- Account_109_ : Sorry man this is haram, it needs to be removed
- SeetheFarmer : I don't even want to know what this is.
- 27
- -90
- deleted~824 : No.
- SpringBussy : Cute twinkry is part of rdrama's charm
- DKWasRightAboutKremlings : Straggot cumskin
- Ahsgroomer : Kafir spotted
- Gr8B8M8 : Unspooky post
- rowling_for_trans_rights : no, Halloween is r-slurred but torturing people for it is good
- SouthAmericanIncel : antisemitism
- CantWakeUpJPG : White male spotted.
- X : he's actually indian lol
- Unironicdramadebater : We will out reproduce you in the west and cancel Halloween by vote whitoid
- DuckPioneer : gb2reddit
- jasongrace999 : Put me in the screenshot.
- SouthAmericanIncel : yikes sweetie
- Deforested : Keep yourself safe straggot
- rDramaDegenInDenial : gay
- AnalSex : PIV is r*pe
- Raiden : https://youtu.be/-aN-1u07d0Q
- Lur : Preying on the mentally handicapped is disgusting.
- BigSeethe : Heteroid
- goderator200 : pretty gay imo
- Bartendercel : No bussy means bust b-word
- nokke : i only read the headline. Disgusting
- Allah : Hate speech
- 173
- -100
i am attracted to women, i like women. i like women because they're hot and i also like to listen to them and open doors for them and shit. when a woman smiles at me, i feel manly. women are weak and whiny but i also like that because i enjoy taking care of a woman. if you enjoy taking care of a cat, then you should be heterosexual because it's a lot like that. just agree with the foid and be nice to her and give her stuff she likes, just like you would with the cat. then, if the woman says it's okay, you can pet her. Foids are also smarter than men so you can ask them questions and they'll tell you all about things, it's entertaining and sometimes helpful. Foids know all about all sorts of things.
Taking care of a foid is literally the reason you exist. If a foid is too weak to do something, she'll ask you to do it and then you'll feel happy. Don't you want to feel happy? Sometimes you should also listen to women, because sometimes what they're saying is important. For example, if the foid says you can't touch the foid, then don't touch the foid. But otherwise you can just pretend to listen, whereas guys probably expect you to listen. That's tiring. I don't want to listen to others. But foids hardly even seem to notice you're not listening.
Women are hot because they have a nice shape and they have tits and butt. Kitty is great, and foid butt is literally perfect. Bussy is hairy and gross. You should be heterosexual.
I am a heterosexual. I want to have consensual s*x with a woman. I also want to hold hands with a woman and treat her with due consideration, care, and kindness. I do not want to have s*x with men. Be more like me.
- KazuhoYoshiiFan : no
: Anti-fun
- SCP-682 : Weakening
- FreedomforChristmas : Vaccine Misinformation
- Flint : kitty
- BernieSanders : There's bravery... then there's REAL bravery
- JoeBiden : go back to reddit ^
- YourMom : Keep yourself safe
- ACA : his name is an anagram of I am Lord Voldemort
- Sasanka_of_Gauda : Mixed race nonsense
- Saitama : Hat
- 56
- -103
step down dumb catposters, the age of Platy (PBUH) has finally come
- Lv999_Lich_King : I am RIDIN with BIDEN!!!
- Chtorrr : Spam/Useless
- SpaceMilk : Trump is a Mossad agent
- dramasexual : BIPOC erasure and vaccine misinformation
- Bass : racism.
- BussySlayer : The mayocide is real and im happy it is.
- DrTransmisia : RACISM
- Dankmemer420 : Mayocide now ✊🏿
- Lil_Bro_Kong_Marcy : Not allowed
- ReturnOfYakub : Somehow, Yakub has returned...
- 35
- -104
!downmarseyrs when I TELL YOU to DOWNMARSEY someone, you downmarsey whoever the FRICK I want you to. NOT. ME. HOW FRICKING HARD IS THIS TO UNDERSTAND?!?!?!?! does your brain have worms jabbing their peepees in it or something?? because you have to have holes in your brain to have this little COMMON FRICKING BUTT SENSE. dont FRICKING downmarsey me again or else i'm going to SNAP this fricking ping group with my bare hands
- 676974 : Marseyphobia
- JiggyKonghad : Mark this user down for some gas
- binturong : loser
- KILL_EVERYONE : horrible person who likes to do horrible things to innocent people
- Aisha : Finally decided to ban you
- Allah
- PrussianBlue : Anti marsey propaganda
- TokenPolack : r-slur
- DK_KD : this user has molested children and animals. and animal children.
- CaptainAlex : Still haven't cleared cache, but I downloaded and reported because everyone's doing it 🐏
- 43
- -106
- Knights_of_Saint_Marsey : Mayo nonsense
- Go_Speed_Racer_Go : This is not a conversation for you to lead nor have. It’s also VERY offensive to us victims of racis
: I'm not a m*y*,
- Cumpie : White Supremacy
- Snape : Living Colour is my favorite black metal band
- Account_109_ : Keep yourself safe yourself safe
- repeatmolesta : HE LIES
- Chad_Kingly : Wh*ties smh
- Dramamine : Itseemsmysuperiorityhascausedsomecontroversey.jpg
- FoidBlaster : hi mom
- of_blood_and_salt : sasanka is mayo adjacent
- Tip_Your_Lanky_Kong : Boohoo cracker
- 68
- -107
No other race can match the sheer quantity of drama put out by the menace.
