Fat manlet copes about height and muscles

All hunters of all African tribes are particularly slim and light


Professional short-distance runners get completely wasted before reaching the half mile, a really short distance.

Neighbor like him don't understand marathon users ain't slow they run 16-18 km per hours that's a sprinting speed for many normies and the speed is still slow in comparison to animals a short strong burst would be a lot more beneficial in hunting and running slower than any predator for 40 hours is a waste and ironic neighbors have more fast twitch muscles.

Taller is almost always regarded as better. However, this one is trickier because, when it comes to primal survival, height is a useful advantage or a burden depending on the situation. It usually makes the individual stronger, but slows him down a bit and requires a slightly higher energy intake.

Muscles makes you slow is such ultra cope. Difference between speed and weight is very small if person is fit like heavyweight boxers will 99,9% cases frick the lightest weight boxers. Speed won't help lighter dude

Even though it may very well be true that a statistical majority of women in a specific culture prefer muscular and lean male bodies, the fact that women exist who prefer other body types already exclude a biological deterministic approach to answer your question because these other women either couldn't even exist or they are somehow differently 'wired' than the majority of women which is rediculous to think.

I don't know women that prefer other body types


I legit kek at those intellectuals that think they so smart and that's the most important shit in life yet they look like shit and destroying all their social life and doing a shit job because of it but ironic part they don't want ugly landwhale and don't use their super smart brain to find that a ugly women for survival is better since less men will be after her so less fighting for her and she will survive winter easier

Hi I'm bimothy :marseywave2:



:#marseysurfing: :#marseyjam: :#marseyjam: :#marseyjam: :#marseyjam: :#marseyjam: :#marseyjam: :#marseyjam: :#marseysurfing:


:marseyhappening: TRUMP SENTENCED TO DEATH HOLY SHIT BRO :marseyhappening:

Optional if you have a link or image

which hairstyle?

requesting access to /h/janniesgonewild

So I have a 5 figure truescore now, and I was told I'd need to make a post for requesting access to /h/janniesgonewild ? Anyway yeah here's the post.


I legit can justify buying fighting game day one anymore they releasing a 110 euro gold edition with season pass for 1 season and before they release all those characters I will be able to buy that edition for 50 euro and then they realise season pass 2 for 50 euro that will never go on sale but you'll be able to buy booth season and the game for 40 but since u already have base game it's no for u.


It's old:marseytrain2: hour.

GET THAT BAG KWEEN - But also no one thinks you are a valuable human

I've watched too many TERF videos that youtube now recommends me random chud crap. Apparently this comedian from the 2000s has a chudcast-tubechannel. :#marseychudstamp:

Anyways girl is right :#marseynails:

good article on the crazy tory lady who got fired
POV: @Horrortep is greeting you at the rDrama volunteer corps in the JIDF. @Horrortep stand with Israel!

@Horrortep stand with Israel so much


Jelly-covered man 'had s*x with cow while friend recorded it'

Wilson and his Connecticut-based TV crew actually arrived DURING the incident, reporting that one of the men "took off" when he spotted the journ*lists.

They recorded the whole seedy incident, but thankfully we've been spared that pleasure because, as Wilson again puts it: "The man was naked and covered in jello"

After the incident at 4am in the morning, the cow ran into the middle of Highway 1039 where it collided with three cars. Two of the drivers were taken to hospital.

New York State Police have arrested Reid Fontaine, 31, and Michael Jones, 33, for 'sexual misconduct' with the cow on a farm in Hermiker, New York.

Fontaine - a school IT system employee - has since resigned following his arrest, according to Superintendent Kathleen C Greider.

Police said the incident was discovered by a farmer who set up a video camera in his barn in an effort to determine why his cows were acting anxious and not producing milk as usual, police said.

Police have looked into whether any similar reports have been filed but have so far found nothing.

Westward migration theory of humanity's future

Got this idea from reddit but it has a nice ring to it.

Currently the Global west is the most developed part of the world.

For the most part they are so advanced and have so many layers of infrastructure and technology built over infrastructure and technology, that for another civilization to fully catch up with take centuries.

Due to this fact, the general direction of the world's population flows remains westwards. With Western populations dying out over time as the average person has no more skills to grow upwards, and the exceptional generally do not have more than two children at a time, with the remaining population maintenance being done by bringing in immigrants to do mid to lower tier jobs.

Eastern Europeans move to Western Europe, Ukrainians move to Eastern Europe, Russians move to Ukraine, so on and so forth.

Mexicans move to the US, Central Americans move to Mexico, and South Americans move to Central America.

Middle east moves to Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabians move to Europe.

Chinese and Indians move to West and middle east.

East Asians move to West and middle east.

Central Asians move to China, Russia, and Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan moves to China, Russia, and Europe.

As we can see, the movement of global civilization leans westwards. Throughout the process no single civilization truly ends up dying out, because the countries at the bottom of the move west ladder ( Africa ), end up having a higher than replacement fertility rate.

Global civilization begins to recede and free up parts of the planet only when the Bottom link has a lower than replacement fertility rate.

Currently, sub-saharan Africa has a fertility rate of 4.6 per woman. Which means it would likely take till the end of the century for them to go below replacement.

So it is only after 2100 that we should expect entire countries to begin disappearing from the face of the Earth due to depopulation.

As of now we can safely expect the Western world to have the same population by 2100, meanwhile in the rest of the world, a large share of countries would be having half the population that they do currently.

North America remains the final destination of the world.

As long as the global population remains above 600 million, North America's population will remain around 600 million.

South America and East Asia populations are guaranteed to halve by end of century.

Arab world will likely be 1/3rd smaller.

In conclusion:

The only centers of power at the end of the 21st century will be the North America west, Europe, and India.

Drama request - commie Jesus wife beater

So I am too busy with having a life, but I was hoping one of you sperges could do a write up of communist manlet jesus.

I can't remember his name but he was some ceo that antiworkers and commies constantly retweeted and shared his linked in posts. Then it came out he was only paying his employees well because he didn't want his brother to win anything in a lawsuit over his awesome commie business, and then he stopped posting after it came out he abused his wife lol


PTAF Boss Butt B-word - YouTube


peepee lit book burning
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