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rDrama Feet Beauty Contest Voting Thread

I am highly disappointed that none of you submitted a Barbie foot photo DESPITE IT BEING GAY MONTH but whatever. I DONT forgive you.

It is also apparent that many of you have some very serious health conditions/birth defects both of the physical and mental variety and I do ask that we all take a moment of silence to mourn the bodies of those that ruined what GAWD gave them. Amen.

VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE FOOT BELOW. Please note the photos without timestamps DID provide timestamps I just didnt use that photo because it wasn't as good so don't consider that in your voting. ALL FEET WERE TIMESTAMPED.


Jobless Jay Smith needs a job. Brawn not brain job.

If anyone would like me to offer him a job I will.

Fat girl angles, kid tax and Sam Hyde cosplay

Tam stokes the racial flames. Not implicit but I believe it

An offer for a child psych ward

Sage advice

Hunter knows what's up

Self dox

Perfect Albums

A perfect album is one on which you like every single song and wouldn't skip it if it came up in your playlist. No "best of" compilations for obvious reasons.

Here's mine:

Pendulum - In Silico

Pendulum - Immersion

Linkin Park - A Thousand Suns

My Chemical Romance - Danger Days

Green Day - American Idiot

Tool - 10,000 Days

Scorpions - Animal Magnetism

Black Magick SS - Rainbow Nights

E Dubble - Surrounded by Giants

Mick Gordon - Doom

Bolt Thrower - Those Once Loyal

Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin IV

Motorhead - Ace of Spades


Men are also up almost three inches

Let's all thank this fаgot

Why he didn't mention men are 6 inches taller than women, have heavier bones and muscles than women, have bigger waist and most important % wise and digit wise gained less than foid

But wait for it…

We have it bros

Foids are fat.

It's also waste. I'm single and live alone

Trying to buy single portions of healthy food, ingredients etc is a pain, I have soo much frozen food, I never finish a bottle of milk, or a load of bread, just stopped buying those.

He must be living in some epic isolated shit hold in Alaska if he can't just go buy what he needs instead of consume maxing

People talking about everyone being less healthy are forgetting the absolutely toxic element of the 90s where women were told that looking like a stick was the only way to be attractive

Can Redditor not just shit their assumption ?

>This statistic depicts the percentage of the U.S. population who had eating disorders from 1990 to 2019. According to the data, the rate of eating disorders increased slightly in the U.S. from .43 percent in 1990 to .46 percent in 2019.

There percentage of people with anorexia didn't changed in the western world in last 40 years, but you know what changed a lot ? Fat's

People aren't generally saying that. They're more saying that people with obesity shouldn't be bullied and excluded and blamed for their condition.


>US obesity rates have tripled over the last 60 years

>Nearly 70% of adults in the US are either overweight or obese.

Is there proof bullying doesn't work ?

I personally don't mind it, even if it seems delusional, because a person is way more likely to be able to deal with any food addiction or weight issues they have if they can at least feel good about themselves first. I can't find it now but there's research that says we all comfort eat, it's just that people with eating disorders aren't also able to self soothe in other ways and therefore stop. So it seems counterproductive, but learning to feel good about themselves in other ways might actually be a path to helping some of them be healthier. Plus there's also a massive connection between having been sexually abused when young and being obese later, so I try to have compassion from that perspective. Really the blame lies with the people running the country because ultimately they regulate our food supply, supermarkets and advertising. There's a reason people put on more weight if they move to America. It's something that can be influenced at a national level.

Yeah, obviously being overweight is unhealthy, but it's funny how there wasn't a subreddit called smokershate where people mocked smokers for being unhealthy.

Yes Reddit was better in the past no doubts

Time to share what I find the most concerning statistic.

Only 10% of obese Brits recognise that they are overweight:

It's 2019 so now it's 50%+ women

It will get you one day mate. As you get older the weight just doesn't come off like it used too.