Isn't rdrama.net calling for its own end, by calling for the mayocide?
Non mayos only discuss. Mayos to pay 500 dc if they must post.
- dramasexual : straggot
- RPD : Islamic propaganda
- aydyn : Homophobia
- USCENTCOM : Islam is right.
- DerekSavageCoolCuck : This post made me shove a funko pop in my anus
- 69
- -113
Look, I'm as big of an LGBT ally as the next guy, and there's nothing wrong with being gay, but I think this site has taken it too far. There are lots of posts suggesting that straight people are inferior, which alienates allies and is counterproductive to achieving our goal of equality. Also, I feel like a lot of this homonationalism is just being used as a socially acceptable way to be misogynistic. A lot of people here say they are gay because "gussy" is disgusting or something like that, and that's really inappropriate. There's no way that all of the people espousing homonationalism are actually gay, and given the large number of misogynistic incels on this site, I'm inclined to believe that my hypothesis is correct.
TLDR: It's okay to be gay, but don't use that to put down straight people or women. That just sets the movement back.
- THOMAS : Yawn
- Tecumseh : Continue the 🚂 Ban until primary season when politics are actually dramatic
- gunt : good horse
- Pibbles : Kill jannies and bake them into pies.
- Hansolf_Grettler : No negotiation with terrorists
- DickButtKiss : ^^ s*x isn't something you *have* it's something you *do*, incel
- MuadDib : https://i.rdrama.net/images/1678376649370768.webp
- coned : hey baby wanna meet up and do s*x
- VladimirPutin : Nyet
- 21
- -116
Kremlin shills have infiltrated this bastion of free thought. The wispy tendrils of Soviet propaganda close around us. The forces of freedom must make their last stand. Slava ukraini!
Since our chadbadmins have revealed themselves as Kremlin stooges we must #RESIST by using the Based Ukrainian Flag to indicate assent. The flag of the CCCP successor state that shall not be named must be used to indicate disagreement, since there is no "Nazi trash" option for interacting with posts.
The site will surely revert when the sanctions take hold and Carp runs out of his blood money. Two more weeks. Stay strong
- 60
- -117
Join now!
This ping group is to mass ping people to downmarsey things I disagree with. You are obligated to downmarsey when summoned with
This means that when you get a ping you must click context and downmarsey the parent.
This is a sacred trust that must be policed to ensure compliance. If you happen to notice any !downmarseyr upmarseying rather than downmarseying the parent then reply to one of their comments with !downmarseyrs so that we may downmarsey them into submission.
!chuds !nonchuds
- KazuhoYoshiiFan : anti-Americanism
- Pastel : Treason
- TedKaczynski : Anti-American propaganda
- cirno : terroristic threats
- LURKTEP : January 6th all over again
- cyberdick : Fireworks make my dog sad and cry!! BAN FIREWORKS
- DKWasRightAboutKremlings : Nobody cares about your spastic dog
- Lv999_Lich_King : This upsets me
- BWC : Autism.jpg
- 38
- -117
I don't give a shit about them, I don't care about 4th of July, they're loud, annoying, and smell bad.
Frick you, and frick fireworks
- Deforested : TW: Mayo. Kill him.
- Bruhfunny_Thrall : white sympathy
- BernieSanders : 🤮🤮🤮
- EskomYiffKongHouse : Wyt cuck
- Keggw : ewwwww
- ILIKECATS : White “person”
- birdenthusiast : MAYO
- 710
- -121
I see commoners playing slots in random threads akin to the common dice thrower on the streets. I refuse to be like them. That's why I have chosen to will this thread into existence so that I may have a private venue to gamble in. Nobody else is allowed in this thread. If you come across it by accident please leave immediately without putting your filthy hands on anything and downmarsey on your way out to prevent any further damage.
- Hansolf_Grettler : Anti-Dramanautism
- Ick : Bardfinn
- atakeonhooper : This place probably actually is too racist for me to keep coming here, now that i think about it
- Chapose : Misinformation
- Ruq : But Bardfinn sucks, why wouldn't we affix his unholy name to degeneracy?
- JDvanceisWEIRD : streisand effect
- FearOfBees : Anti-drama drama anti-drama too much fricking causation loop from based to not based
- PewDiePie : former reddit janitors, are still pathetic at the offshore website. more at 11
- BasedGod : I’m going to die laughing.. bardie wins again, J slurs no match for Penelope’s 9 incher🤣🤣🤣
- blazedraper : Russian misinformation
- jesus : sneed
- hunglol : misinformation, paid for by Bardfinn
- 241
- -124
Ffs how are you all so incapable of NOT shoehorning your fixation on a Reddit moderator into every single thing? Starting now we will be removing any and all posts associating Bardfinn with those NFTs because you people are so exhaustingly singleminded in your obsession.
