What would you do if we were in the same room?

Imagine for a moment that we were in the same room. It is an empty room. Just two chairs. How does that feel? Take all the time you need to answer this question.

USAID is funding Internews Network which is controlling Reddit : conspiracy



USAID has pushed nearly half a billion dollars ($472.6m) through a secretive US government financed NGO, "Internews Network" (IN), which has "worked with" 4,291 media outlets, producing in one year 4,799 hours of broadcasts reaching up to 778 million people and "training" over 9000 journ*lists (2023 figures). IN has also supported social media censorship initiatives.

The operation claims "offices" in over 30 countries, including main offices in US, London, Paris and regional HQs in Kiev, Bangkok and Nairobi. It is headed up by Jeanne Bourgault, who pays herself $451k a year. Bourgault worked out of the US embassy in Moscow during the early 1990s, where she was in charge of a $250m budget, and in other revolts or conflicts at critical times, before formally rotating out of six years at USAID to IN.

Bourgault's IN bio and those of its other key people and board members have been recently scrubbed from its website but remain accessible at . Records show the board being co-chaired by Democrat securocrat Richard J. Kessler and Simone Otus Coxe, wife of NVIDIA billionaire Trench Coxe, both major Democratic donors. In 2023, supported by Hillary Clinton, Bourgault launched a $10m IN fund at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI). The IN page showing a picture of Bourgault at the CGI has also been deleted.

IN has at least six captive subsidiaries under unrelated names including one based out of the Cayman Islands. Since 2008, when electronic records begin, more than 95% of IN's budget has been supplied by the US government (thread follows)

4,921 media outlets

You ever wonder why sometimes when you seach for things you get 75 small bull shit news articles making it impossible to find what you are looking for

That was a design, not a bug

"Internews launches new $10M fund supporting independent media at 2023 Clinton Global Initiative"

USAID-funded Internews went from funding media organizations with George Soros to overthrow governments in Eastern Europe to calling for advertising boycotts to censor free speech online.

This is a textbook example of U.S. regime change tactics being redirected against domestic populism and American citizens.

In the 1990s, Internews partnered with the Soros Foundation to fund media organizations in post-Soviet nations, playing a pivotal role in the color revolutions of the 2000s in Serbia, Georgia, and Ukraine.

During Georgia's Rose Revolution, Internews funded and trained journ*lists at Rustavi-2 TV, the leading channel driving the uprising.

"Media was very good at informing the public about what was going on, and it had a huge role in calling people onto the streets." – Marc Behrendt, former Internews director for Georgia

By 2003, in Ukraine, Internews had conducted 220 media training programs, trained over 2,800 journ*lists, and produced more than 220 television and 1,000 radio programs. It also funded Telekritika, an online outlet that played a central role in the 2004 Orange Revolution.

After Brexit and Donald Trump's election in 2016, Internews—now working with the USAID-funded World Economic Forum (WEF)—shifted its focus to pushing advertising boycotts to suppress online dissent.

What was once a U.S.-funded operation to overthrow foreign regimes is now being used to silence American citizens and dismantle Trump's populist MAGA movement.

The Price Tag?

USAID has funneled over $470 million in taxpayer dollars into Internews.

More connections coming from Mike Benz, previously on Joe Rogan Podcast

I can tell you where the bodies are buried here. Beyond funding a parallel Mockingbird Media propaganda army of US state-sponsored journ*lists and media outlets, USAGM plays a major role in the censorship industry through something called the OTF, the Open Technology Fund.

Connection to Reddit

Anna Soellner, a Director at Internews Network, also serves as the VP of Communications at Reddit

What's one of your most neurodivergent blunders

For me I think it was defending the 2nd amendment to my ex's friend who's sister got shot a week earlier



!nonchuds unlimited calories = unlimited chudcel weightmogging:#gigachad2:

what exactly is "Après ski"? from the "snowbunny" Wiktionary

I saw this:

2. (Canada, US, slang) A young, attractive, female skier; a sexually active young woman attracted to the promiscuous après-ski way of life.

naturally, I looked it up immediately:

VICE confirmed it's foids slooting, whether rich or poor I just wanted to see the term used somewhere:

"while, I went on a one-woman rampage, spending most of my days either up to my armpits in soap-suds and other people's pubic hair, having s*x with stoned, broke teenagers on Tabasco-soaked mattresses"

For some reason I had to click at least one Reddit link before I backed out. This proved to be a good idea, shout-out to epic definition definer /u/Piper6728:

It originally meant after skiing social activity, but it eventually became lewd and sexual (in superman 3 evil superman used Après ski to screw a woman's brains out)

(in superman 3 evil superman used Après ski to screw a woman's brains out)

Gemini explained the Superman III scene with this link

[Superman slowly walks into Lorelei's room]

Lorelei: How about a little après-ski?

