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[–]Circumin -3 points 15 hours ago
[–]Wyvernrider[S] 12 points 15 hours ago
[–]Ok-Bookkeeper6926 -3 points 14 hours ago
in the comments
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I just sent the following email to MSNBC:
— Joseph Jones (@JoeGayHistorian) February 15, 2025
Last night, Rachel Maddow lied brazenly about the history of the gay rights movement, specifically regarding the Stonewall Riots. In her report, she stated the following:
"Hundreds of people showed up to protest the Trump administration… https://t.co/VVrByuIGOD
- forgor : First post is clearly ironic it's literally got an xtra large soyjak
- HailVictory1776 : Yeah but down expect this r-slur to know context clues blue lives matter
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@Hattie dozens of times an hour, til this week
@Hattie today
Muh cancer
they might fire me
m-muh pension
park rangers are vital to dark maga
range in heck commie
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In a groundbreaking use of teleportation, critical units of a quantum processor have been successfully spread across multiple computers, proving the potential of distributing quantum modules without compromising on their performance.
While the transfer only took place over a space of two meters (about six feet) in an Oxford University laboratory, the leap was more than enough to emphasize the feasibility of scaling quantum technology by teleporting quantum states across an 'internet' of connected systems.
Teleportation is a quirk of physics that only makes sense through a quantum lens, where objects exist in a blur of possible characteristics until processes of measurement force them to adopt each state.
By mingling the undecided states of different objects in an act known as entanglement, and then carefully choosing the right kinds of measurements to make on one, it's possible to use the answers to force an entangled object some distance away to adopt (and destroy) the original object's quantum identity.
It might not be the kind of teleportation that would beam passengers through the vacuum of space in a blink, but it's perfect for sharing the blur of information necessary for logical operations in a quantum processor.
"Previous demonstrations of quantum teleportation have focused on transferring quantum states between physically separated systems," says lead author Dougal Main, a physicist at Oxford University.
"In our study, we use quantum teleportation to create interactions between these distant systems."
Where classical computers use binary 'on or off' switches to perform strings of computations on bits of information, quantum computers use mathematically complex distributions of possibilities known as qubits, typically represented in a simple feature of an uncharged particle such as a charged atom.
To make this process practical, hundreds or even thousands of such particles need to have their yet-to-be-decided states entangled with one another in a restricted fashion, without intrusive objects weaving their own possibilities in and messing up the calculations.
Scaling current technology to this level is complicated by obstacles that require error-correcting processes or shielding to preserve the delicate quantum states long enough for them to be measured.
Linking a number of smaller processors across a network to create a kind of quantum supercomputer is another solution. While quantum information can be transmitted in the form of a light wave, the potential for its state to be irreversibly corrupted along the way makes it an impractical option.
Teleportation requires the receipt of measurements the old-fashioned way – through reliable binary data. Once sent, operations at the receiving end can tweak their own entangled particle until it effectively looks like the original.
The all-important quantum blur of the teleported spin state in the Oxford University experiment was an 86 percent match with the original, more than good enough for it to serve as a logic gate for a simple operation known as a Grover's algorithm, which succeeded with 71 percent efficiency across the two quantum processors.
"By interconnecting the modules using photonic links, our system gains valuable flexibility, allowing modules to be upgraded or swapped out without disrupting the entire architecture," says Main.
Having options for restructuring a quantum network could diversify the applications for such technology, repurposing networks of computers into cowtools that can measure and test physics at its most fundamental level.
This research was published in Nature.
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There was 0 care when Elon gave his three word reply to a tweet about redditors wanting to kill him and his zoomer concubines :soysnooseethetalkingtyping:
and the sub just went down at a snap of the finger.
We all know it's because of them needing to janny it up so he can't find anything more,
but does he even have any power to potentially bring the entire site down?
He always replies to longposts about shit nobody cares about
so could it be possible to compile a large list of Reddit wrongs
, threadify them for twitter
, then send it straight to him and see where this goes?