To any visitors from Twitter: the surly mugshot man you think made the NFTs about the video game guy or whatever has nothing to do with any of it. And you’re literally r-slurred for thinking he did. That dude is some moderator from Reddit who has no idea what any of this is. A vile person, to be sure, but wholly unrelated. Why did you believe that random tweet? What evidence was offered for it? Some idiot just said “this is the guy” as a misguided joke and offered absolutely zero backing for it, and you morons lapped it up and started looking for ways to harass him.
Shame on you. Not for the harassment - bullying is healthy - but for your sub-80 IQ. You shouldn’t be allowed to operate a computer or a smartphone without PPE and a pair of minders for your own safety.
- loli_esports : Shut up
- Battleloser : Don't shut up
- nekobit : hamg your self
- SCD : Don’t hamg your self
- Tonberry : jump off a cliff
- DukeHerbertOfFucksticks : kkkumers gets the rope
- Saltus : Fricking Scrotes
- nokke : https://www.reddit.com/user/TransCapybara
- JDvanceisWEIRD : When the coomer is addicted to pron!
- Tomato : Coomer degeneracy
: h/gooners when?
- BillCosbysPharmacist : All porn should be made illegal and all pornographers promptly executed,
- MILMIUM : r*pe this man
- Missingno : Reported for being a coomersexual
- RichEvansOnlyfans : Do it, I want to see this site burn to the ground
- russy : Look guys I reported too!!
- BussydoFollower : No porn hole, thank you
- HokubsWorkshoper : The only I need is bussy
- goderator200 : i thot jew globohomo supported porn, y all the seethe?
- 106
- -131
Why you ask? Because we will bring in the redditors and when we bring in the redditors we have more people to bully.
- SouthAmericanIncel : vaccine desinformation
- UraniumDonGER : Literally a shitty dong
- Brum : Not fooling anyone
- Go_Speed_Racer_Go : I got banned for less!
- Dogma : Wake up Jannies. We got a some hot pockets to burn.
- MouthFarting : ha ha ha this is so funny
- cumspeckledbussy : Its amazing how hasan btfo hyde
- ElectricFencePence : White people nonsense
- LURKTEP : Yakub did this
- GovernorOfNewYork : Nice name tho
- jerrySandusky : BIPOC cute twink
- Pomodorodorodoro : Was ist los? Der Thread ist gut
- Grue : Got me
- Flint : shitdick
- Chungus : Ew
- 22
- -131
- dramaqueen : literally who
- of_blood_and_salt : me
- CaptainAlex : You have to be bare minimum 50 years old to upmarsey this post
- LuckyLucks : Ted Lasso is actually dreadful
- Impassionata : it's hilarious that this show provokes this much seethe
- boogiecat : cute twink thread for cute twinks. inshallah this post gets unmasked
- neoliberalism_is_punk_af : Do not vote on this Neolibshill bait thread.
- X : this is pathetic
- Dick_Dastardly : Pure reddit inside
: only a scared sissy butt b-word would make a ghost thread like this
- 137
- -155
- Platyfiend : mega downmarsey
- userturkey13 : Racism
- Lv999_Lich_King : First of all, how dare you?
- Domnhall : I love you too
- ARNOLD_FRIEND : he’s at it again
- atakeonhooper : They smell like dogs when their hair gets wet
- D : Didn’t mention mayo gussy
- Patrice : I just wanted to do what everyone else was doing
- cutekongenthusiast : Transracism
- boogiecat : im actually shaking im going to cry this is not ok
- neoliberalism_is_punk_af : Take this hate speech down!
- 64
- -165
The way they look. The way they smell. The way they sound. Their languages. Their art. Their music. Their poetry. Their beliefs. Their values. Their houses. Their families. Their neighborhoods. Their towns. Their cities. Their buildings. Their clothes. Their stories. Their politics. Their sexualities. Their genders. Their beliefs. Their values. Their attitudes. Their faces. Their noses. Their smiles.
- hypernovasaiz : Groomer
: Hello
- HarryTrumanDorisDay : Groomer
- JohnMcafee : Groomer
- of_blood_and_salt : say the line bart
- AnnoyinTheGoyim : Groomcel
- ACA : Groomchad
- Yabssor : Le oomer
- JoeBiden : https://youtu.be/AYNikOG_lUE
- Senpai : Groomer
- snus : reporting is fun
- icebornZombie : no no. Reporting is serious business
- 162
- -172
This website is merely an extension of its chats. If you don't intend to join any of the dramasphere groomercord servers, just leave.
If you want to join one of the many servers in the drama sphere: https://groomercord.gg/p6uAxVaM
- CandleSniffingFuckFenceGo : OP IS A STRAGGOT
- Saitama : Hat
- N : Marseyphobes OUT!
- AnalSex : Hat
- killalldogs : Op is a cute twink
- FoidBlaster : By the authority instilled in me by Allah, I declare jihad against this miscreant.
- ACA : hat
- BussydoFollower : Blatant Marseymisia. Chadmin please ban
- PitBullStomper1988 : Behead those who dislike Marsey
- USER_HAS_BEEN_BANNED : Some things shouldn’t be joked about.
- BigSeethe : Keep yourself safe