Anon hates chasers


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Dramatards, !catholics in January I was in La Plata, that's the capital of the Buenos Aires province as the City of Buenos Aires is kind of like the District of Columbia being a separate entity.

La Plata is a planned city founded in 1880 by the Buenos Aires governor Dardo Rocha.

This is what La Plata looks like from the air

The cathedral is located in from of the central square and is dedicated to "Our of Lady of our Sorrows". It was designed in a neogothic style by the architect Pedro Benoit who was also an urbanist and developer of the layout of La Plata.

Here are some pics I took from the cathedral



Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

I think you're taking a pretty narrow view of "force" here. Force isn't just a government thing. Society is just as capable of oppressing you as the government is. A society that "expects" you to have children and shuns you for not doing so is not a free society. So while your tactics may not even involve government (and I don't say "may" rhetorically; I don't know what exactly your preferred tactics for achieving your goals wrt natalism are), that doesn't necessarily absolve them. (9)

Expecting is not forcing. Arguing is not forcing. Advocating is not forcing. Using force is forcing. (-5)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

🙄. Deeper? Having children is a wonderful experience, but it does not make you special or your lifestyle any more valid than someone who chooses not to have children. People having concerns about being forced into child rearing is a valid concern. In the US we have politicians forcing their beliefs onto a population of people who don't agree with anti choice policies. In the process they are damaging an already fragile medical system. So people do have the right to be concerned and express their views. (-1)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

I never said anything about morality. (4)

Then why the frick would you call yourself an antinatalist? It's like you all wanna make up your own definitions of the word. (-4)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

So an unconscious person in a coma... They can be killed? An infant or elderly person who can't express their will. Killing is fine?Do you think it's morally justified to kill suicidal people, because in that moment it's their will? (2)

Unless they have said you can kill them, no. You are usurping their established will. Again, you are usurping their established will. To clarify, I assume that someone who continues to live their life is establishing their will even if they aren't expressly saying " I want to live"No, I would say that would be similar to letting someone on a psychedelic kill themselves. İt may be their will now, but I don't think they are sane enough to actually make that decision. I am assuming that they are suicidal because of depression though. İf they are suicidal because they have some tangible reason then sure. (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Killing is justified in war only when it's in defense. Just because it's on the scale of a war that doesn't mean murder is justified. I don't believe the state has the right to kill for justice. They aren't God.Plenty of people cannot "assert their will" for life. Infants, some elderly, people in a coma... Their life should still be protected. I'm also in favor of saving suicidal people, even if it's against their immediate will. They have succumbed to darkness and need to be helped out of it.It's knowledge I've gained through lived experience. (0)

I agree, it doesn't make murder justifiable.The state gets its power from the people. If the people decide the state has the right to kill someone then they have that right. God doesn't play into our justice system, only people. I would say those in a coma and the elderly have previously asserted their will, so you would be violating that if you killed them. Infants are able to assert their will. They can tell you what they do and do not like. They can't comprehend death, but I think it's fair to assume that something that has experienced life would want to continue living. So you would rather someone suffer through late stage terminal cancer that will result in their death than end their suffering early? What harm is done? It's anecdotal and rather cyclical. Look, I think life has some meaning, but I accept that I have projected that meaning onto my reality. Other people have other meanings that are just as valid as there is no way to prove my POV is better than another person's as... (3)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

You didn't explain why it would be irrelevant. You merely asserted that people who are already alive know other people, and those people might be harmed by someone's death. But that is, again, something you don't know in the question I asked. Everyone might hate this person and they might hate being alive; you might even be stopping a suicide attempt. But you are certain it's the right thing to do.So it appears you are fine forcing people who are already alive to continue living (because of their connections to other people), but not OK with forcing unborn people to come into existence. The interesting thing about this position is that you don't really afford anyone with agency or dignity: "Whether or not they want to live is less important than the negative effect them dying would have on those around them. They must be forced to live."Do you really believe this? (0)