[as Superman walks closer to Lorelei,]

Lorelei: Champagne?

[Superman proceeds to make out with Lorelei]

Here's how Harris can still win. :marseyturkey:

favorite black queer film? : okbuddycinephile


TOTAL CANCUCK DEATH as we beat them in the only sport they even care about

Someone ping more !hockey !chuds !burgers




You may disagree but this is what peak burger culture is and it is beautiful.

!burgers would you watch Nascar if it was on a screen like this?

Music Thread :marseyjamming:
"Elon Musk is an N from Moscow" - Unironic Redditors :marseyxd:


These mayos have no sense of humor



Attending debates should be like attending class: you can get out of it with a note from your doctor, and nothing less. Failure to debate at least once should be grounds for disqualification. And in case there are concerns about the bias of the debate itself, create a department in Elections Ontario/Canada to handle the questions asked, to ensure it's even-handed.

Conservatives in particular play this game far too often, and it shouldn't be ignored. They're denying the electorate the ability to judge them on their merits.


Authoritarian nonsense born out of you never maturing past your school years. And I'm just positive that a new department would never be bias in favour of the party in power or do anything to sabotage the party most likely to cut their department.

What do you really think will happen at these debates? The same that always happens, nothing! Every word spoken by both sides will be lies and rhetoric with a handful of out of context sound bites taken by the party in opposition to try and rile up their base.

And what school did you go to where doctors note were required? Every single one I went to a parents word was enough and even then no one really cared. You could miss a week, never talk about it never have your parents call in to "excuse" you and nothing would come of it.

Grow up.

cumtown bf experience

For real this reads like a bit from CumTown

Reported by:
  • X : AI manipulation



people tryna make america great again but nobody's trying to make my heart unbroken again sadfrog

!Meowr !fakecels

Reported by:


[Poem] I saw the face of God

I saw the face of God,

It was a thing neverending,

My eyes forever trying to grasp,

Cast adrift, a visage too vast to hold.


It was a thing without angles, edges, or depth,

It was a thing from a time long before them,

It was the first time I felt grateful,

To possess a mind too feeble, to comprehend.


My good man, the man of science,

He was not so lucky a soul,

Somehow the ant managed to grasp,

A single crevice and hold on, for but a moment.


A moment I will never understand,

'cept for this, the man was changed,

I could not sense it right then,

'cept for the stars that now felt too cold to bear.


We walked back to the car,

And traveled down an hours long road, without break,

We couldn't even drift our eyes away no longer,

And so carried on in silence, staring at our hands.


We parted ways without a word,

And as I said, I was fortunate,

That I could not comprehend,

And so I went about life,

With the additional knowledge of "don't go there. Don't frick with that."


My good man of science on the other hand,

They say he disappeared,

and after months of searching,

There still hasn't been a trace.


That's not the worst that bothers me though,

It is the fact that I at times must pass through his town,

And more and more people now I see,

Prefer to stare at the ground, unwilling to recognize the stars.


I think he brought back some understanding with him,

And now it is in the very ground where he lived,

But thankfully I am just an average fool,

And all I need to know about the place," Don't go there. Don't frick with that."


Lucky me, I know a few other routes that skip the town entirely.

@jackie !writecel

What are your favorite political anime quotes?

These don't have to be explicitly political. Just something that can be applied to our politics. Unfortunately while the writing in Madoka Magica is top tier and the story makes me feel in ways that few other forms of media can, it does not do politics very well which is why I took my favorite quote from a series that is actually based around geopolitics.

In a way this quote truly encapsulates the condition of our current political system, and in a way it mirrors the shinobi world quite well. For example we don't get to choose our sides. People act like we get a choice but there just are not many options. For example like the shinobi, we are given a village, a country. And that country can be segmented down into clans, families, and many other forms of allegiances. All of these are decided entirely by the nature of our own birth, rather than our own choices.

