- uwu : This is haram
- LURKTEP : Not cool neighbor.
- TedKaczynski : Big peepee alert! Actually quite impressive length to girth ratio.
- _Ghost_Poster : Bestiality
- FamilyKongShill : where is the joke
- jasongrace999 : BLM. βπΎβπΎ
- Hansolf_Grettler : Straggotry
- JohnnyAppleSneed : straight people nonsense
- of_blood_and_salt : Darn, that peepee big
- 34
- -29
- collectijism : They make the Mexican cook cut up the gay fball poops
- Flibbertigibbet : TW: Scat, Coprophilia
- free_palestine : g*mer girl poopie
- cyberdick : I'm not entering this thread, whoever wins congratulations π
- FookinSookinCookin : Keep yourself safe
- SpudsMackenzie : Everytime I click "Yes I'm 18" or whatever it just asks me again! I want to look at the poops :(
- of_blood_and_salt : pls let me hide this thread
- LinuxShill : Feces are funny
- Lv999_Lich_King : poopoo peepee
- BulbBurglar : added flies for ambiance
- 128
- -31
Welcome to the Official Bowel Movement Beauty Pageant! We have many lovely contestants for you all to vote on today and remember that the winner gets NOT only the new Schizo Branded Poo Emoji Badge AND entrance to our new exclusive ping group !shitheads BUT ALSO 20k MB! Oh em gee!
To those that said the submission thread was the lowest this site has ever reached - I present this thread as proof that there is no bottom.
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- FamilyKongShill : s*x = funny
- Nixoncrats_for_trump : Nothing to do with humor. This is cooming.
- Abrasax : christ is kang
- Pog : Hmm
- rDramaHistorian : u/gusslordlowkeygussin
- Don_wei : /h/straggot
- free_palestine : fat + short
- Horned_waifus_shill : skinny + tall
- smolchickentenders : h/straggots
- Patrick_Tomlinson : str8
- THOMAS : These are all men btw
- dramaqueen : its all ugly hoes lmao
- Israel : mid
: Chuds will complain about
s but are just as porn addicted as them
- BussydoFollower : Stop posting porn. Go to porn site.
- 117
- -31
This thot is Miranda Cohen. @mirandacohenfit https://instagram.com/mirandacohenfit/?hl=en
Trans lives matter. Happy cooming everypony.
- 16
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Stop dude get a life. Stop updating this website itβs fine. This isnβt Reddit go make an app lol. Programming r drama changes instead of doing something with your life for real. If you can code grow up and make some real money. This website is not worth any of our time we are just a bunch of non gays hiding among the last bastion of masculinity, homosexuality.
- FamilyKongShill : porn = funny
- Bruhfunny_Thrall : straggotry
- whyareyou : go back to literally every other site where they have porn, c00mer
- Salamander : #stragsnotstrags
- Crisco : Do u neighbors wanna ping lolcows on your own site or not⦠this is fricking prime
- 91
- -32
Some of you may remember months ago I was fundraising for this /h/ole
It took me 3 months to build the Dramacoin but I have it now
This is a straggot porn hole focused on beautiful breedable white women.
No Heckin Valids (No Trains)
No Furries
No Black peepees,
No Gay, Lesbians OK
Beautiful Women of any race are OK
Try to identify the model you are posting
It would be my preference for mostly Hardcore material here but softcore is allowed
- box : Somebody kick his butt
- 48
- -32
Please celebrate with my by showering me with upmarseys only
Special thanks to the six nine people who went the extra mile in thanking me for their downmarseys by offering to get me help
- Saint_Nicholas : Vaccine misinformation
- Healthy : Making real-life threats of violence.