Your question is stupid from the very beginning. The person you save could be revealed as Hitler or Jesus depending on the point you're trying to make. Of course I can't know who the person I'm saving is, but it's a fair bet that someone will be sad when they die. I never said that's guaranteed, just more likely than not. There are zero inconsistencies here. It's about the reduction of pain, and suicide creates more pain than it alleviates. And it's not me who gives these people no agency because I didn't create them. It all comes back to the parents forcing them to exist.Edit: oh just realized they deleted their account, perfect (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/weedbeads

Score: 🐮🐮🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 24

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


I recentwy began wosing a nyoticeable amwount of weight (nyot a twon but peopwal have cwommented) and I hate that I like it. I hate that I'm happy that I'm wosing weight.


I'm feeling pwetty cwonflicted abwout it. I dwon't even want two teww anyonye I knyow that I'm taking it because I just knyow it wiww turn intwo a whwowal thing abwout weight woss. And I'm mad at myself that I feww upset I haven't wost any weight. Ugh, just swo many cwonflicting feelings!


Nyo, u cannyot claim two be anti-diet and then use these medications fwor weight woss. These medications work nyo better than a diet- stwop taking them, u're gainying the weight back.

Ooh giving medicwl advice. gwood idea

Oh my gwosh the idea of turnying dwoing the fwood nyoise in my head swounds swooooo seductive... I dwon't think I realized this is onye of the things that happens with this type of dwug. I wonder if it might even help mwe as a perswon recwoworing fwom diswordered eating...

The siren caww entices aww.


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Somebody's in for a rude awakening… (31)

the issue with trump is he already was elected president the people already know how donald is as a politician hes just a celebrity a tv guy not a politician now a lot of the people that werent going to vote because it was biden will now vote for anyone that isnt trump on a political side that will have a chance (-21)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Oh good lord. The DEMs were always going to win. trump is a convicted felon, male feminist, failed his presidency, etc. The DEMs have not even started throwing punches yet. So many folks have no perspective. (-25)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Somebody's in for a rude awakening… (31)

Yeah, Trump supporters.  (-16)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Jesus titty-fricking, tap-dancing Christ.Biden didn't have "no chance".Sensationalist, bed wetting, hot-takes-for-clicks horse shit. It's just vibes. Nothing but frickin vibes. You've got what for evidence, the same bullshit polls that were wrong for the last eight years? Self selecting responders with shit questions and worse analysis? Did Nate "I wouldn't recognize the limits of my own expertise if it was a vibrator up my butt" Silver tell you that? Word of mouth? Internet echo chambers?Everybody knows what this male feminist frick is like.He still has as much chance of a stroke or heart attack as Biden before the election. He still has a good chance at getting himself killed in whatever ridiculous coup attempt he's got cooked up because he doesn't give a shit if he wins honestly. Take this hysterical bullshit behind the wood shed and get to work making sure people vote, for fricks sake. (0)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Since 2016 I've come to accept that a good chunk of the population are just horrible fricking people, full stop. (217)

It's really all it is..The amount of people I know who pretended to be civil when presidents were fairly civil, but as soon as literal raging racist, p-dophile, male feminist got in office, the veil came down and everyone just went full psycho-support for the butthole. Even people who were normally nice and kind in my early life, became absolute racists publicly and everything else as soon as trump became president. It's like they felt it's okay now, because a President (candidate) is saying the stuff they believe. This makes it right. We had a fricking civil war over this shit 100 years ago and kicked their lousy asses for it. We trying frick around and find out again? (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Trump has wreaked havoc on this country by manipulating vulnerable people who lack critical thought and basic ability to discern who is a good person and who is a pathological liar and violent criminal. He is a disgrace and a danger to this nation. He actually makes very little sense when he talks and threatens the American people with violence if he loses the election. Does he know we are not a Russian dictatorship? (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/HTownLaserShow

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+0🐮)

Number of comments: 24

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


waa waaa waaaa where's the reddit thread

!transphobes in shambles

Transgender athletes swept the board in a 1-2-3 at a prestigious women's cycle race over the weekend, infuriating fans and leaving female competitors in the shade.