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Thinking about the time my gf casually mentioned that it defeats the purpose of wearing diamonds for them to be conflict-free, because then they don’t contain souls https://t.co/8FV6nALfrB
— Voyage of the Meme (@fleshsimulator) February 15, 2025
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The Nagus
The cold open drops more foreshadowing than sunshine on my butt: Sisko wants go to Bajor with Jake- he plans to visit The Fire Caverns (later revealed to be home to the Pah-Wraiths and they will be the site of Sisko's last confrontation with Dukat in the final episode)- Rom is acting like Rom and he quotes our first ever Rule of Acquisition (Number One, no less- "Once you've got their money, never give it back". As the episode progresses we get the sixth rule too- "Never allow family to stand in the way of opporunity")- we see Grand Nagus Zek, his weird staff and his huge manservant Maihardu. Loads of important shit gets shown for the first time this episode (EDIT NB: Because some r-slurs need it spelling out- the writers did not preplan anything in DS9 and merely returned to these ideas later on). This is also the first proper "Ferengi Episode"- a controversial concept as a lot of people don't like them. Although there were some rotten Ferengi episodes, there were plenty of good ones and I've always had a soft spot for them because they show a slice of Star Trek life from a different cultural perspective- a window into another way of thinking and existing within a setting we've only seen from one perspective in the past. Also, they're kind of like Fiddler on the Roof in space.
The Nagus has arrived on DS9, apparently on a cooming expedition. He intends to indulge in five of Quark's most popular holoporn programs. They would tone down the gooning implications in later seasons (and the holosuite would be used more for recreations of the Battle of Britain, somewhat-self-indulgent Rat Pack knock-offs and copyright infringing James Bond parodies- no seriously... Paramount got threatened with legal action by MGM after 'Our Man Bashir' in Season 5. How New Line's Austin Powers avoided this I don't know) but here in season 1, the message is clear as to what people are paying for in the holosuite:
They were together in real life btw: deal with it...
At least he's not really a Jeet
Zek invites himself to dinner at Quark's apartment. Side note- Ferengi use chopsticks and a lazy susan. There he explains his real reasons for the visit: he plans to use Quark's bar to host a biznez meeting to discuss Ferengi biznez, especially Gamma Quadrant biznez. He's chosen Quark's bar because apparently only Quark can arrange some uncomfortable-looking Ikea furniture in a room for short men with big ears to sit on. During the dinner Zek expresses disdain for BIPOC attending the hoo-man school so Rom tells BIPOC not to go there any more. BIPOC is less than happy about this and matters are not made better because Chief Obrien is currently teaching classes because the casting budget for this episode was already stretched by the Ferengi characters & would not cover Rosalind Chao's fee while Keiko is on holiday. This is the same Chief Obrien who literally had to fix every replicator on the station a few weeks back- now his wife's away he suddenly has all the time in the world to moonlight as a teachercel.
Getting back to the meeting: Nagus Zek explains that it's important that the Ferengi expand into the Gamma Quadrant so as to exploit a market where the unfounded reputation they have in the Merchant-phobic Alpha Quadrant can't ruin their chances.
Everyone agrees that this is an unreasonable goyim misrepresentation of a simple hard-working people.
But Zek feels he's too old to lead his people into this new frontier and he announces that he will now appoint a successor... Quark.
Nobody's impressed and spend the next few days low key threatening Quark- someone even tries to assassinate him. Compounding his woes, Zek suddenly dies leaving Quark without any support. Odo suggests doing an autopsy but everyone laughs as Zek's body is already gone- upon their deaths Ferengi are vacuum dessicated and the dishes of their remains auctioned off. One piece of Zek is worth 20 bars of gold-pressed latinum and is expected to double in value by the following year.
I'm not sure what Ferengi do with these powdered remains but those of great men like Zek sell for a high price and generally increase in value over time.
Quark tries to play it tough and act like he knows what he's doing which leads to this bizarre scene:
Turns out the bomb was Rom and Zek's useless son. They then try and blow Quark out of an airlock- something they're only prevented from doing by the reappearance of Zek who faked his death to test his useless son. A test his son failed uselessly. So Zek must remain Nagus and exploit the Gamma Quadrant personally, a task which will have huge implications in season 2. Far from being angry at his brother, Quark is just pleased he's not a complete failure as a Ferengi. For some reason Rom does not face charges for attempted murder.