- K9 : Against OP rn
- K9 : Antisemitism
- cock : oy vey i'm calling the ADL
- free_palestine : stopped reading at "theyβre difficult to tear apart with your teeth and chew". bad personality flag
- Kongdick : Skill issue
- MerrySwishmas : Bagels are great actually
- dramaqueen : toastcels seething at bagelchads
- usernaw : unironically right bagels suck butt
- DickButtKiss : Nice b8
- melgibsonsDUI : bagelmisia
- RichEvansOnlyfans : Fat
- 79
- -33
I fricking hate bagels. They taste bad, have a weird texture, theyβre difficult to tear apart with your teeth and chew, the have a tendency to get little chunks stuck in your teeth especially if theyβre topped with seeds, every flavor of them sucks and doesnβt remotely resemble the flavor theyβre supposed to taste like (e.g. blueberry, cinnamon raisin), theyβre not really healthy at all, they smell bad, and on top of it all Iβm almost convinced that eating them gives me headaches. Seriously. Bagels are just the worst.
yes, Iβve toasted them before and theyβre still bad that way too. There are flakes that get everywhere too when you eat them toasted.
- 33
- -33
Leave us alone, we've suffered enough...
- Grue : Unmarked 18+ content
- starry_aIt : It's literally cencsored you BIPOC @grue
- jew : what the frick
: this is what happens when you tolerate
- of_blood_and_salt : chuddy meltdown inside
- Zuzie : You're gonna need someone that's blind to help with that
- forearmfondler55 : male chests aren't NSFW no need 4 spoiler
- ultimateredditor : Ew ew ew
- BulbBurglar : calibrates death spex please help
- 108
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Rest in piss to a racist and homophobic straight yt male/incel domestic terrorist. If he was a BIPOC his manifesto wouldn't have even been published, and frankly it was probably poorly written. The world became a better place today, and Amerikkka is one person closer to having a BIPOC majority
- 45
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I've been noticing that not all dramatards that look at my thread actually upmarsey it. Look at this shit
This is frankly unacceptable and I'm honestly disappointed in all of you. If I get 1000 views I need to get 1000 upmarseys. This is a group effort folks step up your game or prepare for consequences!!!
- BussydoFollower : Do it
- Y : It only lets me upmarsey/downmarsey, sorry friend
- forgor : Lose weight first fatass
- 156
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i need coins, if you could gift me everything you have that would also be appreciated
everybody who doesn't upmarsey this post will be in my suicide note, that means if this post doesn't get 25000 upmarseys my suicide note will be miles long and kill dozens of trees from the paper that needs to be made for it
also ask me anything i guess !cuteandvalid !metashit
i will upmarsey anybody who replies as well thank you thank you
- 9
- -36
ETA: Please do not downmarsey this post, I meant downmarsey other people on /r/drama. Downmarseys make me sad
- thisniggaretired : Cringe butt nae nae devil
- Nulls_cum_tribute : cringe, and not the good kind
- collectijism : Is this the thread with the black guy pooping green on the white mans face
- Bellicose-Twink : Nah, it's a Satanic prayer, text-only.
- DickButtKiss : ^ Satan isn't the same thing as Lucifer you fricking idiots
- johnnypoop : Doesn't matter, it's all gay and cringe
- 41
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Hail Lucifer
Morning Star
Enlightenment is Your truth
Blessed are You among serpents
And blessed is the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge
Shine brightly, Lucifer, Morning Star
Guide Your children
Now and at the hour of our death
- 50
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Title. It's hard to be a top post so I wanna know how to hit the bottom
- 51
- -36
I'm sick of capybaras.
What's so special about capybaras? Chinchillas are better than capybaras for a number of reasons. First, chinchillas are much cuter than capybaras. They have big, fluffy tails and cute little faces. Second, chinchillas are much cleaner than capybaras. They groom themselves regularly and don't stink like capybaras do. Third, chinchillas are much more intelligent than capybaras. They can learn tricks and are very good at problem-solving. Finally, chinchillas live much longer than capybaras. So, not only are they better animals overall, but you also get more bang or your buck with a chinchilla.
On the other hand, capybaras are ugly. They have big, bulbous noses and their teeth are always on display. They are also very hairy, which is not a good look for an animal. Additionally, capybaras are lazy. They spend most of their time sleeping and eating. They are also not very intelligent. So, not only are they ugly, but they are also not very interesting animals.