Every medalist in the elite women's Madison at Washington's Marymore Grand Prix on Friday had a trans athlete on the two–person team, marking the first time trans women are known to have had a place on every podium spot in a race.

Race venue the Jerry Baker Memorial Velodrome in Redmond warns it will not tolerate 'bullying or derogatory comments especially related to race, creed, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, physical or mental disability'.

But the sight of the heavily-built winners towering over their rivals and teammates on the podium has dismayed fans of the sport.

'This is so egregious I can't imagine how people watched this happen and thought this was ok,' wrote one.

Leading the field was Jordan Lothrop who was achieving podium finishes against men in the Victoria Cycling League in her native Canada as recently as last year.

The sailing fan from British Columbia has worked as a Mechanical Engineering Technologist and was ranked 22nd in the men's Victoria Cycling League this time in 2023.

Second place went to Jenna Lingwood, 43, who raced as a man until 2017 and is now a member of the Oregon-based women's cyclocross squad Team S&M.

She is a physics graduate of the University of Washington who works in Portland for Intel as a Supply Chain R&D Engineer.

Californian Eva Lin, 28, used to race as Henry Lin for San Jose State University's men's team, but his placings have soared since he switched to its women's team in 2022.

Taking third spot was Californian Eva Lin, 28, who used to race as Henry Lin for San Jose State University's men's team, but whose placings have soared since she switched to its women's team in 2022.

The sport's governing body, the Union Cycliste Internationale, last year banned transgender athletes who have transitioned after male puberty from competing in international events.

USA Cycling introduced new rules in January requiring transgender athletes to undergo 'elite athlete fairness evaluations' by independent medical panels if they wish to compete in top events.

They must also prove that their testosterone levels have been below 2.5 nanomoles per liter for at least 24 months.

But those competing at amateur level need only compete a 'self-identity verification request', which will be reviewed by a USA Cycling Technical Director.

The rule change came amid outrage at two trans athletes taking first and second at the Illinois State Cyclocross Championships in October.

The debate over whether transgender women should be allowed to compete in female sports is one of the most contentious social issues of the moment.

Supporters say it is cruel to ban trans women from competing in something that they enjoy - and highlight how vulnerable the transgender community are to violence.

Critics say it is simply unfair to let athletes who have gone through male puberty compete against biological women. The science surrounding lowering testosterone levels is still being studied - but wins by some trans athletes would suggest they retain a considerable advantage over biological women.

Anti-trans campaigners say it is also unfair to let trans women athletes take scholarships and prize money intended for biological female athletes.

Tessa Johnson, 25, won gold and Evelyn Williamson, 30, silver, in the women's SingleSpeed, leaving bronze medal winner Allison Zmuda as the only biological female on the podium.

Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas was hoping to represent the US at next month's Summer Olympics after winning an NCAA swimming championship in 2022.

But last month the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Switzerland upheld a World Aquatics ban on transgender women who have been through male puberty from competing in international events.

The NCAA allows trans athletes to compete in women's events if they have completed a year of testosterone suppression treatment and if they meet the testosterone level required by their sport's national or international governing body.

But it announced a review of its policy in May amid continued concerns that growing up as a man is enough to guarantee a permanent physical advantage.

And the debate was reignited earlier this month when Nikki Hiltz, a transgender non-binary runner qualified for US Olympic team after winning the Women's 1,500-meter race at trials over the weekend.

The Biden White House proposed last year to revise Title IX to bar schools from enforcing bans on transgender athletes.

It announced extended Title IX protections for LGBTQ students last month but was silent on the issue of trans athletes in schools, insisting its review is 'ongoing'.