There's a B plot about Jake teaching BIPOC to read which isn't worth getting into except for this bit where they goon over a hot Vulcan girl:
The first true Ferengi episode is... fine.
It lays the foundations for a lot of future Ferengi culture- their society is not one of true capitalism and free markets but rather a rigidly hierarchical one based on monopolies and price-fixing with the Nagus sitting at the center dictating everything and taking a cut of it all. Later we will learn of the Ferengi Commerce Authority which creates an impossible web of red tape in the Alliance which can only be navigated via extortionate bribes. This is why Ferengi have to gouge the life out of any non-Ferengi they do business with: their margins are so narrow due to all the bureaucracy and corruption.
Quick note on gold-pressed latinum: it's not a currency- it's a commodity and therefore it's price presumably fluctuates. Latinum is a metal, liquid at room temperature, which cannot be synthesised or replicated- hence it's intrinsic value. The latinum is traditionally pressed into sleeves of gold (which can be replicated and therefore has no real value besides looking nice) which are shaped as slips, strips and bars. Although the value of latinum fluctuates 100 slips make a strip and 20 strips make a bar. There are also bricks which are massively expensive but I don't know how many bars make a brick. I think that if you consider a slip to be worth about $1 you are in the right ball park. Other non-replicatable materials include dilithium crystals and possibly uridium (a fictional metal, originally invented for the 1980s vidya of the same name, from which starship sensor arrays are made) because the whole reason for the Cardassian occupation of Bajor was to strip-mine the planet for uridium. I suppose it's possible that different materials use different amounts of energy to replicate and it might just be more energy efficient for the Cardassians to mine the stuff. I suppose it's also possible that Cardassian replicators (which the show has established already as being a bit shit) can't do it but Federation ones can. Anyway...
Jeff Lynne from ELO (or an alien who looks a lot like him) comes aboard DS9 and gets involved in some plot to rip off a Faberge egg thing Quark's trying to sell to a pair of twins (it is never explained why Jeff's involved in this). In the ensuing fight Jeff shoots and kills one of the twins and is arrested on suspicion of murder (although the twins fired first, it was Jeff who pulled a gun on them) while the surviving brother swears revenge.
I do wonder how they cast these twins and who got the decision on which one lives (and gets most of the speaking lines) and which one dies. Did they share both salaries equally? After all- they wouldn't have gotten the gig unless there was two of them.
Anyway, Jeff is one of those tricksy types who gaslamps Odo into believing he can lead the constable to his people- as proof he shows him a shapechanging butt-plug thing he keeps in a locket (why the heck was he allowed to keep this in his cell?).
Sisko and Dax go to Jeff's home planet and find them to be authoritarian buttholes but this week's interpretation of the Prime Directive demands that Jeff is returned to be executed without trial. Odo gets the gig to take him but re-routes to a nebula where Jeff says Odo might find his people. Of course he can't and it's just a stasis pod where Jeff has stashed his daughter (how did he get it here?). The shapechanging butt-plug is a key. He's a dissident, you see and was just trying to protect his daughter (from what? Are they a persecuted minority? We never find out).
The twin shows up in a sharp pointy-looking starship (must be a nightmare to dock) and there's a bit of action which, I'll grant you, does look nice...
...but this whole story makes no sense and Jeff's bullshit about the Changelings (this is the first time we ever hear Odo's people referred to as such) just feels like the episode itself bullpooping the audience into wasting our time watching this because we thought something important might occur. You might also notice a lot of "never explained" and "for some reason" bits in this review- that's never a good sign. There's also this bit where a rock falls on Odo's head and knocks him out- how the frick does that work? He doesn't have a brain.
It's all so disappointing.
Dramatis Personae
Another alien mind-virus has everybody on the station acting weird except for Odo. It was brought on board by a Klingon ship which asplodes after coming through the wormhole after cutting short their planetary survey mission into the Gamma Quadrant. I can't help but wonder how a Vor'cha class battlecruiser can blow into pieces right next to a busy star port and yet not cause any damage to any other vessels or the station itself.