:marseyxd: :surejan:

>Some consider millennials to be one of the heaviest generations. In the U.K., researchers found at least seven in 10 people born in the millennial generations will be overweight or obese before they reach middle age. Baby boomers only faced rates of five in 10.

You know who will beat millennials ?


Metabolism doesn't really go down much until your 60s.

Darn dunked hard on a neighbor

Why am I not surprised this thread of full of the usual drivel

Honestly, if Reddit was to go by, everyone works 23 hours a day in the coal mines and can't possibly take 15 minutes to throw a meal together

And that's before we even admit that food choice doesn't matter. You can lose weight eating anything, as long as you don't eat too much

This thread kinda proves that the number 1 reason for these added inches is everyone's a full time victim that refuses to take any accountability for their own choices

Redditors are hard workers here an example:

I've been losing weight slowly over about... 5 years now? Am 29F, 5"2 and started at 18 stone 6 pounds... this morning I weighed 11"11 despite eating too much for Christmas yesterday haha!

Finding the time to eat healthy is probably the biggest challenge overall. It's easy to reach for less healthy options that are immediately available when you're hungry.

There's also so much bad advice. Diet companies don't exist to help you keep the weight off. They're a business. They want you to keep coming back and buying more weight loss products or services that barely work.

5'2 and 260lb chongus

This isn't gender specific and sadly not even age specific now as more under 18s are overweight.

What wrong with guys like this, that article proved foids gained more weight and are more fat and he says “isn't gender specific”

Foid with a nick name that has “1985”, has this to say:

As someone who was a teen in the 90's yeah no fricking shit Sherlock, we starved ourselves, I would only eat every 3 days because I wanted to be as skinny as possible!

I've lived in China these past 10 years and the difference is shocking.

A size 10 dress is considered normal in the UK but fat here. When Chinese women shop at western stores they have to get S or even XS size, even though they might be an M or an L in China.

Applies to western men like me too, I'm a fat butt myself, wearing a UK L or XL will be a 4XL or 5XL here.

Yeah it's not like shops will change every 10 years the size parameters so you don't feel fat

the more miserable and unhealthy we are the easier it is for those in power to keep us under control.

all the better for them to t what they want, carry on stuffing money (made on the backs of the poor) into their bank accounts and pockets


Anyway ending on positive note


Ok but what about le ReTHUGliKKKans? - most of the thread :soysnootypefast: :soysnooseethe:

Remember when republicans were evil fascists for trying the same thing? (90 updoots)

That's racist. Oh shit it's Biden nevermind if it was Trump it would be racist. (177 updoots)

2020 Joe Biden correctly campaigned against 2020 Donald Trump for supporting these policies. The tweets are still up. Liberals cheered on Biden for opposing these policies in 2020 and are cheering on Biden for supporting them in 2024. Two mindless cults at the wheel. I prefer one, to be sure. But I'm disgusted that control of the country rests with either. (190 updoots)

Of course. Election year. Wants to be able to tell people he addressed the problem. (70 updoots)

>"Sure, he might put brown children in cages, but at least hes not a meanie on Twitter, CHUD :soyjakferal:"

>"Russia and China are trying to weaponize migration to weaken the West, we must restrict immigration to protect democracy, so its different when we do it, CHUD :soyjakcobson: !chuds

Atmospheric slow-burn horror masterpiece

It does feature a literary jumpscare albeit so read at your own risk


Schizos tie this to :lizfongjones#:

Is this proof that :marseynull: is a glowie? Other schizos think so!

Discuss how much info they've collected on carp and Aevann.

Films that weren't as great as people say or as you remember

Inspired by the thread of comments we had on Star Wars original trilogy, are there movies or film series you considered great at some point, or that other people consider great but that you guys consider kind of :marseymid:? Or maybe not the masterpiece everyone seems to believe?

This is not about being a contrarian :#npcoppse: “WHAA POPULAR THING SUCKS”, is more about “why do people make such a fuzz on it” sincere feeling



I was in the car with my mom, and we both stepped out, as did he.