Meanwhile at least 20 US states have approved some version of a ban on school school-aged transgender athletes.

But the Republican Governor of Utah, Spencer Cox vetoed a trans sports ban because his state had just four transgender athletes among 85,000 schoolchildren.

Lothrop, Lingwood and Lin were three of just four transgender cyclists competing at the Marymore Grand Prix over the weekend, but their domination in their chosen event did little to placate their critics.

'There was no Women's Madison at the Marymoor Grand Prix,' wrote one. 'If men are racing against women it's an Open event.'

The sight of the heavily-built winners towering over their rivals and teammates on the podium has dismayed fans of the sport

'Says so much about the male psyche to me! What empty 'wins'! Embarrassing for everyone concerned!' added another.

'Way to go men. Show them females who's the strongest.'

The venue, which has hosted eight US championships says that cyclists in Category three, four, and Novice races 'may self-select the field that best fits with their gender identity'.

'Athletes in categories one and two may participate in the gendered field which is most athletically appropriate, as determined by the USA Cycling Transgender Athlete Participation Policies on Elite Competition.

'We pride ourselves on being an inclusive track and are following the USACycling rules when it comes to transgender participation'.


Shoutout @Spuddy


!nonchuds we're gonna have our first Black woman president!!! :taycelebrate: :taycelebrate: :taycelebrate: Who do y'all think she should pick as her VP?? I personally think she should pick Hillary or a Black woman, but if it MUST be a yt man I think she should pick Jimmy Carter to secure the elderly vote. Thoughts??


Article if you wanna read.

Why they hate us so much jewbros:



DEVELOPING STORY: Kris tyson, (major genalpha/zoomer :marseytrain2: :marseyfemboy: youtuber) grooming drama has seemed to finally reach a boiling point
i would have gotten to this sooner but i thought someone would have done this thread already but i searched up "mrbeast" "kris" "kris tyson" and nothing from the past few days

So dramanauts who have kept up with zoomer drama will know kris tyson is a mrbeast (zoomer youtuber with big budget) crew member who :marseytrain2:ed out. After this :marseytrain2:ing out, internet rightoids have been desperately trying to discredit her, possibly to radicalise an entire generation of alphoomers. It appears they have finally struck gold, as the :marseypedo: allegations are finally beginning to pop off. Most of this was known before but now its beginning to circulate big time

Comment sections of her latest video

I of course am doing a little trolling

on twitter. Notice a certain people (i'm not going to say what people :marseyyeezus:) immediately wailing about what a bad look it is for them before completely performatively pretending to give a shit about the children

on reddit people are excusemaxxing

This is a developing story, mrbeast has yet to acknowledge or respond as far as i know. There is always a small chance rightoids are liemaxxing to drag down a heckin valid queen, idk i don't watch the videos :marseypass2:

Remember that one time when Bardfinn called Pete Buttigeig a cute twink?

!historychads !nonchuds !bardfinn


>capitalism le good! :chudsmug:

>griftoids who are only interested in profiting off terminally neurodivergent anti-woke cute twinks go after the best money offers, which said money comes from mega-corps who are inevitably involved with DEI and ESG consulting in current year :marseygangster:


!grillers :#handshake: !g*mers THE ONLY "GG" THAT I KNOW IS FOR "GRILLER G*MERS"!

:marseygossip: VC Gossip :marseygossip: EDIT: SACKS GOES INNNN

Sacks responds:

First of all, I've never met you or had any dealings with you, and you weren't involved in the events that you're purporting to know something about, so your antipathy towards me is strange. I heard first-hand from an impeccable source that in the wake of the Gaza debate, you…

— David Sacks (@DavidSacks) July 25, 2024

orange sight:

It's a pretty interesting story but the tldr is that anyone can buy fentanyl precursors or pre-precursors from China at bargain basement prices and have them shipped to their door in the US or Mexico. These precursors can then be trivially turned into fent (a Mexican who dropped out of school at 12 years old told them how easy it is lol). It's hard for regulatory agencies to keep up because fentanyl isn't particularly chemically complex so when they ban or restrict one precursor the sellers just switch to something else.

