alongside non-existent wage growth

Results entirely in the obvious choice to get out of this country as fast as I can. But the next vote will fix things surely. :marseyflaguk:

Gulf of America chads, we've won
travelling with peepee pump tube


For all the guy nomads, how do you carry your peepee pumps? The tubes are big and fairly fragile. Any tips for keeping it secure?


Ye claims he had to leave Bianca because she was a Mossad hoe.

Reported by:
Flying rats need to be slaughtered

I'm personally okay with losing all the songbirds and lizards if feral cats can kill all pigeons :marseysickos:

Trump signs Executive Order declaring control of Independent Agencies


/fit/ anon claims power cleans take years to learn, this causes another anon to flip out for multiple posts

Huge time investment, by the way.

It's a huge time investment you have to invest the time.



It's technical. Technique. Technical technique technicals.

You have to invest the time, invest huge time, to learn the technical technique.


good morning :marseycoffee:


Yes it's true, I get social anxiety when I try to order a coffee at Starbucks, and I spend almost all my time writing on social media about how I want to achieve brutal revenge against everyone who disagrees with my political views. But the truth is, women don't like me because I'm slightly unattractive. I don't know if this is actually true, since I don't talk to women, but I have an entire folder of infographics explaining that women only want to have s*x with jacked 6'7" billionaires.

hey rsp.netcels what are your thoughts on the MSSOM drama

on the one hand dasha weighed in and i want to frick dasha so im inclined to agree

but on the other hand the person who made the reddit post is called lana and lana is a hot name too

what is the correct take here


image of his two accounts, the second :marseygunnut: one he used to ban evade (which normally twitch :marseypoggers: would :marseywood: never :marseyitsover: even let you appeal after you ban evade lol)

this girl next to me at the coffee shop

keeps talking loudly about her birth control

you think she has daddy issues?

Did DeSantis go woke?


45% of Democrats want their party to be less extreme, vs 27% of Republicans.

!anticommunists !trump2028

Le Happy Saiyan



!anime !art !monke

Watching spiderman ban everyone like:

Idk who to share this with anyway she's probably gonna throw it up all over the carpet later

main sub Ls


I don't know who else to tell about this but I feel the need to tell someone. For reference I'm a 25 year old guy who hasn't shit himself since he was a kid. Anyway I got up this morning as usual, left the house to go to work and as I was approaching the train I felt the sudden urge to shit. I searched around for a cafe or something with a bathroom I could use but couldn't find anything. It happened in that moment of complete defeat. For a split second I thought I was farting, but no. Naturally I ran home as fast as I could, trying to hold my pants up as much as I could for fear of the shit (diarrhea) dripping further down my legs, and washed up, washed as much off of my butt, pants, thermal underwear, underwear and sweatpants I was wearing under my regular pants to protect myself from this horrible NYC cold. I texted my boss saying I "had a problem at home" and was gonna be about 45 min late. I put all my dirty clothes in a trash bag and will do laundry when I get home tonight.

I kinda need help coming up with an excuse for being late. I don't really know what to say and I do not want to tell them what actually happened.

how bad is your diet if you shit yourself as an adult


gold # roach # rat # alarm # clock

American Jews cope that they suck and Trump is their only hope


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