We are guided only by the necessity to make the most prudent choice. We are expected to be part of the group and sacrifice our entire being for its benefit. Like the shinobi each one of us is little more than a tool to be discarded when we are no longer useful. Is that not the way things should be?

Anyways, I'm excited to see your favorite anime quotes that can be applied to political systems! If anyone finds away to do this with the Madoka Magica series please let me know! I have been trying to find a way for years but it just doesn't seem to fit.


israel ranks dead last in global national brands index :marseylaughpoundfist:

@Unbroken NOBODY LIKES YOU :marseyxdorbit: !palestine celebration thread bc nobody likes pissrael :party: other than irrelevant losers (such as presidents and the rich and such )

if you thot the hasbarabots were bad so far :marseyglancing: hold on tight to your tinfoil hats babez

and if you're lard، I hope you have more betabuxx ready

Israel has been ranked last in the 2024 Nation Brands Index (NBI), placing it among the world's most underdeveloped and unstable countries, according to the report published by Anholt Nation Brands Index on Tuesday.

The findings, based on a comprehensive survey conducted between July and August 2024, highlight a growing global sentiment that perceives Israel as a destabilizing force rather than an innovative and progressive nation.

The NBI survey, which gathered insights from over 40,000 respondents across 70 countries, ranked nations based on six key dimensions: governance, culture, people and society, exports, immigration and investment, and tourism.

Governance measures perceptions of a country's political stability, transparency, and security. Culture evaluates a nation's heritage, arts, and sports. People and society assess friendliness, openness, and global employability.

Exports focus on technological innovation, product quality, and economic influence. Immigration and investment examine the country's business environment, attractiveness for relocation, and foreign investment potential.

Tourism considers a nation's appeal as a travel destination, the beauty of its architecture, and the general willingness of respondents to visit.

According to the NBI report, Israel performed poorly across all categories, particularly among younger respondents, with Generation Z overwhelmingly ranking it at the bottom.

The study also revealed a growing aversion to Israeli products, with many respondents indicating they were unwilling to purchase goods labeled "Made in Israel." This suggests a de facto boycott that could pose a serious risk to Israeli exports and international business operations.

Despite its reputation as the "Start-Up Nation," Israel's technological leadership is not widely recognized beyond specific industry circles. European respondents, for example, ranked Israel lower in technological advancements than the United Arab Emirates, reinforcing the idea that Israel's self-perception does not align with how it is viewed globally.

According to Motti Scherf, founder of Brand IL: "Israel has lost its legitimacy in the international community and has been cast into the backyard of global affairs. It is time to acknowledge the failure of traditional public diplomacy and adopt innovative nation-branding models."

Although Israel maintains high objective indicators, such as a GDP per capita that is 80% higher than the nations it is grouped with and a life expectancy of 83 years, its ranking remains exceptionally low. Only 40% of the countries ranked alongside Israel are democracies, suggesting that Israel's democratic character is not perceived as a distinguishing advantage.

The Palestinian issue also continues to impact international sentiment. For the first time, Brand IL, a private initiative, ensured Palestine was included in the rankings.

While Palestine was placed below Israel, it received greater sympathy in the Muslim world, China, and among younger generations. Additionally, the NBI report highlights a broader trend in which conflict nations are penalized equally, regardless of the context.

Countries involved in ongoing disputes, including Russia, Ukraine, Israel, and the Palestinian Authority, were all placed at the bottom of the index, reinforcing the global perception that such nations contribute to instability rather than progress.

In response to Israel's deteriorating global image, the private initiative Brand IL has launched a $100 million rebranding effort aimed at reversing negative perceptions and repositioning Israel on the international stage.

The initiative seeks to establish a development financial institution, utilizing blended capital from governmental, business, and philanthropic sources. The focus will be on launching outreach programs in key target countries, particularly among younger demographics, to unlock new markets for Israeli technologies and innovations.

Gaybros x Love4FatPeople crossover :kongsuprise:

!gaystapo !besties who else would do this :#donkeykongpony: :#donkeykongcurious:


Brock is so cute! Triana is the sleepiest babe!

!animalposters !cats


plz :marseycry: :marseysad: :marseygiveup: :marseyrain: :marseysulk: :marseytears: :marseycrying:

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