@ACA aren't you a chemist? rdrama themed line of fentanyl when

The donald decide who is responsible for the rise of Hitler

The Original post is about a republican foundation calling Trump Hitler, pretty standard stuff really.

Nevertheless, this cause a rift in the dotwin community between the ones who think being compared to Hitler is an insult and the ones who think it is a compliment.

This leads to the greatest minds at theDonald decide debating who is responsible for the rise of Hitler.

1. Is easy, da jooz :chadjew:

Yup, the same Americans interests that put Hitler in power and financed the industrial rise of Nazi Germany are the exact same people who founded the CIA and Military Industrial Complex, launched Operations Gladio and Paperclip, and are still pulling the puppet strings today. (+35)

The Jews didn't put Hitler in power. Holy shit some of you are fricking brain dead (1)

2. Surprise new contenders by the follow up poster. :marseyklennypriest:

Ever heard of the Dulles Brothers, Prescott Bush, Brown Brothers Harriman, DuPonts, Sullivan & Cromwell, etc? All Protestants.

Do some real research before throwing out insults. (+5)

Tbh, I'm not sure if he meant that protestants are the real jews or the real nazis. :marseythinkorino:

3.The next one: muslims :marseyhijab:

Sadly, this visionnary is not so well received

4. The eternal anglo (also responsible for russia and low intensity white supremacists) :marseybong:

5. By legitimate mandate from the masses :marseysatisfied: , by a very long post made by this user (he seems trustwhorty)

What about you Rdrama, who do you think is the cause of Hitler? !historychads

!nonchuds come laugh at rightoid infighting


In an extremely surprising turn of events, Kris Taylor, best friend of Youtube phenom Mr Beast, who :marseytrain2:ed out and abandoned his wife and children, has been exposed for being a p-do. He messaged a 13 year old minor sexually charged "jokes" for years. :marseypedo:

Even more heinously, he had such an extreme lack of shame that he physically owned and displayed loli Shadman art in the same apartment he shared with Mr Beast:

Youtube videos exposing him:

Twitter reaction:

>Kris Tyson from MrBeast just got outed as a p-dophile, this basically just sent back the trans community 200 years back we are never going to hear the end of it from transphobes. I rlly hope the kid is ok too cuz holy frick man this is disgusting and horrible

child gets molested, trans community most at risk!!!

Kris Tyson from Mr Beast is finished 💀

Kris Tyson has been outed as a p-dophile. The fact that she then went and deleted everything off her acc js proves it was true. She js set back the trans community 1000+ years and now MrBeast is going to have to deal with the backlash too. Frick Kris Tyson.

Kris Tyson from MrBeast is being accused of talking to Minors. Two videos over the last 30 days outline an alleged sexually inappropriate relationship with a minor that's started with the minor at age 13 with plans to meet up with same minor at age 16. Kris Tyson, who now goes by Ava, has yet to respond to these allegations.

Reddit reaction:

Currently, the jannies of /r/MrBeast are frantically censoring any post mentioning the drama from the sub.

The sub /r/Youtubedrama has chosen unsurprisingly to accuse the Youtubers who exposed of "pushing a transphobic hit piece" :marseylaugh:

Stay tuned, this is the early days of what could be huge drama from the Youtube community of one of the biggest Youtubers rn. Only time can tell whether this will be swept under the rug or openly acknowledged by Mr Beast's fanbase.

!chuds !nonchuds

ShitLiberalsSay is MAD
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  • whyareyou : I have written the mamala campaign to request they refrain from using the phrase Black girl magic
if there are no kamala campaign ads using the phrase "black girl magic" i am going to kill myself

!khive wake up

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