As soon as he saw us, we being two East Asian women 5'1 tall and under 110 lbs, he immediately started getting defensive, raising his voice and saying there are no damages to our car even though there were multiple noticeable white paint marks on our car (his car is white, ours is grey).

She post white men on ladyboner

We yelled at each other for some time, him continuously asking in a mocking tone ‘what damages?' until I felt unsafe (he was around 5'9-5'11 so towered over us)

She ask a lot question c*m related

If we were men, and especially if we were white, I am 99% sure he would've passed on identification because it was in his hand when he exited his car.

If they looked like this:

Everything would been fine

I'm sorry this happened to you both. How stressful and scary. That person is an idiot, and I'm so glad you got his info anyway.

In the future, simply call 911 before even exiting your vehicle. My last car accident was two men in a company car who hit me. I called 911 as I was pulling over. That was a good move, because they both started YELLING at me, and the dispatcher literally sent a helicopter to make sure I was safe. The helicopter was flying over our heads within five minutes (it was probably less than five minutes. They were there before police arrived). I was already on the phone upon exiting my vehicle, so it made it easy for the dispatcher to hear the yelling, and the cops were on my side. The cops barely even had to speak to me. They just issued the citation to the other driver, and I was on my way from what could have been a dangerous situation. I'll never not call the cops in a car accident. You need the documentation from the police regardless of the safety situation.

So it cost 3000 buxx a hour for LAP to fly a helicopter so NYC it would cost even more

So couple of 1000's wasted on mental foid



Rather fresh so the sneed hasn't fully arrived yet.

Me when I see that I have been added to yet another chat group

:#marseysurejan: :!#marseydiversity::!#marseysurejan:

[🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘] WWE has done more for TNA than AEW

Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

They've done nothing for TNA. They've done a great job of courting Jordynne Grace, though. (42)

Like how?? (-17)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Yeah, you're an idiot if you think in 20 mins you get the gist of AEW. (10)

I've watched for years. It's hot garbage. Orange Cassidy and the dumb spots like using flamethrowers is enough for me to not like it. (-15)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

i dont understand how people just ignore that fact, ppl pretend AEW did nothing for TNA but sending the MAIN TOP GUY at the time (omega) to wrestle on TNA and thus bringing them a great buyrate for the show he appeared on is way more then WWE has done so far. TNA literally even hijacked AEW's shows for multiple weeks on end (27)

AEW sent their top guy WHO NEVER DID A JOB and no Christian Cage at the end doesn't count since you're talking about Omega.AEW's owner repeatedly shit on TNA every chance he got with no comeuppance AEW never put TNA's champion over on their TV.Heck TNA's world champ never got on AEW TV yet Jordynne did hereHolding onto one buyrate while pooping on TNA every step of the way isn't the flex you are claiming it to be (-8)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I have an interesting perspective on this because I was only watching AEW when this happened and didn't watch or care about Impact.  I thought Impact was in the shits so much that nothing they did mattered. Saw the ads Khan and Schiavone did ripping Impact and didn't really give much thought about what any of it meant on Impact's side. Then a year or so later I decided to binge several years of Impact to give them a chance. It quickly and surprisingly became my favorite promotion. Kicked myself for sleeping on them and thinking they were no good.  Then I got to the AEW crossover primarily from the perspective of an Impact fan and my god was it the biggest bunch of BS I had seen in a long time. I was so pissed at how bad AEW screwed them with that Omega/Christian bait and switch.  While it was a novelty to see Christian Cage there again, in no way does that make up for giving Impact no payoff with Omega after months of beating their top talent. Screw AEW for what they did there. It w... (-2)