One Klingon is successfully beamed over before his ship asplodes and mumbles one word before he dies; "victory". He carries his own personal logs which have suffered enough damage as to take a while to decipher (or maybe they got the logs from the cruiser wreckage, I can't remember). While this is happening Odo has a massive spazz in Quarks...
...but quickly recovers. This is never explained but is clearly his reaction to the virus. Quark also doesn't seem affected but his usefulness is restricted for reasons you'll see in a minute. Everybody else starts acting paranoid and weird and turns on each other forming into two groups- one loyal to Sisko and the other seeking to overthrow him, led by Kira. The Klingon logs eventually show that the exact same pattern of events occured aboard their cruiser but the significance of this is downplayed by Obrien (acting as Sisko's enforcer while Sisko hides insolently in his office and DNGAF) who, correctly, points out that Kingons tend to get promoted by assassinating their commanders. How the frick things like a Gamma Quadrant planetary survey mission get done under these conditions is unfathomable. The Klingons found some kind of ancient alien historical archive and it somehow causes people to reenact ancient historical events, presumably this was supposed to happen under more controlled circumstances than we see happening here.
There are two good things about this episode: the first is the subtle way the characters are afffected by the archive- they retain their sense of selves and their motivations seem consistent with their previously established characters. Kira's initial reasons for toppling Sisko is that she thinks he and the Federation are a threat to Bajor, Dax is an old man who is full of reminiscences and Obrien is a chippy and bad tempered Irish shit. The second reason is Kira being crazy hot. I never remember finding Nana Visitor this attractive before but, God-she is sexy AF and some of her antics in this episode are particularly coom-worthy.
God I wish I was Quark right here...
Avery Brooks is quite good doing Sisko's Nero act in this episode (Brooks was always better playing bad guys) and it causes him to make a strange alien clock instead of playing a fiddle. the clock was a really nice prop and we often see it in the background in his office during subsequent episodes:
Possibility of making a Starshit hole
I'm thinking we need to have a hole dedicated to SciFi TV and movies- particularly shows like old school Star Trek, Stargate etc. I'd be willing to put 50,000 DC towards it if other people could help raise the other half of the cost. I also have no ability with CSS or banner creation. IDK, what do you think?
EFFORTPOST Historic moment, the last Rapport Koerant (most famous Afrikaans newspaper) printed its last final physical copy, likely ever. They'll continue only with digital news onwards, though their digital market is substantially smaller. This likely marks the end of weekly physical newspapers in Safrica.
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The Rapport had been the premier Afriaans newspaper for over 50 years, but like so many physical media over the world, they've taken a nosedive when confronted with the competition of instant access digital media,
which could broadcast stories instantly, and for no physical printing costs. Newspapers all over the world have also struggled with the competition in terms of people having become used to "free" news sites (with banner ads) versus a weekly/daily paper's upfront cost.
Additionally a lot of faith have been lost in mainstream media, of all countries - where the predominant pattern appears to be that ground level plebs tend to be more conservative/right-wing than than the more liberally oriented Journ*list class which had some hand in influencing national or international conversations.
This divide between liberal journ*lists and more conservative/rightoid laymen is hilariously apparent for ALL the fricking races in Safrica, but not in the way you would expect, or as similar as you would think as in Burgerland lol
For black peeps, like the Zulus especially ( the largest ethnic tribe/group of the country), there has been decisive differences in public perception between the everyman, and the more liberal Zulu Upper Class.
Foreigners would make the mistake that because of the dominacy of the ANC, that liberalism/leftism is the dominant train of thought amongst black peeps, when in reality the conservative Zulus and Xhosas only support these parties/policies because it benefits them personally, like land grabs and gins, and BEE affirmative action.
But liberal notions like pan+African racial unity gets thrown out of the window 🪟 when competition, when foreigners from middle Africa, like Zimbabweans, Mozambicans and Angolans are often frequently attacked by Zulus in xenophobic attacks, due to the desperation in a country where there's a near 30% unemployment since COVID.