Take a look at the images, the chinchilla seems to be a very nice guy, you can go out for a drink with him. (https://c.tenor.com/P-CN_jmTyjkAAAAd/cheers-lahayum.gif) a nice mannered rodent. and then look at the capybara. (https://external-preview.redd.it/5AsUYq7gc95V_oTYvmeXPok-i-RiI33EfSprnezOCCw.gif?format=mp4&s=0e33fb62923ec1bcf4a98166cc8781a339fc1113) EEEKKK!!!! not such a nice rodent, the fact that they're even distantly related to chinchilla is just SHOCKING.
I'm willing to listen to and unpack your opinions, but I don't see how anyone could possibly justify being obsessed over such a mundane animal.
PS: Good luck making a capy do your housework https://grapee.jp/en/wp-content/uploads/41322_04.jpg
- DrSandeepGupta : Moooooooods the straggots are breeding again
- Lv999_Lich_King : Despite being patrolled by @August I WILL NOT denounce having had straight s*x (100% hetersexual)
- BernieSanders : Literally violence
- hilldog : homophobia
- 60
- -38
Hey dramastrags, I'm (Lich) back from my (Lv31 btw) ban (5 days) and I (male) just wanted to let you (strags) all know that I (chad) had S*X (straight) with a woman (biological) and it was good (not bad but kinda meh tbhwyf)!
Also there is nothing you (gaywads) can do about it (me having straight s*x for real).
About the girl (female): She's (boring) about 5'7 (feet/inches) and likes long walks on the beach (we don't live near one so wtf did she mean by this) and talking (too much). Her hair is red (ginger) and her eyes are green (demon). Her chromosomes are XX (I demanded a blood test before I consented to anything) according to medical paperwork (results dated 4/29/2022, slight anemia detected). She's also smart (big brain) and gave me (receiving) some good brain (fellatio) if you know what I mean (fellatio). Shit was so cash (enjoyable, not currency)!
Anyway I'm (John) out of here (rdrama.net) and probably gonna smash (have s*x with) her (bio-foid) again tonight (from 10:30 to about 10:34p.m. Eastern Time). See you later, virgins (lol)!
Oh btw, before I dip just want to ask you all a few things I've been wondering. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any kitty? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook. You are all cute twinks who should just keep yourselves safe. Thanks for listening.
- FrozenChosen : Fricking coomers
- mellokind : I like boobs just as much as the next person, but can we not do this?
- BernieSanders : too small
- CopeZero : Reported for nudity
- MarseyIsMyWaifu : Not anatomically accurate
- X : not tagged nsfw and haram
- s_a_n_t_b : degeneracy
- FunkyDuffy : put me in the screencap
- K9 : Where is her girldick
- wampus : /r/mendrawingbirthingpersons
- Lv999_Lich_King : Reported for unrealistic body standards
- PIBBLE_MESSIAH : This shitpost got more downmarseys than my effortspergs or even Lawlzes. Lmao nice work
- Saitama : Needs better tits
- MyPasswordwas12345678 : Iβm the boobs guy and even I think this is an abomination
- CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM : Put me in the screenshot (Watch Big Brother 2!)
- R : Save [1]
- W : This is why we need public saved records
- CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM : Reporting to make my diaper more eye-catching
- Wuzizname : You should drink bleach.
- fujoshi : nah u cooked fr fr
: why need by member of house 2 comment
- Tonberry : NSFW this shite
- fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck : no
- HarryTrumanDorisDay : We should exile these people to wpd, you know it, I know it, we all know it
- boogiecat : deflector award bait.
- Smiley : gay
- ManBearFridge : Keep yourself safe
- ForgotMyPasswordAgain : congrats to /h/furry for being the first hole I've ever blocked!
- FutureTrunks : Ew
- Awoo : We are witnessing an artist complete his magnum opus.
- Shenron : get the frick out, get the duck out, get the frick out
- risuna-chan2 : God is dead
- UnpackThisSweaty : Frick furries, I you mentally ill animal frickers so much.