That's the thing. Omega not doing a job at the beginning makes sense as long as he did a job at the end which he didn't. But Private Party worked a taping cycle and AEW refused to let them get beat. They are lower than jobbers.Omega not doing a job legitimately the lessest evil of them all. Private Party not doing a job. Kazarian in 2022 losing to Josh Alexander but not doing a job to Maclin at the taping. Gresham getting yanked from Rebellion 2022 for bullshit reasons. Deonna being made to look like a complete jobber on Dynamite to lose the ROH title to someone (Something Martinez)The Tony Khan ads would've worked if someone gave him his comeuppance but he didn't. He played heel jackoff for three months and then in the build to Rebellion he was a babyface goody goody owner and no one called him out for it.AEW fans are embarrassing themselves trying to portray what AEW did to TNA as good business, it wasn't. You saw it clear as day second rewatch from an Impact fan perspective. They... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

You mean like how Triple H pushed that they weren't competition only to run counter programming against them constantly. Including running an event to counter AEW's charity show for the troops? Or Vince calling them abhorrent for having women bleed in hard-core matches? And you don't see WWE stars ripping AEW? So Punk and the whole lead up to WrestleMania where WWE stars were ripping the company never happened?WWE has been ripping on AEW from the rip. People trying to rewrite history are weird. (10)

Punk fans were ripping on AEW long before he signed in WWE. Tonys handling of that situation was idiotic and showed a lack of control in his company.You can blame WWE but the workers have been given more freedom on the mic and they had some grievances to discuss.Either way, AEW would literally sign guys and trot them out to give an anti WWE promo their first show in the dub. Did that for 3 years.Either way, none of this "kills a company" it was Tonys shit booking killing the ratings and the insistence of choosing the Bucks side at all costs without consequence.Counter programming is business. (0)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I'm a fan of all wrestling, but it drives me crazy that no matter what any company does it ALWAYS turns around to how bad AEW is. Like Dustin said a few weeks ago about how the business is thriving with so many options. While this is true about option, it always turns on AEW and how bad they did this or how bad they did that.....Like they always say. If you don't like it, don't watch it. But if people are always complaining about AEW say 2 things...something has you still watching or your not watching and your just an AEW hater and they won't ever do anything right. (99)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/BurzyGuerrero

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🔘🔘

Number of comments: 14

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


Wtf I love pro mayocide space now:

Finally some real representation:

For folks that missed the latest capeshit release:



I (M21) was in a lecture hall and this random guy sits next to me during class. He takes off his sweatshirt and this sweaty musky smell hits my nose. It smelled like he just worked out and came to the lecture without showering.

Now it's definitely not a fetish thing (I did not find the scent or him attractive at all). And I'm a super clean freak who's really sensitive to bad smells, but for some reason his body odor was just extremely addicting and satisfying to smell. It wasn't sour or gamey like other people's BO. His scent had this heavy molecular musk which carried into this lighter ozonic morning dew-on-stone type smell, both blending so harmiously (even describing it makes me jittery).

It was extremely strange. I wasn't sniffing like a lunatic but I also wasn't trying to hold my breath is all I'll say. Has anyone had a similar experience? It's been many hours and I'm still thinking about it. I just rly need someone to validate my experience lol. I don't even know how I'd ask my friends without coming off like a serial killer.


I get you. I usually hate bad smells especially body odor but there's been a couple times where some people just naturally smell good


My friend, you may like men

I'm am gay…. Was just weirded out by how bo smelled good.


Ovarit Foids Accept the Superiority of Moids

The lesbians all get it.

@Shellshock miss Penny



Same energy:

Prove it by devouring 10 gallons of goyslop then:

If only coping was packed full of calories:

This is what a realistic burg e-civil war would look like:

Burgs post their slop Ws:

Sorry uggos you'll never be so hot that your looks can cause incest.

Uggos be jelly and coping hard:

Twitter folk post their family fun time Ls:

Show proof is a valid response since there are so many scammers around chud:

At least the mothers are out here raising some chill kids tho:

Marsey Benito soyjak (rdrama exclusive not found on the 'ru)
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