The Zulu king got "in trouble" from the black national newspapers, because he had invited xenophobia and violence unto Zimbabwean refugees and migrants, yet the consensus amongst Zulus, those amongst the majority poor rural class shared in his opinion, stark contrast to the liberal journ*lists who condemned him.
For the just under 1 million Indians in SA, they are the most self-segregating and anti-black demographic, with their upfront racism towards blacks going relatively unnoticed because majority of social capital spent against whites
For reference, look at @Sneedman's recent sneed about Indian racism
Oh yes, in Safrica, Indians are upper middle class, and look down on black peeps, the way Canadians look on sexy Indian dudes.
For Boer whites you guys don't need introduction on how we are out of sync with the dominant global liberal orthodoxy, it's more Bongs in general whom are usually one standard deviation more liberal than average that's interesting 🤔
The fabled harmonious racially peace 🕊️ ✌️ ful Rainbow 🌈 nation of past Mandela's dream, has failed to realize these past 30 years, due to entrenched ANC corruption and even these Bongs on average are now much more right wing than the average than the usual English journ*list.
Additionally English journ*lists have themselves been in the forefront with exposing systemic government corruption
For coloureds, the coloured dominant Cape Town based media, like magazines and Newspapers, were utterly shocked this year's May 2024 election
When a monumental upset occured, with the ANC losing its supermajority, to the new Zulu Ultranationalist party MP, and the DA getting decent numbers, yet also being similarly cucked in the Cape Town municipality
By losing large blocs of coloured votes to the PA (Patriotic Alliance) a Coloured ethnic nationalist group.
Who felt that neither black nor white dominant parties of ANC/DA represented them. They often feel they were too brown for Apartheid and too light skinned for the ANC, as they get shafted by BEE - a legalized affirmative action legislation which can only exist in a nation state where one racial group vastly outnumbers the others.
The breaking and thus weakening of the DA caused intense sneed amongst coloured journ*lists who wanted a unified front against Anc corruption, and that they were surprised by those events are symptomatic of how out of sync their respective journos are with their ground level peeps.
Point is every conceivable demographic in SA is hilariously more chuddy in some unique fashion, than the journ*list class from that demographic in SA.
As is similar in Burgerland and Europe, but what has made the divide between the global modern liberal orthodoxy even more extreme has been social media, especially Facebook which dominated Southern Africa, compared to twitter in the West.
Many dramatards here are likely more Reddit addicts than Facebook, which has a more boomer/3rd world demographic
In Facebook, even with so much banning and censorship, chudthink rise to whatever counts as the front page, in spite of jannies or Facebook sexy Indian dude mods
In these insane slapfiights, with people often under their ACTUAL IRL identity 🆔, you'll find opinions which make 4chan and 9gag look meek ,and you'll find how decisively the everyman of Indians/coloureds/Boers/sothos/pedis/Khoisan/Zulus/Xhosas are all just one ragebait post away from chipping out and showing the veneer of civilization is a Journos fantasy 😇 😈
Thus trust in journ*lists/Media to represent the interests of every group appears to have eroded away the past decades, as social media proliferated along with cheaper internet and smartphones, allowing the bypass of media orthodoxy
During COVID the death knell of physical papers were sounded, as during lockdown people were prevented from going outside to buy their weekly papers, and even the technologically illiterate were pushed through boredom to buy large internet, fibre, or download news apps and join Facebook news groups
Many peeps were thus in a nation wide scale exposed to the convenience and ease of news on their smartphones or computers, and even when lockdowns lifted in 2021, sales never recovered across the industry.
Publications like News24 which jumped ahead with the rapidly changing events were the 1st to rapidly program the best apps and gained a large market share, and thus rode on fire chariots the change from physical to digital media, like Zoom became dominant instantly as the premier online meeting app/program for SA businesses.
Other papers like the Rapport reacted or realised too late the need to have a digital presence to survive in this new world and for the past 4 years have been chugging along on fumes.
The Rapport was hardest hit and most tragic, because it was considered the most impressive and prestigious newspaper in the country, even when democratisation in 1994, when English became the most common tongue, and 10 other languages because part of the recognized official languages.
