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Not only JewEgg selling a $2K card for $6k Bundles
The AIBs have decided to join in the scalping game
And CaseKing
!g*mers are currently
Me with my 4070
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The shamrock shake is back at Mcdonald's before it's even valentine's day along with Grimace's Uncle O'Grimacey who hasn't been seen since the '80s. He seems like a chill guy (see image below) and I'm happy Grimace has been united with his beloved uncle.
I got one today and it was sweeter than I remember but maybe they just put too much mysterious green syrup in mine. 7.5/10 but I wonder how it'll taste after I put it in the freezer.
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- Arran : fats don't date
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No, I'm not telling you who
- realKongDick : a redditor posted this
: no
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!friendsofredactor0 !redscarepod
These r-slurs truly think CHYNA is some free society built on socialist values. Are these neighborz even realz?
"Give me 300k per year to say China bad"
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JUST IN - CNN: "Obama Bin Laden" pic.twitter.com/adLkJs7pqN
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) February 8, 2025
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Meant to post this yesterday. It's been gigajannied since, so here's the text
To be clear, there's no chad here Everyone is pathetic. But it's still funny to see this tactic used on them.
Who is the user that is blocking everyone to reply
he's a mod of nationalparks sub
So it's this janny: /u/magiccitybhm
Is that a ModSupport Helper level 5 badge?
For some reason (
) there's a lot of jannies like this in ModSupport. They mod some random subs, then make it their life's work to reply all day in ModSupport.
Jannies explain why his mass blocking is problematic
So if you block enough users, especially in a small sub or a sub like ModSupport where the same couple dozen jannies are in every thread, you can shut them out from a lot of the heckin discourse
It's honestly such an r-slured feature We should implement it for rDrama
Power janny ohhyouknow sneed
Bardfinn weighs in
!jannies discuss
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Cocaine "is no worse than whiskey" and is only illegal because it comes from Latin America, said Colombian President Gustavo Petro, whose nation is the world's biggest cocaine producer and exporter. https://t.co/eeOHBPcXP0
— CBS News (@CBSNews) February 6, 2025
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The “remember what they took from you” memes were literal… https://t.co/moRgKQMBdM
— 🦅McKrowComics🦩 (@KellyLovesBirds) February 6, 2025
This is the blackest pill imaginable.
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Ukřаínе hаs ļíkе 80+ f16 аnd оnļу 5 рíļоts аnd nоw thеу rесíеvеd а gígа třаsh jеt thаt ís wеаkеr thаn míg29 ín аļļ раrаmеtеrs
Le Mirage, pas mwl nyon ? C'est Fwançais !
Fwоgs tесh реrfоrmеd wоrst ín thís соnfļíсt, уоu rеmеmbеr thе whееļеd tаnk ?
They are superior two russian jets. Better aewonyautic, better radars, etc. But whatewer the planye, a dwog fwight scenyario is wery impwobable. It's aww abwout seeing the enyemy fwom a distance, and fwire a wong range missile.
Thоsе аrе ļítеrаļļу thе wоrst jеts khоhоļs wíļļ hаvе. su27 ís bеttее thаn f16, su25 аnd su24 аrе sресíаļ rоļе jеts аnd míg29 ís símíļаr tо f16 (íswаеļí míg29 рrоbаbļу bеttеř)
- Kongvann : fat c*nt
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I'm ngl the drama here is thin but I found this exchange very funny and I want the 2x DC
The Education Workforce Council's fitness to practise panel was informed of Mr Jones' admission regarding his remarks to a year eight student, calling him a "tramp" and suggesting he "should go back to the special class".
On the day of the incident, the boy caused disruption in a low ability year eight class, where most pupils had a reading age of six, despite being 12 or 13 years old.
Wales moment
Arriving late to class, the boy requested a pen and proceeded to make derogatory comments about the teacher's weight, asking if he had "sunk the Titanic" or "ate the whole menu in Burger King" before labelling the teacher a tramp.
Mr Jones admitted that he had yelled "shut your face" at a student known as Learner B during a school assembly when he thought the pupil had called him "the n word".
The pupil insisted that he had referred to the teacher as a "nugget", not the "n word",
Now the s are getting involved
Ms Davies Bottomley also noted that Mr Jones had leaned over and was "in close proximity" to Learner B as he shouted "shut your face", which she perceived as "quite aggressive".
nooo not close proximity
Headteacher Melanie Ferron-Evans, who employed Mr Jones as an NQT in 2015 and promoted him to head of religious studies, said he had always been an enthusiastic member of staff. She said that seemed to change after the pandemic during which he was "very poorly with Covid".
uhhh yeah I have long covid which forces me to call children c*nts
He had been under diagnosis for sleep apnoea at the time and was getting only three hours sleep a night.
Maybe he really did eat the entire BK menu
On top of this, the teacher said he was dealing with splitting up with his partner of nine years.
omg why is this even relevant? my mans is having his entire life torn apart on Manchester Live? Bro..
Reddit discusses the ethical implications of calling a child a tramp
Talk to me like an "adult" and you'll get replied to like an "adult"
I can verbally abuse children because of.. a mobile app
Just roll over for them chud
British 'person' try not to be relentlessly miserable for 3 seconds challenge
British 'person' try not to say 'underfunded' for 3 seconds challenge
Good on the teacher for telling him to frick off. Children these days have absolutely zero respect,
Every teacher I know has way more issues with parents than the kids.
They're too fricking fat for starters
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I hate it I hate it I hate it. 90% of our student body relies on it to complete their work. There is near to no originality in their writing and work. We are nearing complete dependence on it from some students. AI checkers work sometimes but students just use AI then switch the words around to avoid this.
I know the upside that it has for us as a society, but we are losing creativity and gumption with every improvement. I hurt for them. I used to read beautiful student writing and didn't have to question if it was written by a program. Now I am forced into skepticism. How can we lose so much with advancement?
What are you actually losing? Oh no kids are cheating? Kids always cheated! This is the calculator argument all over again
Now playing: DK Island Swing - Staff Credits Arrangement (Tropical Freeze).mp3