The Rapport had the intergenerational experience, infrastructure and prestige.
Important world changing events were often sought after specifically in the Rapport, because the best journ*lists wrote there, even Bong journ*lists, because many SA Englishman can speak Afrikaans.
The weekly format actually gave the newspaper credence because unlike daily rags chasing the daily story to make ends meet ,the weekly format allowed the experienced Journos to really do their research and make higher calibre articles.
When the 9/11 attacks occurred the entire nation would wait for the Rapport to a make an extensive and in depth coverage of the events made understandable for plebse
Even English and Sotho newspapers would source or share the Rapport articles afterwards, due to it's influence.
Yet as the internet proliferated, the format of waiting a week to read substantial important news as much as a week later became untenable and unpopular
Independent online news publications became increasingly competitive and competent, and the BEE for forcing it's way into all institutions, meant that white new reporters would seek their fame online instead.
Worsening the cycle of decline was that the Rapport and other news papers became more expensive to make up for the decline in sales ,from 11rand to 20rand, to 30rand, to eventually 39rand, almost the price of a high grade magazine.
But worst of all was that the editors leadership went full r-slur, and began to focus on Daily Mail tier slop, the paper got a reputation as a gossip rag for SA celebrities, which even South Africa doesn't care about, when superior Bong/Burger musicians exist.
Thus the Uber prestigious reputation went to shit. There was a time when the Rapport had special editions with extensive and fabulous resourced articles, with sketches maps and diagrams.
Like their infamous coverage of the killing Saddam or Bin Laden, with extensive details about the special forces involved. Visiting yanks were so impressed, that they claimed the coverage of the events were better than American news networks which were sensational junk news, whilst the Rapport was measured and neutral.
By the time, 2020 pandemic arrived, there was no loyal reader based.
Now this doesn't mean that physical papers will forever be gone, perhaps only that weekly formats are likely in a permanent decline.
Additionally other papers are still going strong, and perhaps only because Afrikaans has declined as a language worthy of catering towards.
After all there's always gonna be peeps enjoying physical media, just like Kindles will never completely replace physical 📚📖📚📚📚📚 books
But the fact remains that physical media is deeply in distress and only continually declining for various complicated reasons.
Earlier this year in June the news went under the radar and most didn't even believe it
A shit load of publications are eating shit
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Most Based Comments
Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘
...I'm a lesbian. (7)
Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘
Can we please have a moratorium on these kinds of posts? (4)
Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘
Those are literally both pics of Kim Kardashian. (142)
Blech! 🤮 (-5)
Angriest Comments
Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡
Dude you're comparing surströmming to human beings with human bodies , plus if he doesn't like abs or whatever he can just reject or not even date people who have em without disrespecting them , I swear if a woman or a fem person said the same thing about short men it'd be a different story now come on (1)
Angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘
And I am so tired of it. (1)
Angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘
Biggest Lolcow: /u/Dianagorgon
Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘
Number of comments: 3
Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘
Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘
Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘
NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining!
autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents.
Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion
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this thread caught my eye so i had to look
sure emough:
OP post is
She is the definition of independence. When the world tells her to shrink, she chooses to expand.
Muscle mommies do not ask for permission.
They take what they deserve.
btw this is the same guy that huffed nitrogen
You forgot to mention that they are great cuddlers
All these women are fat nowadays
Muscle mommies is the kind of thing that looks great drawn
Haters to the left
this post sums it up
Porn Addition: The Thread
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Top Drama
Score | Post | Subreddit | Ratio | Comments |
🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘 | My sister in law voted Trump, and is now regretting it. | /r/OptimistsUnite (233K) | 57% | 4092 |
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘 | What's Trumps End Game? | /r/washdc (59K) | 57% | 956 |
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘 | If Republicans are tyrannical, why do they fight for the 2A while D... | /r/Askpolitics (65K) | 47% | 676 |
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘 | Is this a leftist utah page? | /r/Utah (148K) | 62% | 751 |
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘 | I'm tired of people molesting my nose with cigarette smoke | /r/Vent (392K) | 59% | 639 |
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘 | Defending/voting for Trump is not racist | /r/TrueUnpopularOpinion (148K) | 62% | 656 |
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘 | My 100 Favorite NFL Players (First Draft) | /r/NFLv2 (59K) | 55% | 431 |
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘 | Feminism has made men weak | /r/PurplePillDebate (136K) | 47% | 328 |
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘 | Chappel's ego may be too bug but she does bring up an interesting p... | /r/popculture (68K) | 56% | 394 |
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘 | Am I wrong for not taking my FWB out to dinner after we hooked up b... | /r/amiwrong (432K) | 54% | 319 |
Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)
Score | Post | Subreddit | Ratio | Comments |
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘 | So happy that WOKE culture is dying. Your 15min of fame are gone. B... | /r/Belgium4 (15K) | 52% | 275 |
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘 | My sister in law voted Trump, and is now regretting it. | /r/OptimistsUnite (233K) | 57% | 4092 |
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘 | What's Trumps End Game? | /r/washdc (59K) | 57% | 956 |
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘 | If Republicans are tyrannical, why do they fight for the 2A while D... | /r/Askpolitics (65K) | 47% | 676 |
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘 | OPERATION TAKE BACK OUR FLAG | /r/Chattanoogans (8K) | 48% | 70 |
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘 | Enjoy your new phone | /r/applesucks (31K) | 56% | 315 |
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘 | Map of QCA MAGA businesses | /r/QuadCities (25K) | 50% | 183 |
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘 | President's Day protest | /r/fortwayne (35K) | 56% | 287 |
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘 | My 100 Favorite NFL Players (First Draft) | /r/NFLv2 (59K) | 55% | 431 |
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘 | Any activists out there? | /r/Kenosha (12K) | 50% | 61 |
autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents.
Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion
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I bet whoever made this is really embarrassed now.
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Mayor Adams kicked off the two-day summit with a rousing speech in which he likened himself to a hero in the war against rats.
"I don't think there's been a mayor in history that says how much he hates rats," he said. "I dislike rats."
Exterminators weren't invited to the event, and neither were the city's rats. Kathleen Corradi, whom Adams appointed as the city's first "rat czar" last year, described the event as a space where rodent experts could share their philosophical treatises.
We are already losing the WAR ON RATS
Matt Frye, of New York State Integrated Pest Management, entered the rat symposium espousing a more diplomatic approach for dealing with Adams' public enemy No. 1.
"The 'war on rats' mentality may not be the best approach for our urban areas," he said.
Dr. Chelsea Himsworth, founder of the Vancouver Rat Project, compared the never-ending fight to the WAR ON DRUGS — and said health officials should focus on harm reduction instead of eliminating the vermin altogether.
"It can't be solved," Himsworth solemnly declared. "It can only be managed."
"I've handled 700 rats myself," said Byers, who fondly recalled driving around Vancouver in a "rat van," capturing rats, collecting their feces and urine, and even anesthetizing the rodents to pick fleas off their skin.
"They're symbols about a lack of resources in your community," she added. "Rats live in tight social groups, When you remove some, you change how they interact with each other. You're changing how you fight for their social hierarchy. And they do urinate on each other that whole time."
"They're just like us," Corradi, Rat Czar of NYC tells us as she bounds into a planter, pushes aside long stalks of milkweed, and points out the entrance to a burrow. "They want to live in a nice place, have food nearby, and not get into too much trouble if they can."
VICTORY! Rat Birth Control Trial Passes Unanimously in New York City Council
Instead of using glue traps, poison, snap traps, or other methods that maim and kill rats instead of preventing their presence, break the cycle of violence.
Literally Wannsee'd
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- 86
Mods banned the user and removed the post lol.
Title: I'm new to GoT. What Season and Episode is this from??
Fricking Scary
The body type standards Gen Z boys have in their heads are totally nonsense
Gen Z invented attraction to big bazongas?
It's more like sexual harassment, but it's still gross to make porn of a real person without their consent. This was an issue even back in the photoshop era.
sharing sexual ai clips of a real person is fricking weird even for a circlejerk sub